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Koh Tao: Trial opens for 2 accused of killing British tourists


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Everyone who knows about this case is angry about it and or loathing the police for the way they have handled the case from the beginning

No one here knows for sure who is right or wrong about who actually murdered the 2 foreigners.

Are the police correct about the 2 suspects in custody and on trail or is this another police cover up?

I do not know for sure and neither does anyone else for that matter.

Meantime, if I had to make a decision......I would decide that the police are conducting another cover up while the 2 Burmese are innocent and simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

If it had not been them..... it would have been someone else and certainly not the real murder(s)

The Thai police have a well known history of perpetrating cover ups on a grandiose scale and most people agree that this another cover up and no surprise to anyone.

That being the case then it looks like 2 more people are going to prison for something they did not do.


This just about sums up what every poster here has and is saying. It is an absolute disgrace and the Prime minister needs to get somebody down there quick fast and find out what the hell is going on. The reputation of Thailand and it's justice system is not good but this will be an albatross around the nations neck forever.

I mean seriously, such an important and high profile case and they ( lost ) the evidence ??? I mean really have they no shame ?? Were the suspects tortured ?? What are the chances ?? Well, I believe they probably were.

A PR disaster for Thailand.

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What a complete farce this is. Lost DNA evidence my ar--. Corrupt police at their very best. Throw this case out the nearest window.

Also get the Burmese guys lawyer to sue the RTP for wrongful arrest an imprisonment. But I know that will never happen.

I said all along this was a fit up, an I just can't believe some of u TV members still think the B2 are guilty.

I can't believe anybody in his right mind, knowing what is public about this murder, can believe they are guilty.

If somebody claims this

either he is not in his right mind

or he has a hidden agenda

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If the local hoodlums want to put a damper on the media reporting, instead of threatening some poor Thai girl translator, why don;t they just arrange for the SKY News reporter to have an unfortunate traffic accident on the way back to his hotel. We all know how dangerous are those roads on Koh Samui.

You really can't be serious can you...You don't get what a mess there in already. What do you think would happen if something like your suggesting happened..I'm sorry but your getting silly now. Some of these attempts at justifying what's happening are getting ridiculous. I know the Thais in the main are not educated to a high standard but I can't believe for one minute there that stupid .
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Total incompetent to loose DNA samples. Whoever is responsible should be fired, stripped of their pension and jailed to save them from their own future stupidity.

Interesting development - seems like the DNA from the bodies is not missing after all, it is actually in Bangkok according to the Phangan police who were the main investigators.

Edited by lucky11
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If it does not fit- you must acquit. My God people. If there is no chain of custody and the evidence is indeed lost- all you have is hearsay. Yet, the result is still in doubt. But not to me.

Ha........... the only chains you will find in this case is the gold ones paid for by the back handers.

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Total incompetent to loose DNA samples. Whoever is responsible should be fired, stripped of their pension and jailed to save them from their own future stupidity.

Interesting development - seems like the DNA from the bodies is not actually missing after all, it is actually in Bangkok according to the the Phangan police who were the main investigators.

More mud in the water. If that is true then it will be interesting to see if it can be 'found'. I expect not myself, or if 'found' it won't be made available for independent testing.

Would it really have been 'lost' if it was a genuine match for the 2 on trial and could have been substantiated independently? It would have been one of the strongest pieces of evidence for the prosecution but they can't risk it being shown up as incorrect / fabricated. If this was a fair fight the prosecution would be be lying, knocked out, on the canvas already right now.

Edited by bunglebag
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Total incompetent to loose DNA samples. Whoever is responsible should be fired, stripped of their pension and jailed to save them from their own future stupidity.

Do you really believe when they say it was "lost"

what about these scenarios ?

a) it was hastily destroyed when they heard a professional recheck would be done

B) It never existed?

If it is not incompetence - what is it?

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Total incompetent to loose DNA samples. Whoever is responsible should be fired, stripped of their pension and jailed to save them from their own future stupidity.

Interesting development - seems like the DNA from the bodies is not actually missing after all, it is actually in Bangkok according to the the Phangan police who were the main investigators.

More mud in the water. If that is true then it will be interesting to see if it can be 'found'. I expect not myself, or if 'found' it won't be made available for independent testing.

If it is located, which it will be if it is still around and the court gives permission for the defence to get independent testing carried out on it then it will happen.

