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Clinton says she opposes boycott effort against Israel

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Nearly all Arab states have had boycotts against Israel since before I ever went there in 1981. It hasn't worked for them in the past 35 years or so and there is no reason to believe this one will work either.

It does enable some civilians to feel better about themselves though.whistling.gif

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BDS, effective or not, still needs to be resisted because it's side effects are so totally evil, including increases in incidents of Judeophobia internationally "justified" in the name of BDS. The BDS supporters can claim this isn't happening, but if they do, they're lying.

Also the true nature of the tactics of BDS demands, right of return for "Palestinians" especially need to be exposed so that people who really don't oppose the right of Israel to exist as the ONE AND ONLY Jewish majority nation in the world (interesting the BDS loonies don't work against the existence of the SCADS of Arab and Muslim majority nations ... the reason is obvious, they single out ONLY JEWS) will realize that by supporting BDS, they are supporting a movement dedicated to ENDING Israel.


"Palestinians" will not allow any Jews.

They're into Jew free, like the Nazis.

So apparently it's fine to compare Palestinians to Nazis, but if other posters were to compare modern day Israel to Germany in the 1940s, we all know who would be bleating that it's a HATE CRIME and ANTI-SEMITIC and JUDEOPHOBIC, etc... coffee1.gif

Anyway, this thread is about the non-violent BDS movement. thumbsup.gif


Of course BDS is anti-Semitic. There is no legitimate comparison between Israel and South African apartheid. Good for Ms Clinton for opposing these lying Nazi creeps.

There is. Anyone who believes there people are the chosen ones by some imagenary friend degrades other people to second class citizens. then start complaining people don't like that and call them anti-semetic. who is the hypocrite?

Of course BDS is anti-Semitic. There is no legitimate comparison between Israel and South African apartheid. Good for Ms Clinton for opposing these lying Nazi creeps.

There is. Anyone who believes there people are the chosen ones by some imagenary friend degrades other people to second class citizens. then start complaining people don't like that and call them anti-semetic. who is the hypocrite?

Typical totally ignorant misunderstanding of the actual religious meaning of chosen people twisted to inspire Jew hatred. That kind of ignorance used by Jew haters throughout the ages. Also to add Israel is not a theocracy. Predictable your post was liked by a follower of Neo-Nazi websites ... must be a source of pride.

To educate people who don't understand how Jew hating that post from Frits was:


Welcome to my ignore list.


Of course BDS is anti-Semitic. There is no legitimate comparison between Israel and South African apartheid. Good for Ms Clinton for opposing these lying Nazi creeps.

There is. Anyone who believes there people are the chosen ones by some imagenary friend degrades other people to second class citizens. then start complaining people don't like that and call them anti-semetic. who is the hypocrite?

Typical totally ignorant misunderstanding of the actual religious meaning of chosen people twisted to inspire Jew hatred. That kind of ignorance used by Jew haters throughout the ages. Also to add Israel is not a theocracy. Predictable your post was liked by a follower of Neo-Nazi websites ... must be a source of pride.

To educate people who don't understand how Jew hating that post from Frits was:


Welcome to my ignore list.

i don't hate jews, got quite a few jewish friends who have a lot more self reflection as you do. ignore list, who cares

My current net connection is too poor to watch the video,but 'economic terrorism'? I don't know, but it is certainly is collective punishment. It uses a sledgehammer, and as a result has affected the work opportunities for Arabs in some areas. It seems to be a selfish agenda that won't stand for locals working 'with' Israel.


They can build their wall on the 1967 borders, and retreat behind it. It would not be suicide at all because by withdrawing from their illegal occupation, they will gain support of the people who are now condemning them. Defining their country and sticking to it will give them the legitimacy that is required for America, the UK, the UN to all defend Israel against any major attack. I certainly would support the defence of Israel within it's proper borders as long as it has stopped it's incursions outside.

LOL. I thought this was about Hillary while I'm watching Hillary supporters go into apoplexy when learning that Hillary supports Israel.

"They can build their wall on the 1967 borders, and retreat behind it."

That isn't going to happen and you know it. That border cuts through Jerusalem, and would leave Muslims with E. Jerusalem, The Old City, The Temple Mount, The Mount of Olives...

If the Muslims wanted E. Jerusalem they shouldn't have attacked Israel in the Six Day War in 1967 because that's when Israel took the West Bank including E. Jerusalem for a buffer of safety against other attacks including rockets.

As it is, there is a Muslim Mosque on the Temple Mount - the Mount that was the site of the Jewish Temple mentioned in the Old Testament where there was the Jewish Holy of Holies and where the Ark of The Covenant was said to be.

