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Trump's Phoenix visit to highlight party's immigration split

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Now some yo-yo is going to tell me that one of Trump's corporations went bankrupt and that's the same as Trump going bankrupt. A corporation is a person in the eyes of the law. A corporation can go bankrupt and advantage the owner. Sometimes it's a good business model.


you're right about that, swindlers never go bankrupt.

Swindler is a pretty strong word to use to describe a lawful action. A lot of investment firms and others buy a corporation that's on its lips, about to shut down and lay off its employees, and fail to pay its creditors anyway. They buy it to take it through bankruptcy and save it.

Bankruptcy is a legal way and sometimes the only way to see that a business doesn't shut down and that the creditors get paid as much as possible. It's preferable to shutting it down where everyone involved loses everything. The business continues to run, paying taxes and employing people and contributing to the community.

Usually it's the bankers who should have known better than to let the business get overextended who lose. I'd rather see bankers lose than to see the employees lose their jobs.

Usually bankruptcy shuts the doors on a business forever. A person has to be pretty savvy to spot one that would benefit from bankruptcy and come out the other side strong and viable.


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Sure he's a somewhat amusing character now, but if this goes on for too much longer (October/November) it could end up being a significant problem for serious candidates. And heaven help us if he somehow places in the top 3 in the Iowa, NH or SC. Without a doubt it's the Democrats who are enjoying this spectacle the most.


I'm hoping for a Donald Trump, Ted Cruz Republican ticket. Late night GOLD. thumbsup.gif


Now some yo-yo is going to tell me that one of Trump's corporations went bankrupt and that's the same as Trump going bankrupt. A corporation is a person in the eyes of the law. A corporation can go bankrupt and advantage the owner. Sometimes it's a good business model.


you're right about that, swindlers never go bankrupt.

Swindler is a pretty strong word to use to describe a lawful action. A lot of investment firms and others buy a corporation that's on its lips, about to shut down and lay off its employees, and fail to pay its creditors anyway. They buy it to take it through bankruptcy and save it.

Bankruptcy is a legal way and sometimes the only way to see that a business doesn't shut down and that the creditors get paid as much as possible. It's preferable to shutting it down where everyone involved loses everything. The business continues to run, paying taxes and employing people and contributing to the community.

Usually it's the bankers who should have known better than to let the business get overextended who lose. I'd rather see bankers lose than to see the employees lose their jobs.

Usually bankruptcy shuts the doors on a business forever. A person has to be pretty savvy to spot one that would benefit from bankruptcy and come out the other side strong and viable.


lol! good hearted investment firms eager to save a company and the employees! lol, you should write for disney!!


Minimum 5000 expected now for a meeting that was originally supposed to only be one to touch base with supporters. The venue had to be changed to a larger location...


People began lining up at 4:45 AM for Saturday’s rally featuring lightning rod Republican presidential contender Donald Trump.



During his speech, Trump brought one illegal alien victim on stage ... a man whose son had been killed.

Now here are the rest of the victims ... many but by far not all...





The following information is compiled from news, law enforcement, survivors of victims, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Border Patrol and Department of Homeland Security reports:


  1. 86% of warrants for murder in Albuquerque are for illegal aliens.
  2. 83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens.
  3. 75% of those on the most wanted list in Los Angeles , Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens

Sure he's a somewhat amusing character now, but if this goes on for too much longer (October/November) it could end up being a significant problem for serious candidates. And heaven help us if he somehow places in the top 3 in the Iowa, NH or SC. Without a doubt it's the Democrats who are enjoying this spectacle the most.

They probably are enjoying it now, but what if Trump goes on long enough, and loud enough, that the Democrats have to answer for the same issues. May not be so easy for a former Secretary of State, to say it wasn't her job, and wash her hands of it. And some Democrats are already squirming on sanctuary cities, etc.


Whether you like him or not, the man is blunt, and to the point on his beliefs, and doesn't hide behind "political correctness", which is more than you can say about 99.9% of ALL politicians.

Fools and Children say what's on their mind but that does not make them good politician material.

I Know Trump is not a child, so ...................


Trump on Jeb Bush: "I don't see him as a factor"

"... Trump (also) suggested to "take back our country" involved charging a fee to Mexico for every undocumented immigrant that entered the U.S. ... "Every time Mexico sends someone over, we charge Mexico $100,000 ..."


