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Meanwhile...at Thailand Police Special Ops training centre...

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The Thai Police most assuredly don't need any training when it comes to corruption and incompetence.

This is to document the theft of a safe from our home with contents valued at approximately Thai Baht 4 million (US $120,000).

The value of the stolen items is the equivalent of more than 20 years of salary for a typical Thai person making on average Baht 200,000/year. To put this into perspective, the minimum daily wage in Thailand is Baht 300/day. If an individual worked 365 days a year this would make their annual pay at Baht 109,500.

It has now been 3 months since we were burglarized and the case continues to drag on with the local police authorities. A safe was stolen from our home containing Thai Baht 4 million (US $120k). We reported this to the local police in Non Sang, Nong Bua Lamphu, Thailand, the provincial police in Nong Bua Lamphu, the Thai Military in Nong Bua Lamphu, the Special Investigation Police Squad for Region 4 (Khon Kaen, Issan) and the Crime Investigation Bureau in Bangkok and the only actions that have been taken so far are repeated questioning of my wife and I by different police officials, fingerprinting and DNA testing of several suspects and my wife and I and there have been no results to date.

We are 100% confident as to who the perpetrators are and we are certain that there is corruption involved to shut down the case and stall as long as possible. I am sending this to you as we are concerned about our well being and the fact that nothing appears to be happening and the Royal Thai Police are taking no positive actions in investigating or attempting to solve the case and in fact the Non Sang Investigative Branch Officer in Charge, Lt. Col. Chaiyoon Singchampoo (mobile # 093 356 8763) told my wife, June, on the 21st of June, that this case would remain open for ten years and if not solved then, it would be closed out.

Details follow:

I am a retired US national and my wife is Thai National, holding a US Green Card. We have lived in Phuket for the last 5 + years and have just recently (October 2014) relocated to the northeast of Thailand in Issan just north of Khon Kaen. We made this move as my wife's mother is in her late 70's and in poor health and my wife feels compelled to be closer to her and attend to her Mother's needs. This I fully support.

We chose the Ubonrattana area to live, and purchased land there to build on. In the interim, we rented a house in Ban Kaw, Non Sang, Nong Bua Lamphu region. On Monday the 23rd of March, someone entered our home and stole the safe which contained in Baht 4 million in cash, jewelry and other valuables.

On Saturday the 21st of March, my wife received a call that her Mother who lives in Ban Thaen, Chaiyaphum was quite sick and that June needed to get home as soon as possible. She left the house that afternoon at approximately 3:30 PM and drove 80 kilometers to Ban Thaen. The following morning she took her mother to the hospital in Khon Kaen and she was later admitted into the Khon Kaen Regional hospital that day. On Monday the 23rd of March, I drove into Khon Kaen to visit, drop off some clean clothes and see how June and Mother were doing I left the house at approximately 8:30 AM and returned that afternoon at approximately 4:30 PM. On Tuesday the 24th, I returned to Khon Kaen at about 8:30 AM and her Mother was released later that day and June took her to home and spent the night with her. On Wednesday March 25, 2015, June returned to the house in Ban Kaw at approximately 11:30 AM. Later that day, she noticed that our safe was missing and asked me if I had moved it while she was in the Khon Kaen Regional hospital with her Mother since Sunday the 22nd of March. I was surprised and thought she was joking with me but she was not. The safe contained all of our personal effects including passports, chanote titles, house ownership books, vehicle books for Toyota Vigo, Toyota Altis, all of my wife's gold, diamonds, pearls, turquoise and other jewelry, her mother's jewelry and several watches and numerous other valuables. We estimate the total value excluding the documents at 4 million Thai Baht (US $120,000). This is a lot of money for anyone, even a farang, to lose and then there is the emotional stress that we are currently experiencing. FYI, we did not have insurance on these items or on the house we are renting - we do however have insurance on the 2 Phuket homes we own.

One interesting point is that the house was not broken into and all of the keys were intact. We have 2 dogs, one of which is a 3 year old doberman that weighs 50 kilos. Typically they would react if someone were to enter the house -- unless the person or persons are known to them. There were no obvious signs that anything was missing unless one really looked and then the only item taken was the safe which was tucked away behind a clothes wardrobe and then covered with a towel and a laundry basket on top to help conceal it. This leads us to believe that the thieves were people familiar with the 2 dogs, the contents and location of the safe in the house. Our neighbors are the sister and brother-in-law of the owner of the house we are renting and were fully aware of June's Mother's situation and hospitalization as they asked about her on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and, had called June several times on Monday the 23rd while June was in hospital. When June returned on Wednesday, they never bothered to ask again and actually turned frigid on us both as well as the 2 dogs. Their behavior and their lifestyle has improved and changed so dramatically since the theft that it is obvious that they are involved.

