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22 college students arrested over bus brawl

Lite Beer

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You guys are a bunch of idiots!

Boys will be boys!!! If you guys didn't get into any fights as kids you aren't men!

If you are a parent and someone hurt your child, I would be doing the same thing and protecting my family! Only women run to police for help, not men!

yeah right, with a gun, kill as many as you can, way to go Rambo

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When is the government going to do something more serious with these kids than sending them to an army / navy boot camp which in my opinion is a total waste of time? Anywhere else this would mean time in jail or a juvenile detention facility. And as for the father who drove the pick-up, he should have the book thrown at him !!!

I agree with you 100% and if the juvenile detention centres here are anything like the gaols, then yes, it could be a deterrent but unfortunately in the western world, particular OZ, where I've had experience in this field, I can assure you that a juvenile detention facility is like a home away from home, or in some instances a five star hotel as compared to the environment in their family home. The biggest problem there is the involvement of the do-gooders and lefty magistrate and judges, who tend to give them, even if regular offenders, a slap on the wrist and tell us how if given a tenth chance, poor little Johnny will be rehabilitated. If they are first offenders, I think a facility detention is too harsh but what in the hell do you do with them?

Admittedly, here and in OZ, some will be scared stiff and not reoffend, whilst others will be rehabilitated but many are just serving their apprenticeship before unleashing their criminal activities on the general populace. Some are just not able to be rehabilitated, they become embittered and just use prison to learn and hone their skills. With the father, what a role model and it is evident that the fruit hasn't fallen far from the tree. He should be taught a lesson and maybe then those juveniles or young men, may think again. But then, despite them being students, it appears they have trouble doing that, given their actions. Then I woke and realised it was all a dream, after all, this is Thailand. wai2.gif

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When is the government going to do something more serious with these kids than sending them to an army / navy boot camp which in my opinion is a total waste of time? Anywhere else this would mean time in jail or a juvenile detention facility. And as for the father who drove the pick-up, he should have the book thrown at him !!!

now lets see what the "dear" leader does about this! every night he has been preaching on TV about getting along and promoting the Thai image! I am waiting for him to drop the bomb on the stupid father and young punks, but I am not holding my breath!

The PM does say somethings that he shouldn't and should realise that he cannot be everything to everyone but is it realistic for him to be asked to kick the backside of everyone who does something wrong? He is dammed if he does and dammed if he doesn't. He can ask people to do many things but like everywhere, many do not take notice of anyone and will do their own thing regardless of the ramifications. What occurred falls into the jurisdiction of the police and courts, not the PM, so why is there a need to introduce him into this scenario or is just an excuse for a crack and highlight your contempt for him?

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You guys are a bunch of idiots!

Boys will be boys!!! If you guys didn't get into any fights as kids you aren't men!

If you are a parent and someone hurt your child, I would be doing the same thing and protecting my family! Only women run to police for help, not men!

So you're a troll? Tell me how did you escape the flock? If you're an example (of a man), then I bet you have a great CV. Why don't you read the story, the father took the attackers away, not the victims, so all he was doing was preventing those cowards (22 against 5) from being arrested at the time, not protecting, but what a shame they were caught a short time later. Are you suggesting that the actions you describe makes someone a man, It doesn't you know but your thoughts highlights one's character. So you would do the same thing to protect your family, 22 against 5 and then flee, I wouldn't say a man, I'd say a gutless wonder and one with little, if any, character. Please go back under the rock.

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When is the government going to do something more serious with these kids than sending them to an army / navy boot camp which in my opinion is a total waste of time? Anywhere else this would mean time in jail or a juvenile detention facility. And as for the father who drove the pick-up, he should have the book thrown at him !!!

Send them down south as pork vendors

Maybe they will survive

Maybe not thumbsup.gif

At least Bangkok will be rid of them

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