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The Charades of Donald Trump and Alexis Tsipras


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I doubt if The Donald does indeed have what it takes to be President of this current lame duck however , in the land of the free and home of the brave he is one who is prepared to talk straight and the issues he is platforming are real enough and the rank and file in the US know this only too well The US is in meltdown on so many aspect of social and economic woes. The current needs a good boot in the ass and The Donald is doing the needful

Trump will save the US from "the meltdown"? What meltdown? The imaginary meltdown you see on a certain conservative "News" show?

Let me guess what TV network you get your "news"?

Don't you realise you are on a 24/7 drip-feed of a conservative political infomercial filled with hate and fear? They will say anything. They even endorse Trump.

I don't see Trump doing any better than Obama. I think a loudmouth like him would cause a meltdown.

I see a fairly successful Obama administration. He's done a great job considering the economic collapse GW Bush left him. No?

Remember 2008? Millions of people were losing their houses, jobs and some were even leaping off roofs.

General Motors and thousands of companies, banks days away from collapse.

Obamas checklist:

Housing crisis. Over.

Economic collapse of 2008. Over.

Unemployment crisis. Over.

Dependency on foreign oil. Way down.

Homegrown energy production way up. Solar, Wind, Natural Gas.

Two Bush wars. Finished.

Strong dollar.

Stock market up 200% in 6 years.

Retirement accounts bursting with capitol gains.

Bin Laden and AlQueda leadership droned.

Iran deal. Done.

Illegal immigration. Down.

Deportations. Up.

Meltdown? Really?

Explain what Obama had to do with any of that.

Particularly that nonsense about 'retirement accounts bursting with capital gains.'

If the market had gone the other way, you can be sure that the GOP would be blaming President Obama. So it seems fair to give him some credit. Notice how previous presidential campaigns have always been about the economy and/or unemployment? Not so much at the moment because the economy has recovered and unemployment is way down. Funny politics.

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I doubt if The Donald does indeed have what it takes to be President of this current lame duck however , in the land of the free and home of the brave he is one who is prepared to talk straight and the issues he is platforming are real enough and the rank and file in the US know this only too well The US is in meltdown on so many aspect of social and economic woes. The current needs a good boot in the ass and The Donald is doing the needful

Trump will save the US from "the meltdown"? What meltdown? The imaginary meltdown you see on a certain conservative "News" show?

Let me guess what TV network you get your "news"?

Don't you realise you are on a 24/7 drip-feed of a conservative political infomercial filled with hate and fear? They will say anything. They even endorse Trump.

I don't see Trump doing any better than Obama. I think a loudmouth like him would cause a meltdown.

I see a fairly successful Obama administration. He's done a great job considering the economic collapse GW Bush left him. No?

Remember 2008? Millions of people were losing their houses, jobs and some were even leaping off roofs.

General Motors and thousands of companies, banks days away from collapse.

Obamas checklist:

Housing crisis. Over.

Economic collapse of 2008. Over.

Unemployment crisis. Over.

Dependency on foreign oil. Way down.

Homegrown energy production way up. Solar, Wind, Natural Gas.

Two Bush wars. Finished.

Strong dollar.

Stock market up 200% in 6 years.

Retirement accounts bursting with capitol gains.

Bin Laden and AlQueda leadership droned.

Iran deal. Done.

Illegal immigration. Down.

Deportations. Up.

Meltdown? Really?

Explain what Obama had to do with any of that.

Particularly that nonsense about 'retirement accounts bursting with capital gains.'

The 250 million Americans with retirement accounts are bursting with capitol gains.

The auto workers union, teachers union, culinary union and the average worker are heavily invested in the SP500.

Up 200% since Obama took office.

Now you know.

I don't expect the conservative "news" viewers to know this.

Here is a chart. Can you spot where the Obama term started?


Yes, I can clearly read. But the question is what did Obama have to do with it?

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I doubt if The Donald does indeed have what it takes to be President of this current lame duck however , in the land of the free and home of the brave he is one who is prepared to talk straight and the issues he is platforming are real enough and the rank and file in the US know this only too well The US is in meltdown on so many aspect of social and economic woes. The current needs a good boot in the ass and The Donald is doing the needful

Trump will save the US from "the meltdown"? What meltdown? The imaginary meltdown you see on a certain conservative "News" show?