Thought they came over on their own,I was not aware the Mexican government rounded them up and send them over.

This Changes everything!!


Trump will hopefully drop out of the race before he does too much damage to his political party. He is a businessman and he is fairly hot tempered. He can't just fire congress. Businessmen do a good job with businesses, but politics is a different animal.

he's not even a good businessman, bankrupt 5 times

And he's STILL a billionaire! Sounds like a pretty good businessman to me.

I could own a B20 million condo. Tell everyone I am worth B20 million but leave out the part about struggling to pay off the B18 million mortgage.


He's not struggling. He is worth about 4 billion dollars and has never filed for PERSONAL bankruptcy.

There is no doubt that Trump is a billionaire and a savvy deal-maker. He turned his father’s construction company into the massive empire it is today. He is also a survivor: having gone through a corporate bankruptcy that, according to our research left his personal net worth in the red in the 1990s, Trump clawed himself back to enormous wealth.


I hope Trump makes Billions more... whether or not Trump goes on to fight it out in the hard core Primaries and make it to the Presidential Election of November 2016... Trump has succeeded in one thing -- that is making a huge dent in the Media Self-Censorship relative to hiding the real story of the huge problems with Illegal Aliens in America. It will be a while before the Lame Stream Lib-Left-Prog Media recovers from this blow to their Agenda and Narrative -- of See No Evil - Hear No Evil -- Speak No Evil when it come to the Democrat Party Darlings - "Illegal Aliens' a.k.a. Undocumented Future Democrat Voters.

Thank You Donald Trump ... it is so sad that it takes an Independent Billionaire who is not beholding to Political Correctness to TELL THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER. ... and the truth is Illegal Aliens are a problem to American Society as a huge percentage of them rob, rape and murder.

Soon I hope the other Big Lie comes out... There is not a mere 5 to 7 million Illegal Aliens in American -- there is AT LEAST 20 million -- a total disaster to American Demographics ready - set - go to happen and totally WARP American Society in One Fell Swoop if Democrats have their way ...

WHY? Because of an old but still utilized Federal Court Decision --- giving rise to Chain Migration... which means - every so called 'Immigrant' that is given citizenship is then allowed (quite crazily) to sponsor ALL THEIR BLOOD RELATIVES from the old country to come and be American Citizens -- enter the process ... In 50 to 70 years - if this is allowed America will go from 320 million population to 420 Million with the Hispanic portion rising to well above 50 percent. It will then be Estados Unidos de America.


I hope Trump makes Billions more... whether or not Trump goes on to fight it out in the hard core Primaries and make it to the Presidential Election of November 2016... Trump has succeeded in one thing -- that is making a huge dent in the Media Self-Censorship relative to hiding the real story of the huge problems with Illegal Aliens in America. It will be a while before the Lame Stream Lib-Left-Prog Media recovers from this blow to their Agenda and Narrative -- of See No Evil - Hear No Evil -- Speak No Evil when it come to the Democrat Party Darlings - "Illegal Aliens' a.k.a. Undocumented Future Democrat Voters.

Thank You Donald Trump ... it is so sad that it takes an Independent Billionaire who is not beholding to Political Correctness to TELL THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER. ... and the truth is Illegal Aliens are a problem to American Society as a huge percentage of them rob, rape and murder.

Soon I hope the other Big Lie comes out... There is not a mere 5 to 7 million Illegal Aliens in American -- there is AT LEAST 20 million -- a total disaster to American Demographics ready - set - go to happen and totally WARP American Society in One Fell Swoop if Democrats have their way ...

WHY? Because of an old but still utilized Federal Court Decision --- giving rise to Chain Migration... which means - every so called 'Immigrant' that is given citizenship is then allowed (quite crazily) to sponsor ALL THEIR BLOOD RELATIVES from the old country to come and be American Citizens -- enter the process ... In 50 to 70 years - if this is allowed America will go from 320 million population to 420 Million with the Hispanic portion rising to well above 50 percent. It will then be Estados Unidos de America.

You may not have noticed, but it is the Republicans that are having a problem with his rhetoric, not the Democrats or the main stream media (the ones you call left-liberal, and I guess viewed from the ultra right they are).

And it has taken a while, but thanks for coming out in your last lines.


