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When I hear other farangs dissing Chiang Mai ... I get irritated


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At the risk of throwing the ranting dice ,,, and losing all my jai yen tokens ... I just have to say that when I get an e-mail from an old friend describing some evil thing (human trafficking of women in the most recent case) they have read about on a web news-site, or in their newspaper ... that happened in Chiang Mai ... and, then they ask me a question about that ...

I get p*##ed off. I want to "defend" Chiang Mai. And, it makes me realize I have grown to love this place, which has accepted this old critter, warts and all so graciously, for so many years, in spite of his barbarian behavior, and his frequent oafish violation of Thai cultural norms of politeness ... for which he continues, foolishly, to plead "ignorance."

As an experiment, I replied to the person who sent the last "atrocity report" by doing some research on the web: I pointed out to the sender that the city they live in, in the U.S., has a registered sex offender for every 400 people, and that their city was in a state ranked fifth in human trafficking in the U.S., that their city was notorious for crack-whores selling their bodies on certain streets.

Sticking mandible in mouth even further, I went on to rhetorically ask the sender if they shouldn't consider moving ... given they were in an environment like that. I recommended Sweden, since it has virtually abolished trafficking of women (by criminalizing purchase of "services" ... "selling" by women remains legal ... figure that one out).

Their response: that I was "in denial."

Yes, folks, that's known as a "double-bind."

Hypothesis: there's something about Asia, and Thailand, particularly, that sparks prurient interest ... most strongly among males outside Thailand ? Can you say: "no-brainer" ? smile.png

Hypothesis: an older, single, farang male, living in Thailand long-term, is automatically suspected of monkey-business ?

Now, there, I feel better; after all, isn't suffering shared ... suffering diluted ?

Would it be, perhaps, better to say that the only way to really dilute suffering is to realize it is deluded ?

guilty-by-association, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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The best cure for that common farang complaint of "Chiang Mai-itis" is to return to one's own country for a few months.

Once all the reunions are over, and the weeks pass by, reality sets in. Most people who have lived here begin to yearn for Lanna.

Truth is, it is not perfect. It is certainly not as idyllic as it used to be a few decades ago. But when you compare all the pluses with the little negatives, we should all be grateful to be able to call this friendly city our home. We have everything we could want.

If anyone is in doubt, fly back home and try it out. I think you may discover the grass is greener right where we are.

It's an old saying: 'we don't ever appreciate what we have - until we lose it'

Good thing is - you can always fly back again!

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I get pissed off when white people call other white people 'farangs'

No excuse for being a racist bigot when you SHOULD know better.

"farang" is a Thai word, should we also not use other Thai words such as "Sawasdee".

Selective use of another language does not imply racism or bigotry in any way, unless unusually sensitive!


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At the risk of turning this into another thread about the term "farang" yes there are Thai people who consider it a perjorative. Or at least a coarse word. Kind of like referring to the Uighur refugees as breeding animals (i.e. "litters" of children)

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At the risk of turning this into another thread about the term "farang" yes there are Thai people who consider it a perjorative. Or at least a coarse word. Kind of like referring to the Uighur refugees as breeding animals (i.e. "litters" of children)


Not when it is used alone.

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I get pissed off when white people call other white people 'farangs'

No excuse for being a racist bigot when you SHOULD know better.

Well, yes; I would never refer to you as a farang, because: when I use the word, it means "honorable guest," and, as Humpty Dumpty expressed so clearly: "When I use a word, it means what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less.”


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OP, I can relate.

My guess is the salacious portrayal of Thailand in the western press sells papers (or ad clicks), and that is the reason for it. I've had people in the US tell me about the organized "child sex tours" and ask why doesn't the Thai government do something about it? Huh? Another time I had an American tourist in Thailand ask me why I lived here, what are you, a pedophile? It was only when I uncharacteristically hinted at physical violence against her (yes...it was a woman) that she backed off. I can only guess these two people thought that way because they had read it in the press.

Now when someone from my home country, the US, says anything negative about Thailand, I invite them to come over for a visit and see for themselves. No one has. I guess they would rather keep their view of this country intact.

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For some reason I never really get what the OP describes..

People don't e-mail me with any horrors, and also in person people don't seem to think I'm here for anything nefarious or illegal.

Mesquite added: "I had an American tourist in Thailand ask me why I lived here, what are you, a pedophile?"..

