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My hair had been thining out ( well getting bald ) since my early twenties

I did try everything from Minoxidil to extreme tatoo ( which turned blue ) and hair transplant leaving four awful scars at the back of my head.

I lived with this for more than three decades, people staring at the top of my head, asking questions etc...

In April this year I came across a tattooing technique ( actually, not a new one as it seems to be five or six year old ) called MSP ( Micro Scalp Pigmentation )

The fact that I could do it in Bangkok weighed in the balance and I made an appointment for an evaluation.

My problem was ( kind of still is ) the blue tatoo on my head.

This one had to be removed and there are only a couple of solutions:

laser of course but lack of time and pain deterred me from doing it here

Cream ( apparently absorbing the colour )

Tatoo over: which I doubted as white cannot cover blue ( from what I had read on Internet )

The guy in charge introduced me to the girl who was going to do the job and she said she wanted to cover with white (humm)

I would have to get a couple of treatment before going for the full head's tatoo

I went for it: three hours for the first session. The blue colour eventually faded but not enough

The second session, she had to whiten it more but I wanted her to go for the head's tattooing as well, which she did. she did the job in ten hours with some break of twenty minutes. Yes, it is painful, especially after hours in the seat.

The third time I wanted a touch up because I could still see some scars and the back of my head was not as good as I expected: she did a touch up which lasted a couple of hours

The whole adventure lasted 6 weeks ( allowing a two week period between treatment for healing )

The amazing thing is that, even after the second treatment nobody could notice anything. They just thought that my hair had been growing ?

When asked what I did, I told them I had had my scalp tattooed: they couldn't believe it and now ( although not perfect due to the hair transplant I had done ) I can walk in the street without being stared at and pass the customs without having an agent asking me whether I had tatoo on my head

I am so very pleased with the result that I can only share it with the people interested in gaining self confidence ( of course, it was a problem...but for for me as close people know that something has changed but cannot pinpoint what )

I have been a member for a while and this is not a publicity stunt ( meaning that I will not answer the one doubting my truthfulness on this matter ) . Feel free to PM me if you need more details

The first two pictures: before

The third one: during the first session

The two last ones: today post-51135-0-94607700-1436457602_thumb.jpost-51135-0-47955600-1436457619_thumb.jpost-51135-0-37159600-1436457635_thumb.jpost-51135-0-39237900-1436457653_thumb.jpost-51135-0-71076700-1436457677_thumb.j


Trust me, considering my initial state they did a wonderful job

Furthermore people cannot see it is a tattoo


on the photo it looks like you have hair, but shaved them and they just grow back. Looking very natural on the photo.

I guess you must shave the remaining hair, so it doesn't get longer.

The Thais here are still laughing about what Elton John did. Putting his private hairs on his head. That seems to be extreme funny for Thais.


555 Thais don't have hair problem, this should explain ( actually I was not aware of how Elton had succeeded )

No, I don't shave them as, then, there would be a difference in colour.

I just use a clipper but it is not as perfect as going to the hairdresser


555 Thais don't have hair problem, this should explain ( actually I was not aware of how Elton had succeeded )

No, I don't shave them as, then, there would be a difference in colour.

I just use a clipper but it is not as perfect as going to the hairdresser

The sexual jokes Thais can make are amazing.....it can amuse them for hours laugh.png

Well, if a Thai is bald he is in fact a Chinese heritage, hahahaha

In average Thais have good teeth and don't get bald. But Chinese suffer the same as Europeans from baldness and bad teeth....

We have a freelance sales (Chinese genetic) who is about 70, the last 20 years he was drunk (now he stopped) and a heavy smoker. He is partially bald, and now he start to get a few white hairs, I had more with 30.


It is true but one might notice that the new generations tend to look kind of different from their elders ( fast food and else not helping )

Baldness might become a problem


It is true but one might notice that the new generations tend to look kind of different from their elders ( fast food and else not helping )

Baldness might become a problem

yeah there are sometimes huge Thais....And I don't mean only fat, there are some who are tall, heavy boned and fat.

On one end the smallish woman with 45 kg on the other a tall one with 120 kg.

(For men similar)

That huge variation seems strange in a population of the same heritage.


555 Thais don't have hair problem, this should explain ( actually I was not aware of how Elton had succeeded )

No, I don't shave them as, then, there would be a difference in colour.

