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Thai 'Red Shirt' TV station to go back on air

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So a Thai court allows 'Peace TV' to resume broadcasting, is this an example of courts ruling correctly on the law, or of government-interference in the legal-system as so-often alleged, it's confusing to know what we're supposed to be thinking ? blink.png

Whatever, I hope that 'Peace TV' stays within the junta's broadcasting-guidelines this time, and doesn't get shut down again for allegedly causing "divisions and misunderstandings". wink.png

Whatever, I hope that the junta lifts all bans on free speech and free assembly and stops arbitrary detentions, arrests, and military trials of civilians, ....

Nah, won't happen... coffee1.gif

But we farangs can perhaps hope that there will be progress in the right direction, over time, regarding freedom of speech & censorship & LM & monitoring of the internet & press-freedom.

And not just from the current government, but future ones too, it's a long-term requirement for Thai democracy, something to aim for but which has never yet been achieved.

But short-term rabble-rousing would obviously delay progress, although it might serve the aims of the UDD or a former-PM, wishing to impose their beliefs or control on the wider population.

I don't say "Nah, won't happen.." as you do, I prefer to hope for progress, than give up on any possibility of it. wai2.gif

well, we share the wish for progress in common.

I am certainly sceptical that this junta and the "government" that is produced by the new constitution will represent progress. I used to think they wanted to go back to the '80s, and soon it became clear that they wanted to go back to the '50s...

And yeah, I do say "Nah, ..." regarding this junta doing any of the points I mentioned above....

But I promise to make a formal "hat-eating" statement should they do so.... thumbsup.gif

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Why aren't the UDD leaders in court now that their parliamentary immunity has been cancelled?

Probably for the same reason their bail breaches were ignored. Somebody wants it that way.

How many hiso elites, politicians, police, civil servants, so called "superstars", and their offspring have serious outstanding criminal cases waiting for court or appeal that seem to have just evaporated?

Seems to be how things work.

Now pick a wild mushroom, get caught with a tiny amount of illegal substance, especially if you're a farang or married to a farang, and you'll see swift draconian justice.


I guess no one bothered to tell you that PAD or Yellow Shirts no longer exist because, unlike the UDD, no one is funding them.


wow, the unbelievable comments some folks toss out there...

(ps: inciting discontent and criticizing the junta are the same thing... I would have thought that you'd have figured that out by now...)

Refusal to face inconvenient facts doesn't make them any less credible, no matter how many emoticons you add.

that would be true except that you are just lying now...

You are accusing another poster of lying?

Presumably you can support that by providing evidence that shows the UDD are self-funding?

Look forward to seeing that.


I guess no one bothered to tell you that PAD or Yellow Shirts no longer exist because, unlike the UDD, no one is funding them.


wow, the unbelievable comments some folks toss out there...

(ps: inciting discontent and criticizing the junta are the same thing... I would have thought that you'd have figured that out by now...)

Refusal to face inconvenient facts doesn't make them any less credible, no matter how many emoticons you add.

that would be true except that you are just lying now...

I'm sure you will point out which part of that statement was a lie.


I guess no one bothered to tell you that PAD or Yellow Shirts no longer exist because, unlike the UDD, no one is funding them.


wow, the unbelievable comments some folks toss out there...

(ps: inciting discontent and criticizing the junta are the same thing... I would have thought that you'd have figured that out by now...)

Refusal to face inconvenient facts doesn't make them any less credible, no matter how many emoticons you add.

that would be true except that you are just lying now...

You are accusing another poster of lying?

Presumably you can support that by providing evidence that shows the UDD are self-funding?

Look forward to seeing that.

This should be good. Can't wait. whistling.gif


Let's get real here. How on earth can the Nation Newspaper be allowed to carry on, and Peace TV be banned ??

