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Italian tourist viciously mauled by Rottweiler in Darwin, Australia


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Italian tourist viciously mauled by Rottweiler in Darwin

DARWIN, Australia - An Italian tourist seeking directions has been seriously injured after being attacked by a Rottweiler in Darwin’s northern suburbs.

The dog came at Gabriella Mostosi through an open gate in Nakara when she stopped to ask directions to Casuarina Beach from a woman standing on the footpath.

Ms Mostosi, 58, needed at least 20 stitches to bite wounds at the top of her inner left thigh following the attack.

The owner of the dog allegedly offered no assistance following the attack, instead telling a shaken Ms Mostosi to ride to hospital and then simply pointing her in the direction of RDH.

“I started to go that way but being unfamiliar with the way to the hospital I rode back along Trower Rd to Vanderlin Drive, then by many streets through Wanguri to Lyons suburb,” Ms Mostosi said.

When she reached Lyons, a man recognized she was in distress and took her to the emergency department at RDH.

Full story: http://www.eturbonews.com/61358/italian-tourist-viciously-mauled-rottweiler

-- eTN 2015-07-13

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The owners of these large dogs often say how cute and nice their dogs are, and how they "wouldn't hurt anyone", so are shocked when they do attack. The point is that large dogs can and do become vicious in just the same way as small dogs - the difference is that a small dog might be frightening as it is seen as being a nasty little animal, but the big dog has the power to do real harm or even to kill.

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Seems like a remarkable lack of responsibility and compassion by the dogs owner if the story is accurate.

Lived there (Northern Territory) for 15 years, alas, quite a lot of rat-bags, but mainly nice folk.The Lady met a rat-bag - guarantee the dog owner was not an original local. Guess it's one of the reasons I live in Thailand. I'm sure the local constabulary will attend to the problem maker (the dog owner) and then the dog.

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The owners of these large dogs often say how cute and nice their dogs are, and how they "wouldn't hurt anyone", so are shocked when they do attack. The point is that large dogs can and do become vicious in just the same way as small dogs - the difference is that a small dog might be frightening as it is seen as being a nasty little animal, but the big dog has the power to do real harm or even to kill.

Yes with a big dog you need to know what you do. If you are clueless with a small puddle not much harm is done if it bite.

A well trained confident Rottweiler is a lovely dog, but easily it believes it must protect its family and it is just too strong. It is a breed made for fighting it doesn't flee when it sense danger.

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These owners tend to claim that their dog is well trained and any dog that runs out of control is down to the owner's 'training'. One idiot who lived - possibly lives - in Pattaya, boasted that pit bulls, of which he owned one, are no problem if you (the owner) know what you are doing. He obviously didn't as his bloody dog started threatening my youngster. The dog was saved a golf iron in the skull when the owner realised I was ready to use it.

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My elderly mother was savaged by 2 dogs in rural Qld and the owners agreed to have the dogs put down. Some moron came in and said they would save them. The Police and others objected but the new"owners"threatened court action and agreed to do whatever it took. 350,0000 baht later they had the necessary shelters built and they were told that if seen on the street they would be shot on sight, with or without muzzles. Apparently the brainiacs missus was none too pleased when she found out her kitchen renovations were paying for it and they have since split up.He can't go away now as no pet care place will have them and they can't leave the property,

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