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Getting cheap accommodations in the US is impossible. Renting a car is out of the question due to high insurance costs the OP would have to pay. A motorcycle is not cheap either, and a bicycle is impractical as his friends are scattered away from Flint.

Huh? USA is more than just NYC.

Even in San Francisco I found a room for 4 people at Days Inn for $100 a night....or if that's too much try AirBnb......The rest of the country, try any motel chain - Holiday Inn, Best Western, Motel 6 etc. - all pretty cheap

Hey, I've spent a few years living in Las Vegas and you can get some good deals at some decent Casino hotels during the weekdays for just $40 to $50 a night.

Seriously, you're either just looking for excuses or else you better stay in a tent if you think accomodation in America is expensive.

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Sad to say.....but I guess your "so-called" friends weren't really your friends then whistling.gif

I went back to australia 3 years ago,i asked my oldest son if i could possibly stay with him and his wife.Was asked for "how long"...i said 1 week.The response i got was 3 days would be ok!bah.gif

i have always gone with my mothers response -- fish and friends are the same, both stink after 3 days


This is the letter I wrote to the few people I had contacted.


Listen, I do not feel well enough to get on an airplane and fly around the world so I have canceled this ticket. Thanks you for your effort so far with it. I found the whole thing starting to totally stress me out thinking about trying to be back in Michigan and be a burden to people and just being in the way. Also the flight I got kind of tricked me as I bought it on Etihad and after I looked closer it ran me through two other low rated airlines on the trip. This also adding to my worries.

If I feel like I am healthier later perhaps I will try it but unfortunately I think I have burned too many bridges to feel welcome anywhere. Thats life I guess. You can call me a coward or whatever, but that whats happening. In the end my health is not good enough to go and do this in ten days. And I hate 12 time zone changes like you cant believe.

Take Care

i almost feel bad for saying this, but spare us all the passive aggressive crap.

jesus, if this isnt the definitive thai visa thread, i dont know what is.

what a festival of sad.


It is always wonderful to see long lost friends again and having them stay at my home is enjoyable for two or three days, then after that it starts to become inconvenient. It was the same back in my home country, if we had a party or get togethers and a friend or friends stayed overnight, it always felt like a relief when they left the following day.

This is not being selfish or anti social, people have their own lives to lead and things to do. Having friends stay means they have to be entertained and catered for, which places a hold on our normal schedules. The same applies in my home country, family and friends have to work, go shopping, have appointments and all the normal routine stuff

Times have changed since my younger days when I was single and my best friends were single, when we were happy go lucky, these days most of my old friends are married, have families and busy lives, the same as me. I would never expect people to accommodate me for longer than a couple of days.

If the OP would like to travel back to his country, then he should rent a cheap bed and breakfast accommodation and a car or even a motorbike or bicycle so he can go and visit people that I am sure would be thrilled to see him, perhaps even happy for him to stay a night or two, but expecting people to accommodate for several days or more is rather pushing the boundaries of peoples hospitality and not to be expected.

It`s all a matter or being reasonable and using common sense.

Getting cheap accommodations in the US is impossible. Renting a car is out of the question due to high insurance costs the OP would have to pay. A motorcycle is not cheap either, and a bicycle is impractical as his friends are scattered away from Flint.

Have you ever heard the expression; house guests and fish start to smell after 3 days?


It is always wonderful to see long lost friends again and having them stay at my home is enjoyable for two or three days, then after that it starts to become inconvenient. It was the same back in my home country, if we had a party or get togethers and a friend or friends stayed overnight, it always felt like a relief when they left the following day.

This is not being selfish or anti social, people have their own lives to lead and things to do. Having friends stay means they have to be entertained and catered for, which places a hold on our normal schedules. The same applies in my home country, family and friends have to work, go shopping, have appointments and all the normal routine stuff

Times have changed since my younger days when I was single and my best friends were single, when we were happy go lucky, these days most of my old friends are married, have families and busy lives, the same as me. I would never expect people to accommodate me for longer than a couple of days.

