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Fish and Chips (British Style)?


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"It's years since I've had it served in paper - nowadays it's in polystyrene boxes"

As a Pup F&C was served in Yesterdays newspaper, bare until I think Mr Khrushchev visited UK, mid 50's.

On a night out he requested some Working Class food and was served F&C in the normal Paper bag, print ink and all.

He made exclamations in Russian and shortly after, first Chips in a grease proof bag with Fish on top appeared, then meals where served with all on a large piece of grease proof paper still encased in old newspaper.

Yes now Poly Boxes.

Can't understand why. Never harmed little old me.


"complete Yanker"

OOPs spelling, you must have US version of spell check loaded.

In Australia we had fish and chips British style but in the earlier days there was one minor variation. No malt vinegar. It was always lemon wedges in the pack.

The problem I found with fish and chips wrapped up in newspaper was everything steamed and the batter went soggy. I would quickly rip open the newspaper to try and expose the fish so this wouldn't happen.

I lived on the harbour in Sydney and the fish and chip shop was on a pier. The shop was run by Chinese and we would buy our fish, I preferred potato cakes, known as potato scallops, and we would eat them sitting on the end of the pier with our feet dangling over the water.

Looking back 60 years life was pretty damn good but I don't think I really appreciated just how good.

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i dont know if anyone remembers the scam in the uk.when cod went sky high,the chinese takeaways were selling COBA as cod,i used to by it at makro till i tried asia sea bass[you wont get better].

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I'm pretty sure that the F&C at Gecko Garden is battered, because I don't like the stuff with breadcrumbs. That mean that Davis 2 supplied only costs about 100 baht. To me it is as good as elsewhere in CM, but less expensive.

I always had you down as a bit of a food aficionado UG but if you don't know the what battered fish looks like that opinion could change biggrin.png

I am more concerned with taste and texture than looks. so I was not sure about the photo. I don't notice bread crumbs in their recipe, so I'm guessing just a light sprinkling in batter as opposed to the heavily crumbed ones my mother made (that I was not fond of). The F&C at Gecko Garden is their best selling dish by far, so they must be doing something right. It is often very difficult to get a seat on Friday nights when they are on special, but I might check them out tonight after I close.

propaly the special Friday night price of 105bht helps,still not a patch on kellys fish and chips,geckos chips are well,geckos chips.
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As this post has attracted the fish and chips aficionados I feel this is the time to get some answers. Now, pardon my ignorance. smile.png

While talking to a guy in my moo ban about fish and chips he identified two nearby restaurants. One as being "British style" and the other being "Aussie style". I failed to get a clarification at the time so now I bring the question here. What specifically makes British style fish and chips? What is the difference between British style and Aussie Style?

This may not answer the difference between those two restaurants but there is a big difference between a UK chip shop and an Australian one. In the UK its more basic, less choice, fish may be cod but theres no choice, its a battered fish and chips, salt and vinegar, wrapped in paper. An Australian fish and chip shop is a lot more sophisticated. Lots of types of fish and seafood on a big platter. You order what fish you want, they make it for you.
When did you last have fish and chips in the UK? It's years since I've had it served in paper - nowadays it's in polystyrene boxes. As for choice, there's usually cod, haddock, plaice and hake plus sausages in or out of batter, fishcakes, chicken ...... to name just a few.

About 2 years ago in Manchester. All the chip shops i visit use paper(but not newspaper). These are traditional fish and chip shops. You can get cans of Dandelion and Burdock, Cream Soda at some of them, pickled onions and even ask for scratchings. They don't sell burgers or pizza just fish chips, pies, sausage. The traditional chip shops are not as common as they used to be. More common nowadays is the Pizza, fried chicken, burger but they also do fish chips shops run by Mohammed from Bangladesh. Traditional fish n' chip shops still exist in the North.

What part of the UK are you eating your fish n'chips from? The Manchester shops i visit do use polystyrene trays though if you ask for gravy or curry. I think fish n' chip shops are slightly different in different regions e.g. the only haggis i have ever eaten is from chip shops in Scotland.

Best chip shop in Briton below ( but actually Charlies chip shop just up the road is better but doesn't have a dining area). No idea how it got won best Chip Shop in Briton. I would rate it at average to quite good.


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I'm pretty sure that the F&C at Gecko Garden is battered, because I don't like the stuff with breadcrumbs. That mean that Davis 2 supplied only costs about 100 baht. To me it is as good as elsewhere in CM, but less expensive.

