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Thailand's top brass defends plan to spend 36 billion baht on submarines

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I support the Junta at the moment and hope that this interim will allow the 2 main political parties (when democracy is restored) to be able to exist without too much corruption and violence. Having said that, I totally disagree with the purchase of subs. There is no need for them. The Gulf of Thailand is too shallow to allow effective concealment - the reason subs were built. The area around the Andaman Sea has no potential enemies. Far better to buy a modern frigate for the Andaman and 2 patrol boats for the Gulf. Then please start to spend some money on infrastructure, sewerage, dams, flood prevention and so on.

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Rumor has it that the subs price is 33 billion with 3 billion " leakage " !

"Leakage" is an unfortunate expression in the context of submarines ia it not?


Although Thailand’s navy has maintained a submarine division, it has lacked a single vessel for the last 63 years. The army stripped the navy of its submarines in 1951 after naval officers attempted to stage a coup d'etat against the army-backed government at the time.

interesting - isn't it? This sub-deal has always felt like the "government" was trying to make someone happy... Not necessarily the Thai People, but you know, ... someone...


Thats how it works in Thailand.

You support us and you get nice toys, you don't support us and we take away your current toys.

(can't wait for the junta fanboys to point out that Mr T did the same and therefore he is evil, while now the current government does it, it is justified because Mr T also did it)

............................" (can't wait for the junta fanboys to point out that Mr T did the same and therefore he is evil, while now the current government does it, it is justified because Mr T also did it) "................................

The "junta fanboys" (gee, hasn't that catchy little term taken off) don't have to as you have done it for them ! whistling.gif


These submarines are a copy of the Russian Kilo class boats. Although the Chinese navy versions have diesel electric Air Independent Propulsion systems I believe the export models are downgraded and aren't equipped with AIP, meaning they will be surfacing regularly to recharge the batteries and ventilate the boat. Though they have a lowish radar signature, on the surface they will still be extremely vulnerable to aircraft attack, even at night. Nevertheless, they will look impressive on the martial film that accompanies the national anthem.


Thailand needs submarines just as a tiger needs toilet paper.

That is one for my notebook!

Unfortunately there is no one to tell the tiger not to bother wiping its arse!


"Although Thailands navy has maintained a submarine division, it has lacked a single vessel for the last 63 years."

Thailand's airforce also has an Space Alien Defence Division (or SADD) and has put in an early application to buy flying saucers, Lightsabers and transporter beams.

"We have space resources to protect," insisted an airforce spokesperson.


You may be joking, but if the navy get their new toys...


Absolutely pathetic.

Can't afford national healthcare, one third of the population living below acceptable levels and in poverty and you want to buy submarines!!!

To defend against who exactly?

Oh and by the way ......." What the hell do you want from me"? ....do you really want the people to tell you?

You ain't gonna like it sunshine.


Not being of a suspicious nature I would assume that this contract would have proceeded had an elected government been in power and not just because the Junta isn't pleased from the overall response to the military take over from Western allies , being blinded by mirrors and a tunnel vision for a purchase of military equipment that may or may not be of value and of course reliable, could come unstuck down the line.coffee1.gif


may be the last thai sub's where powered by wind up rubber bands .... can see it all now .... bob hope and no hope ....lets hope they remember to close the hatch ....... cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

Although Thailand’s navy has maintained a submarine division, it has lacked a single vessel for the last 63 years.




The government can defend the plan all they like, but it is still a dumb idea.

18 billion on health and 18 billion on education will win the hearts of the people and get the junta bashers off their backs for a while.

The people of Issan don't even know what a submarine is and don't need one either. thumbsup.gif

The submarine division don't know what one is either and haven't needed one for 60 years!


He acts like he has never had to face questions about his judgement before. Oh wait a minute .....


I do hope if they buy Chinese subs that they work better than just about anything else they make ! There was an article last month(?) about the Chinese can't even make their own subs that run and work as they are supposed to.. I would think Germany or some other country with a little experience with Subs would make a much better choice indeed. Also as another poster mentioned China, Russia, or the States could make an afternoon of conquest and probably not even break a sweet if they wanted Thailand, Subs or no Subs, so why buy Chinese junk unless their is more to the deal than meets the eye ?


If I were a political enemy of Gen. Prayut, I would be sitting on the sidelines salivating, in hopes that he would sign the purchase order... What a political victory for the opposition that would be!

But if they do buy them, I do hope that buy some spare parts and a maintenance contract. I'd hate to see them have to cannibalize two of the subs within five years so they could keep the third running. But then, the Navy must certainly be more competent than the SRT...


Although Thailand’s navy has maintained a submarine division, it has lacked a single vessel for the last 63 years.



What's wrong with that? Bolivia has a nave even though it is land-lockedcoffee1.gif And the subs are needed to protect the aircraft carrier (the one without any aircraft) if it ever puts to sea again.


