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US condemns Thailand for Uighur deportation

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How about USA takes them instead.

"There are around 10 million Uighurs in China’s northwest Xinjiang region and many say they face cultural and religious repression."

USA is also doing a kind of cultural and religious repression fighting ISIS.....

In the exercise of their perverted view of Islam, ISIS posts videos of their execution of hundreds captured soldiers on the internet, massacres those it considers non-believers, and sells non-Muslim women into slavery. That is a culture and religious belief that someone needs to repress, don't you think?

Yes of course.....so why do they condemn Thailand for not inviting the same kind of religious belief?

A bit of topic: In my country a refugee Chechnya got asylum who lost his both hands by terrorist bomb making. They gave him a house (as he had 8 or 9 children) and money and payments for the kids. Everything without work. Of course he didn't allow his wife to work.

2 years later the police took him because he was planning other bomb attacks.

Thailand is just saying "no thank you" to people who believe their invisible friend too much. USA is condemning it...OK so why don't they take them if they love them. Condemning Thailand but doing the same themself is cheap.

Note that I posted that ISIS has a perverted interpretation of Islam. Are you claiming that all Muslims are terrorists, or do you have evidence that these Uighurs are ISIS?

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Thailand should respect its international obligations not to expel refugees, the US said.

If you want that holier than thou platitude to be replaced at State, I guess you'll need to vote for Donald.


This none of the US's business and they should be deporting the millions of illegals sucking on the welfare tit and causinmg all the criminal activity.

You may not like Trump, but he is right and the liberals are in denial !!

Like Jack Nicolson said in the movie "You can't handle the truth" !!


I agree about Guantanamo Bay, there should be no prisoners there. They should have killed them where they found them and let God sort them out !!

That is exactly what Muslim Terrorist due and make videos to prove it !!

Can't wait for the Thai governments announcement that they don't understand why they are ranked so low on the human rights list of the US, or any other country in the world for that matter.

So where is the US on his own list bearing in mind they kidnapp people all over the world, throw them in secrets jails, torture them and send them to Quantanamo without ever seen a lawer or judge?

Hey man...when you have the world's largest "pseudo" economy...maintain currency control through the US dollar...export covert operations on countries who have denounced US aggression...then you feel exceptional and privileged to speak with authority on other countries problems...wai2.gif


So the USA, the biggest hypocrites on the planet, self appointed world policeman is at it again. I have said it before and I say it again. Who gives a fyling firetruck what the yanks say. Fix your own problems in your own country before telling everyone else what to do.

So you think the yanks should shut up on the issue. Fair enough. So which countries opinion do you think is worth something on this matter?

Good question. The U.S. haters never seem to identity which country they hail from as they hide behind their keyboards.


How about USA takes them instead.

"There are around 10 million Uighurs in China’s northwest Xinjiang region and many say they face cultural and religious repression."

USA is also doing a kind of cultural and religious repression fighting ISIS.....

In the exercise of their perverted view of Islam, ISIS posts videos of their execution of hundreds captured soldiers on the internet, massacres those it considers non-believers, and sells non-Muslim women into slavery. That is a culture and religious belief that someone needs to repress, don't you think?

Yes of course.....so why do they condemn Thailand for not inviting the same kind of religious belief?

A bit of topic: In my country a refugee Chechnya got asylum who lost his both hands by terrorist bomb making. They gave him a house (as he had 8 or 9 children) and money and payments for the kids. Everything without work. Of course he didn't allow his wife to work.

2 years later the police took him because he was planning other bomb attacks.

Thailand is just saying "no thank you" to people who believe their invisible friend too much. USA is condemning it...OK so why don't they take them if they love them. Condemning Thailand but doing the same themself is cheap.

Note that I posted that ISIS has a perverted interpretation of Islam. Are you claiming that all Muslims are terrorists, or do you have evidence that these Uighurs are ISIS?

he needs to come out of the closet and just admit that he is a space alien posting on TVF from a distant galaxy. coffee1.gif


This none of the US's business and they should be deporting the millions of illegals sucking on the welfare tit and causinmg all the criminal activity.

You may not like Trump, but he is right and the liberals are in denial !!

Like Jack Nicolson said in the movie "You can't handle the truth" !!

then who would republican politicians and their supporters use for nannies and gardeners?


I agree about Guantanamo Bay, there should be no prisoners there. They should have killed them where they found them and let God sort them out !!

That is exactly what Muslim Terrorist due and make videos to prove it !!

Can't wait for the Thai governments announcement that they don't understand why they are ranked so low on the human rights list of the US, or any other country in the world for that matter.

