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Thaksin Seeks Exile In London


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Take your rascist rhetoric elsewhere.

and familiarise yourself with Thai visa rule 3 please.

3) Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated.

You have something in common with the Pope.

Edited by astral
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We have more ex dodgy politicians/PMs and "Dicks" than almost other country living round "ere so another would not upset us too much...as long as he has the dosh and dosnt need a council flat. :D

Seem to remember in one of my old postings saying that Enfield Town football club could be up for sale......wonder.... if......also we gotta lota nice Thai restaurants.... :o

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Does England want him? :D

What about his Visa status? He isn't PM anymore? No official passport, right?


Probably apply for political asylum and get welfare aid…

I suppose as soon as Thailand can put together a government that has some creditability they will request that his assets worldwide be frozen and returned to Thailand.

As for Thaksin, he is a wily old fox that will spend the rest of his life fighting extradition requests, flitting from one country to another…


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We have more ex dodgy politicians/PMs and "Dicks" than almost other country living round "ere so another would not upset us too much...as long as he has the dosh and dosnt need a council flat. :D

Seem to remember in one of my old postings saying that Enfield Town football club could be up for sale......wonder.... if......also we gotta lota nice Thai restaurants.... :o

got to admit there is nothing like the free bees you get from the uk if you sneak in under the train

they should just let him land and say

mr taksin we very sorry but your want on mager fraud charges in thailand and your under arrest

you do not have to say anything

if you wish to say anything




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Here, Here and good thoughts, Good Sir,

I have done exactly the same. When the post offices reopen it will be sent EMS for ATTN Mr Blair,

PM, House of Commons, UK.



quote name='womble' date='2006-09-20 11:28:40' post='903636']

Not that it will do much good (remember Pinochet?), but I am going to write a letter urging the British Government not to allow Thaksin to stay in Britain.

I think all British Citizens should do the same.

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And I don't feel too sorry for all the drug dealers who were gunned down without a "fair trial"

Hope no one suggests you might be a drug dealer....

I think I already made myself clear by adding: (If that is in fact probably what happened - I didn't follow it very closely).

I trust that cops know who the drug dealers are. Maybe that's too much to expect of Thailand, where the cops themselves are apparently heavily involved in the drug trade.

By the way, do you have any evidence that innocent people were gunned down? I'd like to see the article...

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Here, Here and good thoughts, Good Sir,

I have done exactly the same. When the post offices reopen it will be sent EMS for ATTN Mr Blair,

PM, House of Commons, UK.



quote name='womble' date='2006-09-20 11:28:40' post='903636']

Not that it will do much good (remember Pinochet?), but I am going to write a letter urging the British Government not to allow Thaksin to stay in Britain.

I think all British Citizens should do the same.

Mine will be second to land on his doorstep!

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well i thought this was about taksin rule and your own politics

get back on track here

its taksin we want in thailand and out of the uk as fast as posable as it makes us lot here look like to thai people for keeping him save

its time to stand up and be counted we vote our leaders in to office as our vioce so use it land the complaints to mr tony blair

and lets get taksin out of our land and freeze his assits till he is back in thailand to answer his charges of coruption and fraud if it was

us we would have to answer

so what makes him any different to us he aint the priministerhere any more he just mr joe bloggs

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And I don't feel too sorry for all the drug dealers who were gunned down without a "fair trial"

If you want to deny Taksin exile in Western countries, do it because his government only gave a 3 YEAR AND 10 MONTH jail sentence to a Thai cop who savagely beat a Thai woman almost to death and pointed a gun at her farang companion and screamed "Now you die!". :o

Humm problem with that 'war against drug' were the side casualties. Peoples noticed how many peoples who were not into drugs but were not paying the police or influencial people their 'protection' taxes where simply killed or vanished and they were branded as drug trafickers.

Thaksin was as bad and as good as all previous Thai politician. I don't like him, yet he was legally elected, and is ousted like all the previous one who where against the king. Now england speaks about thaksin crime, but don't forget to clean your own house. How many dead can we impute to tatcher and blair ?....

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let him go to london then tell him he has to get

three 1 monthley visas

and then he has to go back to his own countrie to apply for a 12 month visa

to stay in the uk

its all the same rules he makeing up for the farang of thailand

and dont let him buy houses in his name ???

as that would be unfair to farang in thailand

and dont forget his bid for buying harrads of london

and also he wants everton football club

someone needs to stop this man or his name


Does anyone have Tony Blairs email address

There have been several times when i wanted to email the U.K. government regarding his friendly relationships to Toxin and Human rights contradictions, this is is yet one more to the ever growing list of double standards and questionable ethics.

If only i could understand some of them and justify the implications of there actions.

