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BKK Police Chief Angered by Breathalyser Test Requests

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If im a top police chef in any country i surely travel with my own private motorcade and stuff like that... with sirens and flashlights and rounded up people around my route... there is absolutely no way anyone would breathalyze me that way for sure! w00t.gif

If you were a top police chef, you would be too busy in the kitchen to round anyone up...

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"BANGKOK The commander of Bangkok's police force lashed out at volunteer traffic cops who asked him to take a breathalyser test even after he insisted he was not drunk.

Pol.Lt.Gen. Sriwarah Rangsipramkul described the incident to reporters this morning, and said he has now ordered his subordinates to improve the "quality" of traffic officers."

So that's the standard for judging quality then? If you insist you are not drunk and don't smell of alcohol alls well and good and you don't have to take the test?

Sometimes it might be better if officials think through what they are about to say first.

This would be funny if it wasn't for the fact this individual seems to be quite serious in his views.

Certainly helps explain the death toll due to drunk drivers with this kind of leadership.


I'll do the same next time when I drive through a breathalyser checkpoint.

This is shocking behaviour by a senior policeman.

He is more. He is the BKK Police Chief Pol.Lt.Gen. Sriwarah Rangsipramkul.

The leader of the BKK police.

He is the flagship model for all of policemen in word and behavior.

In his self-image he is clearly above the law.

Even if he is not on duty, Laws do not apply to him.


Ah-ha, so the secret phrase is "I have not drunk any alcohol", and we'll be waived through.

This story also proves that volunteer cops are more honest than normal cops.

The volunteer cop should get a promotion, but we all know what will really happen.

Most probably he get kicked out.


The smart thing of course would have been to take the test to show no-one is above the law... but this is Thailand...

No one is above the law?

Sure would be nice to see that principle in effect.


If im a top police chef in any country i surely travel with my own private motorcade and stuff like that... with sirens and flashlights and rounded up people around my route... there is absolutely no way anyone would breathalyze me that way for sure! w00t.gif

If you were the top police "chef" and had escaped from the canteen, and were being transported in your limo in a motorcade with sirens and "flashlights" and "rounded up people around your route", you could be absolutely "Brahms and Liszt" in the car, but you would not be at the wheel, your chauffeur would be driving. This character was in civilian clothes and was driving himself.

With his disgusting attitude of "I am far too important to have to submit to a breath test" , bah.gif he should be facing disciplinary action. The police volunteers should be commended for their professional action.


the moral of the story is that if you are a high ranking police officer who happens to be drunk and driving its ok if you are not wearing your uniform?

if he was wearing a uniform of course it would be a different matter I guess. yes that makes sense

I mean there is precedent , we had mr mao nit noi the other day, setting a precedent and asking for the public not to spread images of drunken police on the internet

I guess its similar situation to those caught on film occasionally its ok for the senior to beat down on the junior

since foreigners are equal in status to officials - according to the latest officials and foreigners to be jailed for corruption- perhaps tis ok for foreigners with their special status to do the same


Good General.... Please now talk about Rule of Law that must be obeyed. Remove this arrogant clown doing such a horrible disservice to entire police force. Unbelievable moron can only describe him.


the issue of course will be that anything happening to this police chief other than being moved to a different region is hihgly unlikley.

also in thailand drink driving is not really a law, so any penalty is unlikely, they treat drink driving like they treat rape,

"If those volunteers were quality people, and had some wits, they would have realised that I didn't smell of any alcohol. Eventually, I had to tell them who I was and get out of my car and criticise them."

If he had the intelligence one would expect anyone of his rank to have he would know pure alcohol has little smell it is the substance it is brewed in, so if he had been drinking vodka it has little smell that could be easily masked.


Good General.... Please now talk about Rule of Law that must be obeyed. Remove this arrogant clown doing such a horrible disservice to entire police force. Unbelievable moron can only describe him.

Rule of law..?? your having a laugh!!!

I cant help thinking there is no rule of law here if some of the many recent incidents and examples are anything to go by...

Lots of diktats and rules from the blokes in charge over the years get pushed out but many clearly appear to depend on your personal wealth and connections, if you have wealth and connections nothing much happens if you don't then you can expect to be punished to the level you are able to pay, if you are poor or foreign probably best not to get caught...


Good General.... Please now talk about Rule of Law that must be obeyed. Remove this arrogant clown doing such a horrible disservice to entire police force. Unbelievable moron can only describe him.

Rule of law..?? your having a laugh!!!

I cant help thinking there is no rule of law here if some of the many recent incidents and examples are anything to go by...