I hope Trump makes Billions more... whether or not Trump goes on to fight it out in the hard core Primaries and make it to the Presidential Election of November 2016... Trump has succeeded in one thing -- that is making a huge dent in the Media Self-Censorship relative to hiding the real story of the huge problems with Illegal Aliens in America. It will be a while before the Lame Stream Lib-Left-Prog Media recovers from this blow to their Agenda and Narrative -- of See No Evil - Hear No Evil -- Speak No Evil when it come to the Democrat Party Darlings - "Illegal Aliens' a.k.a. Undocumented Future Democrat Voters.

Thank You Donald Trump ... it is so sad that it takes an Independent Billionaire who is not beholding to Political Correctness to TELL THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER. ... and the truth is Illegal Aliens are a problem to American Society as a huge percentage of them rob, rape and murder.

Soon I hope the other Big Lie comes out... There is not a mere 5 to 7 million Illegal Aliens in American -- there is AT LEAST 20 million -- a total disaster to American Demographics ready - set - go to happen and totally WARP American Society in One Fell Swoop if Democrats have their way ...

WHY? Because of an old but still utilized Federal Court Decision --- giving rise to Chain Migration... which means - every so called 'Immigrant' that is given citizenship is then allowed (quite crazily) to sponsor ALL THEIR BLOOD RELATIVES from the old country to come and be American Citizens -- enter the process ... In 50 to 70 years - if this is allowed America will go from 320 million population to 420 Million with the Hispanic portion rising to well above 50 percent. It will then be Estados Unidos de America.

You may not have noticed, but it is the Republicans that are having a problem with his rhetoric, not the Democrats or the main stream media (the ones you call left-liberal, and I guess viewed from the ultra right they are).

And it has taken a while, but thanks for coming out in your last lines.

Oh I have noticed... Oh yes - it is also the so called 'Leadership' of the Republican Party - the Elitist Establishment that is having a problem with what Trump is saying ... That is the heads of the GOP/RNC and the de facto leadership of the GOP -- the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and namely Senators Graham, McConnell, McCain and Speaker Boehner and their ilk.

We Conservatives in America consider the RINOs - Republicans in Name Only to be as big a problem as the Democrats. But please do not for an instant think that the Democrats are not beside themselves - caught with their political pants down and now having to be on the defensive -- defending Illegal Aliens to an aroused and perturbed American public who are looking at the horrendous murder of an innocent woman done by an illegal alien in a sanctuary city only days ago.

I can tell by your choice of words and phrasing that you do not understand the huge political divide in the Republican Party... we Conservatives just want the RINOs to go join the Democrats as their political outlook is about the same. Example -- Jeb Bush's policies are not 10 cents different than Hillary's.

Thus the reason for the appeal for a Truth Teller Like Trump.

And the mistake you make .. I am not even close to the ultra right .. rather a Principled Constitutional Conservative -- and there are many millions of us. We are the largest single voting bloc of the Republican Party. And if you do not think that the American News Media by all nature is liberal-leftist - then you are Rip Van Winkle and have been asleep for 10 - 12 years. They even admit it these days.

'Coming out' - wow you are out of touch ... seems you know nothing of the Illegal Alien issues and factors that have been on the hard core political discussion circuit in America since at least 2005. We Principled Constitutional Conservatives phone calling by the millions on June 28, 2007 overwhelmed the U.S. Senate phone system as they were on the near final stage of passing a massive Amnesty -- as the phone system melted down and ceased functioning - it scared the Senators so badly - they shut the entire debate down and dropped the Amnesty attempt.

All the issues such as Chain Migration and the effects on American Demographics were hotly discussed back then and have been ever since. We Conservatives actually believe that it is Normal for a People to want to maintain the nature of their culture, history and traditions. Self-Preservation is not remotely xenophobic or racist... We American Conservatives can only wince as we witness the citizens of the U.K. (the land of our ancestral heritage) stand by deaf - dumb and blind to the destruction of that once great Empire by a Muslim invasion. We do not intend to go belly up as the British people are doing - giving up our homeland. Rather we will not go silently into the night.

Also - what I wrote above that you responded to -- I have posted at least 4-5 times in the last 3 to 4 years here on TVF... 'coming out' ... how funny .



Trump on Jeb Bush: "I don't see him as a factor"

"... Trump (also) suggested to "take back our country" involved charging a fee to Mexico for every undocumented immigrant that entered the U.S. ... "Every time Mexico sends someone over, we charge Mexico $100,000 ..."