I always had you down as a bit of a food aficionado UG but if you don't know the what battered fish looks like that opinion could change biggrin.png

I am more concerned with taste and texture than looks. so I was not sure about the photo. I don't notice bread crumbs in their recipe, so I'm guessing just a light sprinkling in batter as opposed to the heavily crumbed ones my mother made (that I was not fond of). The F&C at Gecko Garden is their best selling dish by far, so they must be doing something right. It is often very difficult to get a seat on Friday nights when they are on special, but I might check them out tonight after I close.

propaly the special Friday night price of 105bht helps,still not a patch on kellys fish and chips,geckos chips are well,geckos chips.

I'm sure it does help a lot, That is what attracts me. I'm not claiming that they are anything great, but - to me - as good as anywhere else and less expensive. However, Kelly's is too inconvenient from where I live, so I have never tried it. Personally, I don't think anything at Gecko is exceptional quality, but good enough for the very reasonable price.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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To me Fish & Chips is Cod and Chips. Mushy Peas a nice extra.

Many years ago Cod was cheap a product of the North Sea fisheries, can't remember the name of the traitorous PM who gave Britain's home fishing grounds to Europe and so led to the Factory farming ships which all but killed off the traditional small Brit trawler.

I was in The Offshore, BKK and his cod had risen in price, I commented on this and the owner Ray pointed to one guy and said ask him.

The guy worked for Diagio and said there's no real shortage of Cod but our company buys all it can on the quayside, freezes and exports worldwide where best price can be obtained.

Decent chap knew his stuff and explains why The Pub once served real, proper Cod until some cheap local white fish was substituted while price stayed same.


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As this post has attracted the fish and chips aficionados I feel this is the time to get some answers. Now, pardon my ignorance. smile.png

While talking to a guy in my moo ban about fish and chips he identified two nearby restaurants. One as being "British style" and the other being "Aussie style". I failed to get a clarification at the time so now I bring the question here. What specifically makes British style fish and chips? What is the difference between British style and Aussie Style?

This may not answer the difference between those two restaurants but there is a big difference between a UK chip shop and an Australian one. In the UK its more basic, less choice, fish may be cod but theres no choice, its a battered fish and chips, salt and vinegar, wrapped in paper. An Australian fish and chip shop is a lot more sophisticated. Lots of types of fish and seafood on a big platter. You order what fish you want, they make it for you.
When did you last have fish and chips in the UK? It's years since I've had it served in paper - nowadays it's in polystyrene boxes. As for choice, there's usually cod, haddock, plaice and hake plus sausages in or out of batter, fishcakes, chicken ...... to name just a few.

About 2 years ago in Manchester. All the chip shops i visit use paper(but not newspaper). These are traditional fish and chip shops. You can get cans of Dandelion and Burdock, Cream Soda at some of them, pickled onions and even ask for scratchings. They don't sell burgers or pizza just fish chips, pies, sausage. The traditional chip shops are not as common as they used to be. More common nowadays is the Pizza, fried chicken, burger but they also do fish chips shops run by Mohammed from Bangladesh. Traditional fish n' chip shops still exist in the North.

What part of the UK are you eating your fish n'chips from? The Manchester shops i visit do use polystyrene trays though if you ask for gravy or curry. I think fish n' chip shops are slightly different in different regions e.g. the only haggis i have ever eaten is from chip shops in Scotland.

Best chip shop in Briton below ( but actually Charlies chip shop just up the road is better but doesn't have a dining area). No idea how it got won best Chip Shop in Briton. I would rate it at average to quite good.


I'm buying my fish and chips in Devon.
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Best chip shop in Briton below ( but actually Charlies chip shop just up the road is better but doesn't have a dining area). No idea how it got won best Chip Shop in Briton. I would rate it at average to quite good.


I'm buying my fish and chips in Devon.

Got to put my 2 pence in - or £5.80 as it was - The Frying Pan on the front at Scarborough. Very, very hard to beat, won and still wins more awards than you can poke a stick at. We queued for 15 minutes for takeaway at lunchtime (during the week not in school holidays). Just like we did 30 years ago.

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REd Lion report:

I decided to give these guys a try. I think it was 270B for fish and chips.

Firstly, you get two HUGE chunks of fish. Like, as in RIDICULOUS.

The fries are about 2 cm thick!

Only thing missing was tartar sauce; maybe it was on the menu and I didn't see it?

The batter is really dark, and crunchy. Nothing is "greasy" or "sloppy"about this meal.

Regardless to the arguments above about whether it's actually Cod or not, it sure a heck tastes like cod.

Some peas, a key lime for the fish, tomato slices, and Heinz ketchup on hand.

The lady who owns the place is super friendly, and speaks decent English.

I only wish that their beer wasn't so bloody expensive, (65B for a SMALL bottle of Chang?! Come on!!!)

BUt that being said, they have a TON of imported beers to choose from costing you about 150-200B per bottle.

She also told me her pork chops were quite popular, and promised me that if I wasn't impressed, I would eat for free!

