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Being Thai: Has patriotism in Thailand gone too far?


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"Samuel Johnson's most famous quotation is "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." The point is that appealing to loyalty to one's own country is the act of a demagogue, of one who will say and do anything to gain public approval and political power. Primarily, it casts those who disagree as unpatriotic, hostile to the institutions and interests of their own country. Honest disagreement becomes character assassination. Underneath the appeal is the exploitation of bigoted or prejudiced feelings of the masses."
James Leroy Wilson
August 1, 2001
Sounds very familiar doesn't it ?
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Thai people live in Thai-land, an unique place full of Thai culture. All Thai speak the Thai language and love their Thai country. Thai children go to Thai schools where Thai teachers tell them about the Thai language, the Thai culture and Thai logic so these Thai children will stay pure Thai. Thai children become Thai adolescents and these Thai girls and Thai boys make Thai love and beget more Thai children.

Thai farmers sow Thai seeds in Thai ricefields. Thai monks pray in Thai tempels to soothe Thai karma.

All Thai children care for their Thai parents. When Thai parents are getting older they suffer from Thai diseases, go to Thai hospitals where Thai doctors give them Thai medicines. In the end they die, like people everywhere, and they are cremated in the Thai way.

The Thai nut shell.

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The UK has lots of languages as well, you would be hard put to find an English speaker in London, i don't know about identity though, i think we have a more East European,Indian,African sort of identity

Vaguely agree with your first seven words, the rest is complete tripe.

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He's right tho, it's plain common sense, nothing to do with "patriotism", or "intolerance", the whole thing is not Thailand's concern, also all nations that let Muslim "refugees" (read colonists) in suffered heavy consequences, some of them don't exist anymore.

Edited by vadimbz
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He's right tho, it's plain common sense, nothing to do with "patriotism", or "intolerance", the whole thing is not Thailand's concern, also all nations that let Muslim "refugees" (read colonists) in suffered heavy consequences, some of them don't exist anymore.

Yeah, humanitarian assistance isn't the place of Thais right?

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Most Thais are Chinese to a point but still say they are 100 percent Thai. That is like saying I'm 100%Cherokee lol what is wrong with these people. I'm in Bangkok now it's horrible,stinky,polluted,and now running out of water. They care nothing for their poor and hungry, I'm from Wesley chapel,Fl and we would never see our people like this ever,ever. That is a promise we might not be the best country but we are free.

Kevin Wall

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You can hear it every day in Thai schools: "Kon Thai..."

I don't remember ever hearing 'English people' mentioned during my education (outside History class or something relevant).

It's blatantly obvious once you understand some Thai that their school indoctrinate them but don't educate them. These days one can hear militaristic music blearing out of the school yards during the morning assemblies.

Let them get on with it, I say. Then let them suffer greatly and re-learn some humanity and decency. Only then will they stop being Amazing Thailand to themselves and Land Of Losers to everyone else.

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Thai people live in Thai-land, an unique place full of Thai culture. All Thai speak the Thai language and love their Thai country. Thai children go to Thai schools where Thai teachers tell them about the Thai language, the Thai culture and Thai logic so these Thai children will stay pure Thai. Thai children become Thai adolescents and these Thai girls and Thai boys make Thai love and beget more Thai children.

Thai farmers sow Thai seeds in Thai ricefields. Thai monks pray in Thai tempels to soothe Thai karma.

All Thai children care for their Thai parents. When Thai parents are getting older they suffer from Thai diseases, go to Thai hospitals where Thai doctors give them Thai medicines. In the end they die, like people everywhere, and they are cremated in the Thai way.

Funny but so true.

The irony is though, as nationalistic as they are, they`ve let the Chinese come in and take over completely. The now Thai-Chinese own most of the land in towns, most of the big businesses and definitely all the mercs and beemers! haha

Then if you take a short trip out of town, not only does the skin tone change but also peoples wealth, standard of living and so on.

I think that's a bit of a misconception, mainly conveyed amongst expats. Years ago, decades to be exact, many Chinese (mostly men) came to Thailand as merchants, to escape war, famine and upheavals back in China and ended up marrying local women, to create the Thai-Chinese we see today. This migration mostly ended a few years after the end of World War II. However, in the process, various Thai governments from all political spectrums have created a national identity through a common language and culture, often at the expense of the original culture. Therefore, Thai-Chinese had to abandon their original Chinese names, start speaking Thai (and only Thai in most cases) and in the process were given Thai nationality, which has been handed down to the next generation.