Lots of diktats and rules from the blokes in charge over the years get pushed out but many clearly appear to depend on your personal wealth and connections, if you have wealth and connections nothing much happens if you don't then you can expect to be punished to the level you are able to pay, if you are poor or foreign probably best not to get caught...

Yes, thanks for catching my subtle sarcasm. Cheers!

Sounds like tiny Sriwarah has some self esteem issues. Maybe a few years of therapy would help. Think of how dysfunctional and broken the RTP is, that this clown admitted and was even bragging about what he did, to the media. In the US this rank fool would he dismissed without pay and possibly face charges. Here, he is treated with respect he does not deserve. What a goon. What a fool. What a two bit punk.


Good General.... Please now talk about Rule of Law that must be obeyed. Remove this arrogant clown doing such a horrible disservice to entire police force. Unbelievable moron can only describe him.

Rule of law..?? your having a laugh!!!

I cant help thinking there is no rule of law here if some of the many recent incidents and examples are anything to go by...

Lots of diktats and rules from the blokes in charge over the years get pushed out but many clearly appear to depend on your personal wealth and connections, if you have wealth and connections nothing much happens if you don't then you can expect to be punished to the level you are able to pay, if you are poor or foreign probably best not to get caught...

Yes, thanks for catching my subtle sarcasm. Cheers!

Sorry about that it is all this talk of laws and stuff brings down the red mist when I read about these hypocrites who are running this three ring circus...

edited to say: In my opinion I think that it would take lots more of these reports to actually make the Police Farce and their leadership (substitute suitable alternative) seem any more incompetent or unprofessional and to do that would probably take a long time and more effort than the average BiB (substitute suitable alternative) seem to possess, I think they have already found the right level....


That he had the gall to recount this little tale and act upset about it really goes to show that he doesn't even realize how fundamentally wrong his attitude is.

Sad, really.

And it's real cause for concern that he is only one in a whole ocean of like minded, self-entitled people that this country harbors in highest positions.


They just don't get it...how can you expect any kind of justice and reconciliation when deluded pricks like this are in charge, It would be nice to think he was the exception but I really don't believe that....

The problem is that it's only the dirty rotten bastards who get to the top. Most regular honest civil servants are of low rank and don't use their money / connections to crawl their way up. This is a prime example of why Thailand will never change....until there is a revolution.


Next time I get stopped I will say no and refer to this article and not only expect but demand to be allowed to go without any tests


While driving a taxi in Brisbane on a Friday night earlier this year, I was stopped at the same Breathalyser point 3 times in around 40 minutes. Tested all 3 times by the same officer, I really didn't expect to be tested the second time after less than 10 minutes. It was made quite clear that there was no exceptions for anyone at any time.

This self-important idiot has confessed to the press of committing a criminal act on 2 occasions. He should have the right to explain his actions to a court.


If im a top police chef in any country i surely travel with my own private motorcade and stuff like that... with sirens and flashlights and rounded up people around my route... there is absolutely no way anyone would breathalyze me that way for sure! w00t.gif

If you were a top police chef, you would be too busy in the kitchen to round anyone up...

555 I keep seeing chief misspelled this way in other threads and I find a pun hard to resist but have as yet been too slow to react in a timely fashion.

Also Carlos, while we're on the subject, your delicious avatar is making me hungry.


It is a continuation of a pattern of behaviour that has existed for decades. In recent times we have seen the senior customs official box the ears of a staff member of the airport ( for trying to screen him through security); also the former chief cop taking a gun onto a plane. This is the culture of those who see themselves as untouchable, above the law, accountable to no one.

The solution in this case should be simple: the sack. Won't happen because those above him have the same attitude.


The normal reply of a hi-so or untouchable person " Do you know who I am ? " or " Do you know who my father is ? " ... They should have arrested him and made him take a breath test.

If he was innocent he would have set a good example and taken the test and even had it photographed or videoed as a good public relation exercise.

But now he has just shown the type of low life police officer he is


"BANGKOK The commander of Bangkok's police force lashed out at volunteer traffic cops who asked him to take a breathalyser test even after he insisted he was not drunk.

Pol.Lt.Gen. Sriwarah Rangsipramkul described the incident to reporters this morning, and said he has now ordered his subordinates to improve the "quality" of traffic officers."

So that's the standard for judging quality then? If you insist you are not drunk and don't smell of alcohol alls well and good and you don't have to take the test?

Sometimes it might be better if officials think through what they are about to say first.

This would be funny if it wasn't for the fact this individual seems to be quite serious in his views.

Certainly helps explain the death toll due to drunk drivers with this kind of leadership.

Wouldn;t it have been nice if he had had a press conference with the Volunteer Police there praising them for having subjected him to a breath test despite his rank......I guess I must be dreaming.

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