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Forced to return to home country - what would you do?


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A sense of fair play in Britain????? Tell that to the UK state pensioners who are living here in Thailand and have their annual pension increases frozen.

They have worked and paid NS contributions all their lives and the UK Government are stealing, yes stealing that money from them. like the thieves they are.

You don't understand how your pension system works do you? The people who can be accused of "stealing" are the pensioners. The contributions paid by these pensioners over the years is not enough to cover the pensions they will receive. Younger workers are forced to cover the shortfall. It is these younger workers who will see reduced benefits and a change in the qualifying age.

The UK government should have frozen pensions and raised the qualifying age long ago.

I try to respect peoples opinion, but I cannot this time, you stick up for people who steal from British OAPs??????

The UK is a country where MPs accept 10% wage increases, while the workers only get 1%. Thieving hypocrites.

I see the UK Government don't freeze OAPs living in the Philipines pensions.

No one is stealing from old age pensioners, except old age pensioners. Pensions are not frozen for the Philippines because a reciprocal pension agreement is in place. Some countries did not want to enter into the agreement with the UK, Is that the UK's fault? Take it up with Thailand.

Yes, the MPs recently received a wage increase. MPs still make less than I do and yet they have a workload significantly greater and have to put up with tens of thousands of petty complaints and solve their problems. Ever wonder, why some MPs are twits? Well, at the crap salary they are paid, who wants to sacrifice health, family and income to deal with the workload and the abuse of idiots and ingrates?

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A sense of fair play in Britain????? Tell that to the UK state pensioners who are living here in Thailand and have their annual pension increases frozen.

They have worked and paid NS contributions all their lives and the UK Government are stealing, yes stealing that money from them. like the thieves they are.

You don't understand how your pension system works do you? The people who can be accused of "stealing" are the pensioners. The contributions paid by these pensioners over the years is not enough to cover the pensions they will receive. Younger workers are forced to cover the shortfall. It is these younger workers who will see reduced benefits and a change in the qualifying age.

The UK government should have frozen pensions and raised the qualifying age long ago.

I try to respect peoples opinion, but I cannot this time, you stick up for people who steal from British OAPs??????

The UK is a country where MPs accept 10% wage increases, while the workers only get 1%. Thieving hypocrites.

I see the UK Government don't freeze OAPs living in the Philipines pensions.

No one is stealing from old age pensioners, except old age pensioners. Pensions are not frozen for the Philippines because a reciprocal pension agreement is in place. Some countries did not want to enter into the agreement with the UK, Is that the UK's fault? Take it up with Thailand.

Yes, the MPs recently received a wage increase. MPs still make less than I do and yet they have a workload significantly greater and have to put up with tens of thousands of petty complaints and solve their problems. Ever wonder, why some MPs are twits? Well, at the crap salary they are paid, who wants to sacrifice health, family and income to deal with the workload and the abuse of idiots and ingrates?

Oh dear, now there is a confused soul.

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Geriatrick Kid. You are at the windup, and I'm not going to fall for it. Look at the username you picked. You have got over 14000 posts

so you are not a troll. Happy posting.

I think from now on I will refer to you as 'The TV comedian' What a username that would have been.

Edited by possum1931
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A sense of fair play in Britain????? Tell that to the UK state pensioners who are living here in Thailand and have their annual pension increases frozen.

They have worked and paid NS contributions all their lives and the UK Government are stealing, yes stealing that money from them. like the thieves they are.

You don't understand how your pension system works do you? The people who can be accused of "stealing" are the pensioners. The contributions paid by these pensioners over the years is not enough to cover the pensions they will receive. Younger workers are forced to cover the shortfall. It is these younger workers who will see reduced benefits and a change in the qualifying age.

The UK government should have frozen pensions and raised the qualifying age long ago.

The people who can be accused of "stealing" are the pensioners. ??

​What a lot of nonsense, High paid Ministers worked out the pensions and the years anyone has to pay, for me 30 years = full UK pension [born before 1951]..... if they got there sums wrong it is 100% not my fault, it is the mismanagement of the accounts/ pension or what have you if they run out of money. out of my wages came money for my pension every week/month, there was no option the government/pension office took it, so at 65 I would have a pension, again at what they set as the amount...

I would not be stealing, as the money was paid in for the correct amount of years as set out by the Government.. so is 100% what I am due and paid in for.