Right now Muslims in Israel worship at the mosque. How many Muslim countries would allow Jews to have a Jewish synagogue and worship, especially on a Muslim holy site such as Mecca?

Get honest. What the Muslims really want is the Temple Mount in E. Jerusalem. That's it and that's it. They ain't gonna get it.


what Israel wants is all palestine and they aint gonna get it

Actually, its the other way round. Hamas wants all of Israel and you would like to hide it.

no i wouldnt. hamas wants all of israel, everyone knows that. and the longer israel stays in the west bank, the stronger hamas will get. get used to it!


"Palestinians" will not allow any Jews.

They're into Jew free, like the Nazis.

So apparently it's fine to compare Palestinians to Nazis, but if other posters were to compare modern day Israel to Germany in the 1940s, we all know who would be bleating that it's a HATE CRIME and ANTI-SEMITIC and JUDEOPHOBIC, etc... coffee1.gif

Anyway, this thread is about the non-violent BDS movement. thumbsup.gif

If Israel invades Poland I will be right there with you, yelling my silly head off about them being just like the Nazis.


oh what a conundrum!! who to believe? chuckd or the security council, the general assembly, the red cross, the international court of justice and the high contracting parties of the geneva convention?? oh this is tough!! lol


Is that really the letter from Clinton?

I'm quite shocked at how badly it is written, not the intent of the letter, just the way it is written. Seems like the standard of letter one would read from a 14 year old.


Is that really the letter from Clinton?

I'm quite shocked at how badly it is written, not the intent of the letter, just the way it is written. Seems like the standard of letter one would read from a 14 year old.

I'm affraid it is. But we can resume the letter in following steps :

Lesson No. 1 in how to pitch to a billionaire: Speak a common language — or two.

Lesson No. 2: Ask for advice.

Lesson No. 3: Don’t actually ask for the money; let the billionaire offer it.

Lesson No. 4: Flattery will get you everywhere.



I'll take Hillary Clinton over these BDS morons lying about "apartheid" any day of the week!

Apparently and seemingly, BDS is not lying.

"“Apartheid” isn’t just a term of insult; it’s a word with a very specific legal meaning, as defined by the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid, adopted by the U.N. General Assembly in 1973 and ratified by most United Nations member states (Israel and the United States are exceptions, to their shame).

According to Article II of that convention, the term applies to acts “committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them.” Denying those others the right to life and liberty, subjecting them to arbitrary arrest, expropriating their property, depriving them of the right to leave and return to their country or the right to freedom of movement and of residence, creating separate reserves and ghettos for the members of different racial groups, preventing mixed marriages — these are all examples of the crime of apartheid specifically mentioned in the convention.

- See more at: http://www.bdsmovement.net/2014/does-the-term-apartheid-fit-israel-of-course-it-does-12107#sthash.mIUaBhGt.dpuf"

All those things are documented, and continuing, transgressions of Israel. Plus others, like the water situation in the West Bank and in Gaza (as only touched on in your video...the full extent of the water aspect is actually quite horrendous and inhumane).

So BDS is not lying.

  • 1 month later...

It is very important to oppose the toxic BDS movement because it is massively infected with Judeophobia. It is well known that "anti-Zionism" and anti-semitism are close cousins. I am sure all of the U.S. presidential candidates are opposed to BDS, and good for that. A great recent case study of the Jew hatred roots of the BDS movement is how the BDS people tried to ban the American Jewish reggae singer Matisyahu from a Spanish music festival. At first they succeeded because the festival demanded an anti-Zionist political statement from "the Jew" (NOT EVEN AN ISRAELI!) and not from any other artists, including one group known for their blatant homophobia. Matisyahu intellegently refused to be bullied by these haters and refused to sign any political statements for a MUSIC FESTIVAL. So he was banned, and then pressure built up perhaps from the Spanish government and he was invited again without statement. So he arrived at the festival, played his music, and reportedly was greeted with OBSCENE GESTURES from the Jew haters in the crowd. Again, the BDS movement is not the way to go. They claim it's not about Jews. But, it IS about Jews.


It is very important to oppose the toxic BDS movement because it is massively infected with Judeophobia. It is well known that "anti-Zionism" and anti-semitism are close cousins. I am sure all of the U.S. presidential candidates are opposed to BDS, and good for that. A great recent case study of the Jew hatred roots of the BDS movement is how the BDS people tried to ban the American Jewish reggae singer Matisyahu from a Spanish music festival. At first they succeeded because the festival demanded an anti-Zionist political statement from "the Jew" (NOT EVEN AN ISRAELI!) and not from any other artists, including one group known for their blatant homophobia. Matisyahu intellegently refused to be bullied by these haters and refused to sign any political statements for a MUSIC FESTIVAL. So he was banned, and then pressure built up perhaps from the Spanish government and he was invited again without statement. So he arrived at the festival, played his music, and reportedly was greeted with OBSCENE GESTURES from the Jew haters in the crowd. Again, the BDS movement is not the way to go. They claim it's not about Jews. But, it IS about Jews.

