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GMMZ is a major entertainment company and satellite TV provider in Thailand.


CTH is a consortium that has attempted to take over cable and satellite services here for the last year or so.


As for a takeover have not seen any reports on that.

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We'll put it in the business forum then, and see if the experts can shed some light on it.

It is not a business enquiry it is rather how will current subscribers like myself be

affected by the change of control from CTH ( cable Thai holdings ) to GMM, I don't

know what this acronym stands for?

I was trying to get a second box for another room and no one at CTH could give me

any info other than all is on hold as their new systems are being upgraded apparently by

GMM. Hence my question.

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Could you be a little less cryptic, or at least spell out the acronyms?

I take it you and Mesquite are not interested in sport ( EPL ) or watch much TV in Thailand

if you don't know who CTH and GMM are??

I would consider it a favour if you could please return the op to the general forum where I

think it may get more response than in the jobs/business forum. Thanks.

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Well the only saving grace on my part is I have both systems at home although GMM is unsubscribed at present.

Maybe for the good we shall see.

Not heard anything either though until now.

Thanks stoneyboy the deafening silence and complete lack of any salient info from CTH or GMM on the subject

is leading me to think that the current CTH subscribers are about to be dropped like a hot potato and left with no

service at all. My wife ( Thai ) has called both companies and CTH says we have the old system but cannot give

any timeline for the aforementioned upgrade and GMM say we are not their subsciber so they are not interested.

I also know nothing but my guess is that CTH subscribers will have no choice but to convert to GMM if not CTH

will just turn off the service at some unknown date??? This will save them quite a lot in repayment of deposits etc.

and they will have disappeared without trace.

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When you take into account, CTH right from the start are just a Mickey mouse outfit who paid 200 million US for the EPL rights for three years knowing that the only way they could pay the 200 million US was to borrow 14 billion ฿ from the Bangkok bank.

Then the customers they had went for months without receiving monthly invoices and could not get any sense from their customer service, plus the fact that their encryption system they have as been compromised.

I am amazed they have lasted this long

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Phuketjock - I've replied to your enquiry within this existing CTH thread on the football forum:


Basically I think what you are seeing is the product of a merger of interests that took place in February 2014. GMMZ are finally getting to grips with CTH's rubbish systems. CTH swapped a right for GMMZ to show EPL football in exchange for (inter-alia) assistance of this very nature.

Administrators - apologies for chopping threads up a bit - but this one was not getting attention within the football threads, which is where those with a keen interest in the viewing contracts reside. I'm aware I broke ThaV rules about not redacting member postings, but it was done for clarification only. I leave you to decide whether to merge the threads

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Two weeks ago I went into a 7/11 and asked for a top-up to Gmmz television, 499 baht. A slip of paper is given with a number on it. For many months now my wife has phoned Gmmz in Bangkok to give them this number which then gives us 30 days subscription to Gmmz, When my wife phoned them two weeks ago they told her the subscription has gone up to 699 baht, as we had already paid the 499 baht they said they would give us 22 days. Goodbye Gmmz as you have had the last penny out of me.

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Phuketjock - I've replied to your enquiry within this existing CTH thread on the football forum:


Basically I think what you are seeing is the product of a merger of interests that took place in February 2014. GMMZ are finally getting to grips with CTH's rubbish systems. CTH swapped a right for GMMZ to show EPL football in exchange for (inter-alia) assistance of this very nature.

Administrators - apologies for chopping threads up a bit - but this one was not getting attention within the football threads, which is where those with a keen interest in the viewing contracts reside. I'm aware I broke ThaV rules about not redacting member postings, but it was done for clarification only. I leave you to decide whether to merge the threads

SS and all other posters thank you very much for your input.

I have to say my 2 years plus experience with CTH has been excellent, they have always been quick to react

to any problems I have had and their 1619 service number has, until now, solved the few problems we have

had in the 2 years we have been using them. We have always been billed every month without fail here in

Phuket and if we happened to forget to pay they send a message informing us instead of just cutting their


Recently I have not been so happy with their service, due to high winds and rain storms that we get here from

time to time our sat dish had moved a little and we were losing signal regularly, so on calling 1619 I was told

it would cost 500 baht for someone to come and fix it and i was given a local Phuket number to call.

