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Buckingham Palace defends footage of Queen giving Nazi salute as a child

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Why would you keep such a picture in your personal achieve?

Awful, even if it was 80 years ago.attachicon.gifQueen_makes_Nazi_s_2417587n.jpg

Awful at 80 years ago, before the holocaust, before the invasion of Poland, before a lot of nasty stuff? Why? Attitudes change with the times.

People used to say "nigger" in those days.Kids played cowboys and injuns. Soldiers talked about the fuzzy wuzzies. There were lots of norms that are today seen as inappropriate, but back then were just very ordinary.

And what's more, her uncle was quite enamored with the Nazi government as were notable parts of the British ruling classes. A little girl playing to impress those around her. Nothing more to see in it.


To make any judgement on this 80 years on based on todays standards is absolutely rediculous ..

As was said we played cowboys and indians ..called 'African Americans' niggers, ..I recall my mother buying a dye called 'nigger brown' there was no offense meant. At the time Hitler was regarded as a great leader and admired by many ..especially in the British upper classes ..and even a suggestion that Edward VII was an admirer - in the USA Henry Ford certainly was ! Look at the number of 'terrorists' were locked up ..only to be released and made presidents or folk heroes...things change ..for good and bad !!

It will be interesting to see with the advent of Facebook etc how many photos will appear in years to come of future ministers, presidents and world leader who innocently posted photos doing something we now judged as acceptable ..but who knows how situations and society will change....that is if the country does still have press freedom then ..!!

The Sun is a trashy paper ..hardly a newspaper ...that enjoys creating sensationalist headlines so that the likes of you and I can comment on them in such blogs as this !! All a load of rubbish !!


Pretty shabby of the Sun to sensationalise this. What next? "Queen goes to toilet" exposée?

For their sake, let's hope the royals never made any sex videos.

Anything goes for a cheap headline for the leading rag of the gutter press since phone tapping is a No-No...

News International should be closed down and the Murdoch's thrown in some hell hole, maybe the dungeons at The Tower, that would give meaning too "at Her Majesties Pleasure".


The Nazi salute became obligatory in Germany in 1933 and I imagine that this would have been reported in the UK at the time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_salute#From_1933_to_1945

So this photo could just be of a family taking the p*ss out of a bunch of fascists. I might have done the same had I been there.

30+ years later people were still doing that without many complaints:

There is also the possibility that they were doing the Olympic salute:



AT LAST. Thank goodness for small mercies, a post with acumen and intelligence.

I thought they were doing stretching exercises ... or trying to fly, can't decide which.


Pretty shabby of the Sun to sensationalise this. What next? "Queen goes to toilet" exposée?

For their sake, let's hope the royals never made any sex videos.

Anything goes for a cheap headline for the leading rag of the gutter press since phone tapping is a No-No...

News International should be closed down and the Murdoch's thrown in some hell hole, maybe the dungeons at The Tower, that would give meaning too "at Her Majesties Pleasure".


Closed down for showing a piece of history, yeah that'll really help free speach. If people want to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that the monarchy is squeeky clean, that is up to them, but remembering history helps us to remember that the same mistakes do not happen again.


It might be interesting to note that American children were still doing the Bellamy (Hitler) salute to the American flag as late as 1942



So I guess that means that Americans taught Hitler and Queen Elisabeth this salute?

That is how ignorant this line of thought is.

The salutes origin goes all the way back to Roman times as it was the Roman Salute.

We (the world) have been conditioned (brainwashed) to see this salute as evil as just another act of support and submission to the Zionist propaganda that inundates the world media and our entire lives.

Is it alright if I admire the Roman Salute?

Is it alright if I am old enough to have done the Bellamy salute at my American public school room?

Is it alright if I have an 'opinion' about Zionism?

And finally....can Scott (the moderator) or anyone here at ThaiVisa tell me why I should be given a warning for the following statement?

Now that the Obamanation (AKA America) is well on its path towards communism and Russia and China are basking in their new found free enterprise experience.....all of these inexperienced Russians and Chinese will soon be the upper classes looking down their noses at the westerners.

We all can say just about any terrible thing we want to about Syria, North Korea, Iran and now of course Russia........but we cannot communicate our feelings and point of views about America and Israel?

Where in the hell is ThaiVisa coming from or was Scott the ThaiVisa moderator just having a bad day?


Ah, the good old Sun is at it again. What a glorious newspaper. This happened 8 decades ago so what is the agenda for brining it up in 2015. Unfortunately, there were the two world wars involving Germany but I would have thought that those with ill feelings would have gotten over it by now but given some of the responses, apparently not. I lost relatives in both wars but have never held a grudge, it was, after all, war and battles were fought by men and women, with atrocities committed by both sides, unfortunately some more than others but no side was innocent.