I just use a clipper but it is not as perfect as going to the hairdresser


They don't have hair problem YET

Actually some Thai are balding

It's the direct consequence of their diet getting increasingly similar to SAD (Standard American Diet) based on saturated fat, sugars and processed foods.


OK I'll be the first, is the tattoo of rabbits (from a distance they look like hares)?

OK, I'll get my coat.

On topic - looks pretty good, got to be a real confidence builder. Well done for having the b@lls to go ahead :)

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


555 Thais don't have hair problem, this should explain ( actually I was not aware of how Elton had succeeded )

No, I don't shave them as, then, there would be a difference in colour.

I just use a clipper but it is not as perfect as going to the hairdresser


They don't have hair problem YET

Actually some Thai are balding

It's the direct consequence of their diet getting increasingly similar to SAD (Standard American Diet) based on saturated fat, sugars and processed foods.

No you are wrong on that.

Some genetic has hair follicle that are sensitive to Testosterone. As more healthy and full of test the man is as less hair he get.

With a bad died you might make it worse....or maybe if it lowers your Testosterone it might even help.

But the reason is not the American junk food, it is natural and nothing can be done with good food against it crying.gif

Luckily I don't have it....my ancestors all died with full hair and I with my meat, milk diet low carb diet have more hair than 2 monkeys, growing at annoying speed.

Even now when the color turns into graveyard-blond.


If you want to get ahead get a hat.

I am sure you intended it as a joke ( funny actually ) but one has to take it off at a certain point

Secondly, the hat doesn't solve the self image problem

I guess it is like cosmetic surgery: it doesn't bother the neighbour, who doesn't notice or care, but the "patient"

Balding when one is 24 can be quite "handicapping" from oneself point of view

Of course, it has been "fashionable" to shave one's head in the last twenty years or so but when it hit me it was kind of the Bon Jovi era and the musical Hair ?

Looking back I wouldn't have done anything as it lead from one problem to another ( look wise ) until I did make this MSP

Instant result as well as instant relief ( it does involve some after care such as avoiding sun and immersion for a little while but I decided not to wash my scalp for two weeks and wear a hat whenever I have to tale a stroll in the sun )


555 Thais don't have hair problem, this should explain ( actually I was not aware of how Elton had succeeded )

No, I don't shave them as, then, there would be a difference in colour.

I just use a clipper but it is not as perfect as going to the hairdresser


They don't have hair problem YET

Actually some Thai are balding

It's the direct consequence of their diet getting increasingly similar to SAD (Standard American Diet) based on saturated fat, sugars and processed foods.

No you are wrong on that.

Some genetic has hair follicle that are sensitive to Testosterone. As more healthy and full of test the man is as less hair he get.

With a bad died you might make it worse....or maybe if it lowers your Testosterone it might even help.

But the reason is not the American junk food, it is natural and nothing can be done with good food against it crying.gif

Luckily I don't have it....my ancestors all died with full hair and I with my meat, milk diet low carb diet have more hair than 2 monkeys, growing at annoying speed.

Even now when the color turns into graveyard-blond.

Right now, I am on holidays in Mexico ( first timer ) and Mexicans are anything but bold. Considering that their cuisine couldn't qualify as a healthy one, it is amazing it has no impact on their hairline. I go for the hereditary theory but it is undeniable that Thais' hair is thinning out compared to the previous generation

Try a receding hairline and baldness at the tender age of 25ish... i'm quite comfortable now when i realized, after the initial "shock", why would i give two f**** about what people think of my baldness (i'm halfway to 40 now). I'm starting to question if my older brother really is my brother as he has more hair than should be legally allowed to have as a male. Our father is as bald as i am.

But i guess it's great that there are options for people who really feel they need this kind of thing. On that matter, it does look pretty damn convincing.


I was 24 then ....and when you were in your mid twenties it was kind of fashionnable

As I stated earlier it is not what the people think but how you feel and look at yourselves...can't help it

I also took the last step because of the look people used to give me ( but that was after all the wrong decisions I had made )

One cannot argue with someone's perception of their image


555 Thais don't have hair problem, this should explain ( actually I was not aware of how Elton had succeeded )

No, I don't shave them as, then, there would be a difference in colour.

I just use a clipper but it is not as perfect as going to the hairdresser


They don't have hair problem YET

Actually some Thai are balding

It's the direct consequence of their diet getting increasingly similar to SAD (Standard American Diet) based on saturated fat, sugars and processed foods.