Somehow the pension office appear to think OAP's living here don't need the increases, ever a Thai Minister will have you believe the cost of living has gone down.

Go back and read the original bitter rant. It accused the UK government of stealing from pensioners. My reply was that the only ones who could be accused of theft were pensioners because the pensions were not funded fully.

You then go on to claim that high paid ministers worked out the pensions and the years anyone has to pay. Well, the ministers did not. The government, like the private sector, relied on the projections and calculations of financial advisers and actuaries.The projections were wrong. Instead of people dying at age 72, they were living to 82.+ The ROI isn't what it was projected to be either.

There are two issues involved here: One is the undisputed fact that the pension plan of the UK like the pension plans of every other developed country were underfunded by the plan current beneficiaries. The other is that the UK pension plan does not have a reciprocal pension agreement with Thailand.

Many private sector pension funds are in deficit. Some have failed. When that happens, the private company pensioners lose their pensions. If you want to know how that works, ask the UK retirees of Nortel. Ask the employees of British firms who have lost their defined benefit plan options. The difference between the private sector and the public sector is that when the government has a shortfall, it's the taxpayer and future pension beneficiaries who have to make it up.

No argument from me, that you paid in what you were told to pay. However, look at your your expectation. You believe you are ENTITLED to the indexation even if the government pension managers screwed up. Do you not understand that you are already getting back what you paid in plus a generous ROI for those payments? You are not being "short changed". A mistake was made, but you want everyone else to pay for your benefit.

Now let's look at your non indexed pension. Do you understand what a reciprocal pension agreement is? If pensions were to "unfrozen" the Thai and UK governments would have to sign a specific tax/pension treaty where Thailand and the UK would agree to the same pension standards, and Thailand would have to treat its pensioners in the UK as the UK treated its pensioners in Thailand. Do you think it is possible? I don't.

If you need a pension increase, to get by, I suggest you reconsider whether Thailand is the right place for you. Thailand is not a country for the elderly with limited financial means. People do not get it until they get sick and see the inflated bills and experience the 2nd or 3rd tier care because they can't pay the exorbitant medical costs of decent medical care. If I am lucky to live to 70 or more and want to live longer, it is unlikely I will be anywhere near Thailand.

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Oh dear, now there is a confused soul.

Confused? Why? Because I understand the workloads and the sacrifices that MPs make? Is it any wonder the best people aren't interested in the crap pay and working conditions?

Confused, because I understand what a pension treaty is?

You want something for nothing and become angry when you are told no. It is unfortunate you don't understand the concept of fiscal responsibility. Perhaps that is why your generation has run up massive deficits and buggered up the economy with your entitlement demands leaving the mess to future generations to sort out.

Thanks for nothing.

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The idea behind a pension treaty is (at least) threefold.

1. Part of your salary is taken away for the days when you get old.

2. The next generation will fill up the funds.

3. The next generation will have enough children to keep the system running.

Conditions 2 and 3 turned out to be an illusion.

A large portion of the current generation is unemployed and live on benefit paid by taxpayers, and those who have a job are underpaid. "Underpaid" means they got less than I got for doing the same work.

And they hardly get any children.

So they introduced a "demographic factor" to the pension system.

Doubtful it would work without immigrants' full integration in the social security system.

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Well the state owes me nothing and I owe the state nothing, so where does that leave me?A bitter and twisted soul. No. I have worked hard all my life in Thailand. Not the UK. My future is made with my own hands and my retirement funds will be down to me alone so UK pensions mean squat to me.

I am still a UK citizen by birth. Blame my dad for that. Thailand is home. I would not return to the UK. I couldn't live there. It is alien to me now. I'd bog off somewhere else in SE Asia and wait until things returned to normal in Thailand and then return.

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Oh dear, now there is a confused soul.

Confused? Why? Because I understand the workloads and the sacrifices that MPs make? Is it any wonder the best people aren't interested in the crap pay and working conditions?

Confused, because I understand what a pension treaty is?

You want something for nothing and become angry when you are told no. It is unfortunate you don't understand the concept of fiscal responsibility. Perhaps that is why your generation has run up massive deficits and buggered up the economy with your entitlement demands leaving the mess to future generations to sort out.

Thanks for nothing.

The TV comedian is back. The MPs workload???? Then why have they got time for their jobs on the side, the ones working as company directors, lawyers etc,etc?

