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Advantages to being able to speak Thai proficiently...Name them!

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​I know how to order noodle soup! But I still pay more for it as I look like a tourist. Going to work on my squint and get a nose job that might help.cheesy.gif

It has been my experience that people who point out racial and ethnic differences in appearance between people are normally low class and uneducated. Many Thais really don't like Burmese or Cambodian people and discriminate against them daily.

Although I did know one noodle seller who charged people who smelled bad more money because she felt they drove away business. Understanding Thai would allow one to know if the higher prices were because of appearance or odor.cheesy.gif

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Don't matter how well you sapeek Thai, a number will still pretend they don't understand you

Not true. In my experience unless there is another reason for the pretended ignorance.


Don't matter how well you sapeek Thai, a number will still pretend they don't understand you

Have you ever pretended that you can't speak English because you didn't want to listen to a sales pitch or just didn't want to deal with someone?

Jacky54, you're a persistent little bugger, I'll give you that.

If you spent as much time studying Thai as you seem to spend thinking up reasons why it's not worth the time, you'd probably be fluent by now, but to each his own.


I was stopped by some coppers on a deserted local road.

They asked: "pood Thai dai?"

To which I replied in a split second: "pood Thai mai dai!"

They had a laugh and let me go.


Learning Thai will of course get you out of the Bar Scene and in to mainstream Thailand where you will meet the best girls.

That is a given.

But what is more important, and never discussed, is the fact that learning Thai will improve the quality of your sex:

Joop te ne dai mai

Cha Cha

Bough bough

Chorp daw yai mai

Khun lum pai

Jep mai

Aow ek mai

Por Lell

Nam Tairk Lell


Saying, in your best sarcastic/diplomatic/polite voice, with a smile "Oh, you didn't see me waiting here. The end of the queue is behind me.":

And if that doesn't deter the queue jumper, in an imperious voice, sans smile, and with a cold stare, "I was here first!"

That always gets the oh, oh, you were here first..yes, mai pen rai..and they get in behind. Or if it's an older Chinese, a very cold stare back and a grumpy move out of the way with no words.

When someone Thai gets pushy on line or barks out their order (usually for cigarettes) to the check-out girl while I'm checking out my goods, I just tell them, if they are in a hurry, if they pay for me it will all go much faster.


Don't matter how well you sapeek Thai, a number will still pretend they don't understand you

There are many places such as markets . food stalls, etc that employs non-Thais including Burmese, Khmers and Chinese. Many of these people look like they are Thai but have very bad Thai language skills.


Being able to speak thai is important for 2 things, dealing with rogue police and for random dinner table chat. Thats it really. I think most thais prefer it when they think farangs are 'fresh' and dont speak thai (especially potential dates)

Ever been in an accident? Found yourself alone on a small Thai road at midnight looking for a way home?

Gone to a medical service provider who did not speak English? Had to deal with utilities like phone or internet or electricity or water on the phone? Ever tried to describe what was wrong with your car? Ever bought insurance? Ever tried to get a refund? I could go on. Not speaking Thai is like being deaf and dumb in Thailand.

Yes, yes, yes, yes,yes, yes and yes. And also happily married.


Before I moved out of Phuket for good. I learnt the phrase, "I don't speak English" in Russian

When I was approached by an English speaking tourist I replied: "I don't speak English", in Russian

When I was approached by a Russian speaking tourist I replied: "I don't speak Russian", in English

When I was approached by a Thai male I replied: "I don't speak Thai", in English

When I approached a Thai female I spoke my very best pasa Thai.

I didn't move here for the temples and food.


Being able to speak thai is important for 2 things, dealing with rogue police and for random dinner table chat. Thats it really. I think most thais prefer it when they think farangs are 'fresh' and dont speak thai (especially potential dates)

Ever been in an accident? Found yourself alone on a small Thai road at midnight looking for a way home?

Gone to a medical service provider who did not speak English? Had to deal with utilities like phone or internet or electricity or water on the phone? Ever tried to describe what was wrong with your car? Ever bought insurance? Ever tried to get a refund? I could go on. Not speaking Thai is like being deaf and dumb in Thailand.