I opened the safe on Sunday the 22nd looking for the insurance policy on the Toyota Vigo as our registration was up for renewal. I never bothered to look at the safe again but as near as I can tell it was taken on Monday while I was in Khon Kaen. Monday was a Big Buddha day and, the local temple played music throughout the night up to about 6 AM and it also rained throughout the night. The contents that were left behind by the thieves were mostly documents and these were wet, hence my suspicions that the safe was stolen on Monday during the day as I was home by 4:30 PM and did not leave the house again that night.

The theft was immediately reported to the local police in Non Sang, Nong Bua Lamphu province on Wednesday the 25th evening and the officer in charge of the case was Lt. Ponsang Phungpho (mobile # 089 618 6018 and 094 275 9696) Interrogator for the Non Sang Police. The police responded favorably and 2 police officers came to the house that evening, Lt. Ponsang and Detective Jasum. The following morning there were approximately 4 - 5 police officers at the house including Lt. Ponsang, Detective Jasum, Detective Danigh and Lt. Saksee and they conducted a thorough search of the house and surrounding areas. The forensic police came to the home as well to fingerprint the area and conduct other tests as necessary. Later in the day, the safe was located approximately 200 - 250 meters from the house in a sugar cane field behind the house at approximately 1 PM. The safe had been broken into and there were several tools from my workshop that were used to break open the safe. The chanote titles, my passport, the blue house books and the the vehicle registrations and titles were all intact. In addition, there was a blue T-Shirt left behind that was used to cover the head of one of the thieves. The shirt and the tools will be used for DNA testing if needed and at a later date as we were told by the Non Sang police.

As a point of interest, the owner of the house we rent, Sumali Thaijinder (aka Mui (Moo Eye)) was on the scene within 30 minutes of the safe being located. She was also quite quick to point a finger at her sister-in law, Duang and husband Suyon, who live in the house next to ours. It is also relevant to note that Duang was our maid and that they cared for our dogs and the house during our time away in December, January and February.

The forensic police unit from Nong Bua Lamphu were called back and arrived at about 5 PM to take further fingerprints and evidence from the recovered safe and articles. We were advised that there were many fingerprints that could be used to identify the person or persons and we were also told that the forensic police would pursue this vigorously.

The Non Sang police told us that they had also called in several of the neighbors to interrogate them and to take their fingerprints as well. All the police actions, or rather inaction I should say has not resulted in any arrests or strong leads in the case (or, we were not being informed of this). We had numerous meetings and discussions (3 - 4 hours at a time) with the Non Sang police and they repeatedly ask us the same questions over and over again. There appears to be no communication between the personnel involved in the case and hence, our frustration and emotional anguish and stress is mounting as we seem to be no further along today than we were at the time of the theft.

We were told on Monday, 30 March morning by the Nong Bua Lamphu Forensic police (Captain Sakkarin, mobile # 091 867 2315) that he had driven to the Khon Kaen Forensic offices and waited in line for over 2 hours only to be told that the Khon Kaen Forensic office are too busy to assist in this effort and it will be another month (or 2) before they can help. As a result we drove into Khon Kaen on Tuesday the 31st of March morning and met with the head of the Forensics Unit, Khun Boonchai, Mobile # 081 051 2996. When questioned on the length of time to process the fingerprints to look for a match, he said that this was not true and then spoke with the Nong Bua Lamphu Forensics officer Captain Sakkarin. We then learned that Sakkarin had not even travelled to Khon Kaen but rather posted the fingerprints by EMS postal services. Boonchai and team agreed to process these as soon as received, which was later that day. As of the 2nd of April, we had not had any feedback on the results and we were also informed that Khon Kaen offices only received 4 sets of prints and Non Sang tells us that they sent 7 sets. At this point in time I even question if the prints that were lifted off of the safe and other contents were ever sent to Khon Kaen to allow for a match to be made. I also question if the prints lifted off of the safe and contents have not been damaged or lost at this point in time. There are just too many anomalies in the stories we are being told.

