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Aussie arrested for selling drugs to plain clothes police in Phuket

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If all charges are proven and if convicted one would hope that the Australian Embassy keeps well away from this skin flint , let him rot in a Thai prison, no repatriation back to a nice cosy cell and paradise compared with what is going to be offered, this is the ugly Australian, like all other nations expats , the world can do without these parasites. coffee1.gif

It was a sting operation, in other words there was no "real" offence.

You would think that if he was a real drug dealer that they could catch him without resorting to a sting operation.


48? Hard living makes him look 60. Will get worse in jail.

Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

60????? I think he looks older than that but as you said a few years in prison will certainly add the years to him. Sorry but I hate drug dealers so may he rot in prison


Hopefully he will have a bit more time to smarten himself up in the near future...there is often something to be said for the old thought "you are how you look". A bit of confinement might do wonders !


When I read some of the comments here, there are some rocket scientists that more or less defend these bastards.

I would be nice if these hard drug liberals could understand that the selling of drugs is just the top of the criminal icemountain. The long line of drug busineess includes death and destruction and a mense of financing other severe criminal activities.

Even if you remove the argument of saving people from dying of using heavy drugs as cocaine and heroine etc as a reason for NOT selling heavy drugs, the rest of the ciminality that comes with the trade is more than enough reason to send the involved parts to long and hefty jail sentenses. I have 0 tolerans fore human scum like those who makes of living selling death.


Good. But why can't Thais set up a sting to nail a few Thai bankers and Thai Mr. Bigs? Instead, they endlessly bust these small time dealers and relish the photo ops/ Makes Thais look like asses to continuously bust small time dealers with nothing more up the food chain.

because not uncommonly officials in high places are the main culprits not excluding g7 countries

at first glance thought police had arrested an embalmed person


Good. But why can't Thais set up a sting to nail a few Thai bankers and Thai Mr. Bigs? Instead, they endlessly bust these small time dealers and relish the photo ops/ Makes Thais look like asses to continuously bust small time dealers with nothing more up the food chain.

Same all over the world. The last banking crisis directly caused by lieing cheating bankers, how many in jail?

AND we end up paying the fines.

Then the ass falls out the stock markets so they get smaller bonuses (note:- not NO bonus) then the market recovers and they earn fortunes coz their clever.

Nothing to do with the fact that a 5 year old can make money in a recovering market.


Good. But why can't Thais set up a sting to nail a few Thai bankers and Thai Mr. Bigs? Instead, they endlessly bust these small time dealers and relish the photo ops/ Makes Thais look like asses to continuously bust small time dealers with nothing more up the food chain.

I really can't understand how you guy's see this world we live in, the often much maligned (and very often justifiably) RTP get their act together and bust two drug dealers. There looks to be no doubt about their guilt as they were caught in the act, but still we see the same regurgitated irrelevant comments.

What has this got to do with Thai bankers and Mr Bigs? Two criminals were caught and hopefully taken off the street for a substantial amount of time, one in particular will hopefully be deported after serving his time.

Why do you see it necessary to make negative and derogatory comments? Yes we would all like to see the Mr Bigs arrested and jailed indefinitely, no one would argue about that, but until then I will be happy to see ten lowlife like this jailed every day of the week with twenty on a Sunday.

Every arrest is a bonus, every single dealer whether big or small who is taken out of circulation is a win for the community. These selfish, arrogant people have no concern for the damage they are doing, their only concern is the money they make.

Well done to the RTP, instead of carping about progress we should be applauding it...

You might have a point IF they did actually get any major dealers, but you dont, and as there is ALWAYS someone to fill in at the small end

so nothing changes.

Feel free to delude yourself that there is real action and the rtp deserve accolades.


My guess is The Thai guy get community service for a couple of months and The Aussie get a 10 year sentence at Bangkok Hilton.


Good. But why can't Thais set up a sting to nail a few Thai bankers and Thai Mr. Bigs? Instead, they endlessly bust these small time dealers and relish the photo ops/ Makes Thais look like asses to continuously bust small time dealers with nothing more up the food chain.

Some small time dealers try to get away dealing their shit without paying tea money...


Good. But why can't Thais set up a sting to nail a few Thai bankers and Thai Mr. Bigs? Instead, they endlessly bust these small time dealers and relish the photo ops/ Makes Thais look like asses to continuously bust small time dealers with nothing more up the food chain.

I really can't understand how you guy's see this world we live in, the often much maligned (and very often justifiably) RTP get their act together and bust two drug dealers. There looks to be no doubt about their guilt as they were caught in the act, but still we see the same regurgitated irrelevant comments.