So any country can face a boycot as long it isn't Israel.

It is very important to oppose the toxic BDS movement because it is massively infected with Judeophobia. It is well known that "anti-Zionism" and anti-semitism are close cousins. I am sure all of the U.S. presidential candidates are opposed to BDS, and good for that. A great recent case study of the Jew hatred roots of the BDS movement is how the BDS people tried to ban the American Jewish reggae singer Matisyahu from a Spanish music festival. At first they succeeded because the festival demanded an anti-Zionist political statement from "the Jew" (NOT EVEN AN ISRAELI!) and not from any other artists, including one group known for their blatant homophobia. Matisyahu intellegently refused to be bullied by these haters and refused to sign any political statements for a MUSIC FESTIVAL. So he was banned, and then pressure built up perhaps from the Spanish government and he was invited again without statement. So he arrived at the festival, played his music, and reportedly was greeted with OBSCENE GESTURES from the Jew haters in the crowd. Again, the BDS movement is not the way to go. They claim it's not about Jews. But, it IS about Jews.

So any country can face a boycot as long it isn't Israel.

Start with countries like Syria and Iran so as not to be such an obvious hypocrite.


It is very important to oppose the toxic BDS movement because it is massively infected with Judeophobia. It is well known that "anti-Zionism" and anti-semitism are close cousins. I am sure all of the U.S. presidential candidates are opposed to BDS, and good for that. A great recent case study of the Jew hatred roots of the BDS movement is how the BDS people tried to ban the American Jewish reggae singer Matisyahu from a Spanish music festival. At first they succeeded because the festival demanded an anti-Zionist political statement from "the Jew" (NOT EVEN AN ISRAELI!) and not from any other artists, including one group known for their blatant homophobia. Matisyahu intellegently refused to be bullied by these haters and refused to sign any political statements for a MUSIC FESTIVAL. So he was banned, and then pressure built up perhaps from the Spanish government and he was invited again without statement. So he arrived at the festival, played his music, and reportedly was greeted with OBSCENE GESTURES from the Jew haters in the crowd. Again, the BDS movement is not the way to go. They claim it's not about Jews. But, it IS about Jews.

So he's not political, and it's not about Zionist aspirations, eh? Then why is his song ALL ABOUT Zionist aspirations???

Some lyrics from what he sang....

In the ancient days, we will return with no delay
Picking up the bounty and the spoils on our way
We've been traveling from state to state
And them don't understand what they say
3,000 years with no place to be
And they want me to give up my milk and honey
Don't you see, it's not about the land or the sea
Not the country but the dwelling of his majesty
Rebuild the temple and the crown of glory
Years gone by, about sixty
Burn in the oven in this century
And the gas tried to choke, but it couldn't choke me
I will not lie down, I will not fall asleep
They come overseas, yes they're trying to be free
Erase the demons out of our memory
Change your name and your identity
Afraid of the truth and our dark history
Why is everybody always chasing we
Cut off the roots of your family tree
Don't you know that's not the way to be

It is very important to oppose the toxic BDS movement because it is massively infected with Judeophobia. It is well known that "anti-Zionism" and anti-semitism are close cousins. I am sure all of the U.S. presidential candidates are opposed to BDS, and good for that. A great recent case study of the Jew hatred roots of the BDS movement is how the BDS people tried to ban the American Jewish reggae singer Matisyahu from a Spanish music festival. At first they succeeded because the festival demanded an anti-Zionist political statement from "the Jew" (NOT EVEN AN ISRAELI!) and not from any other artists, including one group known for their blatant homophobia. Matisyahu intellegently refused to be bullied by these haters and refused to sign any political statements for a MUSIC FESTIVAL. So he was banned, and then pressure built up perhaps from the Spanish government and he was invited again without statement. So he arrived at the festival, played his music, and reportedly was greeted with OBSCENE GESTURES from the Jew haters in the crowd. Again, the BDS movement is not the way to go. They claim it's not about Jews. But, it IS about Jews.

So he's not political, and it's not about Zionist aspirations, eh? Then why is his song ALL ABOUT Zionist aspirations???