In the same Phoenix speech,

"I went to the Wharton School of Business," Trump noted several times. "I'm, like, a really smart person."

Well, clearly, I mean, like, halloo?



I hope Trump makes Billions more... whether or not Trump goes on to fight it out in the hard core Primaries and make it to the Presidential Election of November 2016... Trump has succeeded in one thing -- that is making a huge dent in the Media Self-Censorship relative to hiding the real story of the huge problems with Illegal Aliens in America. It will be a while before the Lame Stream Lib-Left-Prog Media recovers from this blow to their Agenda and Narrative -- of See No Evil - Hear No Evil -- Speak No Evil when it come to the Democrat Party Darlings - "Illegal Aliens' a.k.a. Undocumented Future Democrat Voters.

Thank You Donald Trump ... it is so sad that it takes an Independent Billionaire who is not beholding to Political Correctness to TELL THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER. ... and the truth is Illegal Aliens are a problem to American Society as a huge percentage of them rob, rape and murder.

Soon I hope the other Big Lie comes out... There is not a mere 5 to 7 million Illegal Aliens in American -- there is AT LEAST 20 million -- a total disaster to American Demographics ready - set - go to happen and totally WARP American Society in One Fell Swoop if Democrats have their way ...

WHY? Because of an old but still utilized Federal Court Decision --- giving rise to Chain Migration... which means - every so called 'Immigrant' that is given citizenship is then allowed (quite crazily) to sponsor ALL THEIR BLOOD RELATIVES from the old country to come and be American Citizens -- enter the process ... In 50 to 70 years - if this is allowed America will go from 320 million population to 420 Million with the Hispanic portion rising to well above 50 percent. It will then be Estados Unidos de America.

You may not have noticed, but it is the Republicans that are having a problem with his rhetoric, not the Democrats or the main stream media (the ones you call left-liberal, and I guess viewed from the ultra right they are).

And it has taken a while, but thanks for coming out in your last lines.

Oh I have noticed... Oh yes - it is also the so called 'Leadership' of the Republican Party - the Elitist Establishment that is having a problem with what Trump is saying ... That is the heads of the GOP/RNC and the de facto leadership of the GOP -- the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and namely Senators Graham, McConnell, McCain and Speaker Boehner and their ilk.

We Conservatives in America consider the RINOs - Republicans in Name Only to be as big a problem as the Democrats. But please do not for an instant think that the Democrats are not beside themselves - caught with their political pants down and now having to be on the defensive -- defending Illegal Aliens to an aroused and perturbed American public who are looking at the horrendous murder of an innocent woman done by an illegal alien in a sanctuary city only days ago.

I can tell by your choice of words and phrasing that you do not understand the huge political divide in the Republican Party... we Conservatives just want the RINOs to go join the Democrats as their political outlook is about the same. Example -- Jeb Bush's policies are not 10 cents different than Hillary's.

Thus the reason for the appeal for a Truth Teller Like Trump.

And the mistake you make .. I am not even close to the ultra right .. rather a Principled Constitutional Conservative -- and there are many millions of us. We are the largest single voting bloc of the Republican Party. And if you do not think that the American News Media by all nature is liberal-leftist - then you are Rip Van Winkle and have been asleep for 10 - 12 years. They even admit it these days.

'Coming out' - wow you are out of touch ... seems you know nothing of the Illegal Alien issues and factors that have been on the hard core political discussion circuit in America since at least 2005. We Principled Constitutional Conservatives phone calling by the millions on June 28, 2007 overwhelmed the U.S. Senate phone system as they were on the near final stage of passing a massive Amnesty -- as the phone system melted down and ceased functioning - it scared the Senators so badly - they shut the entire debate down and dropped the Amnesty attempt.

All the issues such as Chain Migration and the effects on American Demographics were hotly discussed back then and have been ever since. We Conservatives actually believe that it is Normal for a People to want to maintain the nature of their culture, history and traditions. Self-Preservation is not remotely xenophobic or racist... We American Conservatives can only wince as we witness the citizens of the U.K. (the land of our ancestral heritage) stand by deaf - dumb and blind to the destruction of that once great Empire by a Muslim invasion. We do not intend to go belly up as the British people are doing - giving up our homeland. Rather we will not go silently into the night.