So where is the US on his own list bearing in mind they kidnapp people all over the world, throw them in secrets jails, torture them and send them to Quantanamo without ever seen a lawer or judge?

Hey man...when you have the world's largest "pseudo" economy...maintain currency control through the US dollar...export covert operations on countries who have denounced US aggression...then you feel exceptional and privileged to speak with authority on other countries problems...wai2.gif

yeah, good idea, kill folks that turned out to have done nothing wrong along with guilty ones! that should endear america to a world based on globalization!


I've got no defense for the US holding prisoners indefinitely in Guantanamo, and certainly no defense for the use of torture by anybody.

However, the US continues to be a country that admits a lot of refugees.

Refugees are separately classified from those who immigrate normally, and those who enter illegally.

Over the last 10 years, the US has admitted about 60,000 refugees per year, the majority from Asia.

How many refugees does Thailand admit each year?


One day the Thais will realise that aligning with China was a mistake. No such thing as a free meal.

Thailand is not a country where everyone is treated equal. Equality is quite an alien concept, which is why the Thais have a very odd take on democracy. Thus I am not surprised by Prayts remarks or the deportation.


I've got no defense for the US holding prisoners indefinitely in Guantanamo, and certainly no defense for the use of torture by anybody.

However, the US continues to be a country that admits a lot of refugees.

Refugees are separately classified from those who immigrate normally, and those who enter illegally.

Over the last 10 years, the US has admitted about 60,000 refugees per year, the majority from Asia.

How many refugees does Thailand admit each year?

they are doing better than america per capita



So the USA, the biggest hypocrites on the planet, self appointed world policeman is at it again. I have said it before and I say it again. Who gives a fyling firetruck what the yanks say. Fix your own problems in your own country before telling everyone else what to do.

So you think the yanks should shut up on the issue. Fair enough. So which countries opinion do you think is worth something on this matter?

no one's. any country should mind it's own business


I agree about Guantanamo Bay, there should be no prisoners there. They should have killed them where they found them and let God sort them out !!

That is exactly what Muslim Terrorist due and make videos to prove it !!

Can't wait for the Thai governments announcement that they don't understand why they are ranked so low on the human rights list of the US, or any other country in the world for that matter.

So where is the US on his own list bearing in mind they kidnapp people all over the world, throw them in secrets jails, torture them and send them to Quantanamo without ever seen a lawer or judge?

Hey man...when you have the world's largest "pseudo" economy...maintain currency control through the US dollar...export covert operations on countries who have denounced US aggression...then you feel exceptional and privileged to speak with authority on other countries problems...wai2.gif

You want to kill people And you believe in a god who tells you : thou shal not kill???

How do YOU know they are terrorists, seen any prove of that during a trail???

No, you just believe everything your politicians tell you. Sheep comes to mind.


So the USA, the biggest hypocrites on the planet, self appointed world policeman is at it again. I have said it before and I say it again. Who gives a fyling firetruck what the yanks say. Fix your own problems in your own country before telling everyone else what to do.

So you think the yanks should shut up on the issue. Fair enough. So which countries opinion do you think is worth something on this matter?

Sounds like just another bitter Brit or Aussie, a number of them seem to have a chip on their shoulder about the USA and can't wait to throw stones at it from the front yard of their glass house.


There are 41 million foreign-born people living in the U.S.; close to 47 percent of immigrants (19.3 million) are naturalized U.S. citizens. There are 300,000 Thais living there and there are ~ 11.5 million illegal immigrants (from many, many, many different countries), one-quarter of the overall U.S. population, is either of the first or second generation, and ~ 1 million people legally emigrate to the U.S. each year.


In general I am not fond of my govt. lecturing other nations. But, they got this one right. Those guys are going to be jailed or killed by a government that is as heinous as they come, and is guided by a complete lack of compassion, morality, or ethics. It is only about maintaining power. That is the only consideration for China. Unfortunately, the US also gives into China often. But, I think they would have held out on handing these guys over to the Chinese, which is the very worst decision Thailand could have made, and demonstrated an enormous lack of courage, conviction, and compassion, and was a gigantic foreign policy blunder, which was done only to placate a very powerful neighbor. Nothing else seemed to have been considered.

The record Thailand is starting to build when it comes to treatment of political refugees is becoming quite shameful. It may end up being a real black eye, on the face of this nation, in the years to come. You can only go so far, ignoring your obligations to the world community, without it biting you in the ass, eventually. This country risks becoming a pariah within ASEAN. If it were not for Burma and Cambodia, which are considerably worse, the criticism would be far greater, I would think.


So the USA, the biggest hypocrites on the planet, self appointed world policeman is at it again. I have said it before and I say it again. Who gives a fyling firetruck what the yanks say. Fix your own problems in your own country before telling everyone else what to do.