Maybe because Zionists are Jewish. His song is about Jewsih history. whistling.gif


He's an American. thumbsup.gif

Yankee Doodle Bloody Dandy.

First BDS was supposedly only about west bank products.

Then it was about all of Israel, including academics (who are often very liberal) and artists.

Now these obsessive haters are targeting JEWS all over the world who are not Israelis.

That is disgusting. That is antisemitism. Pure and simple. Anyone who defends that is clearly supporting antisemitism.

How can these haters defend a festival demanding a political statement from an American Jew and no other artists and banning the Jew when he refuses to cooperate with the Jew baiting THUGS? Of course it's a given that these horrible bigots would not even invite an ISRAELI national in the first place.

For the record, not that it matters either way, Matisyahu played that song among others because he is a MUSICIAN and that song happens to be among his most popular songs. Do the Jew baiters suggest he censor himself and not play a popular song? Also, not that it matters, this AMERICAN artist has made clear public statements saying he has taken NO SIDES in the Israel-Palestinian conflict. His objection to the Jew baiters at the festival was being forced to sign a political statement just because he is a JEW and now that he did attend, the obscene hostile reception he got there from the Jew haters in the crowd. He has not commented on BDS before but now he has, accusing it CORRECTLY of being infected with anti-semitism.

The American Matisyahu happens to be a very talented musical artist, NOT A POLITICIAN, but he has done a service here by EXPOSING the Jew hating ROT at the core of the BDS movement.


It is very important to oppose the toxic BDS movement because it is massively infected with Judeophobia. It is well known that "anti-Zionism" and anti-semitism are close cousins. I am sure all of the U.S. presidential candidates are opposed to BDS, and good for that. A great recent case study of the Jew hatred roots of the BDS movement is how the BDS people tried to ban the American Jewish reggae singer Matisyahu from a Spanish music festival. At first they succeeded because the festival demanded an anti-Zionist political statement from "the Jew" (NOT EVEN AN ISRAELI!) and not from any other artists, including one group known for their blatant homophobia. Matisyahu intellegently refused to be bullied by these haters and refused to sign any political statements for a MUSIC FESTIVAL. So he was banned, and then pressure built up perhaps from the Spanish government and he was invited again without statement. So he arrived at the festival, played his music, and reportedly was greeted with OBSCENE GESTURES from the Jew haters in the crowd. Again, the BDS movement is not the way to go. They claim it's not about Jews. But, it IS about Jews. So he's not political, and it's not about Zionist aspirations, eh? Then why is his song ALL ABOUT Zionist aspirations???

Maybe because Zionists are Jewish. His song is about Jewsih history. whistling.gif

The apologists always try to conflate Jewishness with Zionism to lend Zionism some of the Jewish victim sympathy-seeking.

Doesn't work any more, dear fellow member. wink.png

His song is about conflating Jewish history with Zionism.


It is very important to oppose the toxic BDS movement because it is massively infected with Judeophobia. It is well known that "anti-Zionism" and anti-semitism are close cousins. I am sure all of the U.S. presidential candidates are opposed to BDS, and good for that. A great recent case study of the Jew hatred roots of the BDS movement is how the BDS people tried to ban the American Jewish reggae singer Matisyahu from a Spanish music festival. At first they succeeded because the festival demanded an anti-Zionist political statement from "the Jew" (NOT EVEN AN ISRAELI!) and not from any other artists, including one group known for their blatant homophobia. Matisyahu intellegently refused to be bullied by these haters and refused to sign any political statements for a MUSIC FESTIVAL. So he was banned, and then pressure built up perhaps from the Spanish government and he was invited again without statement. So he arrived at the festival, played his music, and reportedly was greeted with OBSCENE GESTURES from the Jew haters in the crowd. Again, the BDS movement is not the way to go. They claim it's not about Jews. But, it IS about Jews.

So he's not political, and it's not about Zionist aspirations, eh? Then why is his song ALL ABOUT Zionist aspirations???

Maybe because Zionists are Jewish. His song is about Jewsih history. whistling.gif

Not all Zionists are Jews.

Not all Jews are Zionists.

Not even all Jewish Israelis are Zionists.

Zionism is a political movement that asserts that all Jews from anywhere in the world even if they have never set eyes on the place before take precedence over non Jews as citizens of Israel/Palestine. It's a racist/religionist policy that has resulted in the ethnic cleansing and diaspora of millions of existing Palestinian residents and is unjust.


You are conflating/deliberately confusing Zionism with Judaism. Judaism is a religion to which I have no objection at all. Zionism is a nasty political movement that I despise.

Matisyahu is a spokesman for this evil racist movement and deserves to be boycotted

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