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Thai-English actress Anna Reese becomes nun after killing cop in car crash

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So the alcohol tests that were send and needed 7 days proved negative?

TIT, no cash: breath analyser: 2 minutes, test positive / Big cash: lab tests, 7 days, test negative...

Even had the ghost visiting and telling her she was forgiven, pure beauty!!! sick.gif

Perhaps they should have got the Koh Tao Cops onto the case

They can get a positive DNA in 24 hours. They would have had Blood/Alcohol results in a an hour

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Every time you think that you have seen it all, something like this comes up, and you realize just how little you really have seen

At least she didn't go to Singapore because she had a cold and sore throat

I just can't get used to the fact that the Thai police don't even care about one of their own, so how can a Thai or a foreigner ever expect justice if someone does something despicable to them

Disgusting, reprehensible on all counts. Both the woman and the police who apparently are not handling the case.


With one or two notable exceptions the usual overly vindictive, uninformed, irrational Thaivisa illiterates are out in force on this thread. You lot might want to try to re-read the reports about this case very carefully and then consider how daft your posts are.

There are two subjects in this case, the driver of the car and the sleeping-at-the-side-of-the-road policeman. Have any charges been dropped? I don't think you'll find they have. So the woman puts herself into a nunnery and you're all up in arms about it. What's it got to do with you how she tries to atone for the accident? How many of you would do anything except what was required by law if you were unfortunate enough to be in her position? Can't picture many Thaivisa members shaving their heads (disregarding those that do it already for vanity purposes) and checking themselves into monasteries, can you? You'd all probably be down the pub with your mates as usual. You certainly wouldn't be in jail like you expect this woman to be, for an accident.

What is particularly hypocritical is that the vast majority of the posters are the same ones who regularly lambast the Thai police, without exception, as lazy, corrupt, contemptible incompetents who shouldn't be given the time of day with not one of them having a bad word for this policeman who possibly contributed to the accident, yet the woman is being vilified for an accident that may, or may not, have been her fault and some of the keyboard prosecutors are actually calling her a murderer.

But then, I suppose, what more could be expected from you?

For the most part your comments are agreeable... with one major exception.... Anna Reese is being vilified by Thai Visa forum members for the most part due to her behaviour in the follow up, for what on the surface of it appears to be attempts at shamelessly manipulating public opinion though the Thai media....


7 days and it is absolution for murder. Wonderfull Thailand and Buddhists

7 days is a long time compared to one Western religion where all you have to do is tell a monk you're sorry for what you did then do some silent chanting to a dead guy nailed to a cross, I'm not kidding, a dead guy nailed to a cross!



You should be embarrassed by your post....Are you a politician or PR specialist? If a higher caliber of writing, then attorney aspirations...


Why should I be embarrassed?

I'm not (thankfully) the only person on this forum or in Bangkok who thinks that this was nothing more than a tragic accident.


And then there is the 14 kids locked up and facing 10 years in the nick for gathering in a group of more than 5 people. hahahahaha the mind boggles


So the Thai Visa Jury has convicted her of murder!

Well actually she unintentionally killed someone so that should be manslaughter.

If this happened to you. Out driving your mercedes at night and accidentally killed a cop in a car. What would you do?

That is the only question here.

She has been charged. She has not fled. She is trying to make some merit to share with the dead.

She will compensate the family. What more do you wish her to do? Hang herself? !

The most beautiful thing in this world is the goodness that exists in beings. She is trying to do something good after making a mistake any one of us might have made on a wet dark night. Good luck to her I say and I hope she continues to do good, avoid evil and purify her own mind.

There are many people on Thai Visa that should follow her example and go and spend a week in a temple.


It Just confirms what I always thought......... nothing good goes in, stays, or comes out of a Wat

I have been staying overnight in many Wats for days, weeks, months and/or years. Most in Thailand, and also Birma, Sri Lanka, Laos, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Cambodia, Netherlands and Britain. Have records of more than 130 Wats stayed.

Most of them I recommend if you can enjoy solitude in remote areas, supported by devoted people; places excellent for Study of Theravada Buddhism, contemplation and meditation. Among them a few Superior places with famous, -some extraordinary-, teachers.

(Jungle, caves, hills, mountain tops, riversides and abandoned beaches.)

Yes, a few places were like those where you went in and came out as a not so good person.


"On July 1 she attended the officer’s cremation ceremony, where she later told the media his ghost possessed someone present in order to tell her she was forgiven, Khaosod reported."

Does anyone really believe this drivel?