Diet may have a small effect on baldness in men but it is usually genetics passed on from mother's father's baldness or lack of.

What amazes me is that there are not more bald women ,especially of matron age, by the amount of chemicals and dyes and heat treatments administered by largely unqualified , untrained hairdressers that abound in Thailand.. There is a now a trend i have read about in the newspapers that advocates even using shampoo is bad for your scalp which would result in stinky hair being fashionable) .


555 Thais don't have hair problem, this should explain ( actually I was not aware of how Elton had succeeded )

No, I don't shave them as, then, there would be a difference in colour.

I just use a clipper but it is not as perfect as going to the hairdresser


They don't have hair problem YET

Actually some Thai are balding

It's the direct consequence of their diet getting increasingly similar to SAD (Standard American Diet) based on saturated fat, sugars and processed foods.

No you are wrong on that.

Some genetic has hair follicle that are sensitive to Testosterone. As more healthy and full of test the man is as less hair he get.

With a bad died you might make it worse....or maybe if it lowers your Testosterone it might even help.

But the reason is not the American junk food, it is natural and nothing can be done with good food against it crying.gif

Luckily I don't have it....my ancestors all died with full hair and I with my meat, milk diet low carb diet have more hair than 2 monkeys, growing at annoying speed.

Even now when the color turns into graveyard-blond.

Right now, I am on holidays in Mexico ( first timer ) and Mexicans are anything but bold. Considering that their cuisine couldn't qualify as a healthy one, it is amazing it has no impact on their hairline. I go for the hereditary theory but it is undeniable that Thais' hair is thinning out compared to the previous generation

It is the Thais with Chinese heritage that get bald.....of course 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 Chinese can get it as well if not lucky.

The genetic reason is well known.


Could the OP maybe give an indication about the average cost for such a tattoo job, without the additional proceedings that were necessary in his case.


Could the OP maybe give an indication about the average cost for such a tattoo job, without the additional proceedings that were necessary in his case.

You may enquire directly as it depends on how much area one has to cover

If you like, you can pm me


. I'm starting to question if my older brother really is my brother as he has more hair than should be legally allowed to have as a male. Our father is as bald as i am.

Your own father has no bearing on your hereditary hairloss....... Male hairlines follow their Grandfather on your Mothers side.


. I'm starting to question if my older brother really is my brother as he has more hair than should be legally allowed to have as a male. Our father is as bald as i am.

Your own father has no bearing on your hereditary hairloss....... Male hairlines follow their Grandfather on your Mothers side.

Not according to wikipedia: "It was previously believed that baldness was inherited from the maternal grandfather. While there is some basis for this belief, it is now known that both parents contribute to their offspring's likelihood of hair loss."[1].

Nontheless, my maternal grandfather was as shiny as a spoon.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair_loss#Male_pattern_baldness


. I'm starting to question if my older brother really is my brother as he has more hair than should be legally allowed to have as a male. Our father is as bald as i am.

Your own father has no bearing on your hereditary hairloss....... Male hairlines follow their Grandfather on your Mothers side.

Not according to wikipedia: "It was previously believed that baldness was inherited from the maternal grandfather. While there is some basis for this belief, it is now known that both parents contribute to their offspring's likelihood of hair loss."[1].

Nontheless, my maternal grandfather was as shiny as a spoon.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair_loss#Male_pattern_baldness

Well I completely disregard that period. I have always known what I stated earlier. I can confirm that all my brothers and more importantly multiple Cousins follow the exact same hairlines I stated.....


. I'm starting to question if my older brother really is my brother as he has more hair than should be legally allowed to have as a male. Our father is as bald as i am.

Your own father has no bearing on your hereditary hairloss....... Male hairlines follow their Grandfather on your Mothers side.

Not according to wikipedia: "It was previously believed that baldness was inherited from the maternal grandfather. While there is some basis for this belief, it is now known that both parents contribute to their offspring's likelihood of hair loss."[1].

Nontheless, my maternal grandfather was as shiny as a spoon.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair_loss#Male_pattern_baldness

Well I completely disregard that period. I have always known what I stated earlier. I can confirm that all my brothers and more importantly multiple Cousins follow the exact same hairlines I stated.....

How convenient to disregard something when it doesn't suit your views :)


Really??? ?

Well, I didn't expect this thread to turn into a "whose fault is it?"

Look at the bright side, we won't have to point at anyone anymore, our ancestors may rest in peace.....we have MSP ?

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