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Why did I relocate to LOS? Did my motives materialize? Now, what do I do?

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For some people the adjustment from working to retiring is very difficult.You cannot blame your location its up to you to change and find something.The rose tinted glasses usually come off after a few years,and if you are not careful start to find faults in the society you now live in.

Moving to another location or country wont solve the problem.What might make you feel good is helping less fortunate people,and here i am thinking about poor thais in rural communities.Your wife or g/f could be instrumental in helping with this,it would mean less time thinking about yourself.

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If you are bored now in Thailand, after being bored in your homeland, it's not your location.... It's you. Why settle down, seems you need constant change or excitement. Go find it! Move to a new country every year or two. May have been bad move to enter serious relationship, as you might be bored with that too.


OP, take up a musical instrument. I did, at 59, and love it. Eight years later, and I have four saxophones, play most days, and whilst I'll never be the best player in the world because I don't have enough years left, I get immense enjoyment and satisfaction from it. I can play fluently, pick up a new piece of sheet music and play it, not complex music, but the music I like playing, 50's-60's pop, Sinatra, etc.

You're here only once, so make the best of it. Boredom will kill you, just as surely as any disease, and way before your time.

Edit: I just read back a few posts and see you had a lot of teeth out, and a broken leg. That'll make you feel flat/depressed for a while, a diet of soy milk and iced coffee, and not much activity! You'll get through it and life will return to normal.

One more thing. You could try meditation......it beats doing nothing!!


So the excitement of moving to Fang didn't last that long then?

The novelty of finding a wife 30 years younger than you faded?

And the cycling didn't work out either?

Post more on ThaiVisa, that'll sort everything out!


Your sarcasm I enjoy.

The fact is - riding a bicycle 100m is dangerous in Fang.

If yuu live in Mae Jo, I know a few people out there.


How right you are...no direction,just joining the flow.

I too am truly pissed off here,no challenge,no nothing,too old to change anything,'cept perhaps places to live. Thailand is going down the plughole at a pace of kinots ,just do not know what motivates these people,do not want to learn anything especially another language which will at least encourage them to travel and see how their near neighbours live ,perhaps want to migrate to improve themselves,the contrast to living standards is surprising

Ive had enough ,about to start a round of air travel to see other places ,but have baggage which does not lelp my choice

" these people,do not want to learn anything especially another language"

Sounds like you are pissed off because you came here and the people do not want to learn how to be more like you!

How rude they are!

The nerve of some people!

Think about that.


I really think that there is a lot of undiagnosed depressives on this forum.

Vertical thinkers think that the world revolves around them and yes it is easy to get into that frame of mind when you are getting older or past your best use date and Blase ( bored with pleasure)

Its very hard and I too succumbed to it myself but after a week up in the NE issan village spending the last four days in a local village hospital with Wans Papa I think that I have had a massive sea change in my selfish mind set

I further think that we sometimes need to either have a massive shock to our system or we have to witness illness or accident within our family that hurts us so much that we recognise that we are in fact very lucky people

I will be ok until the next time when I lapse into that vertical thinking trap and descend further into the abyss of total self pity


How right you are...no direction,just joining the flow.

I too am truly pissed off here,no challenge,no nothing,too old to change anything,'cept perhaps places to live. Thailand is going down the plughole at a pace of kinots ,just do not know what motivates these people,do not want to learn anything especially another language which will at least encourage them to travel and see how their near neighbours live ,perhaps want to migrate to improve themselves,the contrast to living standards is surprising

Ive had enough ,about to start a round of air travel to see other places ,but have baggage which does not lelp my choice

" these people,do not want to learn anything especially another language"

Sounds like you are pissed off because you came here and the people do not want to learn how to be more like you!

How rude they are!

The nerve of some people!

Think about that.

An abundance of raw natural resources exported. No domestic industry to speak of and Thailand wants to be a world player. I have seen nothing that makes me think that this country is swirling down the drain. The only hope is that the youth will become assets, but no one cares about the future, they all just want what they can get now. Lazy, greedy, corrupt....should be the next slogan for Thai tourism, which is going to take a big fall since they have put all their eggs in the Chinese basket.