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Total incompetent to loose DNA samples. Whoever is responsible should be fired, stripped of their pension and jailed to save them from their own future stupidity.

Interesting development - seems like the DNA from the bodies is not missing after all, it is actually in Bangkok according to the Phangan police who were the main investigators.

Can you share the link to that information that directly contradicts the statement made by the lead investigator on Samui today?

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I thought prosecution relied on proof to get a conviction - how can they "lose" ( not the prosecution - the police ) the DNA samples and items they were on and then say they are lost!! - this country amazes me - the world media has been following this case since the tragic day occurred - and Thai police and prosecution said all evidence concluded and these 2 guilty - then lose their best weapon to prove it - what numpties!!!! I'm not saying if the 2 Burmese guys guilty or not guilty - but if the prosecution can't provide what they have as proof as "lost" then in the non LOS I think would be a mistrial on lack of evidence - Thailand had the chance here to prove it knew what is was doing but in my eyes just another Mai Bpen rai -

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Total incompetent to loose DNA samples. Whoever is responsible should be fired, stripped of their pension and jailed to save them from their own future stupidity.

Interesting development - seems like the DNA from the bodies is not missing after all, it is actually in Bangkok according to the Phangan police who were the main investigators.

Can you share the link to that information that directly contradicts the statement made by the lead investigator on Samui today?

Not allowed to I'm afraid - I guess you know where to look now. It was a quote from Pol Lt Col Somsak

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So there off back to Koh Tao to check if they have any further evidence!!! Trial of the century in the making for all the wrong reasons

Speaking to lead defence lawyer Nakhon Chompuchat outside the court room, Colonel Somsak said: “I am going back to check and will call you later to tell you what I have.”

The prosecution then asked the three judges to suspend the hearing.


Go to this page as the lady has videoed lots of comment you may not see on the news including the Sky guy talking to the lawyer and Andy hall.


Interesting conversations going on there with the defense lawyer, Andy Hall and the reporters, their still waiting for a phone call from the RTP who went back to Koh Tao to look for more DNA and they stated that Dr Porntip is going to be called as a witness for the defense.

Edited by thailandchilli
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No comment. Lets see what happens. Let these dogged posters continue with their ill-advised defence of the integrity of the RTP.

I think some posters get a kick hanging around with little men in tight brown suits that carry guns and whatnot.

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Total incompetent to loose DNA samples. Whoever is responsible should be fired, stripped of their pension and jailed to save them from their own future stupidity.

Interesting development - seems like the DNA from the bodies is not actually missing after all, it is actually in Bangkok according to the the Phangan police who were the main investigators.

More mud in the water. If that is true then it will be interesting to see if it can be 'found'. I expect not myself, or if 'found' it won't be made available for independent testing.

If it is located, which it will be if it is still around and the court gives permission for the defence to get independent testing carried out on it then it will happen.

So lucky11, do you think it will be found? and if so do you think the court will allow it to be independently tested?

My money is on one of these two things not happening.

Any idea why the samples might 'no longer be around'? The only mention I've seen about it today has been a copper saying he was only dealing with the non-body dna and anything to do with the body dna you'd have to go and ask Bangkok.

Edited by bunglebag
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So there off back to Koh Tao to check if they have any further evidence!!! Trial of the century in the making for all the wrong reasons

Speaking to lead defence lawyer Nakhon Chompuchat outside the court room, Colonel Somsak said: “I am going back to check and will call you later to tell you what I have.”

The prosecution then asked the three judges to suspend the hearing.


Go to this page as the lady has videoed lots of comment you may not see on the news including the Sky guy talking to the lawyer and Andy hall.


Interesting conversations going on there with the defense lawyer, Andy Hall and the reporters, their still waiting for a phone call from the RTP who went back to Koh Tao to look for more DNA and they stated that Dr Porntip is going to be called as a witness for the defense.

She is only Peed off that she wasn't involved!! If they (the two Myanmar men) raped her and killed them both then the fact that her or her buddies weren't invited and the police didn't close off the crime scene is completely irrelevant!!

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Total incompetent to loose DNA samples. Whoever is responsible should be fired, stripped of their pension and jailed to save them from their own future stupidity.

Interesting development - seems like the DNA from the bodies is not missing after all, it is actually in Bangkok according to the Phangan police who were the main investigators.

Can you share the link to that information that directly contradicts the statement made by the lead investigator on Samui today?