Current Thai-Chinese think of themselves as Thais, first and foremost. Very few identify with China, very few have even been there and just as few still speak any Chinese dialect, with the exception of a few aging geriatrics who mostly do not pass down these languages to their children and grandchildren, thinking they are mostly useless anyway (and they are right, as far as living in Thailand is concerned). Only those Thais who engage with China or want their children to engage with China see any merit in showcasing their Chinese ethnicity and learning the Chinese national language (Mandarin), but that is not limited to only those Thais with Chinese ethnicity; many non-ethnic Chinese Thais are also learning Chinese and doing business with China these days.

These days many ethnic Chinese Thais are wary of the new generation of Chinese travellers, tourists and businessmen and would never allow them to take a foothold in their country. Many critics of Chinese tourists and their social habits have been ethnic Chinese-Thais themselves.

Just wondering, do the Thai Chinese have a work ethic that Thai Thais don't?

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Thai people live in Thai-land, an unique place full of Thai culture. All Thai speak the Thai language and love their Thai country. Thai children go to Thai schools where Thai teachers tell them about the Thai language, the Thai culture and Thai logic so these Thai children will stay pure Thai. Thai children become Thai adolescents and these Thai girls and Thai boys make Thai love and beget more Thai children.

Thai farmers sow Thai seeds in Thai ricefields. Thai monks pray in Thai tempels to soothe Thai karma.

All Thai children care for their Thai parents. When Thai parents are getting older they suffer from Thai diseases, go to Thai hospitals where Thai doctors give them Thai medicines. In the end they die, like people everywhere, and they are cremated in the Thai way.

Hmmm. Well, I'm not an expert in that field, but I understand it's a provable fact that Most Thais are either of Laotian, Khmer or Chinese descent.

So much for the purity of Thais... so much also for the non-colonisation theory.

Some years ago (10 as I recall), the Bangkok Post breathlessly reported that a research group in Thailand had applied for and received a significant grant from the government to develop medicines specifically for the Thai genome.

Just when you thought it couldn't possibly get any more ridiculous or inane...

It just occurred to me that the other country which limits the education of it's people to people and events within its own borders, is North Korea.

That's a worrying path to go down.

Edited by Down the rabbit hole
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...many words/terms for it: self-centered , arrogant, ignorant, ill-educated, delusional. I don't believe it is born of malice but rather the incredible, but seemingly widely held, belief that in some way Thailand is central to making the world go 'round. The basis for it is mystifying.

The best word is 'narcissistic' in my view. And nobody is allowed to say why, by whom and for what purpose, though many people consider it to be both obvious and common knowledge.

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Thai people live in Thai-land, an unique place full of Thai culture. All Thai speak the Thai language and love their Thai country. Thai children go to Thai schools where Thai teachers tell them about the Thai language, the Thai culture and Thai logic so these Thai children will stay pure Thai. Thai children become Thai adolescents and these Thai girls and Thai boys make Thai love and beget more Thai children.

Thai farmers sow Thai seeds in Thai ricefields. Thai monks pray in Thai tempels to soothe Thai karma.

All Thai children care for their Thai parents. When Thai parents are getting older they suffer from Thai diseases, go to Thai hospitals where Thai doctors give them Thai medicines. In the end they die, like people everywhere, and they are cremated in the Thai way.

Thailands patriotism is passionate and to be respected. The love of King and respect of country is the glue that keeps Thailand together. The World at large would do well to take a lesson from the Thai people, and maybe then the World would be a better place. Why should Thailand change into something it is not. Long Live the King.

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Thai people live in Thai-land, an unique place full of Thai culture. All Thai speak the Thai language and love their Thai country. Thai children go to Thai schools where Thai teachers tell them about the Thai language, the Thai culture and Thai logic so these Thai children will stay pure Thai. Thai children become Thai adolescents and these Thai girls and Thai boys make Thai love and beget more Thai children.

Thai farmers sow Thai seeds in Thai ricefields. Thai monks pray in Thai tempels to soothe Thai karma.