Still thinking ,are you? This was not my thinking either..too lazy..just a copy and paste from another critic BP today


For me, there is nothing terribly wrong with Thailand. In fact, there are many things right.


MY attitudes

MY values

MY desires

There's merit to the idea that problems are often a matter of perspective, but that post exemplifies the self-deprecating victim mentality.


How right you are...no direction,just joining the flow.

I too am truly pissed off here,no challenge,no nothing,too old to change anything,'cept perhaps places to live. Thailand is going down the plughole at a pace of kinots ,just do not know what motivates these people,do not want to learn anything especially another language which will at least encourage them to travel and see how their near neighbours live ,perhaps want to migrate to improve themselves,the contrast to living standards is surprising

Ive had enough ,about to start a round of air travel to see other places ,but have baggage which does not lelp my choice

" these people,do not want to learn anything especially another language"

Sounds like you are pissed off because you came here and the people do not want to learn how to be more like you!

How rude they are!

The nerve of some people!

Think about that.

An abundance of raw natural resources exported. No domestic industry to speak of and Thailand wants to be a world player. I have seen nothing that makes me think that this country is swirling down the drain. The only hope is that the youth will become assets, but no one cares about the future, they all just want what they can get now. Lazy, greedy, corrupt....should be the next slogan for Thai tourism, which is going to take a big fall since they have put all their eggs in the Chinese basket.

Still thinking ,are you? This was not my thinking either..too lazy..just a copy and paste from another critic BP today

Seriously, bro . . . Skyscanner is your friend

You sound like you really want to be vindicated on the tourism but I fear you'll be disappointed.

Better men than you have forecast the demise of Thailand's tourism and ended up falling on their swords.

The Chinese economy may not be in the best shape but they're far better than those in the West.


An abundance of raw natural resources exported. No domestic industry to speak of and Thailand wants to be a world player. I have seen nothing that makes me think that this country is swirling down the drain. The only hope is that the youth will become assets, but no one cares about the future, they all just want what they can get now. Lazy, greedy, corrupt....should be the next slogan for Thai tourism, which is going to take a big fall since they have put all their eggs in the Chinese basket.

Still thinking ,are you? This was not my thinking either..too lazy..just a copy and paste from another critic BP today

Domestic industry? Thailand produces half the hard drives in the world, a big percentage of the autos, only 9 countries make more and is always in the top producers of rice. You are uninformed to the point of rudeness. bah.gif


I know a little how you feel. Have had an address in Thailand the best part of 21 years and find myself questioning my decisions in life from time to time. Have traveled most of the world for business and pleasure. Have flown airplanes, sailed the oceans, water and snow skied, hunted, fished, played golf, tennis, play guitar....... I smoked, drank, played around, was married once, have a child......The list of things I can do, still do and have done seems endless. Being board is something that goes with an active mind and body. We need the excitement and change to feel alive.

I am about 10 years younger than you (op). So I still take on a contract now and again and do some work but most of my time My day is up to me. Now I go to pool and gym almost daily, cook, travel around Thailand, go out sometimes for a few beers with some of the local guys, go visit friends in other cities, read TV, spend time with my Thai gf ( she works), play my guitar..... And I still find myself getting bored. I have tried living in different cities in Thailand but have found Bangkok more to my liking.... More options...

Good luck....


An abundance of raw natural resources exported. No domestic industry to speak of and Thailand wants to be a world player. I have seen nothing that makes me think that this country is swirling down the drain. The only hope is that the youth will become assets, but no one cares about the future, they all just want what they can get now. Lazy, greedy, corrupt....should be the next slogan for Thai tourism, which is going to take a big fall since they have put all their eggs in the Chinese basket.

Still thinking ,are you? This was not my thinking either..too lazy..just a copy and paste from another critic BP today

Domestic industry? Thailand produces half the hard drives in the world, a big percentage of the autos, only 9 countries make more and is always in the top producers of rice. You are uninformed to the point of rudeness. bah.gif

Well, You are technically correct but I suspect he meant manufacturing that Thailand owns. The industries you mentioned are not only owned by foreign countries but the products and even manufacturing techniques were developed elsewhere.