Not allowed to I'm afraid - I guess you know where to look now. It was a quote from Pol Lt Col Somsak

Its a piece written by AFP

"The DNA on the cigarettes is all finished," the head of police on the nearby island of Koh Pha Ngan told the defence team outside the courtroom on Koh Samui Thursday.

"The DNA samples taken from the bodies are not my responsibility. They are in Bangkok," Police Lieutenant Colonel Somsak Nurod added.

Police believe a garden hoe which came from the resort and was found leaning against a tree near the crime scene, was used to bludgeon both victims.

After arriving at the crime scene around 5.40am O admitted removing the hoe from next to the tree and taking it back to a vegetable garden inside the resort where he worked.


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So there off back to Koh Tao to check if they have any further evidence!!! Trial of the century in the making for all the wrong reasons

Speaking to lead defence lawyer Nakhon Chompuchat outside the court room, Colonel Somsak said: “I am going back to check and will call you later to tell you what I have.”

The prosecution then asked the three judges to suspend the hearing.


Go to this page as the lady has videoed lots of comment you may not see on the news including the Sky guy talking to the lawyer and Andy hall.


Interesting conversations going on there with the defense lawyer, Andy Hall and the reporters, their still waiting for a phone call from the RTP who went back to Koh Tao to look for more DNA and they stated that Dr Porntip is going to be called as a witness for the defense.

She is only Peed off that she wasn't involved!! If they (the two Myanmar men) raped her and killed them both then the fact that her or her buddies weren't invited and the police didn't close off the crime scene is completely irrelevant!

Do you get driven around in a minivan?

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This development implies the opposite ie: that they are still around and in BK. If they are found then they will (if the judge deems it so) be tested, as the prosecution will have to abide by the judges decision on this.

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So there off back to Koh Tao to check if they have any further evidence!!! Trial of the century in the making for all the wrong reasons

Speaking to lead defence lawyer Nakhon Chompuchat outside the court room, Colonel Somsak said: “I am going back to check and will call you later to tell you what I have.”

The prosecution then asked the three judges to suspend the hearing.


Go to this page as the lady has videoed lots of comment you may not see on the news including the Sky guy talking to the lawyer and Andy hall.


Interesting conversations going on there with the defense lawyer, Andy Hall and the reporters, their still waiting for a phone call from the RTP who went back to Koh Tao to look for more DNA and they stated that Dr Porntip is going to be called as a witness for the defense.

She is only Peed off that she wasn't involved!! If they (the two Myanmar men) raped her and killed them both then the fact that her or her buddies weren't invited and the police didn't close off the crime scene is completely irrelevant!!

That's several very big assumptions on your part.

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So there off back to Koh Tao to check if they have any further evidence!!! Trial of the century in the making for all the wrong reasons

Speaking to lead defence lawyer Nakhon Chompuchat outside the court room, Colonel Somsak said: “I am going back to check and will call you later to tell you what I have.”

The prosecution then asked the three judges to suspend the hearing.


Go to this page as the lady has videoed lots of comment you may not see on the news including the Sky guy talking to the lawyer and Andy hall.


Interesting conversations going on there with the defense lawyer, Andy Hall and the reporters, their still waiting for a phone call from the RTP who went back to Koh Tao to look for more DNA and they stated that Dr Porntip is going to be called as a witness for the defense.

She is only Peed off that she wasn't involved!! If they (the two Myanmar men) raped her and killed them both then the fact that her or her buddies weren't invited and the police didn't close off the crime scene is completely irrelevant!!

LOL you're amazing! Keep trying to turn it round :)

Now why would Thailand's leading forensic expert not be involved in this case - maybe because she doesn't do BS and cover ups as well as required?

You know as well as I that she stands up to police bullying and death threats and frequently appears in the media to challenge autopsy findings by police, who control all aspects of criminal investigation in Thailand.

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I said at the time that any DNA evidence found at the scene wouldn't necessarily prove they killed the girl. They could have violated her after she was killed.

Oh that's OK then - apologise and let them go!!

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This development implies the opposite ie: that they are still around and in BK. If they are found then they will (if the judge deems it so) be tested, as the prosecution will have to abide by the judges decision on this.

As I asked earlier - do you personally think these samples will be found, and do you think that if found then independent re-testing will be allowed?

Edited by bunglebag
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And for months now we have been reading here as to how these same people who have apparently orchestrated this (so far) Keystone Kops show can make airplane passenger manifests disappear in Surathani and Don Muang and pay off scores or more of people without one person saying boo.