If the OP would like to travel back to his country, then he should rent a cheap bed and breakfast accommodation and a car or even a motorbike or bicycle so he can go and visit people that I am sure would be thrilled to see him, perhaps even happy for him to stay a night or two, but expecting people to accommodate for several days or more is rather pushing the boundaries of peoples hospitality and not to be expected.

It`s all a matter or being reasonable and using common sense.

Getting cheap accommodations in the US is impossible. Renting a car is out of the question due to high insurance costs the OP would have to pay. A motorcycle is not cheap either, and a bicycle is impractical as his friends are scattered away from Flint.

Have you ever heard the expression; house guests and fish start to smell after 3 days?

Have you ever rented a car with full supplemental liability insurance in the United States?


I am a 76-year old American who has lived (and worked until a few years ago) here in Thailand since 1986. My visits to the USA are now restricted to medical reasons. All my freinds, except a couple, are deceased. I have one sister alive out of 10 siblings. My closest contacts are my niece and a cousin. I have one son who is quite well off from my ex-wife's remarriage. Just recently sent me a photo of the family yacht, a sleek little 127 ft Christensen berthed in Nassau. My Thai wife passed away in January leaving me severely impacted and depressed. My problem is not being able to find a place to stay in the USA but trying to visit everyone that expects me to viisit while I'm back there. Even so, it is very wearing to have to visit Florida (north, south and central), Arizona and California. My cousin is a retired airline pilot and I get flight privileges which helps immensely.

I have to go back next Spring and get my Pacemaker replaced full well realizing that this will probably be my last trip. Paying one last visit to as many friends and family as possible is something that for me is mandatory. It seems like they all want one last look at their curmedgeon old uncle


Sorry about the late reply,I was tied up watching Wimbledon,sorry to say Andy Murray got dicked..Glad to hear you are happy,I can understand your wifes attitude towards the USA.I visited a couple of times on holiday and that was enough for me,each to their own.As a matter of interest the house I have in the UK is a 5 minute walk from the beach on the south coast,so I have the best of both worlds if I went back to live there.I do not want to bash the good old US of A but there is no way I would want to live there.Sorry to say that you sound like alot of the expats on here who have dug themselves a big hole and can't get out of it.I am one of the clever ones who have kept my options open,and that includes my family.I gave up wearing the rose tinted glasses along time ago.

You are sorry an awful lot! Must be a sorry W.........!whistling.gif

You say you can understand my wife's attitude......WHAT ATTITUDE? Think you just want to BASH the US......all she said was that she didn't have friends in the US so wished to live in Thailand. Do you have a reading comprehension problem ...if so I understand then...She LOVES the US ....thinks its a beautiful place ....as we take short trips back every year for the last ten years. Also have taken her to England (and thruout Europe....we like to travel ...so do) where she wondered why the weather was so bad! and the people always walking with their head down (obviously you must be one of those!).

It appears you have "blinders on " because again you make the mistake of ASSuming that I "have dug my self a big hole with no options.......wearing rose tinted glasses".....can only repeat....reading comprehension problem???????blink.png ....how you ASSumed that from what started as a helpful reply is beyond me.bah.gif I choose to live in Thailand ...if things do go south for some reason I ALWAYS have the option to go back to the US....Have about 10% of my assets here in Thailand with the balance still in the US...BUT I enjoy my life in Thailand ....just because YOU don't is no reason to ASSume that others don't!

Getting back to the Topic though....I still have family and 3 good friends who we generally stay with for a few days visit and who welcome us with open arms!

You are obviously a lost soul unable to make a decision and follow through on as you are stuck in Limbo (Not that clever I suspect)....probably in the same boat as the OP...nobody to stay with as who would want you blink.png


Hell, I genuinely hope and doubt I'll ever be in many people's position on here.

I'm only mid 40's and own several properties. I also have many genuine friends in Aus wishing for me to visit and stay regularly.

Perhaps I'm harsh, but many of you old guys here just didn't ever plan well enough.

As the old saying goes; if you don't plan, you plan to fail.

No one wants to be with a mediocre failure. That's why many of you have so few friends.

Yes, harsh, but very much the truth in my opinion.

Reading many of your posts, I wouldn't want your kee nhoc arse hanging around my house either.

You don't have the wealth to spend time in your home country's well....why the <deleted> did you even come here?

