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malay grass / turf


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Hi, Has anyone got current costs per square meter for this? Ideally from a company that will prepare the soil and lay the turf. Any recommendations for a contractor or place to buy please let me know. I am aware of Khamtieng, although I haven't checked prices for several years. If anyone has done this recently It would be great to hear from you.

Kind regards


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We've bought lots of Malay from Khamtieng recently, price depends on quantity and ranges from 22 to 30 baht per square metre. We did receive one quote to prep the ground and lay the turf which effectively doubles the prices stated, 50 baht per square for labour and turf is easily dooable although it's very easy work.

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Can order a truck of good soil ('din dam' - I guess 'black earth') for 1000 baht(ish) in the dry season, think it comes from river flood plains. Enough for about 20m square as topsoil for grass. Most agro supply shops will have contacts. Then hiring a local guy to shovel and rake it flat will be max 300 per day.

Edited by whiterussian
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I used Rungaroon Grass in BKK . I wanted Malaysian grass directly from the farm; did not want it through a middleman. My wife found them on the Internet searching in Thai. Nothing in English. It is a grass farm. I did not like the idea of buying from a local supplier as the grass is getting old and drying out by the time you get it. Too many cooks . . .

They go all over the country. I live in Phit'lok. They pull the grass out of their field, drive all night and show up early in the morning. The grass was super fresh and crisp. They put down 1,000m2 by 3:00 p.m. I watered the hell out of it (inground sprinkler system) and it really took off. It was well established within a month and was already 6" tall! Its now been bout three months and walking on the grass is like walking on a mattress. I have to mow it every week. While on that subject, the Honda HKJ216 is the best mower you will ever get in Thailand and it's worth every baht of the 23,000 it cost. You'll have to special order it from a Honda dealer; I have never seen it stocked anywhere.

The cost was 18 baht/meter for do it yourself, or 40 baht/meter they do everything. When I started doing labor calculations, I quickly decided the 40 baht for expert installation was well worth the cost, and it was. I had an instant lawn in one day.

They also bring some of that bag dirt (kind of a black mulch) and spread it around. But not much. You cannot expect them to bring much. If I wanted to use those bags to put down 2" all over my 1,000 m2, it would probably have taken 10,000 or more bags! It is best if you have the surface reasonably well prepared before they arrive. As I said above, my grass established itself quickly. But I had 3-6" of real topsoil I reserved from my land before I built (then respread it round the grass area). I also had an inground sprinkler system to keep it well watered. Without those two things, your results may vary.

If you want contact information, PM me as TV doesn't allow telephone numbers and that is all I have. The guy doesn't do email.

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thanks all, 22-30THB per SQM is fine for me. Anyone fancy doing some raking? smile.png

Unless you are elderly or in firm it is good exercise I did 9 tonnes in 2days and I am 60 just take it steady, it gives the feeling of achievement

Out of interest how many sqm did you cover with 9 tonnes, or how many 5 cubic meter lorries did you get delivered? I have around 3000 sqm to do ( will probably do it in stages. ) I am guessing you need to rake the large rocks and stones out of the existing area then just need a thin ( few cm's ) layer of black mud ( Din Dam ) on top then just lay the turf on top of that, add water and hey presto. Is that roughly what to do? I'm sure I'm about to bite off more than I can chew :)

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thanks all, 22-30THB per SQM is fine for me. Anyone fancy doing some raking? smile.png

Unless you are elderly or in firm it is good exercise I did 9 tonnes in 2days and I am 60 just take it steady, it gives the feeling of achievement

Out of interest how many sqm did you cover with 9 tonnes, or how many 5 cubic meter lorries did you get delivered? I have around 3000 sqm to do ( will probably do it in stages. ) I am guessing you need to rake the large rocks and stones out of the existing area then just need a thin ( few cm's ) layer of black mud ( Din Dam ) on top then just lay the turf on top of that, add water and hey presto. Is that roughly what to do? I'm sure I'm about to bite off more than I can chew smile.png

Not sure at the moment how may sq mtrs but did raise my lawn area by 125mm with good soil 2x3m3 of soil plus 3m3 sand. raked in before laying turf.

