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Why young Isaan ladies marry old farangs?


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I heard that resale value is pitiful.

Remedy? Get her working in the rice paddy?

When you update, training is required.

Later models have higher maintenance expenses.

Must go - I have to interview some soon.

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I posted on this forum that not all bar girl are prostitutes, most of them are simply waitresses. And even if they were prostitutes once, they might change. Then it's not our business to check their past.

My girlfriend was a waitress in a bar, and (in her own words) she was never an angel.

Nonsense, your girlfreind was a prostitute in a bar in Pattaya. Only a total loser would think that "(most are simply waitresses)" She was working in a bar in Pattaya where MOST are not "simply waitresses". Wise up you fool.

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Why is it always Isaan women, that old farangs marry. How do you meet them in Isaan is there a local meeting place or something...what's the secret.

I have heard it said, there are bars in Bkk and Pattaya where the gullible farang has to roll up his trouser leg and knock three times before seeking admittance, dont quote me on it.

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I will add to the previous post.

Logically (western logic), these relationships are insane. That be the case, I very much enjoy my insanity. However, my blood family have criticized me aplenty for my actions.

"Don't build a house & PUT it in HER name". Then, within a short time, they fleeced me for a considerable amount. "Double standard" - of course not.

It has been a pleasure, an honour to enhance their quality of life.

Since then, I have totally severed my ties (shackles) with the blood family. @ 1 decision.

Now, a new life; new family; new culture; revised principles; new religion; new cuisine; new language.

It has its challenges but worth every bit of it.

How much younger is she?

If you don't mind me askingwub.pngwub.pnggiggle.gifgiggle.gif

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They marry old farangs because no Thai man in the village wants them.

Have to laugh, old farangs have to settle for the crumbs the Thai man throws from the table.

How about this for a laugh. The German that thinks the prostitutes that work the bars in Pattaya are "simply waitresses", is paying sin sod for a worn out Surin hooker (with baggage).

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How about this for a laugh.

A carpenter from Bethlehem had a financee, Mary (with baggage), and since he never made love to her he thought she was a virgin. Then the baggage was born. Mary was quite smart and told Joseph she never f***ed, the Holy Ghost came over her, so she was actually still a virgin.

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How about this for a laugh.

A carpenter from Bethlehem had a financee, Mary (with baggage), and since he never made love to her he thought she was a virgin. Then the baggage was born. Mary was quite smart and told Joseph she never f***ed, the Holy Ghost came over her, so she was actually still a virgin.

I was a born again Christian, until ,

Why burst my bubble .sad.png

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How about this for a laugh.

A carpenter from Bethlehem had a financee, Mary (with baggage), and since he never made love to her he thought she was a virgin. Then the baggage was born. Mary was quite smart and told Joseph she never f***ed, the Holy Ghost came over her, so she was actually still a virgin.

Off topic, as this is a Thai forum. Are you trying to justify your sin sod payment for a Surin prostitute complete with baggage ? Pathetic.

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How about this for a laugh.

A carpenter from Bethlehem had a financee, Mary (with baggage), and since he never made love to her he thought she was a virgin. Then the baggage was born. Mary was quite smart and told Joseph she never f***ed, the Holy Ghost came over her, so she was actually still a virgin.

Off topic, as this is a Thai forum. Are you trying to justify your sin sod payment for a Surin prostitute complete with baggage ? Pathetic.

On topic, this is also about Farangs. You are a Puritanistic moron, only after money for nothing. You probably never worked in your life, and now you need a scapegoat, someone who you think is too weak or too far away to defend herself. How can you know she's not looking over my shoulder?

Edited by micmichd
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Seen the youtube video where issan lady arranges ladies to court come marry farang with you wan't him? no he to young it all about my friends married farang here her 6 bedroomed house blah blah, comical but open documentary no link to give but it happens trust me.

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Hasn't this thread run its course yet?

Seems to be attracting mostly the members-that-insult nowadays

Sorry, one of the members keeps on repeating his/her insults with stereotyping remarks since weeks, and he/she picked one relationship for this, without knowing any details at all.

From my very personal experience I know how dangerous it can be if people replace lacks of knowledge with confabulations and then spread rumours around their confabulations because they think they have the "silent majority" behind them.

I'm afraid that many (maybe most) people in the West condemn relationships between Farangs and Isaan ladies as sexual perversions, and the dynamic of such processes can become a traumatic horror. I consider it my absolute right (even my duty) to unveil such group-dynamic processes based on cultural differences, hence my harsh reactions.

It is also a political question to demonstrate that a Farang pensioner is not willing to take this anymore.

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Money, financial security. Money that brings security. And a better way economic life. Is it wrong to desire that? If you didn't grow up poor, you have no right to comment against these girls motives or desires. Most of you have no idea what poverty truly feels like.

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Money, financial security. Money that brings security. And a better way economic life. Is it wrong to desire that? If you didn't grow up poor, you have no right to comment against these girls motives or desires. Most of you have no idea what poverty truly feels like.

Some of us did..and there are various ways to make a better economic life..

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Hasn't this thread run its course yet?

Seems to be attracting mostly the members-that-insult nowadays

Agree and therefore I choose mostly to lurk and learn from the good and bad contributions here rather than give in to the temptations to make public the circumstances of my marriage. I'm very proud of my wife and her modesty, she has taught me a lot that no others could.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I briefly spoke to a 30 yr old thai lady at robinsons who sold me an electronic device. She was very pretty and her thai colleagues were commenting / joking about her farang boyfriend. I asked how old he was and she was shy to answer. Eventually she said 64 yrs old and her friends laughed at her and so did I. With an age gap that big it has to be about the money and security. A week later I saw the girl with many shopping bags in her arms one lunchtime. Its all about the cash

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