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Why this cynicism against Thailand?


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I have heard it said, cynicism is what passes for intelligence amongst the mediocre...

Me, I don't know. I am a simple fellow. I not only have learned to live with Thai but live to learn from them. When I am someplace where people are happier by far than my home country, I have something to learn…

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The Thai bashers understand nothing. It isn't about Thailand, its about us.

“The material scientist explains that all these different planets are floating because of the law of gravity or some other law; but the actual lawmaker is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. When we speak of law, we must understand that there must be a lawmaker. The material scientists can discover laws of nature, but they are unable to recognize the lawmaker.” (Shrila Prabhupada, Shrimad Bhagavatam, 3.29.42 Purport)

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Women who by your own admission were only pretending to like you.

Shall we try not to drag this any further off-topic?

You wrote, "Luckily, my wife pretends to like me free of charge."

I guess we are kind of in the same boat; both with pretending significant others. biggrin.png

That could make a man cynical if Thailand had anything to do with the cynicism.

I was joking.

Sadly, I don't think you were.

There's many a true word said in jest. You're lucky your wife is such a good actor - she must care about your feelings.

Personally, I am lucky I could rely on my own naive gullibility


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When reading the news from my home country, I think I would be more annoyed with things, staying there - happy every time I read the news that I changed my life and moved to Thailand...thumbsup.gif

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So as I understand it...there is not place on this forum for an opinion that does not extoll the virtues of Thailand? Give me a break!

Forum posting rules. .......

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people.......

Don't like it? Don't let the door hit you on your way out. wai2.gif

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Many expats never liked Thailand in the first place - just the fact that they could pay women to pretend to like them.

Ouch!! Where did that come from?

Most of the expats I've spoken to don't give me that impression and some of them have been here over thirty years.

Generally speaking I find that if people don't like a place they will move on.

There are lots of things to like about Thailand and some things not to like as in other countries.

It's a matter of weighing the pros against the cons (no puns intended).

I find it rather insulting that someone would think I "never liked Thailand in the first place - just the fact that I could pay women to pretend to like me."

That may be so only in a minority of cases and generally these are guys just here for a holiday and a good time.

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Maybe things like having Chiang Mai immigration kick you out of their offices to stand in the sun while you wait a few hours to get a 90 day report processed (without a workable queuing system) may just have a tiny effect on how I view Thais, and how I believe they view us Kwai farang.

When I do my 90 day report at Chiang Mai IO I never turn up much earlier than 10 o' clock and never on Mondays or Fridays if I can help it.

In and out within 30 minutes or so.

One time last year I was out in 10 minutes flat but that must have been an exception.

I must admit their latest queuing system is a pain when you have to renew your visa extension.

Let's hope it will improve now they have moved some of their business.

So far I've never had any problems with the IO's - generally polite and helpful.

There are one or two grumpy ones but if you don't give them any "aggro" they will still put the required stamp in your passport and after all it is what you're there for is it not?

I have had much worse run ins with authority in the UK, mainly jobsworths who think it is their remit in life to make people's lives a misery.

All in all I am far more cynical about my country than Thailand because there are less things to moan about.

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I think people need to make a list of pros and cons about Thailand and then about their own country, then compare the two and ask themselves why they came here in the first place?

I find the longer I stay here and get used to the way of life the less cause I have for cynicism.

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Best we don't talk about our ex wives.....think the Forum will catch fire!!!

Getting divorced put me off women for too long.

Never mind, being financially scalped was a learning experience. shock1.gif


I can relate to that faraday!! blink.pngbah.gif and I'll bet there are a few of us on this forum can too.

Are these exes Thai or farang?

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Many expats never liked Thailand in the first place - just the fact that they could pay women to pretend to like them.

You might add that most of them are so ugly, no female would look at them in their own country

Not necessarily the case.

I've seen fat, bald and ugly men out with gorgeous Western females in my own country.

Maybe the Thai girls come a little cheaper?

Maybe you two guys are just a tad jealous? Even judgemental.

I have known some guys like this who we think of as ugly and don't have too much money or investments charm the ladies like birds down from the trees.

Trust me, in my experience women love a handsome fit body some of the time certainly, but when it comes without a brain or personality they soon start looking elsewhere and when it comes to trust and security they opt for the lesser spotted male.

Thai girls are no exception apart from the bar girls who need more than one farang to keep them in the manner they are accustomed and looks don't come into it anyway.

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They're just grumpy old men and would be equally as grumpy wherever they were in the world.

I like the young ones who couldn't make it and go back home and then send pictures and glowing reports on what a great mistake they made living in Thailand and are now happier than a pig in sh** since they moved back to the West.