All Thai children care for their Thai parents. When Thai parents are getting older they suffer from Thai diseases, go to Thai hospitals where Thai doctors give them Thai medicines. In the end they die, like people everywhere, and they are cremated in the Thai way.

Thailands patriotism is passionate and to be respected. The love of King and respect of country is the glue that keeps Thailand together. The World at large would do well to take a lesson from the Thai people, and maybe then the World would be a better place. Why should Thailand change into something it is not. Long Live the King.

Are you trying to get brownie points for your visa ? We all know what Thailand is not, unfortunately, it thinks it is.

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Thai people live in Thai-land, an unique place full of Thai culture. All Thai speak the Thai language and love their Thai country. Thai children go to Thai schools where Thai teachers tell them about the Thai language, the Thai culture and Thai logic so these Thai children will stay pure Thai. Thai children become Thai adolescents and these Thai girls and Thai boys make Thai love and beget more Thai children.

Thai farmers sow Thai seeds in Thai ricefields. Thai monks pray in Thai tempels to soothe Thai karma.

All Thai children care for their Thai parents. When Thai parents are getting older they suffer from Thai diseases, go to Thai hospitals where Thai doctors give them Thai medicines. In the end they die, like people everywhere, and they are cremated in the Thai way.

Thailands patriotism is passionate and to be respected. The love of King and respect of country is the glue that keeps Thailand together. The World at large would do well to take a lesson from the Thai people, and maybe then the World would be a better place. Why should Thailand change into something it is not. Long Live the King.

Are you trying to get brownie points for your visa ? We all know what Thailand is not, unfortunately, it thinks it is.

Interesting concept that about his Majesty the King. In recent history there have been cases where one man was responsible for holding the country together, e.g. Yugoslavia, but look what happened when that "glue" passed away.

If not changing while the world around you changes is in your opinion a good thing, then you have not been a student of history. But heh maybe you're right, bring back the British Empire, lets bugger up all those revolting natives, show them who's boss. As for Thailand, well one nuke on Bangkok, problem solved. Fortunately, for the rest of the world, even the most right-wing of Brits know we had to change, maybe they don't like what resulted from that change, but change we had to.

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Thai people live in Thai-land, an unique place full of Thai culture. All Thai speak the Thai language and love their Thai country. Thai children go to Thai schools where Thai teachers tell them about the Thai language, the Thai culture and Thai logic so these Thai children will stay pure Thai. Thai children become Thai adolescents and these Thai girls and Thai boys make Thai love and beget more Thai children.

Thai farmers sow Thai seeds in Thai ricefields. Thai monks pray in Thai tempels to soothe Thai karma.

All Thai children care for their Thai parents. When Thai parents are getting older they suffer from Thai diseases, go to Thai hospitals where Thai doctors give them Thai medicines. In the end they die, like people everywhere, and they are cremated in the Thai way.

Thailands patriotism is passionate and to be respected. The love of King and respect of country is the glue that keeps Thailand together. The World at large would do well to take a lesson from the Thai people, and maybe then the World would be a better place. Why should Thailand change into something it is not. Long Live the King.

Are you trying to get brownie points for your visa ? We all know what Thailand is not, unfortunately, it thinks it is.

Interesting concept that about his Majesty the King. In recent history there have been cases where one man was responsible for holding the country together, e.g. Yugoslavia, but look what happened when that "glue" passed away.

If not changing while the world around you changes is in your opinion a good thing, then you have not been a student of history. But heh maybe you're right, bring back the British Empire, lets bugger up all those revolting natives, show them who's boss. As for Thailand, well one nuke on Bangkok, problem solved. Fortunately, for the rest of the world, even the most right-wing of Brits know we had to change, maybe they don't like what resulted from that change, but change we had to.

Agree. Without change there can be no progress, though as it turns out, not all change is progress.

Also agree with your implication on the unsayable. I suspect the national psyche will crumble remarkably quickly, should be something special to watch (for those interested and qualifed). .

Prayuth trying to stop that will resemble King Canute, not that I'm saying Prayuth is a Canute. Of course.

ps sensitive naughty word detector here isn't it? Seems to have thought <deleted> is the same as <deleted>.