What has this got to do with Thai bankers and Mr Bigs? Two criminals were caught and hopefully taken off the street for a substantial amount of time, one in particular will hopefully be deported after serving his time.

Why do you see it necessary to make negative and derogatory comments? Yes we would all like to see the Mr Bigs arrested and jailed indefinitely, no one would argue about that, but until then I will be happy to see ten lowlife like this jailed every day of the week with twenty on a Sunday.

Every arrest is a bonus, every single dealer whether big or small who is taken out of circulation is a win for the community. These selfish, arrogant people have no concern for the damage they are doing, their only concern is the money they make.

Well done to the RTP, instead of carping about progress we should be applauding it...

You might have a point IF they did actually get any major dealers, but you dont, and as there is ALWAYS someone to fill in at the small end

so nothing changes.

Feel free to delude yourself that there is real action and the rtp deserve accolades.

Sir, You are no doubt the one that is delusional. If some one bought you lunch, you'd gripe about the service.

Good Police work.


As an Australian, not happy to see a fellow national behaving like this but also pleased it was here and not OZ, cause chances are he may pay a much higher price for his dastardly trade. I do agree that Thai law enforcement ( joke ) do not ever seem to get their hands on the bigwigs higher up the food chain.


48? Hard living makes him look 60. Will get worse in jail.

Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

Cheered me up no end! I'm looking good for 50 if he's 48!!smile.png

I'm nearly 62 after seeing him...I have had real boost practically reborn again...


48? Hard living makes him look 60. Will get worse in jail.

Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

...but in good shape for 60! Will be able to hold his own in prison hopefully


good another shitbag drug dealer or two out of action. I am ashamed he is allowed to call himself an Aussie. Good riddance.


Hmmmmmm....well boys your party hardy lifestyle is finished ...time to pay your dues.

Straight to jail , do not pass Go.



The quantities of drug they are talking about are miniscule. Lets hope there is some left after analysis. When the trial comes up and the defence wants to re-test . . .


Good. But why can't Thais set up a sting to nail a few Thai bankers and Thai Mr. Bigs? Instead, they endlessly bust these small time dealers and relish the photo ops/ Makes Thais look like asses to continuously bust small time dealers with nothing more up the food chain.

The food chain is what controls the hierarchy of Police, Generals etc, who basically run the country.

What ever it is what ever crime goes on the drugs, the prostitution, whether it was heroin in the 70's or ya ba today, the human trafficking, it all goes on with consent. This is Thailand.

Excuses are made daily but those of us who know, know that nothing changes for the better here.


Good. But why can't Thais set up a sting to nail a few Thai bankers and Thai Mr. Bigs? Instead, they endlessly bust these small time dealers and relish the photo ops/ Makes Thais look like asses to continuously bust small time dealers with nothing more up the food chain.

I really can't understand how you guy's see this world we live in, the often much maligned (and very often justifiably) RTP get their act together and bust two drug dealers. There looks to be no doubt about their guilt as they were caught in the act, but still we see the same regurgitated irrelevant comments.

What has this got to do with Thai bankers and Mr Bigs? Two criminals were caught and hopefully taken off the street for a substantial amount of time, one in particular will hopefully be deported after serving his time.

Why do you see it necessary to make negative and derogatory comments? Yes we would all like to see the Mr Bigs arrested and jailed indefinitely, no one would argue about that, but until then I will be happy to see ten lowlife like this jailed every day of the week with twenty on a Sunday.

Every arrest is a bonus, every single dealer whether big or small who is taken out of circulation is a win for the community. These selfish, arrogant people have no concern for the damage they are doing, their only concern is the money they make.

Well done to the RTP, instead of carping about progress we should be applauding it...

You might have a point IF they did actually get any major dealers, but you dont, and as there is ALWAYS someone to fill in at the small end

so nothing changes.

Feel free to delude yourself that there is real action and the rtp deserve accolades.

Sir, You are no doubt the one that is delusional. If some one bought you lunch, you'd gripe about the service.

Good Police work.

Good police work would be flushing out the big fish and at least exposing them and publicizing exactly who they are and where they live and how they enrich themselves by using the little guys to do their dirty work while they live a life of luxury and impunity while their drug profit wealth ensures they can simply pay off everyone or anyone that needs to be dealt with...and if that does not work then knock off anyone that gets in their way....if need be...and never got to prison for that crime also and or anything nefarious they perpetrate.

I wish they would crack down on the Kingpins.....somehow, someway....but they can not and never will so a few little guys being arrested also helps...but they are easily replaced by other desperate individuals and or fearless Wanna Be gangster types that seemingly think drug dealing is of no consequence.

What to do???....What to do.???


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