I do not recall us being dependant on Thailand to excuse these actions of seemingly supporting indirectly all the human rights contradictions.

marshbags :D:D:D


What a kick in the teeth for all the families out here who cannot even own a small plot of land for their dependants / own stability and well being.

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As much as I would like to see Taksin brought back to Thailand with a ball and chain tied to his ankle, I don't think it's going to happen.

You are right, it won't happen. Best case in point is General Suchinda. In May 1992, he was viewed as being every bit as bad as Dr. Thaksin is now viewed. Now, he is again a well respected member of Thai society. Thai's don't forget, but they do forgive.

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Arrives in London

Ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and a small number of accompanying ministers has arrived in London where is expected to reunite with his family who fled Thailand for Britain as the army launched a coup to remove the billionaireturnedpolitician.

Thaksin cancelled his speech at the UN General Assembly in New York and left on a Russian chartered flight the city with Deputy Prime Minister Surakiart Sathirathai, spokesman Surapong Suebwonglee, his personal assistant Padung Limcharoenrat.

Thaksin's chief advisor, Pansak Vinyaratn, who had several direct experience with coup during his time with former Thai prime ministers, was not seen on the flight to London with Thaksin.

Thaksin cancelled plans to state his case in a speech at the UN headquarters.

Source: The Nation - 20 September 2006

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The issue about "war on drug" was not only police killing civilians (innocent or not), also drug traffickers killing small drug dealers so nothing could reach them.

Exactly. At the end of the day, the drug flow was reduced marginally showing that many of those killed were actually smaller drug dealers being eliminated by bigger fish. Still, any slowing of the drug trade is a success.

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As much as I would like to see Taksin brought back to Thailand with a ball and chain tied to his ankle, I don't think it's going to happen.

You are right, it won't happen. Best case in point is General Suchinda. In May 1992, he was viewed as being every bit as bad as Dr. Thaksin is now viewed. Now, he is again a well respected member of Thai society. Thai's don't forget, but they do forgive.

As much as I would like to see Taksin brought back to Thailand with a ball and chain tied to his ankle, I don't think it's going to happen.

You are right, it won't happen. Best case in point is General Suchinda. In May 1992, he was viewed as being every bit as bad as Dr. Thaksin is now viewed. Now, he is again a well respected member of Thai society. Thai's don't forget, but they do forgive.

Dr. in this case is an abreviation for dictator is it not. :o

Thank god he,s gone, at least his comments will no longer be applicable.

He reckons he,s going to make a statement on the take over and it,s abuse of the constitution.

Now there,s an ironic statement for you.

marshbags :D:D:D

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let him go to london embassy then tell him he has got 90 days on his visa then he has to go out off the uk for 90 days then we will let him back in,

Absolutely :D

But what will really happen is, the UK will let him in for as long as he wishes and with all his money, he will be free to buy as much land as he wants. Even though he isn't married to a UK national, or putting it in a UK trading companies name with a minimum of 6 (or is it 7) UK nationals per Thai employee etc. etc. :o

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The issue about "war on drug" was not only police killing civilians (innocent or not), also drug traffickers killing small drug dealers so nothing could reach them.

Exactly. At the end of the day, the drug flow was reduced marginally showing that many of those killed were actually smaller drug dealers being eliminated by bigger fish. Still, any slowing of the drug trade is a success.

Sorry totally OT: What would you say to totally stopping the drug trade for a penny? Legalize all drugs and make them readily available in pharmacies, along with proper warnings and education. Suddenly there would be no market for illegal drug dealers anymore. The state makes some cash that can go into drug education and rehab, and everything is happy. People who chose to ruin their lives with drugs can still do so.

The thing is, the war on drugs can never be won. There is a demand and the laws of the market are that it's going to be filled, especially if people are willing to pay any price as it is with highly addictive substances. The war on drugs catches the hapless little fish, and keeps the prices up and the status quo. The cartels are very happy about it - they are making a killing.

Apart from that, shooting "suspects" is highly illegal and unworthy of any state, also morally questionable and ethically a crime.

And the story that drug dealers stared killing each other well that's just dumb, the most ridiculous excuse I have heard from any death squad to date.

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let him go to london embassy then tell him he has got 90 days on his visa then he has to go out off the uk for 90 days then we will let him back in,

Absolutely :D

But what will really happen is, the UK will let him in for as long as he wishes and with all his money, he will be free to buy as much land as he wants. Even though he isn't married to a UK national, or putting it in a UK trading companies name with a minimum of 6 (or is it 7) UK nationals per Thai employee etc. etc. :o

Maybe he'll finally buy Liverpool and then we can see him every Saturday next to Abramovic... Urgh :D

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The issue about "war on drug" was not only police killing civilians (innocent or not), also drug traffickers killing small drug dealers so nothing could reach them.

