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how to deal with the last days of a beloved pet...

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Hello...sorry to start a morbid topic...last month, while visiting my gf, i came across 4 puppies that had been discarded...i tried for 2 days to find a home for them, to no avail...

as a last resort, i took them to a vet...and was told that vets in thailand did not euthanize dogs, as it was cruel...nor would this vet (or 2 others i consulted...one in Lad Phrao BKK) prescribe medication to end the pups' life...

personally, i think that leaving dogs to starve or be killed by other animals is much more cruel. than euthanasia....but it seemed that was my only choice...

also, as a dog owner most of my life, i have euthanized most of my dogs when their quality of life was so poor, it seemed a caring alternative to their suffering...

the happy ending is that i was able to find a temple that adopted all of the puppies...a gift of food and money seemed to do the trick...

however...i have a dog of my own now...he is 5 years old that i rescued...and will most likely die here in thailand, before me...i hate the idea that he will spend his last days in pain, if he becomes terminally ill (e.g., cancer).

I reside in Chon Buri...are there doctors in the region who would be willing to assist in ending a dog's life when the time comes?

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Bucket of water? Thais can be so hypocritical about animal welfare- don't mind eating them but will not end their suffering on moral grounds.

How many thai vets you know of jacky who eat dog meat ? The consumption of dog meat in Thailand is restricted to a certain part of the country

So stop making your dumb arsed generalisations

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everyone who reads the pets section will know i have a beloved whom i and the wife regard as our son that we never had in over 28yrs.

i have always said please god let me go first[he is 5 in jan.] myself i couldnt let my boy go to another home or bear to see him in pain so i spoke to a vet who would be willing to put him to sleep[at a price he wouldnt refuse].the other alternative is what seastallion recomends.

god forbid i never have to find myself in that position.

love me love my dog. meatboy.

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My beloved 10 year old Retriever was poisoned but didn't seem in any pain Very hard to deal with the unexpected grief.

You could poison the dog yourself if he is in a lot of pain.

sorry neeranam i couldnt do it, i am chokeing up just thinking about it.then again i couldnt bare to see him in pain.i even stopped the vet from giving him heartworm injections because they sting him.easyer to give him heartguard.

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Ask around some vets will, ours which we brought over from the UK was in a bad way and we asked our local vet which wasn't a problem to him. Maybe if the dogs healthy you might have less of a chance.

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Bucket of water? Thais can be so hypocritical about animal welfare- don't mind eating them but will not end their suffering on moral grounds.

How many thai vets you know of jacky who eat dog meat ? The consumption of dog meat in Thailand is restricted to a certain part of the country

So stop making your dumb arsed generalisations

You can't read very well, I did not say vets eat dog meat

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My beloved 10 year old Retriever was poisoned but didn't seem in any pain Very hard to deal with the unexpected grief.

You could poison the dog yourself if he is in a lot of pain.

In all my years THE dumbest idea I have ever heard. POISON your dog ? Shame on you.

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Bucket of water? Thais can be so hypocritical about animal welfare- don't mind eating them but will not end their suffering on moral grounds.

How many thai vets you know of jacky who eat dog meat ? The consumption of dog meat in Thailand is restricted to a certain part of the country

So stop making your dumb arsed generalisations

You can't read very well, I did not say vets eat dog meat

Do vets eat dog meat....

Are you sure about that?


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At one stage 5 years ago I had 3 great dogs, nowadays I've only 1 left. The first died a pretty painful death and it was difficult to watch. Last year my best mate died from either a stroke or heat attack.

Him dying was devastating, but I was thankful it was very quick and I hope as close to painless as possible. He was simply the best dog I've ever had.

I'm down to one 14 yr old staffie who is very healthy and looks like she'll go for a good few years yet. It's never easy dealing with the loss of a pet, for many of us they are family. They ask for nothing but food, water and attention and in return give unconditional love. I think the best way to deal with a beloved pets last days is to not ever forget all the wonderful days that came before.

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Anyone seen a man eating Dog?

Think about it.....laugh.png

You might want to think before you post insensitive remarks. The OP is obviously distressed at the thought of losing his dog and you want to make jokes? Not cool.

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OP, sorry I do not understand.

You have a dog who is 5 and you want to kill him , why?

Why would you even think about sick days ? He is only 5.

I had an older dog, 15 years old who got sick all over sudden.

I did not even consider having her put down .

I spent over 30 000 baht to make her comfortable in ER of Thonglor pet hospital ( big mistake ), visited her morning, afternoon and night and 2 dats later she passed on her own terms.

She was comfortable , no pain and went in peace .