I think I would just be perplexed by something like that.. Also my response would likely be that she's here too.. Why did she visit, is she a pedophile?.. That would likely be my response.

As an aside though, I don't blame people in general who have been somewhat brainwashed by media reports (though there is a strong decline in these compared to 10-15 years ago) to be pro-active about potential child abuse. They're trying to do the right thing for society, so I can have some understanding of that.

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At the risk of turning this into another thread about the term "farang" yes there are Thai people who consider it a perjorative. Or at least a coarse word. Kind of like referring to the Uighur refugees as breeding animals (i.e. "litters" of children)

actually, after spendig nearly 5 years in Thailand, I met a Thai person who refers to foreigners by using the word "tang chart" or something similar. so, it was only after 5 years that I learned the racially neutral way to refer to foreigners.

But I am not certain that tang chart is not actually worse than farang.

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For some reason I never really get what the OP describes..

People don't e-mail me with any horrors, and also in person people don't seem to think I'm here for anything nefarious or illegal.

Mesquite added: "I had an American tourist in Thailand ask me why I lived here, what are you, a pedophile?"..

I think I would just be perplexed by something like that.. Also my response would likely be that she's here too.. Why did she visit, is she a pedophile?.. That would likely be my response.

As an aside though, I don't blame people in general who have been somewhat brainwashed by media reports (though there is a strong decline in these compared to 10-15 years ago) to be pro-active about potential child abuse. They're trying to do the right thing for society, so I can have some understanding of that.

I got such treatment!

I got harassed by two UK women because they deemed my GF to be too young, I should be ashamed of myself, etc.

I was 39 yo and my GF 32 at the time ?

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I would think most of us thought long and hard before deciding to take our final lap in Chiang Mai. So of course we have already self justified this decision.

We then have to justify it externally, when people question our reasoning.

We don’t need to justify it to anyone else but someone somewhere will question it so pride in our decision; pride in our city; pride in our choices will prevail.

Its like an allegiance to a football team, we all support a poor team yet we do it season after season for years; lots of negatives but we look for the positives. You meet someone over here from your country, there is an alliance already; all of us on TV are on the same team when it comes to defending Chiang Mai because we don’t want to admit we all made the wrong decision to come here.

And where am I going with this point……well I really don’t know; I have forgotten and I don’t care.

Chiang Mai the best City in the World

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I get pissed off when white people call other white people 'farangs'

No excuse for being a racist bigot when you SHOULD know better.

Well, yes; I would never refer to you as a farang, because: when I use the word, it means "honorable guest," and, as Humpty Dumpty expressed so clearly: "When I use a word, it means what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less.”


Nice to be able to just invent meanings for words.


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I get pissed off when white people call other white people 'farangs'

No excuse for being a racist bigot when you SHOULD know better.

Racist bigot! That's a bit dramatic isn't it? Is a Farang using the term Farang really a racist bigot? I feel sorry for you if that is how you see it. It Doesn't bother me. If it was said in a nasty tone it would, just like any other insult, but if it is said with no intention of being offensive I take it for what it is. Why be offended if offense was not intended? You have to bear in mind that on the whole, I don't care what people I don't know think of me, which of course includes the vast majority of people here.

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At the risk of turning this into another thread about the term "farang" yes there are Thai people who consider it a perjorative. Or at least a coarse word. Kind of like referring to the Uighur refugees as breeding animals (i.e. "litters" of children)

Exceptions to the rule are no excuse for taking offence when none was intended. Comparing the term Farang to our prime minister's reference to Uighur is even more dramatic than MaejoMTB, well done. Your being offended is misguided.

What's more important is the fact that Orang has posted a topic that is understandable! Has he been taking Normal Pills , I wonder.

Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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I don't know anyone who considers "farang" a pejorative term.

NancyL... and she's wrong.

Ah Nancy's OK and we all have pet peeves or bee's in our bonnet which reminds me to check mine. Its what sets us apart and makes us all different as human beings. If we where and thunk all the same this site would disappear. We all have our strong and weak suits. I respect what Nancy does as head of the expats society its a thankless job and I sure would not do it. She is also a darn good swimmer I and my g/f just admire her in the pool she has a nice clean stroke. She always puts her all into a project. If the F word upsets her well thats OK there are things that upset me to. She always keeps saying there are many things to see and do in CM to pass the time and well I am a bit of a couch potato at times and my weakness is that I am a movie buff especially old movies they are a time capsule/machine for me. She kind of reminds of Calamity Jane/Annie Oakley shoots from the hip.