Thailand doesn't have a car of its own nor does it have much else in the way of technology. The smartphones...

When you work for the other guy, especially in domestic and international trade you wind up being that guy's beotch at the bottom of the ladder. Thailand, like China, provides cheap labor to make things developed by others. That is never a recipe for strength. The real money goes elsewhere.



This will take all your time, take all your effort, and you'll have fun with all tech and chemistry challenges..... Start a winery... fun.wai2.gif


An abundance of raw natural resources exported. No domestic industry to speak of and Thailand wants to be a world player. I have seen nothing that makes me think that this country is swirling down the drain. The only hope is that the youth will become assets, but no one cares about the future, they all just want what they can get now. Lazy, greedy, corrupt....should be the next slogan for Thai tourism, which is going to take a big fall since they have put all their eggs in the Chinese basket.

Still thinking ,are you? This was not my thinking either..too lazy..just a copy and paste from another critic BP today

Domestic industry? Thailand produces half the hard drives in the world, a big percentage of the autos, only 9 countries make more and is always in the top producers of rice. You are uninformed to the point of rudeness. bah.gif

Well, You are technically correct but I suspect he meant manufacturing that Thailand owns. The industries you mentioned are not only owned by foreign countries but the products and even manufacturing techniques were developed elsewhere.

Thailand doesn't have a car of its own nor does it have much else in the way of technology. The smartphones...

When you work for the other guy, especially in domestic and international trade you wind up being that guy's beotch at the bottom of the ladder. Thailand, like China, provides cheap labor to make things developed by others. That is never a recipe for strength. The real money goes elsewhere.


Nonsense post. Since when does the GNP of a country depend of industries that were invented in the country? Think a bit before you post. The guy said Thailand has no domestic industry and that statement is an outright lie.

Industry - value added (% of GDP) in Thailand Industry; value added (% of GDP) in Thailand was last measured at 42.55 in 2013, according to the World Bank. Industry corresponds to ISIC divisions 10-45 and includes manufacturing (ISIC divisions 15-37). It comprises value added in mining, manufacturing,


Thailand Industrial Production 1988-2015 | Data | Chart | Calendar Industrial Production in Thailand decreased 7.60 percent in May of 2015 over the same month in the previous year. Industrial Production in Thailand averaged 6.96 percent from 1988 until 2015, reaching an all time high of 82.30 percent in November of 2012 and a record low of -47.20 percent in November of 2011. Industrial Production in Thailand is reported by the Office of Industrial Economics, Thailand.


I know your gramps told you that those durn Chinese/Japanes/Thais could not make anything original and that they copied everything but however true or not true that is has nothing to do with GDP.

I retired to Thailand and my motives for retiring here materialized. Everyone on the block now has red hot fast internet and my TV and home entertainment sizzles with first world excellence with products made in Thailand and designed in Korea and Japan.

Infrastructure is great as is health care and the events of late have done nothing but prop up my savings and pension and the lack of punters has made the ladies a lot more friendly.

So now what do I do? Buy more high tech stuff and play my music and moves for a bevy of appreciative Thai ladies.

I got more money and a better lifestyle here than I ever imagined possible.biggrin.png Did you know that the director of the VA was a Thai lady?clap2.gif


Buy a kick-ass remote control drone.

Or a Ducati Diavel.

Both of these are able to re-ignite an interest with the outside world.

Which is what you need.



As a young man, I was a boozer - joined AA at age 34. Stopped smoking at age 33

Stopped golf after cancer.

I could get back on the alcohol - lots of action - all bad.

Read a book.


Buy a dog


Experiment with illicit drugs

Basically, I have accomplished all my goals in life.

Sometimes, I see an old man just sitting there. What are they thinking? Are they thinking?

Then there are those who read the newspaper - cover to cover - do the crossword - day after day.

Is there a God? So what.

Wifey is sweeping the floors - she performs this task every day - seems contented.