I have fallen for the windup again, haven't I?

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A sense of fair play in Britain????? Tell that to the UK state pensioners who are living here in Thailand and have their annual pension increases frozen.

They have worked and paid NS contributions all their lives and the UK Government are stealing, yes stealing that money from them. like the thieves they are.

You don't understand how your pension system works do you? The people who can be accused of "stealing" are the pensioners. The contributions paid by these pensioners over the years is not enough to cover the pensions they will receive. Younger workers are forced to cover the shortfall. It is these younger workers who will see reduced benefits and a change in the qualifying age.

The UK government should have frozen pensions and raised the qualifying age long ago.

I try to respect peoples opinion, but I cannot this time, you stick up for people who steal from British OAPs??????

The UK is a country where MPs accept 10% wage increases, while the workers only get 1%. Thieving hypocrites.

I see the UK Government don't freeze OAPs living in the Philipines pensions.

No one is stealing from old age pensioners, except old age pensioners. Pensions are not frozen for the Philippines because a reciprocal pension agreement is in place. Some countries did not want to enter into the agreement with the UK, Is that the UK's fault? Take it up with Thailand.

Yes, the MPs recently received a wage increase. MPs still make less than I do and yet they have a workload significantly greater and have to put up with tens of thousands of petty complaints and solve their problems. Ever wonder, why some MPs are twits? Well, at the crap salary they are paid, who wants to sacrifice health, family and income to deal with the workload and the abuse of idiots and ingrates?

Two points-1/ what makes you sure it's Thailand and not the UK that refuses to make a reciprocal pension arrangement. Certainly Australia,Canada and NZ have requested on numerous occasions to enter an agreement with the UK.

Yet it has been the UK that was not interested, could that be because in these three countries you will find the largest number of ex-pat pensioners.

This frozen pension farce is completely ridiculous and unfair.

Example two British pensioners of the same age retire to live with their offsprings, one moves to the USA within 50 meters of the Canadian border,while the other moves to Canada to live within 50 meters of the USA border. So there they are within 100 meters of each other,yet only one receives a frozen pension.

I do agree with you that MP's should receive a far larger salary than at present, it would possible result in a more intelligent Member, one who would relies that Pensioners who retire overseas are saving the British Exchequer a very sizable amount of money by not using the services of the NHS etc.

If these MP's were business orientated they would probably use their brains to encourage more pensions to reside abroad. Win,win for everybody.

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A sense of fair play in Britain????? Tell that to the UK state pensioners who are living here in Thailand and have their annual pension increases frozen.

They have worked and paid NS contributions all their lives and the UK Government are stealing, yes stealing that money from them. like the thieves they are.

You don't understand how your pension system works do you? The people who can be accused of "stealing" are the pensioners. The contributions paid by these pensioners over the years is not enough to cover the pensions they will receive. Younger workers are forced to cover the shortfall. It is these younger workers who will see reduced benefits and a change in the qualifying age.

The UK government should have frozen pensions and raised the qualifying age long ago.

I try to respect peoples opinion, but I cannot this time, you stick up for people who steal from British OAPs??????

The UK is a country where MPs accept 10% wage increases, while the workers only get 1%. Thieving hypocrites.

I see the UK Government don't freeze OAPs living in the Philipines pensions.

No one is stealing from old age pensioners, except old age pensioners. Pensions are not frozen for the Philippines because a reciprocal pension agreement is in place. Some countries did not want to enter into the agreement with the UK, Is that the UK's fault? Take it up with Thailand.

Yes, the MPs recently received a wage increase. MPs still make less than I do and yet they have a workload significantly greater and have to put up with tens of thousands of petty complaints and solve their problems. Ever wonder, why some MPs are twits? Well, at the crap salary they are paid, who wants to sacrifice health, family and income to deal with the workload and the abuse of idiots and ingrates?

Your reciprocal agreement logic is flawed.

The reciprocal agreement relates to tax revenues.

A pensioner who only has a basic state pension, falls well below the UK personal tax threshold. So would not affect them anyway.

MP's salary, which in your words is '' Crap '' is pretty good, considering that a hellava lot of them, have no working life experience, or real life qualifications other than attending a prestige university. Not to mention the perks and expenses that far exceed their salaries.

