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Thai interview: Unfazed by detention, anti-coup students plot next move


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^ The real world is not a place is it? it is "the realm of practical or actual experience, as opposed to the abstract, theoretical, or idealized sphere of the classroom, laboratory,etc.:"

If you think any students anywhere in the world tend to be anything other than idealistic then we are too different to ever agree. That you think these propaganda fed small world country kids are anything other than idealistic is absurd. That anyone would encourage these students is plain crazy

Yes, I wonder if Ghandi would have agreed with you.

My son and many of his friends were students, he and his pals were nothing like these kids, all they were interested in was playing football, shagging, and getting shyt faced!! and it's more likely you who hasn't clue, so you've traveled all over the world to form opinions that students are too idealistic then? Sounds like you've never lived nor been in the real world either.

Your a bandwagon jumper, I bet you also believe all backpackers are the great unwashed too.

Those who encourage these kids all believe in one thing... the Junta are NOT the people to be running this country, and anyone who supports living under a military power is every bit as crazy as these students.

So basically you want another red shirt revolution to set the country back on track? What stone have you been living under to not see that Thailand as it is now is a far better place than it has been for almost any time in the past 15 years?

Nice attempt at spin, but I'd rather not see violence of any sort.

So Thailand is a much better place in 15 years is it? I guess you're another one who doesn't consider the Southern Insurgency as happening in Thailand.

Has crime stopped all over the country in the past 14 months?

All that has stopped is the political unrest and violence, everything else is the same.

What makes Chiang Mai a better place now than anythime in the past 15 years, same for Pattaya, Phuket, Krabi, all of the Surat Thani Island.. I guess Koh Tao also doesn't fit into your little idyllic world either?

What I would like is the the Junta to do as they promised, deliver the country back to the people in less than 2 years, but lets cut the crap shall we?

WE both know exactly why the Junta need to remain in power, and it's got nothing to do with corruption!!

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^ The real world is not a place is it? it is "the realm of practical or actual experience, as opposed to the abstract, theoretical, or idealized sphere of the classroom, laboratory,etc.:"

If you think any students anywhere in the world tend to be anything other than idealistic then we are too different to ever agree. That you think these propaganda fed small world country kids are anything other than idealistic is absurd. That anyone would encourage these students is plain crazy

Yes, I wonder if Ghandi would have agreed with you.

My son and many of his friends were students, he and his pals were nothing like these kids, all they were interested in was playing football, shagging, and getting shyt faced!! and it's more likely you who hasn't clue, so you've traveled all over the world to form opinions that students are too idealistic then? Sounds like you've never lived nor been in the real world either.

Your a bandwagon jumper, I bet you also believe all backpackers are the great unwashed too.

Those who encourage these kids all believe in one thing... the Junta are NOT the people to be running this country, and anyone who supports living under a military power is every bit as crazy as these students.

So basically you want another red shirt revolution to set the country back on track? What stone have you been living under to not see that Thailand as it is now is a far better place than it has been for almost any time in the past 15 years?

Nice attempt at spin, but I'd rather not see violence of any sort.

So Thailand is a much better place in 15 years is it? I guess you're another one who doesn't consider the Southern Insurgency as happening in Thailand.

Has crime stopped all over the country in the past 14 months?

All that has stopped is the political unrest and violence, everything else is the same.

What makes Chiang Mai a better place now than anythime in the past 15 years, same for Pattaya, Phuket, Krabi, all of the Surat Thani Island.. I guess Koh Tao also doesn't fit into your little idyllic world either?

What I would like is the the Junta to do as they promised, deliver the country back to the people in less than 2 years, but lets cut the crap shall we?

WE both know exactly why the Junta need to remain in power, and it's got nothing to do with corruption!!

you my friend just defeated you own argument highlighted above, lets expand a little and call it 25 years - exactly why Thailand is a failed state under past so called democracies and governments and exactly why the current government needs to complete its task, I am prepared to put up with the current administration if they manage to do as promised and deliver a stable workable democracy for all the Thai people - if they don't deliver I will be the first person on stage crying foul - for now I am willing to wait

and may I also add - people are exaggerating by addressing this government as a military dictatorship, there is a constitution the police are upholding the civil law (loosely speaking) basically as they were 2 years ago but interestingly without political interference, people are being banged up for corruption (unheard of before) and yes some are being told to cool it and not start trouble - they are not being lined up at a wall and shot as some here would like to have us believe

a cleansing is taking place and I am prepared to wait for the spin cycle to finish - my only issue is I don't think they are going far enough with the cleansing, there is still a lot of dirty laundry they are ignoring and it is still stinking the place

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go back to class and stop wasting your time trying to be a big shot, you can actually make a difference when you have the education and are contributing to Thailand in a constructive way - this nonsense is getting really old

It reminds me of a guy near where I live that wanted to be heard - he went through all sorts of tweaking with his motorbike doing this and that and eventually completely removed the exhaust which resulted in a few neighbours giving him a slap to reset his stupidity into reality,

The world owes university students many thanks for not just going back to class!