Yes, Thailand has accepted CONSISTENCY in the law. Tha Nation Newspaper is, off-course, the English languae mouthpiece of the Chinese-Thai yellowshirts. Look at the staff of the Nation Newspaper, their names might be Thai, but they all look the same as people who work in your local Chinese Take-Away or restaurant. That's because they ARE a bunch of Chinese, or people who have Chinese ancestry.

Yes, Thailand must either ban the Nation Newspaper because the Nation does actually print stories about the junta that are not favourable. Or if it is going to allow freedom of expression for the Yellowshirts, well, they're going to have to give the Thai-Thais freedom of expression as well. The Thai-Thais, that's the dark-skinned and 'eyes are not so slitty' people, that's the people who make up the redshirts.

Yes, telling the redshirts to shut-up criticising the junta, and allowing the yellow-shirts to voice their criticism, that just makes the system look ridiculous. They could tell both to shut-up, but it would never happen. Nothing can stop the real power in Thailand, and the real power are the minority Chinese-Thais who are also called the Bangkok middle-class by some of the newspapers.


Have you ever been to Thailand?

We don't have a Chinese take-away near us.

Your are certainly entitled to air your views and opinions but perhaps you would be better to stick with the Tonbridge local politics you'll gain more credibility with the locals.


I guess no one bothered to tell you that PAD or Yellow Shirts no longer exist because, unlike the UDD, no one is funding them.


wow, the unbelievable comments some folks toss out there...

(ps: inciting discontent and criticizing the junta are the same thing... I would have thought that you'd have figured that out by now...)

Refusal to face inconvenient facts doesn't make them any less credible, no matter how many emoticons you add.

that would be true except that you are just lying now...

You are accusing another poster of lying?

Presumably you can support that by providing evidence that shows the UDD are self-funding?

Look forward to seeing that.



I guess no one bothered to tell you that PAD or Yellow Shirts no longer exist because, unlike the UDD, no one is funding them.


wow, the unbelievable comments some folks toss out there...

(ps: inciting discontent and criticizing the junta are the same thing... I would have thought that you'd have figured that out by now...)

Refusal to face inconvenient facts doesn't make them any less credible, no matter how many emoticons you add.

that would be true except that you are just lying now...

I'm sure you will point out which part of that statement was a lie.

you are amazing that you cannot figure out the simplest things.

your lie is to state that I refuse to face facts. You call them inconvenient, but I just call the facts.

In my post to which you felt the need to reply, I laughed at the claim that the yellow shirts no longer exist. You state that my post is not "facing facts", ... That statement from you is not true, and I call deliberately untrue statements "lies" - what do you call them?



I guess no one bothered to tell you that PAD or Yellow Shirts no longer exist because, unlike the UDD, no one is funding them.


wow, the unbelievable comments some folks toss out there...

(ps: inciting discontent and criticizing the junta are the same thing... I would have thought that you'd have figured that out by now...)

Refusal to face inconvenient facts doesn't make them any less credible, no matter how many emoticons you add.

that would be true except that you are just lying now...

You are accusing another poster of lying?

Presumably you can support that by providing evidence that shows the UDD are self-funding?

Look forward to seeing that.

your logic is impeccable since I never claimed any such thing...

but as irrelevant as your comment it, it is actually true that the people who call themselves red shirts actually dedicate their own time and their own resources to the cause.

I know that certain posters who hate Thaksin cannot bring themselves to understand any nuances of the social movement that has created the red shirts... They prefer to denigrate and demean them as stupid, grass-eating buffaloes and to dismiss the importance of their commitment to democracy by labelling the as rent-a-mob or vote-sellers...

On the other hand there are Thai researchers who have examined this social group in detail and in depth, ... with regards to red shirts, being poor, and funding, they have stated,

interestingly, because the red shirts are not the poor, this implies that they are materially ready to dedicate their time and resources to join the red-shirt movement. “This in a way explains why the movement has lasted for years -- because red shirts are not that poor,” the research says.


I'm sure you will point out which part of that statement was a lie.

you are amazing that you cannot figure out the simplest things.

your lie is to state that I refuse to face facts. You call them inconvenient, but I just call the facts.