Yes, yes, yes, yes,yes, yes and yes. And also happily married.

Do you speak Thai? No? You're wife let you contract for water and electric and telelphone service at your home? Sure...


Being able to speak thai is important for 2 things, dealing with rogue police and for random dinner table chat. Thats it really. I think most thais prefer it when they think farangs are 'fresh' and dont speak thai (especially potential dates)

Ever been in an accident? Found yourself alone on a small Thai road at midnight looking for a way home?

Gone to a medical service provider who did not speak English? Had to deal with utilities like phone or internet or electricity or water on the phone? Ever tried to describe what was wrong with your car? Ever bought insurance? Ever tried to get a refund? I could go on. Not speaking Thai is like being deaf and dumb in Thailand.

Yes, yes, yes, yes,yes, yes and yes. And also happily married.

Do you speak Thai? No? You're wife let you contract for water and electric and telelphone service at your home? Sure...

Sorry I don't understand your English but if you repeat that in Thai, my wife will translate it for me instantly. Thanks.



You could tell this joke in Thai to your neighbors:

"Jesus and Buddha went in to a bar to get a drink......"

Yes you will still get stabbed afterwards but at least you will know why

They won't laugh because essentially it's just putting Thais down.

Something that happens a lot on here.

No, they wont laugh as most thais have absolutely terrible sense of humor.

Personally think thai's have a great sense of humour. Infact thats the top reason to learn Thai


Before I moved out of Phuket for good. I learnt the phrase, "I don't speak English" in Russian

When I was approached by an English speaking tourist I replied: "I don't speak English", in Russian

When I was approached by a Russian speaking tourist I replied: "I don't speak Russian", in English

When I was approached by a Thai male I replied: "I don't speak Thai", in English

When I approached a Thai female I spoke my very best pasa Thai.

I didn't move here for the temples and food.

Care factor? Zero.


Not much of an advantage outside of Thailand

Absolute bollcks.

I've devloped a world class list of clients based outside of Thailand precisely because I can speak Thai.


Anybody on here can imagine the advantages of reading, writing and speaking fluent Thai.

But, in reality, life in Thailand for those who speak fluent Thai is actually far better than what people who can't speak the language can even imagine.


I'm not exactly a "fluent" speaker, but I can read and write to fairly well. That's paid off several times when I've been pressed into doing last minute translations of presentations (slides & text) that Thai government people were planning to give to groups of retired people here in Chiang Mai.

The most nerve-wracking was when Chiang Mai Immigration agreed to speak to the CM Expats Club in October 2014 and then had to get their presentation vetted by Bangkok. We fully expected that Bangkok might say "mai dai" to the entire idea of speaking to a crowd of 250 retired westerners. But they called us two days ahead of the presentation to say everything was approved, but they would have to use PowerPoint slides in Thai -- was that OK? Uh no, not really. So, I did an all-nighter translating their Thai Power Point and returned it to them on Tuesday morning for them to OK the English version. On several of their Thai slides, I had trouble understanding what they were trying to say and had to research the actual Thai law on the internet in writing the English version. Amazingly, they changed the Thai slide of the final presentation to agree with my English version in those cases!

My Expat Club colleagues didn't know what to make of my reaction when I saw their Thai slides for the first time during the actual talk and went "woo-hoo" when I saw those changed Thai slides and realized the Immigration officials had not only read what I'd translated into English, but realized what they'd written in Thai on a few of the slides (originally) wasn't correct and they'd made last minute changes.


Before I moved out of Phuket for good. I learnt the phrase, "I don't speak English" in Russian

When I was approached by an English speaking tourist I replied: "I don't speak English", in Russian

When I was approached by a Russian speaking tourist I replied: "I don't speak Russian", in English

When I was approached by a Thai male I replied: "I don't speak Thai", in English

When I approached a Thai female I spoke my very best pasa Thai.

I didn't move here for the temples and food.

Actually, I used to do the same in Denmark.

Now, if I start speaking Thai to a Thai person and they reply in English, I pretend I don't speak English but some other Europen language (German, Italian or whatever.) I hate the two language conversations, especially if their English is not up to it.