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Out of interest how many sqm did you cover with 9 tonnes, or how many 5 cubic meter lorries did you get delivered? I have around 3000 sqm to do ( will probably do it in stages. ) I am guessing you need to rake the large rocks and stones out of the existing area then just need a thin ( few cm's ) layer of black mud ( Din Dam ) on top then just lay the turf on top of that, add water and hey presto. Is that roughly what to do? I'm sure I'm about to bite off more than I can chew smile.png

3000m! blink.png order some truck loads, but not sure if they can deliver in the rainy season, last load I had smelt like it came from a chicken farm in the mountains... My grass is OK on about 10cm min of din dam, but it sits on a clay foundation bed so that might help water retention? As much as you can afford above 10cm! The din dam will also need raking too if from a river plain.. pebbles!

Another trick if the turf laying is a pain, is to space them out with eg:1m between and they'll spread and fill the void in no time - saves trying to make it look perfect too. Just plonk down the grass on the wet/muddy soil... Must water constantly for a while until roots sink in... that's a pain. good luck

Edited by whiterussian
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thanks all, 22-30THB per SQM is fine for me. Anyone fancy doing some raking? smile.png

Unless you are elderly or in firm it is good exercise I did 9 tonnes in 2days and I am 60 just take it steady, it gives the feeling of achievement

I did that, too, only it was a hell of a lot more than 9 tons. I had a couple of Thai guys working with me. I think they hated working with the old farang. We were moving topsoil from a pile I reserved out back by loading it into a trailer. then I would tow it to dump site with my ATV and we'd unload and spread it.

Normally, one Thai guy will load the plastic scoop with a hoe while the other guy just stands there watching. Then, when full, the idle guy will pick up the scoop and throw in in the trailer while the first guy stands there. I had four of the scoops on the ground and I did the filling with the hoe. I kept them all full and the two Thai guys were humping it into the trailer as fast as they could, one after the other, embarrassed, I think, that they could not keep up with the 64 year old farang.

Similar deal on the other end. I was raking, spreading and contouring as fast as they could get it out of the trailer. When I am on the crew, I always plan it so that nobody ever gets to stand around until I order a break. We did this all day long in the hot sun for days. I kept expecting a revolt, but none came. Well there was a third guy I hired for one day, but he wouldn't come back, claiming he had another job. Funny, though, I saw him at home every day . . .

Let's see, it was 10 cm deep over 1,000m2, so I guess we moved around 100 cubic meters by hand. How many tons is that?

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I recommend Grassylands in Kamtien market for both irrigation and turf. They did a good job for us and the garden looked great from the first week on. It's opposite the big Koi Dealer on the right as you enter the market with Tesco on your left. Prices for turf are fairly standard locally so shopping around doesn't produce any startling savings as far as I can see. Getting one contractor to do the supply, preparation and laying may seem more expensive but if you agree a price structure which leaves a final balance to be paid after 30 days at least you'll avoid the buck passing that will surely result if you do the installation with your own contractors.

Also, if you're on a budget and not in a huge hurry to have the whole place 100% from day one, you can put 75% of the grass down and let it spread. Two or three months later (with the proper watering and care) you won't see the difference.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Malay Turf and 15-15-15:

Does anyone know the percentage mix of 15x3 and water? I know that Malay grass thrives in stark conditions but I have areas that are exposed to strong sunlight and turn brown as a result, despite a 2 inch cut - interestingly it responds well to 15x3 although growth is patchy as a result of hand scattering the pellets and watering them in - I have a tank sprayer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Malay Turf and 15-15-15:

Does anyone know the percentage mix of 15x3 and water? I know that Malay grass thrives in stark conditions but I have areas that are exposed to strong sunlight and turn brown as a result, despite a 2 inch cut - interestingly it responds well to 15x3 although growth is patchy as a result of hand scattering the pellets and watering them in - I have a tank sprayer.

Hmm, well the answer is, one tablespoon per five litres. OK, lets' try this:

where to buy Primo Max, other trade names include Shortcut, Lesmow and Spatio. It's a growth regulator for Malay grass, promotes horizontal growth rather than vertical, means less frequent mowing , greener grass and better protected new growth.

I've tried all the usual suspects, JJ's Market, Narwart Road, farmers supply places in Maejo and Mae rim but no luck. I know it can be had in Bangkok but was looking for somewhere nearer home.

Any one?

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