We visited the Non Sang police offices several times during the week of 30 March and met with numerous officers including Ponsang (initially assigned the case), Chaiyoon Singchampoo (Special Investigations), the second in command at Non Sang (name not provided) and then on Thursday the 2nd of April with Commander Sawatchai (Mobile # 081 975 4003) who, is the chief in Non Sang police offices. In all honesty, as I understand the conversation that took place, he doesn't really care about the case and getting it solved and closed out. He also seems to be dragging his feet on the case and not willing to pursue any potential leads even though these are quite solid based on input from his own subordinates. He, in fact, treated June and me as if we were the criminals and not the victims and didn't have the time to speak with us. All of these meetings were as requested by the Non Sang police except for the one with Sawatchai and this we had requested.

On Saturday the 4th of April, we spent 3 hours filling out paperwork with Ponsang. We also turned over the tools from my workshop that were used to open the safe as well as the blue T-Shirt the thieves left behind. My concerns with this are that with corruption involved, the Non Sang police have by now destroyed any fingerprints that might have been on the tools and potentially even cleaned the T-Shirt to destroy any potential for DNA testing. Once we were done with this, Ponsang informed us that Chaiyoon would now be heading up the case. Again we are essentially back to square one and almost 2 weeks after the crime had been committed are really no further along than what we were 2 days after the safe was stolen. As the time passes, there are more opportunities for the thieves to sell the jewelry and spend the cash that was in the safe and this only furthers our anxieties and frustration levels.

What concerns me is that the perpetrators have already contacted the police in Non Sang and paid them to drag their feet allowing the thieves to dispose of the jewelry and money that they have taken. The owner of the house that we are renting, Sumali Thaijinder (aka Mu Eye) and Sumlon Oncom (aka Mu), and they also own the local watsadu. Mu's sister, Duang, and brother-in-law, Suyon, live next to the house we rent. They cared for our 2 dogs when we travelled to Phuket for 3 weeks in December and January and then again watched over the house until the end of February during our absence. Whoever took the safe knew where it was located and they were very intimate with the dogs, otherwise a thief could not have entered unless the dogs knew who they were and then to keep everything in its proper place except for the safe also leads me to believe that the people who are responsible are the owners sister, Duang, and her family. It is also possible that the entire family is involved and the thieves have paid off the police. Again, I want to highlight that their behavior has changed and their lifestyle improved dramatically since the theft making it quite obvious that they are involved.

Other facts that support Duang and Suyon and the family as the perpetrators include;

1) The people that took the safe knew the dogs quite well otherwise they could not, or would not have entered the premises.

2) Someone had the keys to the front gate and used these to gain access - Duang had never returned the keys that we had given her when she stayed in the house while we were gone. The only item missing was the safe and this was well hidden behind a clothes wardrobe. All other items in the house were intact including 3 laptops, an I-Mac computer, 3 flat screen TV's, an iPod, iPad, liquor, perfumes and cologne and other miscellaneous item of jewelry that were lying out in open spaces. I can only presume that this was done to ensure a delayed observation that the safe was missing. These people knew the house, the contents, where items were located and focussed only on the safe, knowing its exact location.

3) The day of the theft (Monday the 23rd of March) June was with her Mother in the hospital and Duang had called her several times throughout the course of the day ; 8 - 9 times in fact and in one of these calls even asked if I was still at the hospital with them. Suyon speaks English and had asked me about June's Mother several times on Saturday the 19th, Sunday the 20th and then on Monday morning of the 21st.

4) One of the officers investigating the case told June that Duang had spent approximately 2 hours on the phone from 0130 hours to approximately 0330 hours on the evening/morning of March 23/24 with her sister who resides and works in Bangkok. The same date that the safe was stolen.

5) During the Songkran holidays, June overheard Sumali (Moo Eye) tell Duang, Yon, the 2 boys and the rest of the family that Uthai Jarudatkajorn, a 3 star police chief from Nong Bua Lamphu, had called her from Loie and informed her that there would be no arrests in this case and that no one needed to be concerned.

6) Duang's Mother was overheard telling Duang that there was nothing to worry about as Sumlon (aka Mu), Duang's brother and owner of the house we rent, would take care of everything.

7) Duang's Mother was again overheard to tell the family that there was nothing to worry about as Sumali was good friends with Uthai.

8) June overheard Duang tell her husband, Yon, her mother and a friend, Win, that "if the police ever ask where the money came from for them to be able to bring in 40+ truckloads of dirt to backfill their property, that her sister in Bangkok gave it to her".

9) Shortly before Songkran and about 3 - 4 weeks following the theft, Duang had some female surgical procedure performed that would typically cost approx Baht 150,000. Where did the funds for this surgery come from and how was the surgery paid for?

10) Prior to the theft, Duang, Yon and the 2 sons only drove their Toyota Vios occasionally as they could not afford to drive more often. After the theft, the car has been driven on a daily basis. They also had an olderToyota Vios that had mechanical problems and it was never driven. After the theft, they repaired the older vehicle and drove it. It has not been seen back at the house now since Songkran.