Please don't ever listen to people that say you are wasting your time. Your time has already been of amazing value to your country!

As another poster put, God Speed and good luck!

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^ The real world is not a place is it? it is "the realm of practical or actual experience, as opposed to the abstract, theoretical, or idealized sphere of the classroom, laboratory,etc.:"

If you think any students anywhere in the world tend to be anything other than idealistic then we are too different to ever agree. That you think these propaganda fed small world country kids are anything other than idealistic is absurd. That anyone would encourage these students is plain crazy

Yes, I wonder if Ghandi would have agreed with you.

My son and many of his friends were students, he and his pals were nothing like these kids, all they were interested in was playing football, shagging, and getting shyt faced!! and it's more likely you who hasn't clue, so you've traveled all over the world to form opinions that students are too idealistic then? Sounds like you've never lived nor been in the real world either.

Your a bandwagon jumper, I bet you also believe all backpackers are the great unwashed too.

Those who encourage these kids all believe in one thing... the Junta are NOT the people to be running this country, and anyone who supports living under a military power is every bit as crazy as these students.

So basically you want another red shirt revolution to set the country back on track? What stone have you been living under to not see that Thailand as it is now is a far better place than it has been for almost any time in the past 15 years?

Why would you think any Thai would care what you think is wrong with the previous govts. Why would you think they would care if you think it is better under the junta for you. Newsflash, they dont give a rats whether you think the junta is good for them or not.

The only thing that matters to Thais is whether THEY think it is better. Farmers from the north, no matter how dumb your condesending thinking considers them have a lot more say and reason to say it than you. Those scumbag farmers and deadbeat students are still part of Thailand and deserve a say in who runs the country just as any yellow shirt elitist in the capital. And thats a lot more say than you have.

So no matter how dumb you think them their thoughts and considerations on however they want the country to be run must be considered.

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^ The real world is not a place is it? it is "the realm of practical or actual experience, as opposed to the abstract, theoretical, or idealized sphere of the classroom, laboratory,etc.:"

If you think any students anywhere in the world tend to be anything other than idealistic then we are too different to ever agree. That you think these propaganda fed small world country kids are anything other than idealistic is absurd. That anyone would encourage these students is plain crazy

Yes, I wonder if Ghandi would have agreed with you.

My son and many of his friends were students, he and his pals were nothing like these kids, all they were interested in was playing football, shagging, and getting shyt faced!! and it's more likely you who hasn't clue, so you've traveled all over the world to form opinions that students are too idealistic then? Sounds like you've never lived nor been in the real world either.

Your a bandwagon jumper, I bet you also believe all backpackers are the great unwashed too.

Those who encourage these kids all believe in one thing... the Junta are NOT the people to be running this country, and anyone who supports living under a military power is every bit as crazy as these students.

So basically you want another red shirt revolution to set the country back on track? What stone have you been living under to not see that Thailand as it is now is a far better place than it has been for almost any time in the past 15 years?

Why would you think any Thai would care what you think is wrong with the previous govts. Why would you think they would care if you think it is better under the junta for you. Newsflash, they dont give a rats whether you think the junta is good for them or not.

The only thing that matters to Thais is whether THEY think it is better. Farmers from the north, no matter how dumb your condesending thinking considers them have a lot more say and reason to say it than you. Those scumbag farmers and deadbeat students are still part of Thailand and deserve a say in who runs the country just as any yellow shirt elitist in the capital. And thats a lot more say than you have.

So no matter how dumb you think them their thoughts and considerations on however they want the country to be run must be considered.

I don't think I ever said any of those things of which you seem to be accusing me of.

What I did say is students at university no matter where they are tend to be idealistic in their views, and that these Din Dao students were brought up in a world where the Red Shirt Propaganda Machine worked 24/7 365 days per year.

All I am saying is that anyone who encourages these students is also encouraging the next Red Wave of political firebrands, of this there can be no doubt, and when the last Red Shirt insurgency did so much damage to Thailand I simply cannot understand why anyone would want to see that again.

I have nothing against farmers.

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