Bottem Line: NOT the best I've ever had, but pretty damned close. Get a beer with the meal, but don't expect to get "hosed" there, at least not at those prices.

Including photos photos of what you get.

If you have an EXIF reader you can get GPS coordinates from the redlion photo



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REd Lion report:

I decided to give these guys a try. I think it was 270B for fish and chips.

Firstly, you get two HUGE chunks of fish. Like, as in RIDICULOUS.

The fries are about 2 cm thick!

Only thing missing was tartar sauce; maybe it was on the menu and I didn't see it?

The batter is really dark, and crunchy. Nothing is "greasy" or "sloppy"about this meal.

Regardless to the arguments above about whether it's actually Cod or not, it sure a heck tastes like cod.

Some peas, a key lime for the fish, tomato slices, and Heinz ketchup on hand.

The lady who owns the place is super friendly, and speaks decent English.

I only wish that their beer wasn't so bloody expensive, (65B for a SMALL bottle of Chang?! Come on!!!)

BUt that being said, they have a TON of imported beers to choose from costing you about 150-200B per bottle.

She also told me her pork chops were quite popular, and promised me that if I wasn't impressed, I would eat for free!

Bottem Line: NOT the best I've ever had, but pretty damned close. Get a beer with the meal, but don't expect to get "hosed" there, at least not at those prices.

Including photos photos of what you get.

If you have an EXIF reader you can get GPS coordinates from the redlion photo

The batter on the fish does not look good at all,Kelly's is much better,

and not so expensive.

regards Worgeordie

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REd Lion report:

I decided to give these guys a try. I think it was 270B for fish and chips.

Firstly, you get two HUGE chunks of fish. Like, as in RIDICULOUS.

The fries are about 2 cm thick!

Only thing missing was tartar sauce; maybe it was on the menu and I didn't see it?

The batter is really dark, and crunchy. Nothing is "greasy" or "sloppy"about this meal.

Regardless to the arguments above about whether it's actually Cod or not, it sure a heck tastes like cod.

They're not fries, they're chips licklips.giflicklips.giflicklips.gif The (very well done) batter doesn't look like English-style and no mushy peas, but it still looks tasty enough though.

(Apart from the white-centred tomato - something that always puts me off. My reasoning is if they don't care about thepoor quality of something you can so obviously see, what quality is the rest of the food like?)

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""Golden Brown"."

I will suggest that to get Golden Brown to that condition they have been frying their fish & Chips in the same oil as used by the sausages, burgers, everything.

F & C need their own oil not contaminated by other foods.

I use to eat F&C in the pub on a Wednesday when they changed their oil.

However if no oil change then "Golden Brown" poo.


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As this post has attracted the fish and chips aficionados I feel this is the time to get some answers. Now, pardon my ignorance. smile.png

While talking to a guy in my moo ban about fish and chips he identified two nearby restaurants. One as being "British style" and the other being "Aussie style". I failed to get a clarification at the time so now I bring the question here. What specifically makes British style fish and chips? What is the difference between British style and Aussie Style?

This may not answer the difference between those two restaurants but there is a big difference between a UK chip shop and an Australian one. In the UK its more basic, less choice, fish may be cod but theres no choice, its a battered fish and chips, salt and vinegar, wrapped in paper. An Australian fish and chip shop is a lot more sophisticated. Lots of types of fish and seafood on a big platter. You order what fish you want, they make it for you.
When did you last have fish and chips in the UK? It's years since I've had it served in paper - nowadays it's in polystyrene boxes. As for choice, there's usually cod, haddock, plaice and hake plus sausages in or out of batter, fishcakes, chicken ...... to name just a few.

About 2 years ago in Manchester. All the chip shops i visit use paper(but not newspaper). These are traditional fish and chip shops. You can get cans of Dandelion and Burdock, Cream Soda at some of them, pickled onions and even ask for scratchings. They don't sell burgers or pizza just fish chips, pies, sausage. The traditional chip shops are not as common as they used to be. More common nowadays is the Pizza, fried chicken, burger but they also do fish chips shops run by Mohammed from Bangladesh. Traditional fish n' chip shops still exist in the North.

What part of the UK are you eating your fish n'chips from? The Manchester shops i visit do use polystyrene trays though if you ask for gravy or curry. I think fish n' chip shops are slightly different in different regions e.g. the only haggis i have ever eaten is from chip shops in Scotland.

Best chip shop in Briton below ( but actually Charlies chip shop just up the road is better but doesn't have a dining area). No idea how it got won best Chip Shop in Briton. I would rate it at average to quite good.