11) The 2 sons Adison Singuwan and Putachak Singuwan, were working with Red Bull in Khon Kaen. Shortly after Songkran, mid-April 2015, they both stopped working and now spend most days and evenings at their parent's home in Ban Kaw. It is apparent here that with 4 Million Thai Baht in their pockets now, these people do not need to work. Thai Baht 4 Million is the equivalent of in excess of 20 years of wages for these people (this is based on an annual salary of Baht 200,000 which is actually exceptionally high for these 2 young men to have been making).

12) Within 3 - 4 weeks of the theft, we were advised by one of your staff, a police official from Nong Bua Lamphu, that Sumali Thaijinder (aka Moo Eye) was selling gold in Nong Bua Lamphu and the gold shop owner was very good friends with her.

13) At the end of April, one of the Investigators from Nong Bua Lamphu, informed Captain Pantanee Suwor of the Nong Bua Lamphu military offices that the Nong Bua Lamphu had found the diamond ring and some of the gold but had never delivered these items to us or let alone even informed us that these were located. On 30 June, Superintendent Puag, Nong Bua Lamphu Special Investigations Division, denied this and said that Pantanee was lying and that none of his people had found any jewelry nor had they spoken with Pantanee.

We had offered a Baht 300,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of the thieves and the police essentially laughed at us and are not progressing the case or taking pro-active measures to even attempt to solve the case. Their actions, behavior and the manner in which they are treating this case lead me to believe that the police in Non Sang have already been paid to shut down this case and to prevent any further actions from being taken. The money paid would have to be a much larger amount than what we have offered as a reward otherwise there would have been some movement in the case progression. Given that the owner of the house and Watsadu in Ban Kaw are highly influential people, we believe that they have paid off the higher ranking police officials in both Non Sang as well as Nong Bua Lamphu to encourage them from progressing the case and making any arrests of their family members - note that we were advised by the Thai military as well as some of the lower ranking police officers that Sumali Thaijinder has been selling gold in Nong Bua Lamphu. We all recognize that blood is thicker than water and being brother and sister is a good indication that they will look out for and protect one another. Throughout the progression of this case (over 3 months now), it has been my wife and I who are the ones treated like the suspects and not the victims and, the case continues at a direct standstill.

We have been in Phuket since 2010 and have built 2 homes there. At any given time, we have had upwards of 20 - 30 construction workers and crew in our home, a maid, gardeners, pool maintenance workers and others and there has never been anything stolen -- not even a bottle of water. I move to Issan and within a matter of months, our safe with many valuable items is stolen. Is this the real Thailand? I chose to live in Thailand because of the people, the culture, the food, the climate and the overall environment. I still find Thailand to be attractive and plan on continuing my retirement here but we are at a loss as to where to turn to get some help in solving this case which is actually quite clear as to who the perpetrators are.

On Monday the 6th of April we travelled to Khon Kaen and met with the military offices there to see what we could do to progress the case any further. They referred us to the Nong Bua Lamphu offices of the military to file a complaint and we then travelled to Nong Bua Lamphu on Tuesday morning the 7th of April where we met with Captain Pontanee Suwor and his staff (088 791 2243). We explained the entire story to him and his team and they noted that this should be an easy case and also found the story to be quite "interesting and amazing" and assured us that they would look into the case and provide us with feedback within 2 days and "not to worry" as they would get closure.

We were then directed to the local Nong Bua Lamphu Provincial Police offices where we met with a 3 star chief, Uthai Jarudatkajorn who was previously assigned as the commander of the police offices in Non Sang. We told him the story including our "opinion" about the corruption and payments to drag out the case and he denied this and supported his people. Following our meeting with Uthai, we returned to the military and were again reassured that there will be positive actions within 2 days and Captain Pontanee would call us to advise progress -- we will wait to see. Later that day, 3 investigators from Nong Bua Lamphu came to the Non Sang offices and then to our home and conducted another walk-thru and discussed the facts with us. Chaiyoon was with them as the Non Sang representative. They too found the story to be "interesting and amazing".

As a point of interest, we were informed by the Nong Bua Lamphu police that the owner of the house we rent as well as the local watsadu, Sumali Thaijinder and her husband Mu, were known to be selling gold in Nong Bua Lamphu shortly after the theft. I'm not quite sure what this means but, ……….!