Some authorities and/or Mon may have said 'boo' - and the Nok Air manager at Chumpon knew just what to do - to make data disappear. We haven't seen any Nok Air passenger manifest from the morning flight to Bkk on Sept 15th, have you? If we see that, and the CCTV of passenger entering and leaving that craft, I'll kiss a toad.

I beg to differ. Face rules the life of Asians.

Yes, face is very important, but so is amassing money, and so is keeping VIP's and their offspring shielded from any legal troubles.

The Western media needs to keep reporting on this case and not be run off. I have read nothing in the Thai media or seen any report on Thai TV. I am getting a real bad feeling about this case I hope I am wrong.

Couldn't have anything to do with Thailand being run by a self-appointed group of military men, could it? The top guy has spoken out several times on this case: "It's been a perfect investigation" "if the DNA matches, then those are the murderers" "Don't call them Burmese" "if a pretty woman walks around in a bikini, she should not be surprised if....." "The British are welcome here, but as observers-only." Could the PM have spoken with Thai news outlet heads? He's known to have a father-knows-best way of hushing people up.

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So there off back to Koh Tao to check if they have any further evidence!!! Trial of the century in the making for all the wrong reasons

Speaking to lead defence lawyer Nakhon Chompuchat outside the court room, Colonel Somsak said: “I am going back to check and will call you later to tell you what I have.”

The prosecution then asked the three judges to suspend the hearing.


Go to this page as the lady has videoed lots of comment you may not see on the news including the Sky guy talking to the lawyer and Andy hall.


Interesting conversations going on there with the defense lawyer, Andy Hall and the reporters, their still waiting for a phone call from the RTP who went back to Koh Tao to look for more DNA and they stated that Dr Porntip is going to be called as a witness for the defense.

In terms of proper process, should the officer mentioned above from the TRP be dealing directly with reporters?

I would have though he should be reporting back to the judges / the court and in due process the reporters would hear and report in the media whatever was said in due process.

I'm not for or against reporters, what I am for is that the case has proper due process.

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This development implies the opposite ie: that they are still around and in BK. If they are found then they will (if the judge deems it so) be tested, as the prosecution will have to abide by the judges decision on this.

As I asked earlier - do you personally think these samples will be found, and do you think that if found then independent re-testing will be allowed?

Yes and yes.

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So there off back to Koh Tao to check if they have any further evidence!!! Trial of the century in the making for all the wrong reasons

Speaking to lead defence lawyer Nakhon Chompuchat outside the court room, Colonel Somsak said: “I am going back to check and will call you later to tell you what I have.”

The prosecution then asked the three judges to suspend the hearing.


Go to this page as the lady has videoed lots of comment you may not see on the news including the Sky guy talking to the lawyer and Andy hall.


Interesting conversations going on there with the defense lawyer, Andy Hall and the reporters, their still waiting for a phone call from the RTP who went back to Koh Tao to look for more DNA and they stated that Dr Porntip is going to be called as a witness for the defense.

In terms of proper process, should the officer mentioned above from the TRP be dealing directly with reporters?

I would have though he should be reporting back to the judges / the court and in due process the reporters would hear and report in the media whatever was said in due process.

I'm not for or against reporters, what I am for is that the case has proper due process.

The RTP was not there, better watch the video to get the true context

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I said at the time that any DNA evidence found at the scene wouldn't necessarily prove they killed the girl. They could have violated her after she was killed.

Oh that's OK then - apologise and let them go!!

Only you said that. Of course it's not ok. But it's a remotely plausible scenario, albeit macabre. Instead of flying off the handle, why don't you join those of us who are sincerely trying to gauge what the real evidence is, and where it leads - and who was really guilty of the heinous crime of double murder.

It's also not ok to steal a pair of sunglasses. But if that's the worst that the B2 did, we want to know, so as not to see them executed for worse crimes - as scapegoats for evil men who, it appears, will get off scot-free - to kill and rape again - knowing they're untouchable.

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This development implies the opposite ie: that they are still around and in BK. If they are found then they will (if the judge deems it so) be tested, as the prosecution will have to abide by the judges decision on this.

As I asked earlier - do you personally think these samples will be found, and do you think that if found then independent re-testing will be allowed?

Yes and yes.

I predict no for one or the other because I don't think they can risk it.

I hope you are right though.

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