I bought and sold 6 houses, 3 wives, 7 dogs and 3 corporations in Florida - like I don't know - what it's all about and need some young feller to advise me or try and make me jealous.

I live in Thailand because I see happy old men everywhere in the care of angels (or close to it) instead of being bag boys at the American grocery store.

Old guys and fallen angels yup they need us as much as we need them.wink.png

Leave me if you need to. I will still remember angel flying too close to the ground.

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The Thai bashers understand nothing. It isn't about Thailand, its about us.

“The material scientist explains that all these different planets are floating because of the law of gravity or some other law; but the actual lawmaker is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. When we speak of law, we must understand that there must be a lawmaker. The material scientists can discover laws of nature, but they are unable to recognize the lawmaker.” (Shrila Prabhupada, Shrimad Bhagavatam, 3.29.42 Purport)

The motion of the planets define the Laws men write to describe them, the planets are indifferent.

If you drop matchsticks into a pile, who decides how they land? Chance you say? And the planets?

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They're cynical about Thailand because they're cynics ... which means they're pretty much cynical about everything. However, Thailand, like most all other third-world countries, has a lot more to complain about so the cynics have a lot more to be cynical about.

One key symptom of a hard core cynic is that they very seldom ... if ever ... admit to others or themselves that they're cynical. And they tend to consider people who call them on their cynicism to be naive and stupid. The cynic believes he's smarter that those other pollyanna fools because he sees the world as it really is.

I recently read the results of a very large psychological/medical study which showed that the more cynical a person is, the more unhappy they are, the shorter their lifespan, and they have more cancer, more heart disease, more mental disease, and a much higher suicide rate.

Now let's see who takes the cynic bait.

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its not cynicism when you see the reality and speak the truth about this country

Yes, but what makes it cynicism is the bad attitude and the anger and the unhappiness. You know ... the cynicism.

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The biggest problem with Thailand is you're seen as a walking ATM from bar girls to banks to those who change a tire and to those who sell street side bbq.

10 baht for thai, 30 baht for farang.

Go out alone, drink a beer, you're called a cheap charlie.

Go out with thais, and you're expected to pay for everything.. you're the farang.

Try explaining splitting the check and they say I no like you.

The biggest problem is hoops of immigration. Every respectable country, even developing countries such as Philippines, Singapore have residency programs where if you qualify, you can stay for ever. Thailand's priviledge gives you a 1 year visa at the most.

It's also the reason Thai's in the USA feel more at home in USA than in Thailand. I've heard it myself, do you want to go back to Thailand? Why? I happy here. I get food stamp, obamacare, free phone, free make room hot. Only farang like go for cheap sex. Up to them. I stay here. I want my family come here.

And then it hits you: More truer words were seldom spoken.

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[quote name="HerbalEd" post="9662324" timestamp="1437851944

One key symptom of a hard core cynic is that they very seldom ... if ever ... admit to others or themselves that they're cynical...

Now let's see who takes the cynic bait.

Uh, Ed, you know who else denies being cynical? Non-cynics.

It also strikes me as rather cynical to condem others for both replying and not replying.

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[quote name="HerbalEd" post="9662324" timestamp="1437851944

One key symptom of a hard core cynic is that they very seldom ... if ever ... admit to others or themselves that they're cynical...

Now let's see who takes the cynic bait.

Uh, Ed, you know who else denies being cynical? Non-cynics.

It also strikes me as rather cynical to condem others for both replying and not replying.

Re. "Uh, Ed, you know who else denies being cynical? Non-cynics." You are correct, but most often the non-cynic does it with a much better/nicer attitude. Cynicism ain't so much about finding fault, it's about the s_itty attitude and/or the whining.

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There are always some kind of problem with any country. If someone hate Thailand so much there is a very easy solution. Pack and get back. No one has send invitation letter. But if you see something wrong try to help somehow to fix it.

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[quote name="HerbalEd" post="9662324" timestamp="1437851944

One key symptom of a hard core cynic is that they very seldom ... if ever ... admit to others or themselves that they're cynical...

Now let's see who takes the cynic bait.

Uh, Ed, you know who else denies being cynical? Non-cynics.

It also strikes me as rather cynical to condem others for both replying and not replying.

Re. "Uh, Ed, you know who else denies being cynical? Non-cynics." You are correct, but most often the non-cynic does it with a much better/nicer attitude. Cynicism ain't so much about finding fault, it's about the s_itty attitude and/or the whining.

At times I do wonder how anyone could criticize the things that are truly great and unique about Thailand, like Hom Mali rice, river transport and black cat tobacco.

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