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Who wins in Thai child custody battle.

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Between two Thai parents who has a bigger change for custody of the children.

The father or the mother?

The father works and the mother doesn't currently have a job.

The children go to school near the mother and the father lives in another city.

Also if the father works for the police will that make it next to impossible for the mother to win?


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To my understanding there is no automatic preference for either mother or father. It depends on whom the judge believes will do best by the child.

That said, if either party is "influential" this can affect things.

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To my understanding there is no automatic preference for either mother or father. It depends on whom the judge believes will do best by the child.

That said, if either party is "influential" this can affect things.

I also think the judge will take note of who the child is living with now and if the child is happy there and is in no danger either physically or morally

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