I have always had interesting rewarding employment. Maybe that is the problem ie I am expecting too much?

Mirror mirror on the wall...... That's how I feel......


Learn to live your life without asking others what you "should" do.

That would be a "great" start!


Ive been bored from the day I was born or at least it seems that way, nothing holds my interest for long and many things I "think" I would like and try are usually a big let down. Its just the way I seem to be, I always say though "tomorrow is another day" it might be better.

Theres little I enjoy and often when I do enjoy something some <deleted> pops up to ruin it.


Buy a kick-ass remote control drone.

Or a Ducati Diavel.

Both of these are able to re-ignite an interest with the outside world.

Which is what you need.

Ive just bought a bike but again its not holding my interest at all like it did when I was 18-20, Honda cbr 650, I enjoy looking at it more than riding it, It will probably end up in my living room as a "display"


An abundance of raw natural resources exported. No domestic industry to speak of and Thailand wants to be a world player. I have seen nothing that makes me think that this country is swirling down the drain. The only hope is that the youth will become assets, but no one cares about the future, they all just want what they can get now. Lazy, greedy, corrupt....should be the next slogan for Thai tourism, which is going to take a big fall since they have put all their eggs in the Chinese basket.

Still thinking ,are you? This was not my thinking either..too lazy..just a copy and paste from another critic BP today

Domestic industry? Thailand produces half the hard drives in the world, a big percentage of the autos, only 9 countries make more and is always in the top producers of rice. You are uninformed to the point of rudeness. bah.gif

Do my eyes deceive? 1,400 workers sacked this week Samsung hard drive manufacturer in Thailand on top of a load more gone and going,only one here uninformed sunshine and it sure ain't me DUH

ps rice think the suicide rate for Thai farmers is about to hit an all time high

Do you not read,more importantly the papers


Cannot be bothered anymore about Thailand,need out and as one remarkably adept punter wrote Skyscanner is without doubt my friend,get me airline tix to get the hell out of it.

Got all the toys desktop tablets,Kindles I need,all chattering away morn 'til night,have the ladies too.

All I see are headlines "hotels struggling to survive" " no rain" crime rates that are sorta scary,Chinese demanding 40% off room rates (that's OK), come January the reds and yellows banging hell out of each other yet again.

I can have all the toys elsewhere but when I open the curtains in the morn I want to see a new freshness,clean tidy roads,no cheaters on each and every corner,but then this is Thailand,hello The Algarve

Just to add I do look at other ex pat web sites throughout the world,and it is this one,the only one that consistently outperforms the lot of 'em in groans and moans put together,Thailand perhaps has something going for it, yes the women,but not much to keep the majority of farang anchored here indefinitely


Ive been bored from the day I was born or at least it seems that way, nothing holds my interest for long and many things I "think" I would like and try are usually a big let down. Its just the way I seem to be, I always say though "tomorrow is another day" it might be better.

Theres little I enjoy and often when I do enjoy something some <deleted> pops up to ruin it.

I pished myself at your post mate.

" I've been bored from the day I was born".

Still crying laughing here.

Sorry mate but that brightened my nightshift up.


Ive been bored from the day I was born or at least it seems that way, nothing holds my interest for long and many things I "think" I would like and try are usually a big let down. Its just the way I seem to be, I always say though "tomorrow is another day" it might be better.

Theres little I enjoy and often when I do enjoy something some <deleted> pops up to ruin it.

I pished myself at your post mate.

" I've been bored from the day I was born".

Still crying laughing here.

Sorry mate but that brightened my nightshift up.

Glad to helplaugh.png


Easy to kick your brain into neutral living in Thailand and just coast... That's fine for a while as the OP noted, until you get bored... Most of us work the majority of our lives to earn enough to enjoy of nice retirement, then once retired have no idea what to do with the time... Take up a hobby, find interests you can explore regardless of you locale, read, go to the gym, go cycling, travel, write a book on your experiences, learn to cook, laugh, challenge yourself every day...

Attitude is everything...

Interesting that you say this. During life, I was a high achiever. When I accomplished something, I was out looking for another challenge.