No one knows under what circumstances this was taken but does one really think at her age that she would understand the ramifications of such a gesture. I really don't think the Palace should give that grubby paper any oxygen whatsoever. Now we have those praising freedom of the press for printing such trash. Is it really relevant today? People are for any against the royals but given how they are progressing now, why can't people let sleeping dogs lie. The world was once a better place but sadly today, given what we see as freedom of the press, is just degenerate garbage solely printed with deliberate intentions of damaging those written about.


It seems here there are many who do not like truth being published.

The truth gets selected and twisted, do you believe everything you see and are told, I for one do not.


It seems here there are many who do not like truth being published.

The truth gets selected and twisted, do you believe everything you see and are told, I for one do not.

You are right, but I don't think you can doubt the authenticity of this story.


Note it is not a picture...it is a video.....with the Queen's grandmother and her Uncle teaching her....the story is more there.


The Nazi salute became obligatory in Germany in 1933 and I imagine that this would have been reported in the UK at the time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_salute#From_1933_to_1945

So this photo could just be of a family taking the p*ss out of a bunch of fascists. I might have done the same had I been there.

30+ years later people were still doing that without many complaints:

There is also the possibility that they were doing the Olympic salute:



No not taking the p*ss, many of the royals were nazi sympathisers at the time.

you must be a royal to have that kind of insider knowledge wai2.gif


To make any judgement on this 80 years on based on todays standards is absolutely rediculous ..

As was said we played cowboys and indians ..called 'African Americans' niggers, ..I recall my mother buying a dye called 'nigger brown' there was no offense meant. At the time Hitler was regarded as a great leader and admired by many ..especially in the British upper classes ..and even a suggestion that Edward VII was an admirer - in the USA Henry Ford certainly was ! Look at the number of 'terrorists' were locked up ..only to be released and made presidents or folk heroes...things change ..for good and bad !!

It will be interesting to see with the advent of Facebook etc how many photos will appear in years to come of future ministers, presidents and world leader who innocently posted photos doing something we now judged as acceptable ..but who knows how situations and society will change....that is if the country does still have press freedom then ..!!

The Sun is a trashy paper ..hardly a newspaper ...that enjoys creating sensationalist headlines so that the likes of you and I can comment on them in such blogs as this !! All a load of rubbish !!

"..I recall my mother buying a dye called 'nigger brown' there was no offense meant. "

A point to note, and one closer to home for TVF devotees, is that the very popular Thai made toothpaste "Darlie", was only several years ago labelled (since first produced) as "Darkie" toothpaste. It was renamed (I wont name the producer) after continuous pressure coming out of the US. When first criticized, Thais scratched their heads and asked what the problem was. On the original label was a vaudeville/Uncle Tom type character, and replaced by a silhouetted harlequin character, relatively race non-specific. Have a look when you are next in a 7-11.


Pretty shabby of the Sun to sensationalise this. What next? "Queen goes to toilet" exposée?

For their sake, let's hope the royals never made any sex videos.

Anything goes for a cheap headline for the leading rag of the gutter press since phone tapping is a No-No...

News International should be closed down and the Murdoch's thrown in some hell hole, maybe the dungeons at The Tower, that would give meaning too "at Her Majesties Pleasure".


Closed down for showing a piece of history, yeah that'll really help free speach. If people want to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that the monarchy is squeeky clean, that is up to them, but remembering history helps us to remember that the same mistakes do not happen again.

Pictures stolen from a private family archive.

A few hundred years ago the editor, proprietors and others would have been invited to Tower Green for a quick hair cut...


Pretty shabby of the Sun to sensationalise this. What next? "Queen goes to toilet" exposée?

For their sake, let's hope the royals never made any sex videos.

Anything goes for a cheap headline for the leading rag of the gutter press since phone tapping is a No-No...

News International should be closed down and the Murdoch's thrown in some hell hole, maybe the dungeons at The Tower, that would give meaning too "at Her Majesties Pleasure".


Closed down for showing a piece of history, yeah that'll really help free speach. If people want to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that the monarchy is squeeky clean, that is up to them, but remembering history helps us to remember that the same mistakes do not happen again.

Pictures stolen from a private family archive.

A few hundred years ago the editor, proprietors and others would have been invited to Tower Green for a quick hair cut...

Yeah and a few hundred years ago the gentry would have carte blanche to whatever they wanted to do. Welcome to the modern world.


So Prince Edward was a nazi , who would have thought ?

The Queen must have tried hard to keep these pictures private over the years.


It's no secret that the royals were going to do a deal with Hitler should he have taken the UK, and no secret that they sympathised with his cause. Sadly the British people are too weak and foolish to denounce this line of traitors, thieves and impostors.

and what drugs are you taking this week?

