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Formal nuclear deal has been reached with Iran


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Yeah, let me explain how it works.

When you make up vacuous soundbites like "Obama brought us the Arab Springs", and I point out to you that it's nonsense, posting a google link to a load of opinion pieces about how he has handled the Arab Spring doesn't really help you.

Of course if you'd like to link to the one that supports your statement, please do.

However, Obama had nothing to do with Tunisian domestic policy.

So all I'm doing is telling you that you are wrong.

If you'd like to offer any evidence that says Obama was at fault for the incident and subsequent events that toppled Ben Ali and spread across the Middle East, I'm all ears.

But if I were you, I'd find another hat from which to talk. There is no point in me googling for something that does not exist.

Edited by Chicog
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But it won't stop it and the Iran regime remains a very bad player, and now with this deal will become a massively funded bad player. Israel is right to feel angry, threatened, and abandoned in this deal. Nukes aren't everything. Iran's proxies are already gloating about how better they will be equipped now.

What alternatives do you propose? We hear so much from Bibi about why this is bad, but his domestic and international diplomacy has been proven woeful time and again. He has been unable to dissuade the ultra right zealots to compromise their hardline stance of total domination of Palestine; he has been unable to resolve Palestine itself; he has been unable to convince the world that he is anything other than disingenuous when he pleads about wanting peace, so much so that the tide of world opinion is firmly flowing against him and Israel. The Israeli approach has been a failure if you consider it as being a strategy for peace (which it patently is not).

This is a brave, courageous and bold move - not without risk, but with checks and balances to ensure that the risks never materialise. For decades we have witnessed carnage and bloodshed in the middle east - the current approach clearly doesn't work!

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Wow, must be some really strong stuff some people are smoking.

"With the checks and balances to ensure that the risks never materialize."

That's pure comedy.

Nobody rational believes that.

Please, you keep making these statements, but without any proof or justification, they are meaningless. Give me a concrete, tangible reason to make this statement?

Without something worthy to back up your assertions, you are simply the bigot that you are so quick to label others.

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Wow, must be some really strong stuff some people are smoking.

"With the checks and balances to ensure that the risks never materialize."

That's pure comedy.

Nobody rational believes that.

Seems the representatives of P5+1 are unrational then :s If the mainstream news are correct, the majority of the population in the west are cheering on the outcome and thus also unrational :s

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OMG, Obama is beyond an idiot and has set a course for World War III. Wow, just wow. Speechless. I though Bush was bad, but one really has to wonder what Obama's true agenda truly is. Wow.

And, and why has Obama not voiced outrage over the pretty blind young girl killed by the illegal immigrant in San Francisco. Oh yea, she is white.

Please allow me to add to your post, though you may not approve of the video link I attach. Needless to say many may not like the commentary contained in this video because it pulls no punches, is not politically correct, and clearly indicts where the fault lies- Obama! The Iranians can hardly be blamed for the ostensible deal as they are simply pursuing their own self interests. While it is true they can be blamed for lots of other things having the opportunity to negotiate and run circles around their avowed enemy does not in itself bring shame to Iran. They stunningly prevailed, though IMO, the winning was a done deal. I maintain the entire objective of the exercise was to set the foundation for a bipolar middle east of mutual assured destruction so that in this manner some parity and equality might bring peace. It is likely one of the worst gambles in diplomatic history. It will turn out to be a profound failure and the consequences will be visited upon the current generation, sooner rather than later.

I agree with both the comments and the contempt of the speaker in this attached link. A brilliant man though hardly restrained, he says it directly.

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Wow, must be some really strong stuff some people are smoking.

"With the checks and balances to ensure that the risks never materialize."

That's pure comedy.

Nobody rational believes that.

Please, you keep making these statements, but without any proof or justification, they are meaningless. Give me a concrete, tangible reason to make this statement?

Without something worthy to back up your assertions, you are simply the bigot that you are so quick to label others.

This isn't productive.

Welcome to my ignore list.

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Wow, must be some really strong stuff some people are smoking.

"With the checks and balances to ensure that the risks never materialize."

That's pure comedy.

Nobody rational believes that.

Please, you keep making these statements, but without any proof or justification, they are meaningless. Give me a concrete, tangible reason to make this statement?

Without something worthy to back up your assertions, you are simply the bigot that you are so quick to label others.

This isn't productive.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Enough said

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Wow, must be some really strong stuff some people are smoking.

"With the checks and balances to ensure that the risks never materialize."

That's pure comedy.

Nobody rational believes that.

The US used lack of inspections and fake WMDs to topple Saddam.

