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North Korea seen upgrading missile launch facility


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N. Korea seen upgrading missile launch facility
Shin Hyon-hee
The Korea Herald

SEOUL North Korea appears to be nearing completion of a project to extend a launch pad at the missile site on its west coast, a military source said Wednesday, boosting the possibility for another rocket liftoff later this year.

A new gantry topping 60 metres was spotted at the Dongchang-ri station, where the communist state successfully fired a long-range rocket in December 2012, the source said. It marks an upgrade from the previous 50-metre-tall pad.

Citing satellite imagery, the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies said in late May that the construction work “essentially” ended, improving the gantry to support a space launch vehicle larger than the already tested 30-metre-long Unha-3.

“The work has apparently almost finished, though the exact size of the pad is to be further confirmed,” a Seoul official said, pointing to SAIS’ analysis.

The advancement shores up speculation that the Kim Jong-un regime may stage a provocation as it celebrates the 70th anniversary of the founding of its ruling Workers’ Party on October 10.

Full story: http://www.asianewsnet.net/news-78488.html

-- ANN 2015-07-23

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I'm on a different page.

There's just too much reporting of hinting of NK's potential aggression.

I think we are being led into getting behind something that will hurt a lot of innocent North Koreans.

The WOMD cry wolf worked once with the ignorant rednecks getting behind it, with disastrous outcomes. Lets hope they can't be duped again.

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Here are the headlines:

  • Man identified as 60-year-old Jeffrey Alan Lash, of LA County, died July 4 but wasn't found until July 17
  • Body was discovered badly decomposed inside a car in Pacific Palisades
  • Lash's fiancee Catherine Nebron and her employee Dawn VadBunker dumped the body
  • Police linked the car to Lash's fiancee's house nearby and found 1,200 guns and 6.5 tons of ammunition
  • Fiancee's attorney said Nebron and VadBunker believed Lash was half-alien savior
  • VadBunker and Nebron fled for Oregon without telling police about Lash's death because they thought CIA would come to collect his body
  • VadBunker's mother reported her missing last week after failing to reach her
Edited by copa8
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