Why do you ask what drugs he is taking? Can't remember any photos of my parents giving the nazi salute.

It's a documented fact that Prince Edward was going to make a deal with Hitler. The History Channel did a very good documentary on this not so long ago.

Another point is that Hitler had made a statement at the start of European hostilities that he would be hesitant to fight/bomb Britain because he considered the British as "cousins" of similar roots. That sentiment didn't last long did it ?

getting your history knowledge from the History TV Channel is equivalent to getting your political news from the Sunday Sport


Many of the British aristocracy/upper classes were nazi sympathisers. Nancy Mitford's family for instance...one of her sisters was married to Sir Oswald Moseley. Another was a frequent traveller to Germany and there are many photos of her with Hitler.

To the poster who said that she was with her aunt. She was with her mother in the photo.


Why would you keep such a picture in your personal achieve?

Awful, even if it was 80 years ago.attachicon.gifQueen_makes_Nazi_s_2417587n.jpg

Awful at 80 years ago, before the holocaust, before the invasion of Poland, before a lot of nasty stuff? Why? Attitudes change with the times.

People used to say "nigger" in those days.Kids played cowboys and injuns. Soldiers talked about the fuzzy wuzzies. There were lots of norms that are today seen as inappropriate, but back then were just very ordinary.

"Attitudes change with the times."

Apparently not in some families.



I've just made the most terrible discovery!! Most of the cyclists on the Tour de France (I don't think it passes thru Thailand this year) are of the extreme right. When they need water, or something to eat etc, they call the attention of their sporting Director with what looks very much like a Nazi salute. At least 7 have done it before my eyes.


The point is not the ridiculous picture, it's that a British newspaper has the right to publish it. Congratulations to English freedom of speech.

It's meaningless and typical of the horrendous journalism that now exists. I hate this gutter muckraking purile rubbish. When you see the newspapers making these kind of stupid allegations and publishing personal pics, you can fully understand why Thailand has a law on Lesse Majeste.


The Nazi salute became obligatory in Germany in 1933 and I imagine that this would have been reported in the UK at the time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_salute#From_1933_to_1945

So this photo could just be of a family taking the p*ss out of a bunch of fascists. I might have done the same had I been there.

30+ years later people were still doing that without many complaints:

There is also the possibility that they were doing the Olympic salute:



Considering Edwards quotes I think it fair to say that he was not taking the pish.

"it would be a tragic thing for the world if Hitler was overthrown".

"After the war is over and Hitler will crush the Americans...We'll take over...They (the British) don't want me as their King, but I'll be back as their leader."


The point is not the ridiculous picture, it's that a British newspaper has the right to publish it. Congratulations to English freedom of speech.

It's meaningless and typical of the horrendous journalism that now exists. I hate this gutter muckraking purile rubbish. When you see the newspapers making these kind of stupid allegations and publishing personal pics, you can fully understand why Thailand has a law on Lesse Majeste.

You couldn't be more wrong. People in the UK are completely ignorant of what was happening at this time, that Edward was about to abdicate not for the reasons they think, to marry a divorcee, but as he was about to commit treason as side with the Germans.


Just about the Sun's level. They never quite recovered from losing their Page 3 girls. So now they just look for any dirt on anybody to sell their trashy newspaper

When I was a kid in the 50s and 60s we often took the piss out of the Nazis complete with heel clicking and fingers under the nose Monty Python style.


Your defence of Phillip is reprehensible. A disgusting racist bigot of a man.

Here's a few classic quotes to remind you...http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/prince-philip-quotes-relive-90-133848

My comments were made in respect to your unfounded accusation that he was a Nazi sympathizer. Will you clarify your comments and retract them?

You now make the allegation that the man is a racist bigot. This is an unrelated matter.

There is no evidence to support your claim that he has engaged in active discrimination against active minorities. You take comments out of context. You are desperate to get out of the hole you dug for yourself aren't you? One lie after another. Prince Philip is from a different generation, a different era. The comments he makes reflect the upbringing people had in the 1920's - 1930's.

I had a nursery rhyme book that had been handed down through the generations in our family. One of the rhymes went eenie meenie minee moe catch a Ni***r by the toe................ If I taught that rhyme to kids today, I would be pilloried. However, that's what kids were being taught in the 1950's and 1960's. England still had its black face minstrel shows up until the 1970's. It is wrong to take events out of context and to judge people by the standards of today.


"Attitudes change with the times."

Apparently not in some families.

Ok, so you posted a picture of an adolescent at a costume party. And from that you claim this makes Prince Harry a Nazi.

Not overly bright are you, or are you just a malicious malcontent, jealous because the man has become a rather decent chap, popular with the ladies, a war veteran and a contributing member of society?

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