I was not happy to pay 500 baht to them to come and fix their service when I was already paying them for the

service via a monthly subscription, but as we all know choice is not commonly available in TLOS so I called

the local number and asked them to come and fix the problem and to my surprise I was told it would cost 1000

baht. When questioned they told me 500 for Bangkok and 500 for them so again no choice had them come and

fix it, took him about 10 minutes.

Sorry I digress what I was really hoping for was someone who might have some idea when this CTH/ GMM

situation may be resolved, all I really want to know is can I get another box and how much will it cost me.

I can find no info on this on either CTH or GMMs' websites???? When this ' new system " is installed will current

subscribers be given new boxes or not and is CTH going to continue its' service or not??? Some sort of date for

when all this will happen, yes I know, would be good. Please excuse my dumb optimism. facepalm.gif

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Can I once again ask that this OP be sent back to General please where I feel it has a better chance

of giving me the info I am looking for. The OP really has nothing to do with Jobs,economy, banking,

business, or investments. PLEASE.

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CTH is a combination of many providers/local dealers and they have a record of changing so this may be an internal company matter rather than a CTH/GMM decision. CTH provides access for three services national services that I know of - there own branded CTH and GMMZ and PSI. Did you use the 1619 number to ask about your inability to obtain a new box?

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Actually GMMZ does not require any subscription - special channels do. Normally it has been much less expensive to pay yearly rather than monthly but see plans from 299-699 but no 499 plan being offered. Perhaps it was a promotion that has expired?


Yes, you are correct about only special channels requiring a subscription, I have had the service for at least a year for 499 baht a month, nothing ever mentioned about it being a promotion. I only watch two programmes, or I should say I only ever watch one and my daughter watches one, mine was the Formula 1 and my daughters was a cartoon channel, at 699 baht it is just not worth it for me. I bought my first TV in 1957, can you believe you just turned it on and actually watched programmes, not too many I admit.

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Are the channels you want available on a lower priced service by any chance. Click on the icon to see what channels are available on the service. My wife has Gold service for Nat Geo Live HD but that is available on yearly basis for under 2,100 baht from Lazada including new HD White box (few extra channels for almost no cost as get new tuner).


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CTH is a combination of many providers/local dealers and they have a record of changing so this may be an internal company matter rather than a CTH/GMM decision. CTH provides access for three services national services that I know of - there own branded CTH and GMMZ and PSI. Did you use the 1619 number to ask about your inability to obtain a new box?

Thanks lopburi3.

Yes went through the whole nine yards on 1619 and got the same answer on everything, you have the

old system and you will have to wait for the new system to be completed???

When will this happen? They think before the new epl season starts, emphasis on "Think"

Can I get an extra box then ?? You have old system blah blah etc.

Will current subscribers have their old boxes replaced and will it be free?? You have the old system,yes

you've guessed.

Basically, like everything in the LOS the person answering the phone has no idea what is happening and

have been given a speil to spout and that is exactly what they are doing as per brief.

I, believe it or not, have come to the amazing conclusion that I will have to wait until the new system is up

and running, whenever that may be!!, to get any idea what the new rules will be and if there is any chance

of getting my extra box?

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You might consider buying either GMMZ HD or PSI HD box and using Thaicom 5/6 source - you do not have to pay anything for normal channels and both offer CTH channels as extra pay options if you decide you want them. Not a great answer I know as a new channel number lineup as each is different. But cost of tuners is really not that much so might want to retire CTH if they can not service your needs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I suggest that people look at the thread below for a continuation of the topic, since it has been running in the football forum in one thread or another for a couple of years now and pleas by the OP to move it from an economy and finance thread have not been seen by admin:


If you are new to the topic and considering acquiring a CTH package - also worth reading the pinned thread on CTH in the football forum:


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