Let me guess what TV network you get your "news"?

Don't you realise you are on a 24/7 drip-feed of a conservative political infomercial filled with hate and fear? They will say anything. They even endorse Trump.

I don't see Trump doing any better than Obama. I think a loudmouth like him would cause a meltdown.

I see a fairly successful Obama administration. He's done a great job considering the economic collapse GW Bush left him. No?

Remember 2008? Millions of people were losing their houses, jobs and some were even leaping off roofs.

General Motors and thousands of companies, banks days away from collapse.

Obamas checklist:

Housing crisis. Over.

Economic collapse of 2008. Over.

Unemployment crisis. Over.

Dependency on foreign oil. Way down.

Homegrown energy production way up. Solar, Wind, Natural Gas.

Two Bush wars. Finished.

Strong dollar.

Stock market up 200% in 6 years.

Retirement accounts bursting with capitol gains.

Bin Laden and AlQueda leadership droned.

Iran deal. Done.

Illegal immigration. Down.

Deportations. Up.

Meltdown? Really?

Explain what Obama had to do with any of that.

Particularly that nonsense about 'retirement accounts bursting with capital gains.'

If the market had gone the other way, you can be sure that the GOP would be blaming President Obama. So it seems fair to give him some credit. Notice how previous presidential campaigns have always been about the economy and/or unemployment? Not so much at the moment because the economy has recovered and unemployment is way down. Funny politics.

Yes. It would seem fair. If that worked on both sides of the aisle.
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I doubt if The Donald does indeed have what it takes to be President of this current lame duck however , in the land of the free and home of the brave he is one who is prepared to talk straight and the issues he is platforming are real enough and the rank and file in the US know this only too well The US is in meltdown on so many aspect of social and economic woes. The current needs a good boot in the ass and The Donald is doing the needful

Trump will save the US from "the meltdown"? What meltdown? The imaginary meltdown you see on a certain conservative "News" show?

Let me guess what TV network you get your "news"?

Don't you realise you are on a 24/7 drip-feed of a conservative political infomercial filled with hate and fear? They will say anything. They even endorse Trump.

I don't see Trump doing any better than Obama. I think a loudmouth like him would cause a meltdown.

I see a fairly successful Obama administration. He's done a great job considering the economic collapse GW Bush left him. No?

Remember 2008? Millions of people were losing their houses, jobs and some were even leaping off roofs.

General Motors and thousands of companies, banks days away from collapse.

Obamas checklist:

Housing crisis. Over.

Economic collapse of 2008. Over.

Unemployment crisis. Over.

Dependency on foreign oil. Way down.

Homegrown energy production way up. Solar, Wind, Natural Gas.

Two Bush wars. Finished.

Strong dollar.

Stock market up 200% in 6 years.

Retirement accounts bursting with capitol gains.

Bin Laden and AlQueda leadership droned.

Iran deal. Done.

Illegal immigration. Down.

Deportations. Up.

Meltdown? Really?

Explain what Obama had to do with any of that.

Particularly that nonsense about 'retirement accounts bursting with capital gains.'

If the market had gone the other way, you can be sure that the GOP would be blaming President Obama. So it seems fair to give him some credit. Notice how previous presidential campaigns have always been about the economy and/or unemployment? Not so much at the moment because the economy has recovered and unemployment is way down. Funny politics.

Funny. You would think that the conservatives, with their emphasis on business would be better at managing the economy.

Maybe Trumps profit making abilities would break the trend?

The facts show the conservatives are very poor performers when it comes to the economic performance(GDP), market returns, jobs, and managing the budget, recessions etc.

Here is a list of the last 10 US Presidents and their contribution in percentages to the national debt. 5 democrats vs 5 republicans since 1960.

D. Kennedy increased the debt by +8%

D. Johnson +13%

R. Nixon +34%

R. Ford +47%

D. Carter +43%

R. Reagan +186%

R. Bush Sr. +54%

D. Clinton + 32%

R. Bush Jr. +101%

D. Obama +53%


Democrats +149% -Average Democrat President increased debt by +29%.

Republicans +425% -Average Republican President increased debt by +85%.

Shocking that Reagan, the 'patron saint' of the republicans ran up the debt more that the last 5 democrats combined.

The guy threw a big party on the credit card and they all think he's great?

Edited by Jupiterjim
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Again. Look at job growth per presidential term.