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CM has horrible pollution, sex trade, traffic, death heat, little wind in the spring, and does attract people with limited funds.

attracts backpackers, old men looking for younger women, and people ride elephants and then say "treat elephants better."

defend this place? i am doing nothing about it.......i am not protesting, doing videos on this, or anything else......

it's not my country, i am not fluent in thai, involved in politics, etc......i simply spend money and relax.

if you are from america, i do wonder how much you defended our cities experiencing hardship? likely none.

must go....time to protest outside steak houses!!!! i must help the animals!!! then maybe humans..

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....well, after this cup of coffee..

i feel liberated now. yes, i am helping with this post!!!

hold on, let me pay this bar fine...

note: when someone says "legal" or "illegal" ... remember, you have a MORAL code as well. if a country says it's legal to punch a women, do you do it then????? let's be honest. i am not that weak of a human. legal selling of women???? oh yea, country says ok....so must be ok. but woman is crying and seems to really hate life or doing fake smile??? but it is legal??? must be ok

come on

Edited by puukao
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The best cure for that common farang complaint of "Chiang Mai-itis" is to return to one's own country for a few months.

Once all the reunions are over, and the weeks pass by, reality sets in. Most people who have lived here begin to yearn for Lanna.

Truth is, it is not perfect. It is certainly not as idyllic as it used to be a few decades ago. But when you compare all the pluses with the little negatives, we should all be grateful to be able to call this friendly city our home. We have everything we could want.

If anyone is in doubt, fly back home and try it out. I think you may discover the grass is greener right where we are.

It's an old saying: 'we don't ever appreciate what we have - until we lose it'

Good thing is - you can always fly back again!

I generally go for a month. The last two times I was there some thing came up and I decided to stay and extra two weeks. Both times I felt out of place there. When I first get there it is the good to see you and some sight seeing. But after a month I feel out of place. They all have their life to live and I feel like I am intruding on it. Coming back to Chiang Mai it was a sense of excitement that I was coming home. Been a couple of years and am going next month.

I am booked for one month. Not sure if I will stay that long or stay longer. Am taking my Thai wife who has never been there and is excited about it. If she doesn't like it I will cut it short if she likes it and I feel up to it I will head for California. I just hope that their Thai restaurants serve real Thai food.

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It`s because how Thailand has been depicted in the past, especially by the media, and still happening today that so many people living outside the country have negative views about Thailand. I describe it as the western perspective.

Also Thai visa members have not done much to show Thailand in a brighter light. Threads and posts constantly knocking everything Thai, where the term, Thainerss, has taken on a whole new negative meaning here on Thai visa. Very few likes and populars are gained by complimentary comments regarding the Thai people and Thailand on these forums. In big movies that have included Thailand in the story lines, they usually only show the bar areas that of course gives the semblance that the whole country is like that. Even one of my American cousins who lives in the States says; in Thailand you are never far from a brothel and she refuses to believe otherwise.

It`s not only Chiang Mai, but rather the whole country that is given the negative by many foreigners living abroad and considering most of the derogatory comments on these threads plus how Thailand is depicted by the foreign media, it is no wonder those who don`t live in Thailand think Thailand is the pits.

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I get pissed off when white people call other white people 'farangs'

No excuse for being a racist bigot when you SHOULD know better.

I think you are wrong.
Farang comes from the word "French" in French literally:
Remember that France administered Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia) until the early 20th century.
No insulting or derogatory sense then.
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People disparage places they have never been and even though they think they are experts, their knowledge is very limited. We see it here regularly as so-called experts with their insights on a variety of different countries spout their views that have been largely gained via the internet.

When some think of Thailand visions of a sexpat vacation spot comes to mind. When they think of the US they envision everyone carrying around guns and similar ill conceived opinions can be found on a variety of locations, countries, cultures and people.

Such is life.

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Perhaps I missed it but did everyone agree there is a single place anywhere on the planet that is perfect in every way and never criticized by anyone, a rhetorical question of course. Perhaps we all need to be more thick skinned, especially in this age of the internet and the troll. "You can please some of the people ......", and all that.

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Perhaps I missed it but did everyone agree there is a single place anywhere on the planet that is perfect in every way and never criticized by anyone, a rhetorical question of course. Perhaps we all need to be more thick skinned, especially in this age of the internet and the troll. "You can please some of the people ......", and all that.

Yorkshire? smile.png

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