You ask, who wants to sacrifice health, family and deal with the abuse of idiots and ingrates ? I do not see anyone forcing MP's to become MP's at gunpoint. I do see a lot of people queing up to be MP's with absolutely no life experience behind them. That little 18 year old in Scotland being a prime example.

They vast majority of them are there for a reason. A lot of them would struggle to get a job in McDonalds sweeping the floors, but its not an issue. Anyone can become an MP, the only experience / qualification required is how to kiss Butt.

Edited by JockPieandBeans
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Excellent post Nonthaburi, except for the part about the MPs, it would not matter how much their salary is, their noses would never be out of the trough.

They have fiddled and are still fiddling their expenses, they are also drawing salarys for their other jobs. As far as I'm concerned, they are the greediest people on earth.

No amount of money will make them allow OAPs their annual increases, though I would accept there may be the odd exception.

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Two points-1/ what makes you sure it's Thailand and not the UK that refuses to make a reciprocal pension arrangement. Certainly Australia,Canada and NZ have requested on numerous occasions to enter an agreement with the UK.

Yet it has been the UK that was not interested, could that be because in these three countries you will find the largest number of ex-pat pensioners.

This frozen pension farce is completely ridiculous and unfair.

Example two British pensioners of the same age retire to live with their offsprings, one moves to the USA within 50 meters of the Canadian border,while the other moves to Canada to live within 50 meters of the USA border. So there they are within 100 meters of each other,yet only one receives a frozen pension.

I do agree with you that MP's should receive a far larger salary than at present, it would possible result in a more intelligent Member, one who would relies that Pensioners who retire overseas are saving the British Exchequer a very sizable amount of money by not using the services of the NHS etc.

If these MP's were business orientated they would probably use their brains to encourage more pensions to reside abroad. Win,win for everybody.

Australia did have a reciprocal agreement with the UK. It cancelled it after the UK would not stop its pension reductions.

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Quite frankly if I have to return to Australia due to pension reductions etc I would feel I have not choice. My family here would get all my assets here and on landing at an Australian Airport in a Wheelchair on an oxygen bottle I would ask to be taken to a hospital as I need oxygen. They would have to admit me and then it becomes Australias expensive problem as they would not be able to release me without adequate housing and 24 hour care which I have here.

Very expensive for them though I do not want to spend the rest of my life in a retirement home.

Agreed. If I have to go home because of not enough pension ( and chicken out of commiting sideways ), they will have to take care of everything for me, and health care is very expensive, also rest homes. That is because I intend to spend everything I have before going home and I have nothing back there.

It would be far, far cheaper to give me enough to stay in LOS if only for the health care savings, but what do you expect from a bunch of ignorant bureaucrats- the scourge of society? They know the cost of everything and the value of nothing.

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A sense of fair play in Britain????? Tell that to the UK state pensioners who are living here in Thailand and have their annual pension increases frozen.

They have worked and paid NS contributions all their lives and the UK Government are stealing, yes stealing that money from them. like the thieves they are.

You don't understand how your pension system works do you? The people who can be accused of "stealing" are the pensioners. The contributions paid by these pensioners over the years is not enough to cover the pensions they will receive. Younger workers are forced to cover the shortfall. It is these younger workers who will see reduced benefits and a change in the qualifying age.

The UK government should have frozen pensions and raised the qualifying age long ago.

The people who can be accused of "stealing" are the pensioners. ??

​What a lot of nonsense, High paid Ministers worked out the pensions and the years anyone has to pay, for me 30 years = full UK pension [born before 1951]..... if they got there sums wrong it is 100% not my fault, it is the mismanagement of the accounts/ pension or what have you if they run out of money. out of my wages came money for my pension every week/month, there was no option the government/pension office took it, so at 65 I would have a pension, again at what they set as the amount...

I would not be stealing, as the money was paid in for the correct amount of years as set out by the Government.. so is 100% what I am due and paid in for.

Somehow the pension office appear to think OAP's living here don't need the increases, ever a Thai Minister will have you believe the cost of living has gone down.

Go back and read the original bitter rant. It accused the UK government of stealing from pensioners. My reply was that the only ones who could be accused of theft were pensioners because the pensions were not funded fully.

You then go on to claim that high paid ministers worked out the pensions and the years anyone has to pay. Well, the ministers did not. The government, like the private sector, relied on the projections and calculations of financial advisers and actuaries.The projections were wrong. Instead of people dying at age 72, they were living to 82.+ The ROI isn't what it was projected to be either.