Also - what I wrote above that you responded to -- I have posted at least 4-5 times in the last 3 to 4 years here on TVF... 'coming out' ... how funny .


you have no choice, demographics doom you


I hope Trump makes Billions more... whether or not Trump goes on to fight it out in the hard core Primaries and make it to the Presidential Election of November 2016... Trump has succeeded in one thing -- that is making a huge dent in the Media Self-Censorship relative to hiding the real story of the huge problems with Illegal Aliens in America. It will be a while before the Lame Stream Lib-Left-Prog Media recovers from this blow to their Agenda and Narrative -- of See No Evil - Hear No Evil -- Speak No Evil when it come to the Democrat Party Darlings - "Illegal Aliens' a.k.a. Undocumented Future Democrat Voters.

Thank You Donald Trump ... it is so sad that it takes an Independent Billionaire who is not beholding to Political Correctness to TELL THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER. ... and the truth is Illegal Aliens are a problem to American Society as a huge percentage of them rob, rape and murder.

Soon I hope the other Big Lie comes out... There is not a mere 5 to 7 million Illegal Aliens in American -- there is AT LEAST 20 million -- a total disaster to American Demographics ready - set - go to happen and totally WARP American Society in One Fell Swoop if Democrats have their way ...

WHY? Because of an old but still utilized Federal Court Decision --- giving rise to Chain Migration... which means - every so called 'Immigrant' that is given citizenship is then allowed (quite crazily) to sponsor ALL THEIR BLOOD RELATIVES from the old country to come and be American Citizens -- enter the process ... In 50 to 70 years - if this is allowed America will go from 320 million population to 420 Million with the Hispanic portion rising to well above 50 percent. It will then be Estados Unidos de America.

You may not have noticed, but it is the Republicans that are having a problem with his rhetoric, not the Democrats or the main stream media (the ones you call left-liberal, and I guess viewed from the ultra right they are).

And it has taken a while, but thanks for coming out in your last lines.

Oh I have noticed... Oh yes - it is also the so called 'Leadership' of the Republican Party - the Elitist Establishment that is having a problem with what Trump is saying ... That is the heads of the GOP/RNC and the de facto leadership of the GOP -- the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and namely Senators Graham, McConnell, McCain and Speaker Boehner and their ilk.

We Conservatives in America consider the RINOs - Republicans in Name Only to be as big a problem as the Democrats. But please do not for an instant think that the Democrats are not beside themselves - caught with their political pants down and now having to be on the defensive -- defending Illegal Aliens to an aroused and perturbed American public who are looking at the horrendous murder of an innocent woman done by an illegal alien in a sanctuary city only days ago.

I can tell by your choice of words and phrasing that you do not understand the huge political divide in the Republican Party... we Conservatives just want the RINOs to go join the Democrats as their political outlook is about the same. Example -- Jeb Bush's policies are not 10 cents different than Hillary's.

Thus the reason for the appeal for a Truth Teller Like Trump.

And the mistake you make .. I am not even close to the ultra right .. rather a Principled Constitutional Conservative -- and there are many millions of us. We are the largest single voting bloc of the Republican Party. And if you do not think that the American News Media by all nature is liberal-leftist - then you are Rip Van Winkle and have been asleep for 10 - 12 years. They even admit it these days.

'Coming out' - wow you are out of touch ... seems you know nothing of the Illegal Alien issues and factors that have been on the hard core political discussion circuit in America since at least 2005. We Principled Constitutional Conservatives phone calling by the millions on June 28, 2007 overwhelmed the U.S. Senate phone system as they were on the near final stage of passing a massive Amnesty -- as the phone system melted down and ceased functioning - it scared the Senators so badly - they shut the entire debate down and dropped the Amnesty attempt.

All the issues such as Chain Migration and the effects on American Demographics were hotly discussed back then and have been ever since. We Conservatives actually believe that it is Normal for a People to want to maintain the nature of their culture, history and traditions. Self-Preservation is not remotely xenophobic or racist... We American Conservatives can only wince as we witness the citizens of the U.K. (the land of our ancestral heritage) stand by deaf - dumb and blind to the destruction of that once great Empire by a Muslim invasion. We do not intend to go belly up as the British people are doing - giving up our homeland. Rather we will not go silently into the night.

Also - what I wrote above that you responded to -- I have posted at least 4-5 times in the last 3 to 4 years here on TVF... 'coming out' ... how funny .