On Wednesday the 8th of April, two (2) Tourist Police from Khon Kaen (Khun Ittipon and Khun Chumpon Telephone # 093 515 7155) came to the house to see the location, meet with us and hear the story. They informed us that they were called in by Uthai Jarudatkhajorn, a 3 star chief from Nong Bua Lamphu Police. During the discussions, they strongly encouraged us to move out of the house soon. As they were leaving, Ponsang from the Non Sang Police arrived to ask more questions, get copies of any jewelry receipts that we had and to deliver the contact names and numbers of the top 3 - 4 police officers from Non Sang.

On Thursday the 9th, I received a call in the evening from Captain Pantanee with an update on the case and he again assured that actions were being taken and within the next 1 - 2 weeks there would be some closure.

Friday the 10th was a busy day as we had Thai TV Channels 3, 7 (Khun Ooo) and 9 at the house for interviews and pictures. During the meetings with the press, Captain Pantanee and 10 - 11 other military personnel showed up at the house. Captain Pantanee participated in the interviews. Following the meetings, Captain Pantanee also reinforced the fact that we needed to move out of the Non Sang Amphoe once the case was drawn to a close as they were concerned for our well being and more so, from the Non Sang Police Department and not so much the villagers. Captain also mentioned that, with him and his people showing up at the house, he was sending a message to the village and others in the area. Later in the day, we were informed by a reliable source on the Non Sang police force (a lower ranking officer) that Duang, her husband, Suyon, and her mother had committed the crime and that Sumali Thaijinder, owner of the local watsadu and the house we are renting was selling the gold at a shop in Nong Bua Lamphu. We also understand through the local police officers and the Thai military that Sumali was one of the largest drug dealers in the area for "Yab-ba" otherwise known as methamphetimenes.

On Saturday the 11th and the start of Songkran, June and I visited her mother in Ban Thaen and essentially no sooner than we arrived, Chaiyong Singchampoo (Mobile # 093 356 8763) called June to tell her that Uthai Juradatkhajorn was in Non Sang and wanted to meet with us. She explained that we were at her Mothers and would be back at the house at approximately 3 - 4 PM and he agreed with this and Uthai would meet us then. We arrived in at 3:15 and when June called the Chaiyong, he told her that Uthai had already left for Nong Bua Lamphu. A telephone call would have been nice to tell us that we not need to rush back.

Monday the 13th, Songkran, and we had 5 more police officers (Special Investigative team) arrive at the house from the Nong Bua Lamphu provincial offices. The higher ranking officer name is Lt Col. Sumet Kanthong (Mobile # 088 865 2402), Investigation Sub-Division, Nong Bua Lamphu Provincial Police. They went through the same series of questions as with all other police that we have spent time with - just another crew with the same questions. All I can say is that at that time we were hoping for some closure as we were and still are consumed with emotional anguish, stress and frustration with how the case is progressing, or NOT, at this point in time.

Tuesday the 14th, the neighbors, Suyon and his family, including the Owner of the house and local watsadu held a party. They were using flashlights to distract and disturb the 2 dogs and then later in the evening to look into our property. This is a bit nerve racking for my wife and to be honest, me too, as we cannot trust this family based on their recent behaviors and actions. The lack of attention by the local police is also disturbing and even more so when, on Wednesday the 15th morning, June overheard the owner of the house state that she had received a call from Uthai Jarudatkhajorn, one of the chief officers from Nong Bua Lamphu Provincial Police that there would be no arrests in this case -- Fact or Fiction? Or simply wanting to blow smoke in our faces. But, why would she feel compelled to even say something like that unless there was guilt amongst the family.

On Thursday the 16th of April, we were visited by the Nong Bua Lamphu Police including the Superintendent Puag ([email protected]). Again we went through the entire story of the past few weeks and conducted a walk-thru of the house and the location where the safe was located. Puag asked that I email him some photos of our wedding that reflected some of the jewelry that had been stolen; this I did on Friday along with an email that provided my thoughts on why we thought that there was corruption involved in the case. I have sent him several other emails and never received a response from him to let me know that he received these. However, one member of his staff, Sumet, told JUne that he had received these.

Friday the 17th of April, we travelled to Khon Kaen to the Bangkok Hospital Khon Kaen to attend to some medical needs for me. On our way back to the house, we stopped at the Khon Kaen Forensics Lab and met with Lt Col Raveewan Burinprakhon (089 716 2711) in the fingerprints lab and she provided us with an update on the status of the fingerprints and advised that to date there were no matches. We were both surprised as the facts are fairly clear as to who conducted the crime which again leads us to suspect that there is corruption involved and the fingerprints have been compromised.