Counting your pennies; eating at food courts and chasing happy hours for many I bet.

Don't whine; you've only got yourselves to blame.


I'm only mid 40's and own several properties. I also have many genuine friends in Aus wishing for me to visit and stay regularly.

Perhaps I'm harsh, but many of you old guys in here just didn't ever plan well enough.

You understand very little about life, because you are too young.

As you get older, all your relationships fail.

That's the way life is.

In my 40s, I would have said exactly the same as you, in my 60s I know better.

Absolutely nothing you can do about it.


I'm only mid 40's and own several properties. I also have many genuine friends in Aus wishing for me to visit and stay regularly.

Perhaps I'm harsh, but many of you old guys in here just didn't ever plan well enough.

You understand very little about life, because you are too young.

As you get older, all your relationships fail.

That's the way life is.

In my 40s, I would have said exactly the same as you, in my 60s I know better.

Absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Okay mate, perhaps you're right and I'm a little naive.

But, I maintain regular contact with 5 best friends from school days or thereabouts. I could put another 5 into that mix also but they are not best friends.

That's about 25 years. I genuinely don't see another 25 changing that.

Actually, our friendships are just as strong since they visit often and we Skype regularly.

I have money so easy to jump on a plane to Aus.


Sorry about the late reply,I was tied up watching Wimbledon,sorry to say Andy Murray got dicked..Glad to hear you are happy,I can understand your wifes attitude towards the USA.I visited a couple of times on holiday and that was enough for me,each to their own.As a matter of interest the house I have in the UK is a 5 minute walk from the beach on the south coast,so I have the best of both worlds if I went back to live there.I do not want to bash the good old US of A but there is no way I would want to live there.Sorry to say that you sound like alot of the expats on here who have dug themselves a big hole and can't get out of it.I am one of the clever ones who have kept my options open,and that includes my family.I gave up wearing the rose tinted glasses along time ago.

You are sorry an awful lot! Must be a sorry W.........!whistling.gif

You say you can understand my wife's attitude......WHAT ATTITUDE? Think you just want to BASH the US......all she said was that she didn't have friends in the US so wished to live in Thailand. Do you have a reading comprehension problem ...if so I understand then...She LOVES the US ....thinks its a beautiful place ....as we take short trips back every year for the last ten years. Also have taken her to England (and thruout Europe....we like to travel ...so do) where she wondered why the weather was so bad! and the people always walking with their head down (obviously you must be one of those!).

It appears you have "blinders on " because again you make the mistake of ASSuming that I "have dug my self a big hole with no options.......wearing rose tinted glasses".....can only repeat....reading comprehension problem???????blink.png ....how you ASSumed that from what started as a helpful reply is beyond me.bah.gif I choose to live in Thailand ...if things do go south for some reason I ALWAYS have the option to go back to the US....Have about 10% of my assets here in Thailand with the balance still in the US...BUT I enjoy my life in Thailand ....just because YOU don't is no reason to ASSume that others don't!

Getting back to the Topic though....I still have family and 3 good friends who we generally stay with for a few days visit and who welcome us with open arms!

You are obviously a lost soul unable to make a decision and follow through on as you are stuck in Limbo (Not that clever I suspect)....probably in the same boat as the OP...nobody to stay with as who would want you blink.png

Ouch !!!!!!!!!!!! sounds like I have touched a nerve,we say arse in the UK,not ass I believe that is an animal.Glad to see you are defending the good old US of A,nothing like a patriot.


When I came back to my country (Europe) after several years I thought all these Farangs are strange......That I could understand the nonsense they talk made it worse......I felt they are all so narrow minded.

yes if you've lived in S/E asia for a long time, we change dramatically, and when going back to our former country its difficult to find common ground with friends there.i mean you cant possibly talk to them about our lives here,they wont understand and usually are not a bit interested.


Sorry about the late reply,I was tied up watching Wimbledon,sorry to say Andy Murray got dicked..Glad to hear you are happy,I can understand your wifes attitude towards the USA.I visited a couple of times on holiday and that was enough for me,each to their own.As a matter of interest the house I have in the UK is a 5 minute walk from the beach on the south coast,so I have the best of both worlds if I went back to live there.I do not want to bash the good old US of A but there is no way I would want to live there.Sorry to say that you sound like alot of the expats on here who have dug themselves a big hole and can't get out of it.I am one of the clever ones who have kept my options open,and that includes my family.I gave up wearing the rose tinted glasses along time ago.