Thanks four explanation. I don't want to make this personal so won't react to it.

K will say though that self preservation can be xenophobic and racist, and that change is inevitable, sometimes for the good, sometimes not so.


I hope Trump makes Billions more... whether or not Trump goes on to fight it out in the hard core Primaries and make it to the Presidential Election of November 2016... Trump has succeeded in one thing -- that is making a huge dent in the Media Self-Censorship relative to hiding the real story of the huge problems with Illegal Aliens in America. It will be a while before the Lame Stream Lib-Left-Prog Media recovers from this blow to their Agenda and Narrative -- of See No Evil - Hear No Evil -- Speak No Evil when it come to the Democrat Party Darlings - "Illegal Aliens' a.k.a. Undocumented Future Democrat Voters.

Thank You Donald Trump ... it is so sad that it takes an Independent Billionaire who is not beholding to Political Correctness to TELL THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER. ... and the truth is Illegal Aliens are a problem to American Society as a huge percentage of them rob, rape and murder.

Soon I hope the other Big Lie comes out... There is not a mere 5 to 7 million Illegal Aliens in American -- there is AT LEAST 20 million -- a total disaster to American Demographics ready - set - go to happen and totally WARP American Society in One Fell Swoop if Democrats have their way ...

WHY? Because of an old but still utilized Federal Court Decision --- giving rise to Chain Migration... which means - every so called 'Immigrant' that is given citizenship is then allowed (quite crazily) to sponsor ALL THEIR BLOOD RELATIVES from the old country to come and be American Citizens -- enter the process ... In 50 to 70 years - if this is allowed America will go from 320 million population to 420 Million with the Hispanic portion rising to well above 50 percent. It will then be Estados Unidos de America.

You may not have noticed, but it is the Republicans that are having a problem with his rhetoric, not the Democrats or the main stream media (the ones you call left-liberal, and I guess viewed from the ultra right they are).

And it has taken a while, but thanks for coming out in your last lines.

Oh I have noticed... Oh yes - it is also the so called 'Leadership' of the Republican Party - the Elitist Establishment that is having a problem with what Trump is saying ... That is the heads of the GOP/RNC and the de facto leadership of the GOP -- the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and namely Senators Graham, McConnell, McCain and Speaker Boehner and their ilk.

We Conservatives in America consider the RINOs - Republicans in Name Only to be as big a problem as the Democrats. But please do not for an instant think that the Democrats are not beside themselves - caught with their political pants down and now having to be on the defensive -- defending Illegal Aliens to an aroused and perturbed American public who are looking at the horrendous murder of an innocent woman done by an illegal alien in a sanctuary city only days ago.

I can tell by your choice of words and phrasing that you do not understand the huge political divide in the Republican Party... we Conservatives just want the RINOs to go join the Democrats as their political outlook is about the same. Example -- Jeb Bush's policies are not 10 cents different than Hillary's.

Thus the reason for the appeal for a Truth Teller Like Trump.

And the mistake you make .. I am not even close to the ultra right .. rather a Principled Constitutional Conservative -- and there are many millions of us. We are the largest single voting bloc of the Republican Party. And if you do not think that the American News Media by all nature is liberal-leftist - then you are Rip Van Winkle and have been asleep for 10 - 12 years. They even admit it these days.

'Coming out' - wow you are out of touch ... seems you know nothing of the Illegal Alien issues and factors that have been on the hard core political discussion circuit in America since at least 2005. We Principled Constitutional Conservatives phone calling by the millions on June 28, 2007 overwhelmed the U.S. Senate phone system as they were on the near final stage of passing a massive Amnesty -- as the phone system melted down and ceased functioning - it scared the Senators so badly - they shut the entire debate down and dropped the Amnesty attempt.

All the issues such as Chain Migration and the effects on American Demographics were hotly discussed back then and have been ever since. We Conservatives actually believe that it is Normal for a People to want to maintain the nature of their culture, history and traditions. Self-Preservation is not remotely xenophobic or racist... We American Conservatives can only wince as we witness the citizens of the U.K. (the land of our ancestral heritage) stand by deaf - dumb and blind to the destruction of that once great Empire by a Muslim invasion. We do not intend to go belly up as the British people are doing - giving up our homeland. Rather we will not go silently into the night.

Also - what I wrote above that you responded to -- I have posted at least 4-5 times in the last 3 to 4 years here on TVF... 'coming out' ... how funny .


