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Ten reasons why Thailand actually should buy the subs

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Once Thailand completes it's metamorphosis and finally becomes Thaina , they will need subs to stand up to the strong U.S. navel presence in the area.

Could it be that Thailand has learned to plan ahead?

The Chinese submarines will operate with a noticeable footprint because they are both noisy and will be visible in Thailand's shallow coastal waters.

Equipment like this is usually termed a floating coffin. By the time the crews are properly trained and the equipment is delivered it will be 2-5 years. In that time, the near out of date technology will be even more out of date. I would expect that one of the local navies could easily take out a Thai submarine with a basic helicopter or turbo prop deployed submarine killer missile. The Chinese are not going to be providing Thailand with cutting edge technology because the Chinese know that the secrets if any will be quickly available to anyone with the dosh to buy it.


NATO member Iceland not only has NO submarines, it has no air force of its own.

Thailand's 4,000 flag officers alone outnumber Iceland's total ground defense force.

I guess Iceland isn't concerned about making any country fear it.

National Security is more about who your allies are.


Yep forget education forget the 'health service' lets blow enuf money that would/could make a diference to the

average thai and get some half a Century out dated war toys.

Great idea :P



cheeky cheeky the nation stating that the government has caused a celebrity breakup to sneak its spending all your money on submarines


landing gear down 30% flaps.......Dive Dive Dive.................thud

I can understand were this is coming from, US and UK carrier groups always have escorting subs and would be incomplete without them, I'm pretty sure during Cobra Gold various senior Navy Officers have seen how effective they are and the vital roll they play, but lets face it - these subs if bought would remain in dry dock and one thing is for sure - they would never be allowed to participate in any Naval exorcise with the US

Do they even have any dry-docks for subs?

They'll probably just careen them on the beach at high tide.


They said if they get the subs their neighbors will be in awe of them. Don't need to spend the money...most in the international community are already in awe of the Thai's bomb detector devices and the defense blimp that apparently doesn't fly.


Im pro junta but these subs are a crazy thing to buy. The writer of this story is totally right. Healthcare is far more important then a few subs. Its not like the military has a small budget or something like "I;m pro junta"

"I'm pro junta.....'

Too many steroids.

It's ok R. let Saan go back to total corruption, and in reality eventual anarchy......smile as he is in the minority.

"smile as he is in the minority."

The only things in a minority round here are your brain cells.

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