On the 21st of April there were over 40 truckloads of dirt delivered to Duang and Yon's house to backfill the lot. The cost for this is in excess of Baht 10,000 which is quite a lot of money for Duang and Yon to spend. On the evening of the 21st of April, June overheard Duang tell her husband, Yon, her mother and a friend, Win, that "if the police ever ask where the money came from for them to bring in the dirt, that her sister in Bangkok gave it to her". Again, I will say that this is flagrant and belligerent on their part to be so open with the fact that they now have money to burn.

With regards to any fingerprints, I have strongly suggested and urged that the Nong Bua Lamphu police, Superintendent Puag, take a second set of fingerprints off of key suspects including Duang, Yon, the 2 sons, the mother and Win. I have also recommended that they closely oversee the fingerprinting and closely monitor the handling and care of these to ensure that they arrive intact to the forensics lab in Khon Kaen where Boonchai and his team can analyze these and compare to prints lifted off the safe and associated contents. I have also requested that they ensure that the prints lifted off the safe and contents are valid and have not already been compromised. The tools and t-shirt also need to be examined as well. All of this has gone without any further actions on their part and Puag has ignored any information sent to him.

One other point, Duang has 2 sisters and a brother who reside and work in Bangkok. We understand that Duang may have spent several days in Bangkok, either before or after her surgery, with one or all of them and took the opportunity to sell jewelry while in Bangkok.

My wife has overheard the family, Duang, Suyon and her mother arguing and then on the morning of the 25th of April, June overheard Duang and all discussing who should take the blame if there were any arrests to be made. The entire family is involved including the mother, the 2 sons and the sisters and brother in Bangkok as well as the owner of the house we are renting and the local watsadu, Sumali and husband Moo. We have also learned that they are all involved in the sale of Methamphetimines (also known as Yab-ba). And that Sumali and Moo are the largest dealers in Issan. This can be investigated through an arrest made in late May of a Ban Kaw resident SulachaI Bopisit who was arrested for the distribution and sale of meth and who had built his home in Ban Kaw on credit from the watsadu owned by Sumali and Moo. It is rumored that he was the # 2 distributor in Issan and Sumali (Mu Eye) and Sumlon (Mu) are the #1.

On Sunday the 26th of April we travelled to Bangkok to meet with the Royal Thai Police, the Military and Thai TV Channel 3. Before we departed Khon Kaen we called Captain Pantanee. He asked us how the Special Investigation Team from Nong Bua Lamphu were doing and, were we happy that they had found one diamond ring and some of the gold and, had they already returned it to us. This came as a total surprise for us as we were never told this, let alone the fact that they had supposedly returned the items to us as they had not. The Nong Bua Lamphu police are now lying to the Thai military - which is quite concerning and also sends us a message that they cannot be trusted either. On Monday the 27th, we met with the Crime Investigation Bureau, Captain Atiss Pisitkool (086-346-0765) and Captain Chanont Banpakau (083-966-6216). They listened to the story, took our statements, recorded the case (Reference # 137 dated 27 April 2015) and advised us that they would look into it on our behalf. They assured us that they would also contact the Non Sang police and inform them that if anything were to happen to us, they would be held responsible. They spoke with Captain Pantanee to confirm our story as well. We then went to Thai TV Channel 3 (02 262 3331) and spoke with one of the reporters who noted our case and assured us that he would report this to his management and if interested they would call us - which, they did not as of 22 June.

Tuesday the 28th we attempted to meet with the Thai military at their headquarters offices in Bangkok but were told that they would not meet with us as we did not have a meeting scheduled and to go to channel 3 and get their support.

Wednesday the 29th of April, we drove into Khon Kaen and met with the Investigation Division Provincial Police Region 4. We met with the chief of the unit, Khun Ging (Mobile # 043 ) as well as several of his staff including Khun Penom (Mobile # 089 156 9893). That afternoon, they visited the Ban Kaw residence and crime scene and also told us that they too believed the perpetrators to be the neighbors given the facts surrounding the case. Later in the day Khun Geow, an investigator came to the house and also visited us several times after that over the course of the following week.

On Tuesday May 12 we drove into Khon Kaen again to meet with the Region 4 commanding officer and his team. We were only permitted to file a report with the staff and Khun Ning (office # 043 247 7114) took June's statement and gave us a copy of the report (File # 2502 dated 12 May 2015). They informed us that in 20 days we would/should receive a case status update from their offices. As of 22 June, we have heard nothing back from them. With the exception that Non Sang police had called to confirm our statements made to the Region 4 officers.