Thanks four explanation. I don't want to make this personal so won't react to it.

K will say though that self preservation can be xenophobic and racist, and that change is inevitable, sometimes for the good, sometimes not so.

There is nothing inevitable about the currently unhindered illegal migration across the Mexican border into the USA.. It is a matter of political will to stop it. And it can be stopped ... You notice that Trump's huge popularity on this issue reflects the will of the people - the actual tax paying voters of America. It could have been stopped under GW BUSH but he is as stupid as his brother Jeb on this subject. Time and again the American people have voted to stop it - but greedy politicians refuse to listen and ignore laws passed to stop it. This issue has nothing to do with an unstoppable wave of people as with the recurrent Germanic Migratory Invasions across Europe so long ago. The United States Government under a President Trump could reduce it to a trickle -- it only takes political will and the casting off of Political Correctness. And doing justice for the citizens of America.

We in America have current laws - if only they were enforced that would reverse the situation. Under current law - Illegal Aliens should be denied all jobs and all state and federal benefits ... if that were done ... No mass deportation would be needed ... it would take about 3 to 5 years and the vast majority would self-deport. It has been shown that this will work. Several years ago the state of Alabama passed a serious set of laws reflecting what is Federal law and began enforcing it . Within months there was a mass migration of illegal aliens out of Alabama. Done nationally the same thing would happen. But NO GUTS to stand up for the American tax paying voter. And no the self-preservation I am speaking of is in no way xenophobia or racism. It wouldn't matter to Americans who it affected - even the large number of Irish illegal aliens in the Boston area would have to go. Equal opportunity forced - self-migration.

There are a BILLION People around the world who would love to migrate to America -- not just the millions in Mexico or Central America. Are the tax paying citizens of America just suppose to give their country away to the billion or so - ALSO? Mexicans want special privilege over the other Billion People in the world - just waltz in an take a seat - apply for benefits.

The United States of America has the most generous LEGAL Immigration allowances in the world. Annually, the U.S. allows more people into America legally to be processed into permanent residents and eventually citizens -- THAN ALL THE OTHER COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD COMBINED do in a similar manner. No other country or set of countries does what America does to accommodate new immigrants.

And illegal Aliens are NOT IMMIGRANTS -- they are law breaking LINE JUMPERS who demand special privilege over all other people of the world. Every illegal Alien who would be allowed citizenship cheats the hundreds of thousands and millions of REAL IMMIGRANTS who do it the right way and wait in line - do the paperwork - present credentials.

You may not have noticed, but it is the Republicans that are having a problem with his rhetoric, not the Democrats or the main stream media (the ones you call left-liberal, and I guess viewed from the ultra right they are).

And it has taken a while, but thanks for coming out in your last lines.

Oh I have noticed... Oh yes - it is also the so called 'Leadership' of the Republican Party - the Elitist Establishment that is having a problem with what Trump is saying ... That is the heads of the GOP/RNC and the de facto leadership of the GOP -- the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and namely Senators Graham, McConnell, McCain and Speaker Boehner and their ilk.

We Conservatives in America consider the RINOs - Republicans in Name Only to be as big a problem as the Democrats. But please do not for an instant think that the Democrats are not beside themselves - caught with their political pants down and now having to be on the defensive -- defending Illegal Aliens to an aroused and perturbed American public who are looking at the horrendous murder of an innocent woman done by an illegal alien in a sanctuary city only days ago.

I can tell by your choice of words and phrasing that you do not understand the huge political divide in the Republican Party... we Conservatives just want the RINOs to go join the Democrats as their political outlook is about the same. Example -- Jeb Bush's policies are not 10 cents different than Hillary's.

Thus the reason for the appeal for a Truth Teller Like Trump.

And the mistake you make .. I am not even close to the ultra right .. rather a Principled Constitutional Conservative -- and there are many millions of us. We are the largest single voting bloc of the Republican Party. And if you do not think that the American News Media by all nature is liberal-leftist - then you are Rip Van Winkle and have been asleep for 10 - 12 years. They even admit it these days.

'Coming out' - wow you are out of touch ... seems you know nothing of the Illegal Alien issues and factors that have been on the hard core political discussion circuit in America since at least 2005. We Principled Constitutional Conservatives phone calling by the millions on June 28, 2007 overwhelmed the U.S. Senate phone system as they were on the near final stage of passing a massive Amnesty -- as the phone system melted down and ceased functioning - it scared the Senators so badly - they shut the entire debate down and dropped the Amnesty attempt.