There are two issues involved here: One is the undisputed fact that the pension plan of the UK like the pension plans of every other developed country were underfunded by the plan current beneficiaries. The other is that the UK pension plan does not have a reciprocal pension agreement with Thailand.

Many private sector pension funds are in deficit. Some have failed. When that happens, the private company pensioners lose their pensions. If you want to know how that works, ask the UK retirees of Nortel. Ask the employees of British firms who have lost their defined benefit plan options. The difference between the private sector and the public sector is that when the government has a shortfall, it's the taxpayer and future pension beneficiaries who have to make it up.

No argument from me, that you paid in what you were told to pay. However, look at your your expectation. You believe you are ENTITLED to the indexation even if the government pension managers screwed up. Do you not understand that you are already getting back what you paid in plus a generous ROI for those payments? You are not being "short changed". A mistake was made, but you want everyone else to pay for your benefit.

Now let's look at your non indexed pension. Do you understand what a reciprocal pension agreement is? If pensions were to "unfrozen" the Thai and UK governments would have to sign a specific tax/pension treaty where Thailand and the UK would agree to the same pension standards, and Thailand would have to treat its pensioners in the UK as the UK treated its pensioners in Thailand. Do you think it is possible? I don't.

If you need a pension increase, to get by, I suggest you reconsider whether Thailand is the right place for you. Thailand is not a country for the elderly with limited financial means. People do not get it until they get sick and see the inflated bills and experience the 2nd or 3rd tier care because they can't pay the exorbitant medical costs of decent medical care. If I am lucky to live to 70 or more and want to live longer, it is unlikely I will be anywhere near Thailand.

It's the governments own fault that people live so long. If they did the right thing and legalised euthanasia many would take advantage of it to escape what has become a crap life. No one in their right mind wants to live in a rubbish nursing home being mistreated by the staff and eating muck.

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You don't understand how your pension system works do you? The people who can be accused of "stealing" are the pensioners. The contributions paid by these pensioners over the years is not enough to cover the pensions they will receive. Younger workers are forced to cover the shortfall. It is these younger workers who will see reduced benefits and a change in the qualifying age.

The UK government should have frozen pensions and raised the qualifying age long ago.

I try to respect peoples opinion, but I cannot this time, you stick up for people who steal from British OAPs??????

The UK is a country where MPs accept 10% wage increases, while the workers only get 1%. Thieving hypocrites.

I see the UK Government don't freeze OAPs living in the Philipines pensions.

No one is stealing from old age pensioners, except old age pensioners. Pensions are not frozen for the Philippines because a reciprocal pension agreement is in place. Some countries did not want to enter into the agreement with the UK, Is that the UK's fault? Take it up with Thailand.

Yes, the MPs recently received a wage increase. MPs still make less than I do and yet they have a workload significantly greater and have to put up with tens of thousands of petty complaints and solve their problems. Ever wonder, why some MPs are twits? Well, at the crap salary they are paid, who wants to sacrifice health, family and income to deal with the workload and the abuse of idiots and ingrates?

Two points-1/ what makes you sure it's Thailand and not the UK that refuses to make a reciprocal pension arrangement. Certainly Australia,Canada and NZ have requested on numerous occasions to enter an agreement with the UK.

Yet it has been the UK that was not interested, could that be because in these three countries you will find the largest number of ex-pat pensioners.

This frozen pension farce is completely ridiculous and unfair.

Example two British pensioners of the same age retire to live with their offsprings, one moves to the USA within 50 meters of the Canadian border,while the other moves to Canada to live within 50 meters of the USA border. So there they are within 100 meters of each other,yet only one receives a frozen pension.

I do agree with you that MP's should receive a far larger salary than at present, it would possible result in a more intelligent Member, one who would relies that Pensioners who retire overseas are saving the British Exchequer a very sizable amount of money by not using the services of the NHS etc.

If these MP's were business orientated they would probably use their brains to encourage more pensions to reside abroad. Win,win for everybody.

it would possible result in a more intelligent Member

No intelligent person would become an MP.

quote removed to allow posting

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It's the governments own fault that people live so long. If they did the right thing and legalised euthanasia many would take advantage of it to escape what has become a crap life. No one in their right mind wants to live in a rubbish nursing home being mistreated by the staff and eating muck.

snipped to allwo quoting.