Why do you think it would be any more difficult to fabricate an excuse to topple the Guardian Council if they perceived a genuine threat?

Edited by Chicog
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Yeah, let me explain how it works.

When you make up vacuous soundbites like "Obama brought us the Arab Springs", and I point out to you that it's nonsense, posting a google link to a load of opinion pieces about how he has handled the Arab Spring doesn't really help you.

Of course if you'd like to link to the one that supports your statement, please do.

However, Obama had nothing to do with Tunisian domestic policy.

So all I'm doing is telling you that you are wrong.

If you'd like to offer any evidence that says Obama was at fault for the incident and subsequent events that toppled Ben Ali and spread across the Middle East, I'm all ears.

But if I were you, I'd find another hat from which to talk. There is no point in me googling for something that does not exist.

DO you have trouble reading? links are there, few thousand of them. Take your time.thumbsup.gif

As for your rationalization explanation of Obama's failures and "nothing to do's", best to save it for another time.

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DO you have trouble reading? links are there, few thousand of them. Take your time.thumbsup.gif

As for your rationalization explanation of Obama's failures and "nothing to do's", best to save it for another time.

There is not one link there that can Obama for "bringing us the Arab spring". Because he didn't.

I'd suggest you do a little reading yourself, rather than speaking off the Fox News soundbite page.

Nothing more to discuss here, you clearly can't back up your statement.

Try again.

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DO you have trouble reading? links are there, few thousand of them. Take your time.thumbsup.gif

As for your rationalization explanation of Obama's failures and "nothing to do's", best to save it for another time.

There is not one link there that can Obama for "bringing us the Arab spring". Because he didn't.

I'd suggest you do a little reading yourself, rather than speaking off the Fox News soundbite page.

Nothing more to discuss here, you clearly can't back up your statement.

Try again.

Yes, Syrian civil war is not also not his makinggigglem.gif

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DO you have trouble reading? links are there, few thousand of them. Take your time.thumbsup.gif

As for your rationalization explanation of Obama's failures and "nothing to do's", best to save it for another time.

There is not one link there that can Obama for "bringing us the Arab spring". Because he didn't.

I'd suggest you do a little reading yourself, rather than speaking off the Fox News soundbite page.

Nothing more to discuss here, you clearly can't back up your statement.

Try again.

Yes, Syrian civil war is not also not his makinggigglem.gif

He decided to give anyone who wanted to topple Assad a helping hand, he didnt introduce the Arab spring protests to Syria.

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DO you have trouble reading? links are there, few thousand of them. Take your time.thumbsup.gif

As for your rationalization explanation of Obama's failures and "nothing to do's", best to save it for another time.

There is not one link there that can Obama for "bringing us the Arab spring". Because he didn't.

I'd suggest you do a little reading yourself, rather than speaking off the Fox News soundbite page.

Nothing more to discuss here, you clearly can't back up your statement.

Try again.

Yes, Syrian civil war is not also not his makinggigglem.gif

He decided to give anyone who wanted to topple Assad a helping hand, he didnt introduce the Arab spring protests to Syria.

Well in this case he is NOT responsible?blink.png

NY Times: Obama Jump-Started Arab Spring http://www.clarionproject.org/analysis/nytimes-obama-jump-started-arab-spring
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Yes a thrilling example of trying to put thoughts into someone's head:

Here is my imagined passage from a high-level government document

Get a grip man.

And he goes on to say:

No, it actively pushed to bring down at least four governments—Bahrain, Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen.

I don't know what drugs this chap is taking, but if he thinks Obama wanted to lose the most strategically important naval base in the Arabian Gulf, then he's definitely off his head.

Edited by Chicog
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Yes a thrilling example of trying to put thoughts into someone's head:

Here is my imagined passage from a high-level government document

Get a grip man.

And he goes on to say:

No, it actively pushed to bring down at least four governments—Bahrain, Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen.

I don't know what drugs this chap is taking, but if he thinks Obama wanted to lose the most strategically important naval base in the Arabian Gulf, then he's definitely off his head.

Arabian gulf? You probably own a map from the middle east.

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Wow, must be some really strong stuff some people are smoking.

"With the checks and balances to ensure that the risks never materialize."

That's pure comedy.

Nobody rational believes that.

Please, you keep making these statements, but without any proof or justification, they are meaningless. Give me a concrete, tangible reason to make this statement?

Without something worthy to back up your assertions, you are simply the bigot that you are so quick to label others.

This isn't productive.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Wow as soon as someone questions you, and rightly so, you ignore them. So many.