Exactly. At the end of the day, the drug flow was reduced marginally showing that many of those killed were actually smaller drug dealers being eliminated by bigger fish. Still, any slowing of the drug trade is a success.

Well at the end of the day, it's not that there was less drugs or that it was harder to get drugs


it was more expensive

and of better quality.

(according to friends of mine who used to use drugs

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let him go to london then tell him he has to get

three 1 monthley visas

and then he has to go back to his own countrie to apply for a 12 month visa

to stay in the uk

its all the same rules he makeing up for the farang of thailand

and dont let him buy houses in his name ???

Good one :o I like it

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And I don't feel too sorry for all the drug dealers who were gunned down without a "fair trial"

Hope no one suggests you might be a drug dealer....

I think I already made myself clear by adding: (If that is in fact probably what happened - I didn't follow it very closely).

I trust that cops know who the drug dealers are. Maybe that's too much to expect of Thailand, where the cops themselves are apparently heavily involved in the drug trade.

By the way, do you have any evidence that innocent people were gunned down? I'd like to see the article...

Any evidence? YOU MUST BE JOKING If you really need evidence.... read page four of yesterday's issue of "Bangkok Post"...an investigation by NHCR is printed there....and 'disappearences' are still happening....judicial killings are nothing less than authorised MURDER.

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let him go to london then tell him he has to get

three 1 monthley visas

and then he has to go back to his own countrie to apply for a 12 month visa

to stay in the uk

its all the same rules he makeing up for the farang of thailand

and dont let him buy houses in his name ???

Good one :o I like it

Both of you. Get a real job or get legal with your visa

He does not 'make up' the rules. They have been here since year dot.

It's a tired old old agruement about not buying houses. You can if you play by the rules. Follow the law and everything can happen.

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And I don't feel too sorry for all the drug dealers who were gunned down without a "fair trial"

If you want to deny Taksin exile in Western countries, do it because his government only gave a 3 YEAR AND 10 MONTH jail sentence to a Thai cop who savagely beat a Thai woman almost to death and pointed a gun at her farang companion and screamed "Now you die!". :o

Humm problem with that 'war against drug' were the side casualties. Peoples noticed how many peoples who were not into drugs but were not paying the police or influencial people their 'protection' taxes where simply killed or vanished and they were branded as drug trafickers.

Hmmm....if this is what happened, then I would like to retract my statement of support for the Thai massacre of "drug dealers".

For someone who joined the forum a week ago you seem to know a hellava lot about Thailand.

I have never read such drivel in my life.

You should write a book about "the life and times of Crawford" Let us know when you do please.

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Yo Forum. I don't often post here even though I've been a member for a while now.

But of course, now is the time for us all to put in our five baht worth.

If anybody has any doubts about Thai Rak Thai's and Taksin's extrajudicial killings, I'd suggest Yahooing or Googling as follows: "extrajudicial + killing + thailand".

There is no doubt that police, under Taksin's instructions, commited thousands of extrajudicial killings. I personally know of 2 dead 'uns. Just because a government refuses outright to even investigate such matters does not connotate innocence on the part of said goverment.

This article here from Amnesty International, and I quote:

Failure to protect members of vulnerable groups from human rights violations and intolerance of criticism have characterized the current coalition government led by the Thai Rak Thai Party.

The lack of protection for poor people in particular, coupled with government anger at activists’ critical statements have contributed to a climate of fear for many people attempting to address social and economic problems.

Poor rural people involved in land rights and environmental issues; members of tribal groups; migrant workers from Myanmar; and local leaders of these groups have been at risk of intimidation, anonymous threats, arrest, and even killings.

In addition during the anti-drugs campaign launched by the government from 1 February to 30 April 2003, the Thai Government appeared to condone killings of drug suspects by unknown assailants as one method of fighting the "drugs war".

According to official statements, 2,245 drug suspects were killed during the three month campaign.

However, the government has failed to initiate independent, impartial, effective and prompt investigations into these killings, and as a result those found responsible have not been known to have been brought to justice.

Edited by southbot
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let him go to london then tell him he has to get

three 1 monthley visas

and then he has to go back to his own countrie to apply for a 12 month visa

to stay in the uk

its all the same rules he makeing up for the farang of thailand

and dont let him buy houses in his name ???

Good one :o I like it

Both of you. Get a real job or get legal with your visa

He does not 'make up' the rules. They have been here since year dot.

It's a tired old old agruement about not buying houses. You can if you play by the rules. Follow the law and everything can happen.

please get real you havent got a house in your name ??? no matter what you say??? it may be in a company name untill they get pissed off with you ,then seize it from your little company

and thanks very much got my visas i dont need to worrie

do you realy think your that clever

very sad person

i think for the people who want to buy and live in thailand

not for the asses of thailand send them home

as they think like yourself that your save

or is that stupid ???

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