Fish and chip shops in the UK have not been allowed to use newspapers to wrap up

the fish and chips for a long time now, health and safety again.and don't forget the

deep fried Mars bar

regards Worgeordie

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REd Lion report:

I decided to give these guys a try. I think it was 270B for fish and chips.

Firstly, you get two HUGE chunks of fish. Like, as in RIDICULOUS.

The fries are about 2 cm thick!

Only thing missing was tartar sauce; maybe it was on the menu and I didn't see it?

The batter is really dark, and crunchy. Nothing is "greasy" or "sloppy"about this meal.

Regardless to the arguments above about whether it's actually Cod or not, it sure a heck tastes like cod.

Some peas, a key lime for the fish, tomato slices, and Heinz ketchup on hand.

The lady who owns the place is super friendly, and speaks decent English.

I only wish that their beer wasn't so bloody expensive, (65B for a SMALL bottle of Chang?! Come on!!!)

BUt that being said, they have a TON of imported beers to choose from costing you about 150-200B per bottle.

She also told me her pork chops were quite popular, and promised me that if I wasn't impressed, I would eat for free!

Bottem Line: NOT the best I've ever had, but pretty damned close. Get a beer with the meal, but don't expect to get "hosed" there, at least not at those prices.

Including photos photos of what you get.

If you have an EXIF reader you can get GPS coordinates from the redlion photo

That is HORRIBLE!! bah.gif

And I do like fish n chips. Last in UK on the quayside, Scarborough biggrin.png

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In NZ they use news print paper.....not actual newspaper for wrapping the fish and chips in. Some places (Very few) still add a layer of newspaper on the outside for nostalgia purposes. Nowadays the F&C`s are then put into a brown paper bag. And some good chippies poke a few holes into the whole lot to allow steam to escape....this stops the lot from becoming soggy.

And yes the newspaper wrapping was stopped years ago due to possible poisoning from the ink.

I do remember fondly walking up the main street in town (Motueka, New Zealand) as a youngster, on a Friday night. 2 fiish and a large scoop of chips cost you just 50 cents. During the winter it was great holding your fish and chip bag close as they were so warm, one corner would be ripped off to allow the addition of malt vinegar and Watties Tomato sauce. Didnt do a lot of shopping in town but fish and chips were a must anytime we managed to get into town. Although we were only 8 miles / 12 kilometres out of town, no buses were available and taxi`s were just too expensive.

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I can only assume that Burnalot asked for his fish over-cooked or that he got the lighting wrong because I've never seen Fish n Chips like that at Red Lion. The picture here, from their web-site, is more like what I'm used to. Two big pieces, as others mentioned.


Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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ME Smith:

Got a better place? A better version of F+C?


Than, shut up. We're NOT in the UK, we are in Chiang Mai, Thailand in case you forgot.

I'd rather do without than accept that burnt POS.

Best you shut up than stick that up on the internet as something worth eating & paying too much for laugh.png

Might as well have chucked the salad in the bin. W'T'F is that?

Edited by MESmith
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That fish has been cooked too long and the oil may have been too hot and probably old oil which has been usd too many times. The tomato is not ripe. The chips look like they could be good. If they serve it like tht everytime it cant be included on best fish and chips list.

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I've eaten Red Lion's fish and chips many times always enjoyed them I think that was just a bad day

The chips are always good, maybe too much fish sometimes

Mushy peas available as an extra

Edited by Rob5060
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I can only assume that Burnalot asked for his fish over-cooked or that he got the lighting wrong because I've never seen Fish n Chips like that at Red Lion. The picture here, from their web-site, is more like what I'm used to. Two big pieces, as others mentioned.

Agreed . Sure the Redlion chippy is fine but inconsistency is always a problem in Cm. I have had cocktails there but never ordered food. I have ordered food once at Hofbräuhaus ( y Casa Antonio) I'm sorry but the wienersnitzel was a disappointment. After Figmuller it is hard to compare fairly. Edited by arunsakda
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I've eaten Red Lion's fish and chips many times always enjoyed them I think that was just a bad day

The chips are always good, maybe too much fish sometimes

Mushy peas available as an extra

Makes you wonder whether someone was trying to "rubbish" the Red lion by posting that photo. never heard a bad word against the place (apart from night market tourist prices) since I've been here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a very nice breaded-fish & chips for lunch today, their Friday-Special, at the Pun Pun ... tasty firm fish, dry & not-at-all oily, and the home-made country-cut chips were also well-cooked ... I really must try to get there more-often ! thumbsup.gif

Just as soon as I'm off this blasted ********* diet ! rolleyes.gif

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I'm starting to think that I don't mind some breaded F&C recipes. I have had Pun Pun's a few times and enjoyed it. Usually I prefer battered, but I guess not always. Maybe malt vinegar makes breaded F&C more acceptable to me?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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