So you think the yanks should shut up on the issue. Fair enough. So which countries opinion do you think is worth something on this matter?

It is not the business of any country other than Thailand and China.


In general I am not fond of my govt. lecturing other nations. But, they got this one right. Those guys are going to be jailed or killed by a government that is as heinous as they come, and is guided by a complete lack of compassion, morality, or ethics. It is only about maintaining power. That is the only consideration for China. Unfortunately, the US also gives into China often. But, I think they would have held out on handing these guys over to the Chinese, which is the very worst decision Thailand could have made, and demonstrated an enormous lack of courage, conviction, and compassion, and was a gigantic foreign policy blunder, which was done only to placate a very powerful neighbor. Nothing else seemed to have been considered.

The record Thailand is starting to build when it comes to treatment of political refugees is becoming quite shameful. It may end up being a real black eye, on the face of this nation, in the years to come. You can only go so far, ignoring your obligations to the world community, without it biting you in the ass, eventually. This country risks becoming a pariah within ASEAN. If it were not for Burma and Cambodia, which are considerably worse, the criticism would be far greater, I would think.

Thailand is sending a clear message to all those refugees and economical immigrants: we are not a good destination for you trip. go somewhere else!

any government should protect interests of it's own citizen only. any other goals are criminal.


"Thailand strongly dismissed its accusation of forced deportation saying it had strictly complied with its international commitment with regards to humanitarian and human rights and freedom."

Then perhaps a reassessment of its "international commitments" is required.

Sounds like Thailand has avoided its responsibilities on a technicality. They weren't claiming asylum because they were claiming to have come from Turkey and not China so Thailand was able to just class them as illegal immigrants and return them to China on the basis that China had identified them as coming from there.

Negative. Some were from China, Some were from Turkey. The ones from Turkey were sent to Turkey. The ones from China were sent to China.


One day the Thais will realise that aligning with China was a mistake. No such thing as a free meal.

Thailand is not a country where everyone is treated equal. Equality is quite an alien concept, which is why the Thais have a very odd take on democracy. Thus I am not surprised by Prayts remarks or the deportation.

Thailand is run and owned by Chinese. What other country would you think they would align with.


One day the Thais will realise that aligning with China was a mistake. No such thing as a free meal.

Thailand is not a country where everyone is treated equal. Equality is quite an alien concept, which is why the Thais have a very odd take on democracy. Thus I am not surprised by Prayts remarks or the deportation.

Thailand is run and owned by Chinese. What other country would you think they would align with.

how much of the thai economy is owned by people from china?


One day the Thais will realise that aligning with China was a mistake. No such thing as a free meal.

Thailand is not a country where everyone is treated equal. Equality is quite an alien concept, which is why the Thais have a very odd take on democracy. Thus I am not surprised by Prayts remarks or the deportation.

Thailand is run and owned by Chinese. What other country would you think they would align with.

how much of the thai economy is owned by people from china?

Silly question.


I agree about Guantanamo Bay, there should be no prisoners there. They should have killed them where they found them and let God sort them out !!

That is exactly what Muslim Terrorist due and make videos to prove it !!

So where is the US on his own list bearing in mind they kidnapp people all over the world, throw them in secrets jails, torture them and send them to Quantanamo without ever seen a lawer or judge?

Hey man...when you have the world's largest "pseudo" economy...maintain currency control through the US dollar...export covert operations on countries who have denounced US aggression...then you feel exceptional and privileged to speak with authority on other countries problems...wai2.gif

You want to kill people And you believe in a god who tells you : thou shal not kill???

How do YOU know they are terrorists, seen any prove of that during a trail???

No, you just believe everything your politicians tell you. Sheep comes to mind.

People who have invisible friends speaking to them are always scary, no matter the flavor of the invisible friend....


The U.S and Turkey condemn Thailand back for sending Uighur back to China. Are they criminals who want to escape China justice. The prisons in America especially in California have a 75 percent of inmates are Mexican law breakers coming to America to sell drugs and join Mexican gangs. Thailand has enough trouble right know without the Uighur people. If they have no crimes on there record China will set them free and i hope they help the innocent!


This none of the US's business and they should be deporting the millions of illegals sucking on the welfare tit and causinmg all the criminal activity.

You may not like Trump, but he is right and the liberals are in denial !!

Like Jack Nicolson said in the movie "You can't handle the truth" !!

You can't cite any credible sources to defend anything you posted, but if you're the sort who thinks Trump is right, you don't need them.

To paraphrase Jack Nicholson, "You can't handle the facts!"

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