On Wednesday the 20th of May, we drove to Nakon Ratchasima to provide DNA samples for both June and myself. We were also provided with a list of the 12 people who DNA samples had been provided for by the DNA lab in Nakon Ratchasima on the 15th of May by the Non Sang police and Sakarin. We subsequently learned that the procedure used in taking the DNA samples from these 12 by Sakarin and Ponsang clearly did not follow the same procedures that were applied to June and myself in that the suspects were not required to wash out their mouths with water first, their were no witnesses and the suspects were not required to sign off on the sealed envelopes once the samples had been sealed. This allows for the potential that the DNA samples could be compromised and these should be re-validated by someone other than Sakarin and Ponsang. The Nakon Ratchasima DNA Lab contact mobile is 085 131 1176.

26 May, the older son, Adison Singuwan confronted me while I was walking on the road outside our house. He then later entered our property accompanied by 2 females from the local Tambon. I told him to get off the property which he did. Fortunately, one of the local police officers, Songlit (Mobile # 091 056 9327), was at the house and witnessed the entire happening. We reported this to the Non Sang police the following day (reference file 073 dated 27 May 2015). This, combined with the fact that June had overheard the younger son, Putachak Singuwan to loudly threaten to kill us both is a bit concerning for us.

On Monday, June 1, 2015, we met with Sawatchai (mobile # 081 975 4003) at the Non Sang police offices. We recorded this conversation and during the meeting, Sawatchai actually made the statement that as an American, we have lots of money and that we had insurance on the stolen jewelry and as such he was not to concerned about solving the case. We were then also provided with a handwritten copy of the police report for our reference -- note that this came only after repeatedly asking for it and, the US Embassy in Bangkok calling Sawatchai to provide us with a copy. Later that day, Sawatchai, Ponsang and Songlit came to the house -- this was the first time that Sawatchai had ever visited the house and even expressed any degree of interest in the case.

On June 11, we were called into the Non Sang Police offices Lt. Tenayut (Mobile # ) to address the Region 4 commanding officers questions that we had raised with Khun Ning with regards to the fact that several officers had informed us that we were required to pay for fingerprint and DNA analysis as the government did not have adequate funds to pay for these tests. Which is pure and utter bullshit. This session lasted approximately 2 hours and June signed off on the report, we were given a copy and then later that day we were called again to hold another meeting to discuss the same subject but this time with Captain Sakarin from Nong Bua Lamphu Forensics. This meeting was held on the Sunday the 14th of June in the presence of Tenayut, Ponsang and Sakarin -- we recorded this session to ensure that we had the facts on what procedures were followed by Sakarin and Ponsang when they took the DNA from several suspects in mid-May. The police were one hour late to the meeting even after we had agreed a time. After 2 hours, June and I walked out of the meeting as we viewed it as a waste of time since they were addressing the same points that we had already covered on the 11th.

Friday the 12th of June we were advised by the DNA lab in Nakon Ratchasima that the results of the DNA analysis were completed and that Non Sang would be requested to pick these up. After a week+, we had no information back from the Non Sang police and on Sunday the 21st of June we called them and were advised that there were no matches made. This was not a surprise to us as we had expected these to have been compromised from the start. June also spoke with Chaiyoon and he made the statement that our case may not even be solved in 10 years or more.

On Monday the 15th of June, we moved out of the house and shipped approximately half of our personal effects to Phuket and the other half into a shophouse we have rented in Ubonrat, Khon Kaen Chungwat.

Monday the 29th of June we met with Sawatchai, the chief @ Non Sang Police offices. He assembled several of his key officers including Ponsang, Ponsang's manager (name ???), Saksee, Chaiyoon, Pewa, DaNigh and several others to hear our story again and the main reason that we had requested this meeting was to find out what they planned on doing to investigate the case in the future. We discussed the fact that the fingerprints and DNA testing done to date were all negative and we questioned the quality and substance in these and that we were willing to drive the jewelry boxes and other documents to Nakon Ratchasima for further DNA testing and that we did not trust the Non Sang police to deliver the items as they had already made a mess of the fingerprints and DNA on the people - this refers specifically to Sakarin and Ponsang. We also discussed the facts as I see them in support of the Duang, Suyon and family involvement in the theft and robbery. The meeting lasted for approximately 2 hours and I have recorded this meeting on my mobile phone.