If I were a political enemy of Gen. Prayut, I would be sitting on the sidelines salivating, in hopes that he would sign the purchase order... What a political victory for the opposition that would be!

But if they do buy them, I do hope that buy some spare parts and a maintenance contract. I'd hate to see them have to cannibalize two of the subs within five years so they could keep the third running. But then, the Navy must certainly be more competent than the SRT...

I think this is a done deal tied up with the massive infrastructure rail loan. To soften the public outcry, they will get a long term long payment and claimed that this in no way will burden the country. It's a loan so can't be used for other programs to help suffering farmers etc. I am sure China has factored in the loan in their deal and will be extra soft loan to pacify the general public. The Navy need to get this submarines approved or they will never get another chance when the key benefactors ( admirals & generals) retire.


He's more bent than Thaksin. "Defense of the country"? Submarines are primarily attack vessels which also are used fpr blockade running, recon, depositing special forces etc The only defense they're really used for is for protecting aircraft carriers. Mind you I understand they have an aircraft carrier but no aircraft for it so that usage is null & vois... All the brown envelopes will be rampant I reckon.


This procurement is an absolute necessity, ensuring as it does that National Security cannot be threatened from sea invasion by Laos. By next week it will be considered both rude and illegal to say otherwise.


Although Thailand’s navy has maintained a submarine division, it has lacked a single vessel for the last 63 years.



What's wrong with that? Bolivia has a nave even though it is land-lockedcoffee1.gif And the subs are needed to protect the aircraft carrier (the one without any aircraft) if it ever puts to sea again.

Laos also has a navy, with a fleet of over 60 vessels. But I doubt the subs would be able to get up the Mekong to torpedo them.


If I were a political enemy of Gen. Prayut, I would be sitting on the sidelines salivating, in hopes that he would sign the purchase order... What a political victory for the opposition that would be!

But if they do buy them, I do hope that buy some spare parts and a maintenance contract. I'd hate to see them have to cannibalize two of the subs within five years so they could keep the third running. But then, the Navy must certainly be more competent than the SRT...

Regardless of which side of the political fence you were on, if you had any love for the country you would be hoping the sub deal fell through and the money was spent on the people.

'... Leading members of the ruling military junta and the Royal Thai Navy have insisted that a plan to buy three submarines from China is necessary to augment Thailand's national defense capabilities.' The submarines are necessary? Or buying them from China?

'Although Thailand’s navy has maintained a submarine division, it has lacked a single vessel for the last 63 years. The army stripped the navy of its submarines in 1951 after naval officers attempted to stage a coup d'etat against the army-backed government at the time.' Hilarious. And presumably, the coup d'tat was subliminal.


Submarines ordered and the engines to propel them will be arriving in another 10 years’ time after delivery of subs

As long as the 36 Billion Baht helps feed and house the poor in Thailand sure it will be a wonderful investment for the country and not just a toy for a few general’s to play with and harass the Chinese navy on a daily basis , and also an end to the troubles in the south of Thailand once these submarine’s arrive.

And after all the palms are greased all the way up the Junta gravy Navy train, won’t be much left for the Subs extras


I do hope if they buy Chinese subs that they work better than just about anything else they make ! There was an article last month(?) about the Chinese can't even make their own subs that run and work as they are supposed to.. I would think Germany or some other country with a little experience with Subs would make a much better choice indeed. Also as another poster mentioned China, Russia, or the States could make an afternoon of conquest and probably not even break a sweet if they wanted Thailand, Subs or no Subs, so why buy Chinese junk unless their is more to the deal than meets the eye ?

German subs are too sophisticated and expensive for Thailand, Israel is the user of German submarines and the training the Israelis give their crews would probably not be easily replicated in Thailand. Both Germany and the USA have strict anti bribery laws in laws on defense exports. Cynical comments aside, they are enforced. It would be impossible to sell advanced military hardware to a "non-vital" country with military rule. There is no way the German or US legislators would allow it to happen. Legislators in Germany would focus on the military rule aspect, while the US legislators would focus on the lack of stability and unreliability as an ally.


double speak.

perhaps the junta plans on extending their soverign territories, or perhaps they just want to be able to blow marauding rohingyas out of the water


THAILAND has some of the poorest people and these clowns feel 36 billion baht is better spent on three toys for the boys. Bloody disgusting.


If I were a political enemy of Gen. Prayut, I would be sitting on the sidelines salivating, in hopes that he would sign the purchase order... What a political victory for the opposition that would be!

But if they do buy them, I do hope that buy some spare parts and a maintenance contract. I'd hate to see them have to cannibalize two of the subs within five years so they could keep the third running. But then, the Navy must certainly be more competent than the SRT...

Regardless of which side of the political fence you were on, if you had any love for the country you would be hoping the sub deal fell through and the money was spent on the people.

If you had any love for the country you would be hoping for a return to democracy so the parliamentary opposition could scupper deals such as this.

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