Your ignore list must be nearly as long as the UN sanctions against Israel.

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Interesting article in Washington Times. Really makes one wonder if this is not being orchestrated by Putin. Seems like Putin's threat while back to assist Iran made US jump. Could this actually be better for Putin now that US jumped?

Iran gets nuclear capability, arms embargo lifted, sanctions lifted and a huge amount of money to fund terrorism. Great day for Iran.

The article notes that now with Russia and China in the mix, Iran could basically ignore the deal and the US may not be able to put sanctions back into place. Did Putin smack Obama once again?

Who does it really benefit if things go to heck in the Middle East? Middle East melt down could cause oil prices to rise. That help Putin. Middle East melt down could make oil exports slow. Putin would like that. Heck, everything got turned to marble in the Middle East, how valuable would Russia's oil resources become.

If Iran knows that US will not likely have the capability of putting sanctions back into place, why would they comply with the deal?


1. It's now more likely that the sanctions coalition could fall apart. For example, if China and Russia disagree with the United States and Europe over the next steps, or over whether Iran is holding to its end of the deal, then their unified front could collapse. It's also possible that European leaders could split with the United States. In the worst case, Iran could renege and the international sanctions that the Obama administration worked so hard to put together could fall apart.


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Interesting article in Washington Times. Really makes one wonder if this is not being orchestrated by Putin. Seems like Putin's threat while back to assist Iran made US jump. Could this actually be better for Putin now that US jumped?

Iran gets nuclear capability, arms embargo lifted, sanctions lifted and a huge amount of money to fund terrorism. Great day for Iran.

The article notes that now with Russia and China in the mix, Iran could basically ignore the deal and the US may not be able to put sanctions back into place. Did Putin smack Obama once again?

Who does it really benefit if things go to heck in the Middle East? Middle East melt down could cause oil prices to rise. That help Putin. Middle East melt down could make oil exports slow. Putin would like that. Heck, everything got turned to marble in the Middle East, how valuable would Russia's oil resources become.

If Iran knows that US will not likely have the capability of putting sanctions back into place, why would they comply with the deal?


1. It's now more likely that the sanctions coalition could fall apart. For example, if China and Russia disagree with the United States and Europe over the next steps, or over whether Iran is holding to its end of the deal, then their unified front could collapse. It's also possible that European leaders could split with the United States. In the worst case, Iran could renege and the international sanctions that the Obama administration worked so hard to put together could fall apart.


The sanctions are now as good as history, and not history that's going to be repeated. All the stuff you're hearing from Obama now live on TV about inspection, oversight, enforcement, etc., is just him moving his lips again. He gave away the store (again). So predictable, but undoubtedly NOT the end of the story. In pulling the rug out from under Israel, he's actually made war more, not less, likely. Another masterstroke from boy statesman.

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Chicog and bkk bobby, it's a waste of time even trying to talk sense with either of you as I doubt you posses capability to comprehend it.

The silly baseless one liners is a perfect example of total ignorance and blinkers tightly strapped on..

There is a saying " time cures all" let's hope your blinkers has the capability to come off

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These hard core neocons love these kinds of walls. 50 years of nothing for the Cubans DID NOTHING towards peace and stability. 30 years of walls DID NOTHING towards peace and stability with the Iranians.

I am glad the normal people of these two countries can join the real world. coffee1.gif

Now, back to the World Criminal Court in The Hague and Bush and his entourage. coffee1.gif

Let's see; Cuba wall - Kennedy. Iranian wall -Carter. Although Kennedy was pretty much a conservative. Not seeing 'neocons' there. BTW, neocon means new conservative.

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DO you have trouble reading? links are there, few thousand of them. Take your time.thumbsup.gif

As for your rationalization explanation of Obama's failures and "nothing to do's", best to save it for another time.

There is not one link there that can Obama for "bringing us the Arab spring". Because he didn't.

I'd suggest you do a little reading yourself, rather than speaking off the Fox News soundbite page.

Nothing more to discuss here, you clearly can't back up your statement.

Try again.

It was the liberal media touting Obamas' involvement, not Fox. Though, since Obama has done nothing on the world stage of any consequence, you may be right. Copies of Obamas' speeches are available at gov.org.

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Chicog and bkk bobby, it's a waste of time even trying to talk sense with either of you as I doubt you posses capability to comprehend it.

The silly baseless one liners is a perfect example of total ignorance and blinkers tightly strapped on..

There is a saying " time cures all" let's hope your blinkers has the capability to come off

Since you started it with a baseless one liner, I am perfectly happy to let it rest there.


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