I retired at age 42 - illness I had enough $$$.

Read - always into education - I have 3 degrees. Novels - read 10 pages & put it away.

Gym - I became a gym junkie

Cycling - bought a bicycle recently. I was cycling to the local wat - hit by a pickup. 2 weeks in hospital with a badly broken leg. Another 4-6 months to recover. At the moment, I cannot walk.

Travel - I have been fortunate - almost all of Asia. UK & USA - no motivation

Cooking - had an obsession with Asian cuisine . Now to make things worse, I had all my teeth extracted - throat cancer. No chance re dentures. Live on fluids.

In AA. I always had an office - chairman. purchasing snacks, 12 step work, I have assisted at the local wat.

Many years ago, I was an academic at a university - too much writing.

Recently, I considered opening a blog about life in LOS - not verY originaL. Backed off tha - did not want the commitment.

My problem - I have no problems to solve?

I appreciate your time & suggestions.

I have been thinking - we built a house recently & relocated to the wife's home town. Other farangs here seem to be in a similar boat - maybe more accepting.

It is a bit of a bugger waiting for the other shoe to fall.


An abundance of raw natural resources exported. No domestic industry to speak of and Thailand wants to be a world player. I have seen nothing that makes me think that this country is swirling down the drain. The only hope is that the youth will become assets, but no one cares about the future, they all just want what they can get now. Lazy, greedy, corrupt....should be the next slogan for Thai tourism, which is going to take a big fall since they have put all their eggs in the Chinese basket.

Still thinking ,are you? This was not my thinking either..too lazy..just a copy and paste from another critic BP today

Domestic industry? Thailand produces half the hard drives in the world, a big percentage of the autos, only 9 countries make more and is always in the top producers of rice. You are uninformed to the point of rudeness. bah.gif

Do my eyes deceive? 1,400 workers sacked this week Samsung hard drive manufacturer in Thailand on top of a load more gone and going,only one here uninformed sunshine and it sure ain't me DUH

ps rice think the suicide rate for Thai farmers is about to hit an all time high

Do you not read,more importantly the papers

The results of Labor Force Survey in June 2015 showed that there are population, aged 15 years and over, of about 55.23 million persons. Of these 38.71 million were in the labor force or available for work (38.23 million were employed, 0.32 million were unemployed and 0.15 million were seasonally inactive labor force), while 16.52 million were not in the labor force or not available for work, such as housewives, students or elderly. There were 38.23 million employed persons, which 12.81 and 25.42 million were in agriculture and non-agriculture sectors, respectively.




An abundance of raw natural resources exported. No domestic industry to speak of and Thailand wants to be a world player. I have seen nothing that makes me think that this country is swirling down the drain. The only hope is that the youth will become assets, but no one cares about the future, they all just want what they can get now. Lazy, greedy, corrupt....should be the next slogan for Thai tourism, which is going to take a big fall since they have put all their eggs in the Chinese basket.

Still thinking ,are you? This was not my thinking either..too lazy..just a copy and paste from another critic BP today

Domestic industry? Thailand produces half the hard drives in the world, a big percentage of the autos, only 9 countries make more and is always in the top producers of rice. You are uninformed to the point of rudeness. bah.gif

Do my eyes deceive? 1,400 workers sacked this week Samsung hard drive manufacturer in Thailand on top of a load more gone and going,only one here uninformed sunshine and it sure ain't me DUH

ps rice think the suicide rate for Thai farmers is about to hit an all time high

Do you not read,more importantly the papers

The results of Labor Force Survey in June 2015 showed that there are population, aged 15 years and over, of about 55.23 million persons. Of these 38.71 million were in the labor force or available for work (38.23 million were employed, 0.32 million were unemployed and 0.15 million were seasonally inactive labor force), while 16.52 million were not in the labor force or not available for work, such as housewives, students or elderly. There were 38.23 million employed persons, which 12.81 and 25.42 million were in agriculture and non-agriculture sectors, respectively.