The republicans need to abandon their old policies. Perhaps Trump could do it for them?

If Trump doesn't get the nomination, its a better bet to go with the democrats.

Here is a chart on republican vs democrats on job creation.

Democrats avg. 11.7%

Republicans avg. 5.4%


Edited by Jupiterjim
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The similarities are probably closer to their respective debt ridden countries.

The Greek leader may have tried to avoid Greece becoming a bankster bitch, but may have been a stooge, who knows? Either way they are history & heading to financial desolation.

As to Trump, he only looks OK as the the least ugly in a very ugly competition. Regardless, no one gets to be president without knowing who they are beholden to, it really doesn't matter who wins as nothing will change, it's already game over for the average American.

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I doubt if The Donald does indeed have what it takes to be President of this current lame duck however , in the land of the free and home of the brave he is one who is prepared to talk straight and the issues he is platforming are real enough and the rank and file in the US know this only too well The US is in meltdown on so many aspect of social and economic woes. The current needs a good boot in the ass and The Donald is doing the needful

Trump will save the US from "the meltdown"? What meltdown? The imaginary meltdown you see on a certain conservative "News" show?

Let me guess what TV network you get your "news"?

Don't you realise you are on a 24/7 drip-feed of a conservative political infomercial filled with hate and fear? They will say anything. They even endorse Trump.

I don't see Trump doing any better than Obama. I think a loudmouth like him would cause a meltdown.

I see a fairly successful Obama administration. He's done a great job considering the economic collapse GW Bush left him. No?

Remember 2008? Millions of people were losing their houses, jobs and some were even leaping off roofs.

General Motors and thousands of companies, banks days away from collapse.

Obamas checklist:

Housing crisis. Over.

Economic collapse of 2008. Over.

Unemployment crisis. Over.

Dependency on foreign oil. Way down.

Homegrown energy production way up. Solar, Wind, Natural Gas.

Two Bush wars. Finished.

Strong dollar.

Stock market up 200% in 6 years.

Retirement accounts bursting with capitol gains.

Bin Laden and AlQueda leadership droned.

Iran deal. Done.

Illegal immigration. Down.

Deportations. Up.

Meltdown? Really?

Explain what Obama had to do with any of that.

Particularly that nonsense about 'retirement accounts bursting with capital gains.'

If the market had gone the other way, you can be sure that the GOP would be blaming President Obama. So it seems fair to give him some credit. Notice how previous presidential campaigns have always been about the economy and/or unemployment? Not so much at the moment because the economy has recovered and unemployment is way down. Funny politics.

That's the hypocrisy of the conservative "news" viewers.

If the stock market was down the last 6 years, they would be blaming Obama.

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The GDP is back to the pre-Bush Jr. administration era after Bush wiped out a federal budget surplus and plunged the nation into a six-year economic collapse.

More Democrat spin. I didn't care for GW Bush but he inherited a shrinking economy and a budget deficit from Democrat Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton was forced into a balanced budget by that tough old bird Newt Gingrich who was Speaker of the House and a deficit hawk. Gingrich and Clinton had an uneasy but workable relationship and Clinton knew he couldn't get a deficit budget past the Republican House of Representatives led by Gingrich.

The US was in deficit territory and sliding into recession when GW Bush took office from Clinton. Gingrich had left 2 years earlier and...

More, Bill Clinton had signed the Community Reinvestment Act which stated bluntly that every American should be able to own a house. It forced lenders into making loans they otherwise wouldn't have made and fueled the run up to the real estate crash of 2007. Clinton lit the fire that started the mess.

The guy who was at the controls when the wheels came off of the whole mess was GW Bush and he gets a share of the blame. He sure doesn't get all of it.

TRUMP is the only pure businessman with a business head on his shoulders in the race. What do you want, more professional politicians with evasive PC talk, and their law degrees underpinning their bachelor's of political science degrees? Haven't those idiots done enough damage?


Edited by NeverSure
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I doubt if The Donald does indeed have what it takes to be President of this current lame duck however , in the land of the free and home of the brave he is one who is prepared to talk straight and the issues he is platforming are real enough and the rank and file in the US know this only too well The US is in meltdown on so many aspect of social and economic woes. The current needs a good boot in the ass and The Donald is doing the needful

Trump will save the US from "the meltdown"? What meltdown? The imaginary meltdown you see on a certain conservative "News" show?
Let me guess what TV network you get your "news"?
Don't you realise you are on a 24/7 drip-feed of a conservative political infomercial filled with hate and fear? They will say anything. They even endorse Trump.