Sine I've worked for my pensions (and also paid taxes), I would rather suggest euthanasia for those who never worked in their lives and prefer to live on welfare instead. Especially those low-lives that waste their time chasing immigrants instead of getting a job.

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It's the governments own fault that people live so long. If they did the right thing and legalised euthanasia many would take advantage of it to escape what has become a crap life. No one in their right mind wants to live in a rubbish nursing home being mistreated by the staff and eating muck.

snipped to fit.

Since I've worked for my pesnsions, I would suggest euthanasia rather for those who never worked in their lives and lived on welfare instead.

Especially those who waste their time chasing immigrants instead of getting a job.

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It's the governments own fault that people live so long. If they did the right thing and legalised euthanasia many would take advantage of it to escape what has become a crap life. No one in their right mind wants to live in a rubbish nursing home being mistreated by the staff and eating muck.

snipped to fit.

Since I've worked for my pesnsions, I would suggest euthanasia rather for those who never worked in their lives and lived on welfare instead.

Especially those who waste their time chasing immigrants instead of getting a job.

I don't think you were a nurse or worked in the old people's industry. If you had been, you might change your mind about that.

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ThaibeachLover. If I was in a UK nursing home, no one will dare mistreat me, even if I was ninety, there are plenty of weapons about and I would use them.

I would have nothing to lose at that age.

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It's the governments own fault that people live so long. If they did the right thing and legalised euthanasia many would take advantage of it to escape what has become a crap life. No one in their right mind wants to live in a rubbish nursing home being mistreated by the staff and eating muck.

snipped to fit.

Since I've worked for my pesnsions, I would suggest euthanasia rather for those who never worked in their lives and lived on welfare instead.

Especially those who waste their time chasing immigrants instead of getting a job.

I don't think you were a nurse or worked in the old people's industry. If you had been, you might change your mind about that.

No, but I know quite a few Farangs (and immigrants) that work in places like this. And I know some Thai nurses that work in Thai resorts for the elderly.

Most of it is a question of time and salaries. Here even very old pensioners can get the 24/7 care they need.

So, Thailand is actually a perfect place to get old, and a geriatric model for the West.

Edited by micmichd
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ThaibeachLover. If I was in a UK nursing home, no one will dare mistreat me, even if I was ninety, there are plenty of weapons about and I would use them.

I would have nothing to lose at that age.

You mean you would kill before you get incapacipated?

I would have my life to lose, and the bastards wouldn't even allow suicide as long as they can squeeze some profit out of me.

I'm not suicidal anyway, which leaves only one option.

Edited by micmichd
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Suppose that you're happily living in Thailand, but that some serious event forces you to return to live back in your home country:

- Illness, but not enough to disable you

- Business gone bust in Thailand, money run out

- Thai wife has shacked up with her 'brother'

I wouldn't leave Thailand or return to my homeland for any of those reasons. The 3rd one would probably be a blessing. haha

Though sometimes I do questions why I am still here, but those 3 reason you gave are just silly.

Edited by EmptyHead
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ThaibeachLover. If I was in a UK nursing home, no one will dare mistreat me, even if I was ninety, there are plenty of weapons about and I would use them.

I would have nothing to lose at that age.

If you threatened the staff you would probably be left to rot in your bed and ignored- left to soil yourself, starve and get bedsores. It's all great as long as you can get out of bed yourself. Once you can't do that you are at their mercy.

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Not having worked there since 1990, I doubt I could get a job for which I am qualified - petroleum engineer only did it for 3 years and hated it.

I'd like to get a job as a gardener or in a rehab as a counselor, might have to go back to school though.

I could go round the bars playing poker as I'm pretty good..

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ThaibeachLover. If I was in a UK nursing home, no one will dare mistreat me, even if I was ninety, there are plenty of weapons about and I would use them.

I would have nothing to lose at that age.

If you threatened the staff you would probably be left to rot in your bed and ignored- left to soil yourself, starve and get bedsores. It's all great as long as you can get out of bed yourself. Once you can't do that you are at their mercy.

They have their ways to calm you down. Tranquilizers, shackles, etc.

Call a lawyer? They put you on isolation, how can you call someone for help?

Even if you could: who would believe you?

If you make trouble, then they take this as evidence that you're really a lunatic, and a danger to the public.

The public will give them a big hand, because they are afraid of everyone they might disturb their idyllic lifestyle.

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