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Russian Tour Guide in knife attack with two Ladyboy's in Central Pattaya


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they need to Ban all lady boys from Pattaya this place would have at least 50% less crime..... They did it in Bangsaray and the place changed instantly into a nicer place to live....just sayin

They could while they are doing that ban all teenagers between 16 and 90.

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so by now all the ladyboys on soi six are in a line up and the victim has picked out the two perps.

ok just joking.

seriously this should act as a warning to everyone to stay away from the mentally ill ladyboys.

they did not need to slash his face.

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I will fight tigers and lions, even go hand in hand with ISIS terrorist, but I will always, always,

shy away from a fight with a Ladyboy.... and live to tell about it.....

Grow some balls. A man is a man... What's new? ladyboys have balls. Apply upward pressure to their balls with boot. When their head bends towards you apply downward pressure to their head with your choice of blunt instruments. You don't have a Sangsom bottle handy you say, then man up deliver the final blow with a Mike Tyson uppercut using the fist God blessed you with. Lions, tigers and bears you should take a pass.

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"After the three of them had concluded whatever they were doing together,"

What a fantastic quote.

I would have like to see a picture of the two ladyboys. There is just no accounting for taste.

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This is a s good as attempted murder and yes that Soi 6 is absolute rat hole....

What are the police here for anyway... To harass motorists or secure the safety of Pattayas lievly hood. And I can tell you these ladyboys should be sent packing !!!

They are a disgrace to Thai culture and you are stupid for going with them. On the brief visits to that Soi. They have tried to pursue me and I tell them go away... They seem to like strong men. Then the junky rat tried scratch my arm. So I back slapped it natural reaction being a former pro fighter.

One word DOGS

Well, the police can do both controlling motorists braking the law and sure secure safety in Pattaya. Sorry that you have bad experience with the ladyboys, (showing off are we: strong men, former pro fighter, haha) ... and don't compare criminal ladyboys with dogs which are wonderful animals. ;-)

So , all dogs are wonderful animals. Even the ones that chase you up the soi because the scooters are going too fast for them. There is a LB in my local pub that is very calm ,soft and gentle , never in the year that I have known him/her have I seen any sign of a bad temper. I would rather be chased by him/her up a soi than a rabid dog.

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they need to Ban all lady boys from Pattaya this place would have at least 50% less crime..... They did it in Bangsaray and the place changed instantly into a nicer place to live....just sayin

it will be a cold day in hades when Thailand has no boy ladies

Edited by slipperylobster
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Basically, what we have learned today, is to never hire a Russian tour guide for a night of good, safe, clean fun.

This is exactly why they advertise...."our tourist guides are on the cutting edge of your touring pleasure"

Edited by slipperylobster
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...very warped...

...the victim was dragged through the media....

..while the 'alleged' perpetrators appear to have gotten off 'scott-free'....

...most people from elsewhere cannot comprehend the lack of basic civility that they will have to deal with here...

..fueled by 'misplaced nationalism'....(racism....xenophobia...ignorance....lack of perspective.....???)

...this gives 'them'.....the 'right' to do practically anything they please.....to 'us'....

...which often escalates to barbarism.....unfortunately...

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"After the three of them had concluded whatever they were doing together,"

What a fantastic quote.

I would have like to see a picture of the two ladyboys. There is just no accounting for taste.

You think they would extrapolate a bit more...as my imagination is now being taxed to the limit.

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I got harassed by a LB in Phuket. After I politely refused it's advances several times, it snatched my gold chain. Bad move on it's part. First thing, I grabbed was it's purse and threw it on the ground so he/she/it could not pull out a knife. One uppercut to the jaw sent it to the ground post haste. I retrieved my chain and took it's cell phone before moving on.

Next day I made contact with a local mafia boss to square my situation with this LB. I explained I would return the phone providing the word is put out that I am off limits in Phuket. Option two, phone goes to the police and I file assault charges. He agreed to take care of it, and that was the end of that. My time in Phuket was incident free for the remainder of my trip.

I don't recommend getting into a fight with a LB. In my case it was working alone and I knew it was a one on one fight.

Well done to confessing that you are a thief. Pity that you spoiled it with the "Big I Am" fairy story that you followed the confession with.

According to your story the one doing the assaulting (as well as the thieving) was you, not the LB. What would have been the significance of taking the phone that you stole to the police and how would that affect the LB adversely?

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they need to Ban all lady boys from Pattaya this place would have at least 50% less crime..... They did it in Bangsaray and the place changed instantly into a nicer place to live....just sayin

Interesting comment. Could you expand a little bit on how Bangsaray banned and removed Lady Boys. Could they also ban and remove all thieves? Seriously, I would really be interested in how they did this. Thanks.

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the message here is don,t pick a fight with the ladyboys,you regret it now I bet.

Better still, get to the root cause. Don't go with freelance Ladyboys off the street. If you must go with a ladyboy, make sure they work for a bar, and have what would appear to be good relationships with the boss and other workers. Not 100% perfect, but gives you some kind of a contact if things go pear shape.

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I will fight tigers and lions, even go hand in hand with ISIS terrorist, but I will always, always,

shy away from a fight with a Ladyboy.... and live to tell about it.....


Comparing with ISIS, not rubbish...indecency coffee1.gif

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I got harassed by a LB in Phuket. After I politely refused it's advances several times, it snatched my gold chain. Bad move on it's part. First thing, I grabbed was it's purse and threw it on the ground so he/she/it could not pull out a knife. One uppercut to the jaw sent it to the ground post haste. I retrieved my chain and took it's cell phone before moving on.

Next day I made contact with a local mafia boss to square my situation with this LB. I explained I would return the phone providing the word is put out that I am off limits in Phuket. Option two, phone goes to the police and I file assault charges. He agreed to take care of it, and that was the end of that. My time in Phuket was incident free for the remainder of my trip.

I don't recommend getting into a fight with a LB. In my case it was working alone and I knew it was a one on one fight.

Well done to confessing that you are a thief. Pity that you spoiled it with the "Big I Am" fairy story that you followed the confession with.

According to your story the one doing the assaulting (as well as the thieving) was you, not the LB. What would have been the significance of taking the phone that you stole to the police and how would that affect the LB adversely?

Jack, did you pen the song "All I want to do is dream"?

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Dear me, he can't be a very knowledgeable tour guide if he thinks a dalliance with Pattaya soi 6 ladyboys is a safe thing to do!

6/1!!! That's the little alleyway BEHIND Soi 6. Anyone walking down there by themselves has a death wish.

When I first came here in 2006, Soi 6 had a festive spirit about it. Cries of "Handsome man!" heard throughout the night and not a SINGLE LADYBOY! Now it reeks of desperation, the girls' heads buried in their phones, and angry, aggressive labyboys striking fear in the hearts of all passerby's. Sad indeed.

It's not what people want to talk about I suspect. But I am reading this book that confirms what we all know:

attraction + obstacles = excitement

For this guy, it is very very exciting to do something very risky. But it all went too far...

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I read in the Bangkok Post that there is a huge percentage of Thai guys that become ladyboys just so they can get money.....Talk about deranged. I guess the majority of them end up in Pattaya...........

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I will fight tigers and lions, even go hand in hand with ISIS terrorist, but I will always, always,

shy away from a fight with a Ladyboy.... and live to tell about it.....

ehhh..... spend a lot of time with homesexuals sporting silcone breasts do we ......?

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