In my post to which you felt the need to reply, I laughed at the claim that the yellow shirts no longer exist. You state that my post is not "facing facts", ... That statement from you is not true, and I call deliberately untrue statements "lies" - what do you call them?


So all you have to do to justify yourself is post some proof that PAD/yellow shirts still exist as a political movement. That should be easy enough.

Though something a little more substantial than a single report of somebody who thought he saw something not even similar would be appreciated.


I'm sure you will point out which part of that statement was a lie.

you are amazing that you cannot figure out the simplest things.

your lie is to state that I refuse to face facts. You call them inconvenient, but I just call the facts.

In my post to which you felt the need to reply, I laughed at the claim that the yellow shirts no longer exist. You state that my post is not "facing facts", ... That statement from you is not true, and I call deliberately untrue statements "lies" - what do you call them?


So all you have to do to justify yourself is post some proof that PAD/yellow shirts still exist as a political movement. That should be easy enough.

Though something a little more substantial than a single report of somebody who thought he saw something not even similar would be appreciated.

you want someone to prove to you that the the yellow shirts still exist when they are the ones running the show in Thailand these days?

You are completely lame...


So all you have to do to justify yourself is post some proof that PAD/yellow shirts still exist as a political movement. That should be easy enough.

Though something a little more substantial than a single report of somebody who thought he saw something not even similar would be appreciated.

you want someone to prove to you that the the yellow shirts still exist when they are the ones running the show in Thailand these days?

You are completely lame...

Oh I forgot. If somebody isn't prepared to kiss Thaksin's butt, they MUST be a yellow shirt. so that includes all military, democrat voters, PDRC, in fact anybody not prepared to put on a red shirt and lob a grenade or shoot into a crowd.


I am delighted that Red Shirt TV is back on the air. I hope they can stay within the framework set down by the Powers-that-be. Thailand needs dissenting voices heard publicly. Even if they are toned down, it is a start.

Jatuporn's mouth is his (and the UDD's) worst enemy and his talent is rabble-rousing (something particularly not need in the present situation); certainly there are spokespersons for the UDD cause who are more subtle that this hammer and who are able to drive home some points without getting banned again. I think Isaan and Northern people don't need to be beaten over the head with radical rhetoric to get the message. Can't they find an 'Isaan Abhisit'?

The UDD needs slow down and think about the 'long game'. Every government, even a transitional reform government, needs an opposition to keep them honest.


You and I are usually in agreement on the UDD, but I live in a village in northern Thailand and 2 of my neighbors, who live in close proximity, play this stuff at high volume all day long. It is rabble rousing in the extreme, just the tone is enough to compel listeners to burn a shopping center.


I am delighted that Red Shirt TV is back on the air. I hope they can stay within the framework set down by the Powers-that-be. Thailand needs dissenting voices heard publicly. Even if they are toned down, it is a start.

Jatuporn's mouth is his (and the UDD's) worst enemy and his talent is rabble-rousing (something particularly not need in the present situation); certainly there are spokespersons for the UDD cause who are more subtle that this hammer and who are able to drive home some points without getting banned again. I think Isaan and Northern people don't need to be beaten over the head with radical rhetoric to get the message. Can't they find an 'Isaan Abhisit'?

The UDD needs slow down and think about the 'long game'. Every government, even a transitional reform government, needs an opposition to keep them honest.


You and I are usually in agreement on the UDD, but I live in a village in northern Thailand and 2 of my neighbors, who live in close proximity, play this stuff at high volume all day long. It is rabble rousing in the extreme, just the tone is enough to compel listeners to burn a shopping center.

Would you have a problem if they didn't try to propagandize the whole neighborhood by playing it so loudly?

From my original post, "I hope they can stay within the framework set down by the Powers-that-be"

I think that if they can't maintain a 'Peace'full dialogue, they should be shut down again.

As for the volume, I truly sympathize with you as many Thais have zero consideration for their neighbors and if you complain, you create an enemy for life.

