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Thai politics: Rice stocks from subsidy scheme must be liquidated soon


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"but was the previous Government in ANY way more transparent over this rice scam?"

I'm glad you asked that question.

We really don't know the perspective of the previous Govt. about this, do we.

Yingluck made a speech in parliament defending this program, and submitted stuff to one of the anti-democrat organs, namely the NACC.

The media in their wisdom decided to withhold reportage on Yingluck's presentation. Do you know what she said in Parliament about this?

So not only do we have heaps of anti-democrat self-serving data dished up repeatedly hoping that if they throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick. We also have an avoidance of submitting it to the electorate for scrutiny, plus suppression of the perspectives of the previously elected Govt's. representation to Parliament.

And then it is expected that the stuff one side dishes up in an adversarial political system is to be taken as gospel.

Maybe for you, but not me.

Wow. Have you been here long? Don't know the political situation other than what you've heard in the last few years? Or are you married to a girl from the country by any chance?

I'm curious, as you seem to be so anti-everything except what your hero Shinawatra clan does, even though they have consistently shown themselves to be liars, cheats, thieves and corrupt through and through. They have stolen billions from the "people" of Thailand who they claim to represent and love so deeply.

Or is there simply a sale on those rose-tinted glasses that make everything Shinawatra "good" and everything else automatically "bad"?

And to pick up on one of your other posts, you said:

"The two sides of the political divide can quite easily be segmented into those that oppose Democracy, and those who want it."

Really? Other than the fact you are making this a black and white issue which it is far from being, are you seriously of the opinion that the Shinawatra's are champions of democracy? Cos from what I have seen over the years, the only "democracy" the Shinawatra's know about is the one where they get to do whatever the < deleted > they want cos they have the "mandate of the people" ... and a minority of the people at that.

Not suggesting you are one Tatsujin - I enjoy the give and take - but given the anti-Thaksin focus of above post, reminds me of what someone who lives on Social Media told me.......Did you know there is a dedicated group of "anti-Thaksin activists" on the loose.......... Zealously devoted and single-minded in their pursuit to demonize him. Seeking to undermine an electoral strength that so threatens the anti-democrats.

I wonder if they are paid and by whom....But I don't know that.....but it seems logical given the ubiquity of them and their omnipresence everywhere on Social Media.

Well, you kind of ARE suggesting I'm being paid to be anti-Thaksin, which is ironic (if you've been here for more than the past few years) given the slew of pro-Thaksin posts that were going on here and on other social media platforms for a while in previous years and that WERE being paid to post.

Halloween's reply to your post kind of sums up my own thoughts though, you seem incapable of seeing any other side than that rose-tinted pro-Shinawatra one.

And please, stop it with this anti-everything ... just because one person doesn't agree with another person on one or more issues, doesn't then make them anti-democratic, and don't forget that there's a whole lot more to "democracy" than the results of any one election which is something the Shinawatra's have single-mindedly ignored from day one. Getting 40+% in an election does NOT then give you a "majority" nor does it give you carte blanche to do whatever you want to benefit your own or others' interests.

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"but was the previous Government in ANY way more transparent over this rice scam?"

I'm glad you asked that question.

We really don't know the perspective of the previous Govt. about this, do we.

Yingluck made a speech in parliament defending this program, and submitted stuff to one of the anti-democrat organs, namely the NACC.

The media in their wisdom decided to withhold reportage on Yingluck's presentation. Do you know what she said in Parliament about this?

So not only do we have heaps of anti-democrat self-serving data dished up repeatedly hoping that if they throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick. We also have an avoidance of submitting it to the electorate for scrutiny, plus suppression of the perspectives of the previously elected Govt's. representation to Parliament.

And then it is expected that the stuff one side dishes up in an adversarial political system is to be taken as gospel.

Maybe for you, but not me.

Wow. Have you been here long? Don't know the political situation other than what you've heard in the last few years? Or are you married to a girl from the country by any chance?

I'm curious, as you seem to be so anti-everything except what your hero Shinawatra clan does, even though they have consistently shown themselves to be liars, cheats, thieves and corrupt through and through. They have stolen billions from the "people" of Thailand who they claim to represent and love so deeply.

Or is there simply a sale on those rose-tinted glasses that make everything Shinawatra "good" and everything else automatically "bad"?

And to pick up on one of your other posts, you said:

"The two sides of the political divide can quite easily be segmented into those that oppose Democracy, and those who want it."

Really? Other than the fact you are making this a black and white issue which it is far from being, are you seriously of the opinion that the Shinawatra's are champions of democracy? Cos from what I have seen over the years, the only "democracy" the Shinawatra's know about is the one where they get to do whatever the < deleted > they want cos they have the "mandate of the people" ... and a minority of the people at that.

Not suggesting you are one Tatsujin - I enjoy the give and take - but given the anti-Thaksin focus of above post, reminds me of what someone who lives on Social Media told me.......Did you know there is a dedicated group of "anti-Thaksin activists" on the loose.......... Zealously devoted and single-minded in their pursuit to demonize him. Seeking to undermine an electoral strength that so threatens the anti-democrats.

I wonder if they are paid and by whom....But I don't know that.....but it seems logical given the ubiquity of them and their omnipresence everywhere on Social Media.

Well, you kind of ARE suggesting I'm being paid to be anti-Thaksin, which is ironic (if you've been here for more than the past few years) given the slew of pro-Thaksin posts that were going on here and on other social media platforms for a while in previous years and that WERE being paid to post.

Halloween's reply to your post kind of sums up my own thoughts though, you seem incapable of seeing any other side than that rose-tinted pro-Shinawatra one.

And please, stop it with this anti-everything ... just because one person doesn't agree with another person on one or more issues, doesn't then make them anti-democratic, and don't forget that there's a whole lot more to "democracy" than the results of any one election which is something the Shinawatra's have single-mindedly ignored from day one. Getting 40+% in an election does NOT then give you a "majority" nor does it give you carte blanche to do whatever you want to benefit your own or others' interests.

It gives you a majority over your nearest rivals if they got less than 40% ? maybe if the other 11% agreed with the democrats none of this would be happening right now.... But they didn't and it is.

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