You are sorry an awful lot! Must be a sorry W.........!whistling.gif

You say you can understand my wife's attitude......WHAT ATTITUDE? Think you just want to BASH the US......all she said was that she didn't have friends in the US so wished to live in Thailand. Do you have a reading comprehension problem ...if so I understand then...She LOVES the US ....thinks its a beautiful place ....as we take short trips back every year for the last ten years. Also have taken her to England (and thruout Europe....we like to travel ...so do) where she wondered why the weather was so bad! and the people always walking with their head down (obviously you must be one of those!).

It appears you have "blinders on " because again you make the mistake of ASSuming that I "have dug my self a big hole with no options.......wearing rose tinted glasses".....can only repeat....reading comprehension problem???????blink.png ....how you ASSumed that from what started as a helpful reply is beyond me.bah.gif I choose to live in Thailand ...if things do go south for some reason I ALWAYS have the option to go back to the US....Have about 10% of my assets here in Thailand with the balance still in the US...BUT I enjoy my life in Thailand ....just because YOU don't is no reason to ASSume that others don't!

Getting back to the Topic though....I still have family and 3 good friends who we generally stay with for a few days visit and who welcome us with open arms!

You are obviously a lost soul unable to make a decision and follow through on as you are stuck in Limbo (Not that clever I suspect)....probably in the same boat as the OP...nobody to stay with as who would want you blink.png

Ouch !!!!!!!!!!!! sounds like I have touched a nerve,we say arse in the UK,not ass I believe that is an animal.Glad to see you are defending the good old US of A,nothing like a patriot.

Only nerve you hit is the one where I find Expats who are "bored" with their life in Thailand, unable to make a decision (IF they have the economic ability) , who can add nothing productive to a post and whine! Sounds like you!bah.gif


I'm only mid 40's and own several properties. I also have many genuine friends in Aus wishing for me to visit and stay regularly.

Perhaps I'm harsh, but many of you old guys in here just didn't ever plan well enough.

You understand very little about life, because you are too young.

As you get older, all your relationships fail.

That's the way life is.

In my 40s, I would have said exactly the same as you, in my 60s I know better.

Absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Okay mate, perhaps you're right and I'm a little naive.

But, I maintain regular contact with 5 best friends from school days or thereabouts. I could put another 5 into that mix also but they are not best friends.

That's about 25 years. I genuinely don't see another 25 changing that.

Actually, our friendships are just as strong since they visit often and we Skype regularly.

I have money so easy to jump on a plane to Aus.

Have you noticed the denyers and the green eyed monster have raised their heads.I love it as they are the ones who defend Thailand more than their home country.


Sorry about the late reply,I was tied up watching Wimbledon,sorry to say Andy Murray got dicked..Glad to hear you are happy,I can understand your wifes attitude towards the USA.I visited a couple of times on holiday and that was enough for me,each to their own.As a matter of interest the house I have in the UK is a 5 minute walk from the beach on the south coast,so I have the best of both worlds if I went back to live there.I do not want to bash the good old US of A but there is no way I would want to live there.Sorry to say that you sound like alot of the expats on here who have dug themselves a big hole and can't get out of it.I am one of the clever ones who have kept my options open,and that includes my family.I gave up wearing the rose tinted glasses along time ago.

You are sorry an awful lot! Must be a sorry W.........!whistling.gif

You say you can understand my wife's attitude......WHAT ATTITUDE? Think you just want to BASH the US......all she said was that she didn't have friends in the US so wished to live in Thailand. Do you have a reading comprehension problem ...if so I understand then...She LOVES the US ....thinks its a beautiful place ....as we take short trips back every year for the last ten years. Also have taken her to England (and thruout Europe....we like to travel ...so do) where she wondered why the weather was so bad! and the people always walking with their head down (obviously you must be one of those!).