On Tuesday the 30th of June we travelled to Nong Bua Lamphu and met with The Head of the Provincial Police, Suthip Palitkuboltat (or Sukonchai??) who speaks fluent English. He had several of his key personnel in the meeting including Uthai Jaradatkajorn, Puag and 4 of his staff and Somkit Chongthong (3 stars). We described the entire story including the points raised above with regards to the reasons we believe Duang, Yon, Sumali, Sumlon and family are the perpetrators. We discussed the corruption aspect which Suthip agreed that we are entitled to our opinions and he in return added that this appears to be an easy case. He instructed the Special Investigations Team personnel in attendance to act immediately and if they could not close this case out then they needed to find other work more suitable to meeting their needs. Note: this meeting and Suthip's actions appear at first pass to be sincere and he does most assuredly intend to support us and assist in gaining closure to the case in a relatively short period of time. He advised that they would contact June within 3 to 7 days to provide an update.

On 8 July, approximately 3 weeks after we moved out of the Ban Kaw house, Sumali Thaijinder (aka MU-Eye) called June and told her the she wanted to see the house in Ban Kaw that we are renting until 30 September 2015. June told her we are busy and now is not a good time. Even though we have moved, the lease is valid until 30 September 2015 and in the event that anyone enters the premises, we will consider this as breaking and entering and trespassing. I sent an email to Supt Puag, Nong Bua Lamphu Special Investigations Division and June will inform Ponsang and Chaiyoon of the call and the potential for trespassing.

June called the Nong Bua Lamphu police Special Investigations Division on 15 July to ask what, if anything, they had learned in the case and she was advised that they had no additional information or leads. As I have stated numerous times in the past the Non Sang and Nong Bua Lamphu police are either corrupt or, the police are exceptionally incompetent investigators.

I want to re-emphasize again that, as stated above, we do not have insurance on these items which I recognize is my own fault but then who would have ever guessed that this would happen and especially from people that wee trusted and they even abused the fact that June's Mother was ill to prey on us as they did.

The corruption is blatantly obvious in this case and it is to the point that it is an obstruction of justice and actually makes a mockery of the entire Thai judiciary system. The police involved should be arrested and sentenced for their part in this crime as their actions demonstrate that they fully support the criminal activities of those involved.

Facts supporting corruption:

We offered a 300,000 baht reward and the Non Sang police have done everything they can to drag the case out and prolong it. Leading me to believe that someone has paid them more, much more, to close the case without an arrest being made.

Fingerprints lifted off the safe and the contents by the Nong Bua Lamphu Forensic police, Captain Sakarin, were delayed in getting to Khon Kaen forensics, and it is highly likely that these have been compromised or even changed out. This is supported by the fact that there were no apparent matches from the fingerprints. Subsequent DNA testing proved to be negative as well and this was thought to be a proven method for identifying the perpetrators. It is important to note that the common link in both the fingerprinting and DNA testing procedures was Ponsang and Sakarin.

The initial officer assigned to the case was removed after 2 weeks and replaced with a new officer thus further delaying the case and creating more confusion. One week later the initial officer is re-assigned.

The Number 1 officer at Non Sang treated my wife and I as if we were the suspects as opposed to the victims and was exceptionally rude to us. After 10 weeks into the case, we met with him to get an update on the status of the case. During this meeting he made the comment that I am a US national and as such I have insurance on our personal effects and we will recover our losses thru the insurance. This is a blatantly false statement and, coming from the chief of police demonstrates his ignorance, incompetence, stupidity or clearly his disrespect for the laws of the country he is paid to protect. In fact his actions in prolonging the case are clearly an "obstruction of justice" and they should be brought to bear for their actions.

Numerous police officials from Non Sang told us that we were required to pay for any fingerprint examinations and DNA testing but when asked how much, they would not respond. They also asked if we had already paid money to the police which, we have not!

The police from Non Sang have repeatedly asked how much money I make which, is none of their business.

The lower ranking officers assigned to the case have advised the Non Sang Police Management who the guilty parties are and are ignored; further dragging out the case.

The case is clear and appears to be an easy one to solve. The facts are clear and plain as pointed out by the military, the special police from Nong Bua Lamphu and others including the lower ranking police in Non Sang know who committed the crime and yet no positive action has been taken.

The government under the rule of Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-O-Cha have expressed their desire to eliminate corruption in public offices and while positive actions have and are being taken, here is an obvious case of corruption and yet no action has been taken to date.

The Tourist Police and the military have strongly advised us, for safety and security reasons to move immediately following any arrests and closure in the case. This is a concern directed at the Non Sang Police as opposed to the criminals or their family.

The Land of a Thousand Smiles is not always as friendly as it may appear to be!

My wife is Thai and she loves her country! I love my wife and we both wish for a better Thailand that is for the people and not corrupt and supportive of criminal elements."

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