I don't see Trump doing any better than Obama. I think a loudmouth like him would cause a meltdown.

I see a fairly successful Obama administration. He's done a great job considering the economic collapse GW Bush left him. No?
Remember 2008? Millions of people were losing their houses, jobs and some were even leaping off roofs.
General Motors and thousands of companies, banks days away from collapse.

Obamas checklist:
Housing crisis. Over.
Economic collapse of 2008. Over.
Unemployment crisis. Over.
Dependency on foreign oil. Way down.
Homegrown energy production way up. Solar, Wind, Natural Gas.
Two Bush wars. Finished.
Strong dollar.
Stock market up 200% in 6 years.
Retirement accounts bursting with capitol gains.
Bin Laden and AlQueda leadership droned.
Iran deal. Done.
Illegal immigration. Down.
Deportations. Up.

Meltdown? Really?

Explain what Obama had to do with any of that.
Particularly that nonsense about 'retirement accounts bursting with capital gains.'

If the market had gone the other way, you can be sure that the GOP would be blaming President Obama. So it seems fair to give him some credit. Notice how previous presidential campaigns have always been about the economy and/or unemployment? Not so much at the moment because the economy has recovered and unemployment is way down. Funny politics.

Funny. You would think that the conservatives, with their emphasis on business would be better at managing the economy.
Maybe Trumps profit making abilities would break the trend?
The facts show the conservatives are very poor performers when it comes to the economic performance(GDP), market returns, jobs, and managing the budget, recessions etc.

Here is a list of the last 10 US Presidents and their contribution in percentages to the national debt. 5 democrats vs 5 republicans since 1960.

D. Kennedy increased the debt by +8%
D. Johnson +13%
R. Nixon +34%
R. Ford +47%
D. Carter +43%
R. Reagan +186%
R. Bush Sr. +54%
D. Clinton + 32%
R. Bush Jr. +101%
D. Obama +53%

Democrats +149% -Average Democrat President increased debt by +29%.
Republicans +425% -Average Republican President increased debt by +85%.

Shocking that Reagan, the 'patron saint' of the republicans ran up the debt more that the last 5 democrats combined.
The guy threw a big party on the credit card and they all think he's great?

Is any of that compared to GDP growth? Inflation? Jobs growth? Illegal immigration? War? Did you know more jobs were exported to other countries during Clinton than all those other presidents combined? Or that under Obama that fewer jobs have been created than at any other time since the Great Depression, percentage wise? Or that during the Carter years inflation was so high that gasoline prices rose higher in one year than at any other time in US history?
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I didn't expect those numbers to favour the democrats in such a dominant fashion when I looked up the stats.

Takes a lot of nerve for the republicans to attack the democrats on economic strategy.

No wonder the conservatives target the dumb & dumber demographic.

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Here is what the experts say:

Why the economy has grown faster under Democratic presidents

In the end, the authors are probably right to conclude that the growth gap between Democratic and Republican presidents is explained by good luck, with perhaps a touch of good policy.


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Here is what the experts say:

Why the economy has grown faster under Democratic presidents

In the end, the authors are probably right to conclude that the growth gap between Democratic and Republican presidents is explained by good luck, with perhaps a touch of good policy.


Two comments there really makes sense:

"It's not luck if the trend has been consistent over the past 50+ years. The Economist is taking the easy route out to avoid political controversy.";

"According to the report only half of the 1.8% gap is attributable to luck, so the Economist is reporting the findings incorrectly.".

Edited by stevenl
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It would be nice if someone would compare Donald to the Greek PM, rather than Obama to whomever else comes to mind.

LOL. The capitalist Donald Trump has ten billion dollars. The socialist Greek PM is begging for ten billion dollars.

Will that do? tongue.png

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It would be nice if someone would compare Donald to the Greek PM, rather than Obama to whomever else comes to mind.

LOL. The capitalist Donald Trump has ten billion dollars. The socialist Greek PM is begging for ten billion dollars.

Will that do? tongue.png

Well, that's what I get for encouraging members to get back on topic...... sad.png

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