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Apologies - newbie questions

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My apologies if these questions are answered in the forum archives, I have searched but some information is contradicted. I am a UK citizen aged 18. Some basic questions regarding a 6 month volunteering at a charity that I will be working with from October 2015:

Visa application - is the visa application process online only, online with an embassy visit, or paper based with an embassy visit?

Visa interview - assuming that an interview is required, and based in London, how long is needed, any experiences on ensuring all goes smoothly?

Visa validity period before visit - if I get a Visa now, how long will it last before actually going?

Visa length from arriving - 90 days seems to be the length of time allowed, but there is mention of an online 'extend beyond 90 days' facility - does this mean no visa run is required?

Visa run - assuming that one has to leave the kingdom and then return, what are the cheapest ways of doing this?

And anything else worth knowing.

Three other questions please:

Mobile phone SIM - purely as an emergency, so pay as you go, text and calls only - any recommendations, and specifically can they be purchased in the UK in advance if yes where?

Local bank account - is this the best way of dealing with getting access to cash, or are other facilities like prepay cashcards better?

Insurance - mainly for medical insurance, but a general travel package would be useful - any recommendations/

Many thanks and apologies again for such basic questions.

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Visa is applied for in person, or sometimes by mail. depends where you apply.

The non-O visa is for volunteers and allows you a stay of 90 days and can be extended in Thailand itself, with the correct paperwork from the charity. This includes a work permit. There is no online application, only in person.

You can buy a mobile with sim in Thailand.

Be aware that many organization that offer volunteer work are only good in one thing: filling the pockets of people who are only in it for the money. Do your research before going along with an organization and paying a lot of money.

Ask if they will help you with a work permit, volunteering without one is punishable with 5 years in jail.

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Good to hear, although some organization are at it for years deceiving people. But they rarely help with a work permit. Witht eh WP it will be little problem getting an extension for up to 1 year.

You should get travel insurance in the UK, that allows volunteering. Normally they allow you to travel for up to 1 year.

The charity should introduce you to a bank, that would help in opening a bank account. Although you could simply use your ATM card of your UK account. With larger sums it is more profitable to transfer money from the UK to a Thai bank account.

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