All the issues such as Chain Migration and the effects on American Demographics were hotly discussed back then and have been ever since. We Conservatives actually believe that it is Normal for a People to want to maintain the nature of their culture, history and traditions. Self-Preservation is not remotely xenophobic or racist... We American Conservatives can only wince as we witness the citizens of the U.K. (the land of our ancestral heritage) stand by deaf - dumb and blind to the destruction of that once great Empire by a Muslim invasion. We do not intend to go belly up as the British people are doing - giving up our homeland. Rather we will not go silently into the night.

Also - what I wrote above that you responded to -- I have posted at least 4-5 times in the last 3 to 4 years here on TVF... 'coming out' ... how funny .


Thanks four explanation. I don't want to make this personal so won't react to it.

K will say though that self preservation can be xenophobic and racist, and that change is inevitable, sometimes for the good, sometimes not so.

There is nothing inevitable about the currently unhindered illegal migration across the Mexican border into the USA.. It is a matter of political will to stop it. And it can be stopped ... You notice that Trump's huge popularity on this issue reflects the will of the people - the actual tax paying voters of America. It could have been stopped under GW BUSH but he is as stupid as his brother Jeb on this subject. Time and again the American people have voted to stop it - but greedy politicians refuse to listen and ignore laws passed to stop it. This issue has nothing to do with an unstoppable wave of people as with the recurrent Germanic Migratory Invasions across Europe so long ago. The United States Government under a President Trump could reduce it to a trickle -- it only takes political will and the casting off of Political Correctness. And doing justice for the citizens of America.

We in America have current laws - if only they were enforced that would reverse the situation. Under current law - Illegal Aliens should be denied all jobs and all state and federal benefits ... if that were done ... No mass deportation would be needed ... it would take about 3 to 5 years and the vast majority would self-deport. It has been shown that this will work. Several years ago the state of Alabama passed a serious set of laws reflecting what is Federal law and began enforcing it . Within months there was a mass migration of illegal aliens out of Alabama. Done nationally the same thing would happen. But NO GUTS to stand up for the American tax paying voter. And no the self-preservation I am speaking of is in no way xenophobia or racism. It wouldn't matter to Americans who it affected - even the large number of Irish illegal aliens in the Boston area would have to go. Equal opportunity forced - self-migration.

There are a BILLION People around the world who would love to migrate to America -- not just the millions in Mexico or Central America. Are the tax paying citizens of America just suppose to give their country away to the billion or so - ALSO? Mexicans want special privilege over the other Billion People in the world - just waltz in an take a seat - apply for benefits.

The United States of America has the most generous LEGAL Immigration allowances in the world. Annually, the U.S. allows more people into America legally to be processed into permanent residents and eventually citizens -- THAN ALL THE OTHER COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD COMBINED do in a similar manner. No other country or set of countries does what America does to accommodate new immigrants.

And illegal Aliens are NOT IMMIGRANTS -- they are law breaking LINE JUMPERS who demand special privilege over all other people of the world. Every illegal Alien who would be allowed citizenship cheats the hundreds of thousands and millions of REAL IMMIGRANTS who do it the right way and wait in line - do the paperwork - present credentials.

removed earlier post to allow reply

Though I agree with some of what to say

I stopped reading when you said:

"You notice that Trump's huge popularity on this issue reflects the will of the people"

I think yo are counting your chickens before they hatch, Trump enjoys a lead in the republican primary field, because the field is so big, and the tea party nutters are motivated,

Trumps 15% of support among self identified Republicans,is hardly a huge popularity among the US electorate.


Trump has taken pot shots at Governor Perry, Governor Bush and Senator McCain in the last few days. Do you know who is laughing the hardest? Secretary Clinton. The GOP needs to get its house in order quickly or the 2016 presidential election is going to be over before it even starts.


Trump has taken pot shots at Governor Perry, Governor Bush and Senator McCain in the last few days. Do you know who is laughing the hardest? Secretary Clinton. The GOP needs to get its house in order quickly or the 2016 presidential election is going to be over before it even starts.

I think Donald knew before running that he wouldn't actually get elected, but decided it was the best way to stir up the grey men that are currently running. He is probably surprised that he is so popular.

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