Most if not all on 300 baht a day,that's not work,its slavery

No way out especially for the boys/men,little or no meaningful education,no language skills,stuck in dead end foreign owned factories,robots feeding the robots,unless being a rice farmer/rubber planter,but even these are under threat,once Burma gets its act together and it is,it will outperform Thailand in every respect. Those rice paddies there are vast,rubber plantations have integrated rail lines through them


Cannot be bothered anymore about Thailand,need out and as one remarkably adept punter wrote Skyscanner is without doubt my friend,get me airline tix to get the hell out of it.

Got all the toys desktop tablets,Kindles I need,all chattering away morn 'til night,have the ladies too.

All I see are headlines "hotels struggling to survive" " no rain" crime rates that are sorta scary,Chinese demanding 40% off room rates (that's OK), come January the reds and yellows banging hell out of each other yet again.

I can have all the toys elsewhere but when I open the curtains in the morn I want to see a new freshness,clean tidy roads,no cheaters on each and every corner,but then this is Thailand,hello The Algarve

Just to add I do look at other ex pat web sites throughout the world,and it is this one,the only one that consistently outperforms the lot of 'em in groans and moans put together,Thailand perhaps has something going for it, yes the women,but not much to keep the majority of farang anchored here indefinitely

I would assume you are a young guy and I can understand you might see a lot more flaws than us older and wiser members. I was here as a young guy and left because the West was a better deal for young guys; women, wampun, and wonderment.

I can't see young guys staying here unless you are really a socially inept, ugly kid ill equipped to compete with the other young guys in the West.

It is a whole different ballgame for us old guys. The West does not want us. Thailand does. It is that simple. Why live in a place where you are an outcast? Walking down the street arm and arm with my young honey in the West I'd hear catcalls and get frowns. Here - no problem. Everyone in town knows me and knows I take care of the family and contribute to the local community and I get the respect of an elder statesman who happens to have young wife and an eye for the ladies (not too unusual in Thailand). biggrin.png


Cannot be bothered anymore about Thailand,need out and as one remarkably adept punter wrote Skyscanner is without doubt my friend,get me airline tix to get the hell out of it.

Got all the toys desktop tablets,Kindles I need,all chattering away morn 'til night,have the ladies too.

All I see are headlines "hotels struggling to survive" " no rain" crime rates that are sorta scary,Chinese demanding 40% off room rates (that's OK), come January the reds and yellows banging hell out of each other yet again.

I can have all the toys elsewhere but when I open the curtains in the morn I want to see a new freshness,clean tidy roads,no cheaters on each and every corner,but then this is Thailand,hello The Algarve

Just to add I do look at other ex pat web sites throughout the world,and it is this one,the only one that consistently outperforms the lot of 'em in groans and moans put together,Thailand perhaps has something going for it, yes the women,but not much to keep the majority of farang anchored here indefinitely

I would assume you are a young guy and I can understand you might see a lot more flaws than us older and wiser members. I was here as a young guy and left because the West was a better deal for young guys; women, wampun, and wonderment.

I can't see young guys staying here unless you are really a socially inept, ugly kid ill equipped to compete with the other young guys in the West.

It is a whole different ballgame for us old guys. The West does not want us. Thailand does. It is that simple. Why live in a place where you are an outcast? Walking down the street arm and arm with my young honey in the West I'd hear catcalls and get frowns. Here - no problem. Everyone in town knows me and knows I take care of the family and contribute to the local community and I get the respect of an elder statesman who happens to have young wife and an eye for the ladies (not too unusual in Thailand). biggrin.png

I can corroborate this. In general, I feel like Thailand is a haven for two types of people: older gentlemen (some of them respectable) and oddballs and outcasts that just can't seem to get any respect back home. There are exceptions, of course, but I'm in my late 20's and I have this constant sense that I could be doing much better back home. It seems the guys who stay here are either twice my age or socially inept to the point where I avoid most of them.

Hell, I've only made two real friends here, and one of them's a successful businessman in his fifties.

When it comes down to it, it's the total lack of intellectual stimulation that's finally driving me away.

My flight leaves this Wednesday.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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