Thailand, as a whole, desperately needs some noise ordinances to prevent the use of high-volume loudspeakers blaring everything from temple announcements to loud music to village propaganda to karaoke.

On a side note, if I had neighbors playing anything at high volume all day long, even if it's karaoke, I'm going to go 'secret commando' on them and cut their electricity while sympathizing with them in public. Noisy neighbors make life miserable.

Unincorporated areas can’t block out noise with ordinance http://www.yourhoustonnews.com/courier/news/unincorporated-areas-can-t-block-out-noise-with-ordinance/article_40743434-e59f-5ba9-a98c-019b269d7942.html

It is not unknown, where I grew up in the countryside, for the truly obnoxious to have their houses 'accidentally' burn down.



I am delighted that Red Shirt TV is back on the air. I hope they can stay within the framework set down by the Powers-that-be. Thailand needs dissenting voices heard publicly. Even if they are toned down, it is a start.

Jatuporn's mouth is his (and the UDD's) worst enemy and his talent is rabble-rousing (something particularly not need in the present situation); certainly there are spokespersons for the UDD cause who are more subtle that this hammer and who are able to drive home some points without getting banned again. I think Isaan and Northern people don't need to be beaten over the head with radical rhetoric to get the message. Can't they find an 'Isaan Abhisit'?

The UDD needs slow down and think about the 'long game'. Every government, even a transitional reform government, needs an opposition to keep them honest.


You and I are usually in agreement on the UDD, but I live in a village in northern Thailand and 2 of my neighbors, who live in close proximity, play this stuff at high volume all day long. It is rabble rousing in the extreme, just the tone is enough to compel listeners to burn a shopping center.

Would you have a problem if they didn't try to propagandize the whole neighborhood by playing it so loudly?

From my original post, "I hope they can stay within the framework set down by the Powers-that-be"

I think that if they can't maintain a 'Peace'full dialogue, they should be shut down again.

As for the volume, I truly sympathize with you as many Thais have zero consideration for their neighbors and if you complain, you create an enemy for life.

Thailand, as a whole, desperately needs some noise ordinances to prevent the use of high-volume loudspeakers blaring everything from temple announcements to loud music to village propaganda to karaoke.

On a side note, if I had neighbors playing anything at high volume all day long, even if it's karaoke, I'm going to go 'secret commando' on them and cut their electricity while sympathizing with them in public. Noisy neighbors make life miserable.

Unincorporated areas can’t block out noise with ordinance http://www.yourhoustonnews.com/courier/news/unincorporated-areas-can-t-block-out-noise-with-ordinance/article_40743434-e59f-5ba9-a98c-019b269d7942.html

It is not unknown, where I grew up in the countryside, for the truly obnoxious to have their houses 'accidentally' burn down.


I don't make my feelings known in the village, my Thai wife and I moved here from Chiang Mai about 8 years ago, and until last year, I was the only farang in the village. I think the other guy rents a home, and only stays part of the year. No sense rocking the boat when you know you're not going to change anyone's mind.


So all you have to do to justify yourself is post some proof that PAD/yellow shirts still exist as a political movement. That should be easy enough.

Though something a little more substantial than a single report of somebody who thought he saw something not even similar would be appreciated.

you want someone to prove to you that the the yellow shirts still exist when they are the ones running the show in Thailand these days?

You are completely lame...

Oh I forgot. If somebody isn't prepared to kiss Thaksin's butt, they MUST be a yellow shirt. so that includes all military, democrat voters, PDRC, in fact anybody not prepared to put on a red shirt and lob a grenade or shoot into a crowd.

are you trying to prove to the world that you don't know who the yellow shirts are?

you're doing a great job pretending, ...


Oh I forgot. If somebody isn't prepared to kiss Thaksin's butt, they MUST be a yellow shirt. so that includes all military, democrat voters, PDRC, in fact anybody not prepared to put on a red shirt and lob a grenade or shoot into a crowd.

are you trying to prove to the world that you don't know who the yellow shirts are?

you're doing a great job pretending, ...