Its quite apparent that 99% of Thais do believe this drivel just as most of the world believe in some God, for me its sheer lunacy, better to say "we dont know" than to say "we believe" belief is nothing.......... God is a peanut whose name is Beryl and you cannot prove this is wrong, just as stupid to me but just as unprovable


So the Thai Visa Jury has convicted her of murder!

Well actually she unintentionally killed someone so that should be manslaughter.

If this happened to you. Out driving your mercedes at night and accidentally killed a cop in a car. What would you do?

That is the only question here.

She has been charged. She has not fled. She is trying to make some merit to share with the dead.

She will compensate the family. What more do you wish her to do? Hang herself? !

The most beautiful thing in this world is the goodness that exists in beings. She is trying to do something good after making a mistake any one of us might have made on a wet dark night. Good luck to her I say and I hope she continues to do good, avoid evil and purify her own mind.

There are many people on Thai Visa that should follow her example and go and spend a week in a temple.

She could of course tried being good BEFORE it happened though.


it is vehicular manslaughter. she is 100% at fault.


a driver who causes a death while intoxicated can be charged with first-degree vehicular homicide, a felony carrying up to fifteen years in prison. But a driver who causes a death while committing a moving traffic offense (such as failure to maintain lane position), is guilty of second-degree vehicular homicide, a misdemeanor carrying a maximum of a year in jail.

this does not include civil liability.

How do you KNOW she was drunk at the time or is your assumption enough to condemn her?


please read my post. where does it say she was drunk?


So the Thai Visa Jury has convicted her of murder!

Well actually she unintentionally killed someone so that should be manslaughter.

If this happened to you. Out driving your mercedes at night and accidentally killed a cop in a car. What would you do?

That is the only question here.

She has been charged. She has not fled. She is trying to make some merit to share with the dead.

She will compensate the family. What more do you wish her to do? Hang herself? !

The most beautiful thing in this world is the goodness that exists in beings. She is trying to do something good after making a mistake any one of us might have made on a wet dark night. Good luck to her I say and I hope she continues to do good, avoid evil and purify her own mind.

There are many people on Thai Visa that should follow her example and go and spend a week in a temple.

I've stayed in a wat for 10 days and took the precepts, I never called myself a monk.


There are many people on Thai Visa that should follow her example and go and spend a week in a temple.

Missing you already, let us know when you get back and how it was for you.

Why are people being so harsh on this woman? Its not like she meant to do it...this is not farangland, it's not a problem if she is rich enough to help the cop's family....then pray for her sins, thats the Thai way. I cannot see why you are all trying to rip her a new <deleted>? What would you do if you killed a cop with your car? Shout out. "I am drunk, lock me away for 30 years, punish me as much as you can" ? Leave the poor girl alone....

She probably doesnt want the press there, but she's a celebrity, and thats what press do. They don't chase after nobodies, it ain't newsworthy.


With one or two notable exceptions the usual overly vindictive, uninformed, irrational Thaivisa illiterates are out in force on this thread. You lot might want to try to re-read the reports about this case very carefully and then consider how daft your posts are.

There are two subjects in this case, the driver of the car and the sleeping-at-the-side-of-the-road policeman. Have any charges been dropped? I don't think you'll find they have. So the woman puts herself into a nunnery and you're all up in arms about it. What's it got to do with you how she tries to atone for the accident? How many of you would do anything except what was required by law if you were unfortunate enough to be in her position? Can't picture many Thaivisa members shaving their heads (disregarding those that do it already for vanity purposes) and checking themselves into monasteries, can you? You'd all probably be down the pub with your mates as usual. You certainly wouldn't be in jail like you expect this woman to be, for an accident.

What is particularly hypocritical is that the vast majority of the posters are the same ones who regularly lambast the Thai police, without exception, as lazy, corrupt, contemptible incompetents who shouldn't be given the time of day with not one of them having a bad word for this policeman who possibly contributed to the accident, yet the woman is being vilified for an accident that may, or may not, have been her fault and some of the keyboard prosecutors are actually calling her a murderer.

But then, I suppose, what more could be expected from you?

For the most part your comments are agreeable... with one major exception.... Anna Reese is being vilified by Thai Visa forum members for the most part due to her behaviour in the follow up, for what on the surface of it appears to be attempts at shamelessly manipulating public opinion though the Thai media....

(1) Sviss Geez - Bravo!

(2) Richard Smith - Congratulations on your ability to read minds, and presume to understand the Thai Buddhist methodology for atoning for bad events, warding off ghosts, and making amends to spare your family name / face as much as possible. We all await your book, "The Idiot Guide - Every Possible Thing About Thailand" (Hope your grammar skills catch that joke.)