As for advantages:

1. Being accepted at many more places.

2. Being treated with more respect in shops, markets and so on

3. Being able to find different "non-touristis" places in Thailand

4. Paying "Thai" prices

5. Being able to talk to some really cute girls that don't speak English :)

There are many more advantages, but I will leave them to other TV members.


Another example was once when I renewed my passport and had to transfer the visa from the old passport to the new.

I was at Chaeng Wattana and I could see that I had a long long wait judging by number.

At 11.50 I was still a long long way off and I could see myself sitting there until 4 or 5 pm. Anyway, this officer came out and asked if I spoke Thai. I replied that I did and explained what I was waiting for. He took me into his office and did the whole process of transferring the visa himself. He then went on to tell me that he hated working at Chaeng wattana (it was shortly after they moved from Suan Plu). He told me that he he felt more isolated and didn't have contact with people.

We even had a quick lunch together and I went on my way.


Being able to speak thai is important for 2 things, dealing with rogue police and for random dinner table chat. Thats it really. I think most thais prefer it when they think farangs are 'fresh' and dont speak thai (especially potential dates)

The only potential dates that prefer guys who can't speak Thai are the kind you meet in Pattaya.


I by no means speak fluent Thai, but do what I consider speak reasonable Thai.

The advantage this gives me is independence. I do not require a Thai person to hold my hand and accompany me while I stand there like a retard, oblivious to what`s going on for the negotiating of my business I can go anywhere solo within the country, converse with people, get the message across what I want, do my own transacting and in full control of my own affairs. So for me speaking reasonable Thai is a necessity and not an option.


Learning Thai will of course get you out of the Bar Scene and in to mainstream Thailand where you will meet the best girls.

That is a given.

But what is more important, and never discussed, is the fact that learning Thai will improve the quality of your sex:

Joop te ne dai mai

Cha Cha

Bough bough

Chorp daw yai mai

Khun lum pai

Jep mai

Aow ek mai

Por Lell

Nam Tairk Lell

No4 might backfire (so to speak) if the guy can't back it uptongue.png


I have been robbing banks, liquor stores, gold shops, and the occasional 7-Eleven here in Thailand for close to ten years. Unfortunately, my getaways haven't always gone according to plan and I have been arrested more times than I care to admit, sometimes after high-speed car chases and shoot-outs involving hostage taking and injury to innocent bystanders.

When the coppers get me down to the station house, one of the first things they usually ask is if I can speak Thai. When I tell them, "Naaaa!", they usually chuckle, take off the cuffs, and send me on my merry way, usually with a gentle cuff to the back of the head, or at most, a brief finger wagging lecture about my naughty behavior.

I have no doubt that if I spoke Thai, I would be rotting away in some provincial prison as we speak. I would say that I owe my very freedom to not being able to speak Thai. Not learning Thai has been one of the best decisions of my life! smile.png


Anybody on here can imagine the advantages of reading, writing and speaking fluent Thai.

But, in reality, life in Thailand for those who speak fluent Thai is actually far better than what people who can't speak the language can even imagine.

Sometimes the truth, stated simply and eloquently, sounds like a thunderclap coming from a clear blue sky.


One thing about speaking Thai or not...driving from Issan to Bangkok I get pulled over quite frequently, not for driving fast, just for being a foreigner. I used to get fined every time when I spoke Thai to the policemen. The last couple of years I've don't my best English accent, asked them about the weather and been waved on very quickly. Only once have I met a policemen who could speak good enough English to understand me.


The first and most significant advantage is by learning the language you attain the independence of 'self advocacy'.

You no longer rely on others to translate/interpret for you; the information you receive is no longer filtered or spun by an intermediary.

This is the best reply by far.

Totally agree.


Not much of an advantage outside of Thailand

i try , need to try more , for me it is a hard speak . but i will tell you this ..... if you feel you need to speak Thai to find a toilet then you need to stay home . what you said was as dumb as a box of rocks .....


Not much of an advantage outside of Thailand

I never seem to use Icelandic in California either. Thanks for the tip Captain Obvious.

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