Edited by Down the rabbit hole
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With all that's said, things are heating up in Thailand. With ASEAN forcing Thailand to step up and join the world, you can feel the resistance. More Laos, Khmer, Myanmar people are coming to work in Thailand, when you talk with a Thai, they know, and their starts to grind. They don't like. Many students have said Thailand isn't ready to join ASEAN...which means they are not ready to share their toys... even PM has stated that Thais need to step up their in speaking English... so things are getting tight here... will it bust open for good or for a revolt?

I went to to the teachers culture talked about how Thais are withdrawing into their departments which is becoming racially prejudiced against outside foreigners, and they just said "kha" but no remark on improvement. No wonder 90% Thai teachers have failed the online teacher tests, most Thai English teachers are level A or bottom of B level... hehe that's why the teachers test gas been stopped... a little off topic, but really shows the state of affairs in Thailand...maybe their answer is to be more nationalistic to be justify burying the head in the sand syndrome.

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Humanitarian assistance for religious extremists? Yeah, OK, what can go wrong?

Have u been to Xinjiang?

I haven't. I do however know a little bit about Uighurs, as well as Muslims in general. They are never victims.

I have, Many times.

Well, when it is a regular thing for the Chinese army to have broad spectrum crack downs on the uighur population as a whole, and the local population continues to be bolstered by imported Han Chinese, u would probably have a problem with it irrespective of religion.

They deserve to be sent to Turkey who have said they will take them. Sending them back to China is sentencing most of them to death.

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Thai people live in Thai-land, an unique place full of Thai culture. All Thai speak the Thai language and love their Thai country. Thai children go to Thai schools where Thai teachers tell them about the Thai language, the Thai culture and Thai logic so these Thai children will stay pure Thai. Thai children become Thai adolescents and these Thai girls and Thai boys make Thai love and beget more Thai children.

Thai farmers sow Thai seeds in Thai ricefields. Thai monks pray in Thai tempels to soothe Thai karma.

All Thai children care for their Thai parents. When Thai parents are getting older they suffer from Thai diseases, go to Thai hospitals where Thai doctors give them Thai medicines. In the end they die, like people everywhere, and they are cremated in the Thai way.

No disrespect for your sincere feelings (I am an optimist and assume you are Thai/allied rather than being a sarcastic farang) however, assuming the former no country in this age can be an 'island' and isolated from the rest of the world. It will change, for better or for worst, it is inevitable as the sun rising on the 'morrow. Nawn lap fan dee cobber/lass.

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I have, Many times.

Well, when it is a regular thing for the Chinese army to have broad spectrum crack downs on the uighur population as a whole, and the local population continues to be bolstered by imported Han Chinese, u would probably have a problem with it irrespective of religion.

They deserve to be sent to Turkey who have said they will take them. Sending them back to China is sentencing most of them to death.

No, not really. Chinese communists are not particularly likable, but they are pragmatic and clever, those Uighurs will be killed, only if they are directly involved with insurgency (in this case good riddance), crackdowns you mention are the only way to deal with guerrilla warfare, and campaign to compel population to abandon the ways of violent dark-age cult is overall a noble cause.

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I have, Many times.

Well, when it is a regular thing for the Chinese army to have broad spectrum crack downs on the uighur population as a whole, and the local population continues to be bolstered by imported Han Chinese, u would probably have a problem with it irrespective of religion.

They deserve to be sent to Turkey who have said they will take them. Sending them back to China is sentencing most of them to death.

No, not really. Chinese communists are not particularly likable, but they are pragmatic and clever, those Uighurs will be killed, only if they are directly involved with insurgency (in this case good riddance), crackdowns you mention are the only way to deal with guerrilla warfare, and campaign to compel population to abandon the ways of violent dark-age cult is overall a noble cause.

Indiscriminately rounding up any one and executing or imprisoning people Indiscriminately never solves this type of problem. It breeds continued heightened resentment. Thailand should not send them back to China. Simple.

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I'd like to reply with a counter question: "Could Thai patriotism go any further?"

Because if, we (the Thailand expats) would live with a red F (for farang) tattoed onto our foreheads in a "Viertes Reich", worrying every day if the Thai "Blockwart" will come to take us away...

Edited by MockingJay
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