It appears you have "blinders on " because again you make the mistake of ASSuming that I "have dug my self a big hole with no options.......wearing rose tinted glasses".....can only repeat....reading comprehension problem???????blink.png ....how you ASSumed that from what started as a helpful reply is beyond me.bah.gif I choose to live in Thailand ...if things do go south for some reason I ALWAYS have the option to go back to the US....Have about 10% of my assets here in Thailand with the balance still in the US...BUT I enjoy my life in Thailand ....just because YOU don't is no reason to ASSume that others don't!

Getting back to the Topic though....I still have family and 3 good friends who we generally stay with for a few days visit and who welcome us with open arms!

You are obviously a lost soul unable to make a decision and follow through on as you are stuck in Limbo (Not that clever I suspect)....probably in the same boat as the OP...nobody to stay with as who would want you blink.png

Ouch !!!!!!!!!!!! sounds like I have touched a nerve,we say arse in the UK,not ass I believe that is an animal.Glad to see you are defending the good old US of A,nothing like a patriot.

Only nerve you hit is the one where I find Expats who are "bored" with their life in Thailand, unable to make a decision (IF they have the economic ability) , who can add nothing productive to a post and whine! Sounds like you!bah.gif

I never said I was bored with my life in Thailand,I said I am bored with Thailand I think there is a distinct difference,but what do I know I am just a dumb Limey.


I'm only mid 40's and own several properties. I also have many genuine friends in Aus wishing for me to visit and stay regularly.

Perhaps I'm harsh, but many of you old guys in here just didn't ever plan well enough.

You understand very little about life, because you are too young.

As you get older, all your relationships fail.

That's the way life is.

In my 40s, I would have said exactly the same as you, in my 60s I know better.

Absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Okay mate, perhaps you're right and I'm a little naive.

But, I maintain regular contact with 5 best friends from school days or thereabouts. I could put another 5 into that mix also but they are not best friends.

That's about 25 years. I genuinely don't see another 25 changing that.

Actually, our friendships are just as strong since they visit often and we Skype regularly.

I have money so easy to jump on a plane to Aus.

Have you noticed the denyers and the green eyed monster have raised their heads.I love it as they are the ones who defend Thailand more than their home country.

No envy here, I have a wife the same age as BF, two kids, and plenty of money, with no need to work, ever again (since age 45).

No defense of Thailand either, warmer than the UK is about all it has (and cheap women).

If I were American, I would be living in America.

I just want to live out my years, warm and dry.


Left the place I was born nearly 20 years ago. I never liked the place. My family went there to make a better life for themselves. Not sure they did. It was a horrible place(probably still is) and the people (I meet them all the time here detest most of them). I feel sick every time if have to write my nationality. Like a fool I never sorted out my other passport before leaving.

Thailand is a home of sorts don't always feel welcome but it's all I've got and life's pretty good.


I'm only mid 40's and own several properties. I also have many genuine friends in Aus wishing for me to visit and stay regularly.

Perhaps I'm harsh, but many of you old guys in here just didn't ever plan well enough.

You understand very little about life, because you are too young.

As you get older, all your relationships fail.

That's the way life is.

In my 40s, I would have said exactly the same as you, in my 60s I know better.

Absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Okay mate, perhaps you're right and I'm a little naive.

But, I maintain regular contact with 5 best friends from school days or thereabouts. I could put another 5 into that mix also but they are not best friends.

That's about 25 years. I genuinely don't see another 25 changing that.

Actually, our friendships are just as strong since they visit often and we Skype regularly.

I have money so easy to jump on a plane to Aus.

Have you noticed the denyers and the green eyed monster have raised their heads.I love it as they are the ones who defend Thailand more than their home country.

I love my family, friends and country Australia.

I visit 3 times per year.

I've contributed to my country's economy over the years by bringing in Pounds and U.S. Dollars.

I paid my taxes and don't have a gripe with that.

I doubt I'll ever feel alienated when returning nor have to worry about supporting myself and wife whilst there because I'm financially sound.

If we have a child, we will return to Melbourne sometime thereafter for education.

My wife and I have discussed and planned for this. My friends and family hope we have a child so I'll come back. It's a good feeling.

I'm sure we will return to Bangkok later on.