I know who they are. Like the 'elite' they are someone Thaksins propagandists can demonise as the cause of all the less fortunate's problems. Because it's never their own fault, or of the criminals they elect when they promise everything and steal most of it.

Just when was the last time you have heard or seen "yellow shirts" referred to in the media, outside of Thaksins liars? Who are their leaders and spokesmen? What do they call their organisation?


Why is this such a big deal to you, when you don't live in Thailand, probably don't speak or read Thai, but can always turn the channel when it comes on anyway if you did


Why is this such a big deal to you, when you don't live in Thailand, probably don't speak or read Thai, but can always turn the channel when it comes on anyway if you did

If this was directed at me, you couldn't be more wrong. I have lived here full time for over 10 years, 4 years before that 2-3 months per year, and for the last couple I have been working for in Oz 6 months per year, and after another 3 years will retire here. While my accent is bloody awful, I can hold a conversation in Thai, my main difficulty being that I am partially deaf from working too long with high pressure steam turbines.

I have ridden over most of Thailand travelling mostly alone without any language difficulties. CM, Udon, Ubon, Hat Lek, Tak, Sukhothai (regularly), Nakhon Phanom (regularly), Ranong, Satun, Sungai Kolok thru to Khota Bahru, Pedang Besar down the mountain road to Penang.

You get out much?


Fair play to you, and I take back what I said and stand corrected, would love to get out more, but not allowed toys (bike) and would have to take the wife with me if I did have one :(


Fair play to you, and I take back what I said and stand corrected, would love to get out more, but not allowed toys (bike) and would have to take the wife with me if I did have one sad.png

Have been a big bike rider for 45 years, but the g/f will only get on the back when I'm going drinking - it slows me down. I used to ride to Nakhon Phanom while she caught the bus, now it's cheaper to fly.


Oh I forgot. If somebody isn't prepared to kiss Thaksin's butt, they MUST be a yellow shirt. so that includes all military, democrat voters, PDRC, in fact anybody not prepared to put on a red shirt and lob a grenade or shoot into a crowd.

are you trying to prove to the world that you don't know who the yellow shirts are?

you're doing a great job pretending, ...

I know who they are. Like the 'elite' they are someone Thaksins propagandists can demonise as the cause of all the less fortunate's problems. Because it's never their own fault, or of the criminals they elect when they promise everything and steal most of it.

Just when was the last time you have heard or seen "yellow shirts" referred to in the media, outside of Thaksins liars? Who are their leaders and spokesmen? What do they call their organisation?

prominent yellow shirts are all over the news, ... they are in the NLA, they are in the NACC, they are on the CDC, ... they are even still hiding in a Wat...

yeah, I'm gonna stop replying to your deliberately obtuse blah, blah, blah, now... coffee1.gif


Oh I forgot. If somebody isn't prepared to kiss Thaksin's butt, they MUST be a yellow shirt. so that includes all military, democrat voters, PDRC, in fact anybody not prepared to put on a red shirt and lob a grenade or shoot into a crowd.

are you trying to prove to the world that you don't know who the yellow shirts are?

you're doing a great job pretending, ...

I know who they are. Like the 'elite' they are someone Thaksins propagandists can demonise as the cause of all the less fortunate's problems. Because it's never their own fault, or of the criminals they elect when they promise everything and steal most of it.

Just when was the last time you have heard or seen "yellow shirts" referred to in the media, outside of Thaksins liars? Who are their leaders and spokesmen? What do they call their organisation?

prominent yellow shirts are all over the news, ... they are in the NLA, they are in the NACC, they are on the CDC, ... they are even still hiding in a Wat...

yeah, I'm gonna stop replying to your deliberately obtuse blah, blah, blah, now... coffee1.gif

... and while 'yellow shirts' are in some peoples mind every single day (I can somehow feel that on Mondays), the 'red shirt' channel may be back in the air again.

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