(2A) Richard Smith - Even if this is 110% theater and farce to manipulate public opinion .... is this a "Stop the presses!" Headline update" for you? Public figures, movie stars, politicians, businessmen caught with fingers in the till .. etc" Spinning the event in their favor? SHOCKING i tell you! SHOCKING!

Honestly, you had to inform us that public figures manipulate the press to spin things their way?

My opinion? It is a blend of BOTH. She is Thai and Buddhist, so yes .. there is some tidying up to do before she crosses the bridge. + Of course she is spinning this

... one of my favorite things to remind people of is .. around the world people hold up as HEROES, folks who .. for a living .. pretend they are something they are not, and do so, via other people's words.

How that makes them special ... I have not clue one.


So the Thai Visa Jury has convicted her of murder!

Well actually she unintentionally killed someone so that should be manslaughter.

If this happened to you. Out driving your mercedes at night and accidentally killed a cop in a car. What would you do?

That is the only question here.

She has been charged. She has not fled. She is trying to make some merit to share with the dead.

She will compensate the family. What more do you wish her to do? Hang herself? !

The most beautiful thing in this world is the goodness that exists in beings. She is trying to do something good after making a mistake any one of us might have made on a wet dark night. Good luck to her I say and I hope she continues to do good, avoid evil and purify her own mind.

There are many people on Thai Visa that should follow her example and go and spend a week in a temple.

Thank you....at last, someone who can see sense, every one else here seems to want to 'stone her to death' without knowing the complete picture, its all assumption with these people.

Maybe they are jealous of her fame and fortune, that they want her brought down, i don't know...


This is just more ineffective policing and poor system of justice. There is no point in a blood test twelve hours after the fact. If one is involved in a serious accident, in a normal society, you have to be taken in for testing immediately, no matter who it is. Later a competent prosecutor determines if charges are appropriate. There are accidents that are unavoidable. A case recently where a student athlete got killed on a Freeway he tried to cross blind drunk. Motorist stopped to render aid, as required by law, and called 911. No charges were laid.

She SHOULD shave her head.


With one or two notable exceptions the usual overly vindictive, uninformed, irrational Thaivisa illiterates are out in force on this thread. You lot might want to try to re-read the reports about this case very carefully and then consider how daft your posts are.

There are two subjects in this case, the driver of the car and the sleeping-at-the-side-of-the-road policeman. Have any charges been dropped? I don't think you'll find they have. So the woman puts herself into a nunnery and you're all up in arms about it. What's it got to do with you how she tries to atone for the accident? How many of you would do anything except what was required by law if you were unfortunate enough to be in her position? Can't picture many Thaivisa members shaving their heads (disregarding those that do it already for vanity purposes) and checking themselves into monasteries, can you? You'd all probably be down the pub with your mates as usual. You certainly wouldn't be in jail like you expect this woman to be, for an accident.

What is particularly hypocritical is that the vast majority of the posters are the same ones who regularly lambast the Thai police, without exception, as lazy, corrupt, contemptible incompetents who shouldn't be given the time of day with not one of them having a bad word for this policeman who possibly contributed to the accident, yet the woman is being vilified for an accident that may, or may not, have been her fault and some of the keyboard prosecutors are actually calling her a murderer.

But then, I suppose, what more could be expected from you?

100% agree with you, i have posted similar thoughts as you, but didnt get it across as well as you....good post mate

Yoh should be charged with drunk driving causing death your refusal to go with police proves how guilty you are why you got away with this is beyond a joke now one should be above the law .


So the alcohol tests that were send and needed 7 days proved negative?

TIT, no cash: breath analyser: 2 minutes, test positive / Big cash: lab tests, 7 days, test negative...

Even had the ghost visiting and telling her she was forgiven, pure beauty!!! sick.gif

Perhaps they should have got the Koh Tao Cops onto the case

They can get a positive DNA in 24 hours. They would have had Blood/Alcohol results in a an hour

how do you know they didn't? You were there through the whole proceedings? Or are you just going by what you read on TVF? Just running with pack of wolves eh?

7 days and it is absolution for murder. Wonderfull Thailand and Buddhists

It was not murder...come on....think before you speak.

Meantime, she should be reprimanded in some form or way for reckless endangerment ..... if it is proven as such ....while most everyone believes she is at fault and should be punished to the satisfaction of the angry public lynch mob.



Poor soul

Went foul

Why were you there

To meet him where

So late at night

Both had no might

You were at last

Driving too fast

Worry after

Sorry late

This is your fate

Only dress white

Wish you find light

In meditation

Real ordination

Must shave your head

Water and bread

Your time too short

For going forth

Please don't get stuck

Wish you good luck

That you learn how

To stop your show

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