If no child over the next 3-4 years, we will still spend at least 2-3 years in Aus.

My wife understands it's important for me to keep ties with family and friends and she is thrilled with our plan to relocate there some time in the future.

Bangkok will nevertheless be our primary home and I'm very happy with that.


Hospitality has it's limits.

I think staying with anyone and disrupting their private lives for more than a couple of days is asking way too much.

I feel the same when people come to Thailand to visit me, I usually rent them a nice air conditioned hotel room close to my house, for their comfort and for the comfort of my family.

They are close enough to join us for breakfast each morning and spend the day, but do not need to sleep on a couch!

I should add that these are real friends who come to visit my family...

Not free loaders just looking for a free place to stay in Thailand.


Wow, after reading through this thread, I must consider myself very lucky.
I have at least 4 non-relatives friends who would gladly put me up for a week or so.
I have 6 siblings who all would I'm sure (OK, maybe one only for a few days)

And I have an apt that I could go back to and stay.

I feel bad for those of you who don't.

Possibly it's because of your personality.
Can you answer this question in the affirmative:? If your friends came to visit you here in Thailand, would you put them up for free, and feed them too???

I know I would. (and have)
Even for a cousin's daughter whom I had never even met before.
It was fun and we learned so much about each other and found that we have a lot in common.
We even met up in Cambodia again last year for a 5 day trip.


Strangly enough I was just thinking about starting the exact same topic.I agree with many of the posters on here as I returned to the UK for the first time in 10 years last year and had the same experience.My predicament is that I have got bored with Thailand.I have a great wife,beautiful daughter and I am now in my twilight years.I am lucky enough to still own a house in the UK,all bought and paid for,likewise a house here,2 cars etc.all paid for.

My post was going to be,if you were in my situation i.e. bored with Thailand and wanting a better life for your family which you could finacially support,what would you do?

I suspect that many expats have burned their bridges and just maybe stuck here.I am lucky enough not to be in that situation as I took a long term view regarding my life in Thailand.I must admit it was great at the begining but the way things are now I find Thailand is becoming a less attractive place to live as an expat and having a family.I look forward to your feedback.

Boredom dangerous, something I have to do my very best to avoid

From your post sounds like you have more than enough financial trappings and security, as in fact do I

You mention twilight years BE CAREFUL do not rock the boat, just because you are a little bored

I live on five Rai with wife and two alsatians and a couple of people to help, I get bored I run away with wife for three nights to 5 star hotel and cannot wait to get home !!

Last year I built another house on our land that is so beautiful we sleep there occasionally, but it kept me busy

I self manage my investments on a daily basis keeps the adrenalin moving, especially over the last couple of weeks

I have all the Uk TV Channels

Have taught the little wife to drive the Toyota pick up so when I am too old she can drive or if I drink too much whisky

Maybe I need to build water reservoir with all the water shortages

Then I can go for massage with beautiful lady as well

UK alternative, house , no wife, no staff, garden dead 5 months of year, go to pub same old boring people, cold, wet and much more tax to pay, NO WAY HERE SO MUCH BETTER


Wow, after reading through this thread, I must consider myself very lucky.

I have at least 4 non-relatives friends who would gladly put me up for a week or so.

I have 6 siblings who all would I'm sure (OK, maybe one only for a few days)

And I have an apt that I could go back to and stay.

I feel bad for those of you who don't.

Possibly it's because of your personality.

Can you answer this question in the affirmative:? If your friends came to visit you here in Thailand, would you put them up for free, and feed them too???

I know I would. (and have)

Even for a cousin's daughter whom I had never even met before.

It was fun and we learned so much about each other and found that we have a lot in common.

We even met up in Cambodia again last year for a 5 day trip.

Yes I would, if they come as individuals (not in crowds).

My Thai family & friends would love to show them the country, of course we expect some respect for Thai culture.


If they can't put you up without a good excuse are they worth the expense of visiting at all? If that's your motivation for going.

Sounds like you figured that one out and made the right choice.

Every several years I go back to the US to visit relatives who are getting up there in years and not looking as well as they once did.

I always leave with the question whether next time I would have to stick around to take care of them, what then?

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