I would never kill any of my dogs, assuming it's the right thing to do.

It is not my gods given right to decide.

It is my responsibility to make my dog as comfortable and pain free as possible to let them go on their own terms .

In case any of them out live me, I already made " deal" with my animal loving staff to take them in , money will also be put aside for that.

My staff also has many , so deal works vice versa as well

Edited by konying
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OP, sorry I do not understand.

You have a dog who is 5 and you want to kill him , why?

Why would you even think about sick days ? He is only 5.

I had an older dog, 15 years old who got sick all over sudden.

I did not even consider having her put down .

I spent over 30 000 baht to make her comfortable in ER of Thonglor pet hospital ( big mistake ), visited her morning, afternoon and night and 2 dats later she passed on her own terms.

She was comfortable , no pain and went in peace .

I would never kill any of my dogs, assuming it's the right thing to do.

It is not my gods given right to decide.

It is my responsibility to make my dog as comfortable and pain free as possible to let them go on their own terms .

In case any of them out live me, I already made " deal" with my animal loving staff to take them in , money will also be put aside for that.

My staff also has many , so deal works vice versa as well

I don't think the OP is talking about euthanizing his dog now, but in the future, and being able to find a vet prepared to do it.

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My God...your dog is only 5 years old,..enjoy every second you have together and stop thinking about such matters now, haven't you got a good few more years together before that day comes, please God.

Edited by dotpoom
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My God...your dog is only 5 years old,..enjoy every second you have together and stop thinking about such matters now, haven't you got a good few more years together before that day comes, please God.

Yes, it seemed a bit premature to me. My beloved Buddy died at 15, so the OP may have another 10 years to share.

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Have so loved every dog that came into my life - - We had a wonderful boy dog who was courageous, independent, smart and just an amazing character… on his last day, i thought we were going to the vet to put him down - but the vet just gave him a shot of vitamins… I carried him up to my office and laid on the floor with him all night.

I don't know if he was in pain, he had trouble breathing at times, then would calm - it was a rough night for me and he waited until 6 am when I went downstairs for 10 minutes to die…

I am glad you love your dog so much that it is of a concern even now - but relax, you have time - enjoy it all.

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these are my boys and little girl, 2 jack russells and a soi dog, we had his father too but alas a snake bit him and he died in my wifes arms, broke her heart, and some say thais dont like dogs, my wife loved blacky, and now we have his son docky

they have a lot of years ahead of them, but when the time comes, and if they are in pain ill end it myself as i did in the uk to my dogs i couldnt let some one else do it to my mates,

here in thailand as some know we have a pig farm, and i have pain killing injection drugs for the pigs, im sure an overdose of that would just send them to sleep, a nice peacefull end,

but it is sad just to think of it coming, ill just enjoy my mates till then




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Just lost our German Shepherd in the UK. She was nearly 11. Went off her back legs with arthritis.

There is no easy way to cope with it. I'm heartbroken : she was my best friend and companion. You just have to accept you will eventually have to go through this phase.

Therein lies the problem : the more you love them, the more it hurts when they go. Use that knowledge to appreciate having them and deal with things when they happen. Don't worry about the future now : enjoy the present.

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Anyone seen a man eating Dog?

Think about it.....laugh.png

You might want to think before you post insensitive remarks. The OP is obviously distressed at the thought of losing his dog and you want to make jokes? Not cool.

And you might like to think about what I wrote, my dear chap. Rather than thinking I was being insensitive..

I'll forgive you though, as you appear to have completely misunderstood.

Additionally, look at my previous post where I suggested a humane & painless way to euthanise his dog.

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About 2 hours ago I discovered some photos from when I was in my 20's.

Amongst them was a pic of my Collie, lovely lad he was, took him for long walks in nature with my then girlfriend.

Felt quite wistful. All so long gone now....

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This poem has helped many who are upset at having to euthanize their dog.

Brings a tear to the eye crying.gif

If it should be, that I grow frail and weak,

And pain should keep me from my sleep,

Then, you must do what must be done

For this, the last battle, can’t be won.

You will be sad, I understand

Don’t let your grief then stay your hand,

For this day, more than the rest,

Your love and friendship stand the test.

We’ve had so many happy years,

What is to come can hold no fears,

You’d not want me to suffer, so,

When the time comes, please let me go.

Take me where my needs they’ll tend,

Only, Stay with me to the end,

And hold me firm and speak to me,

Until my eyes no longer see.

I know, in time you will see,

It is a kindness you do to me

Though my tail its last has waved,

From pain and suffering I’ve been saved.

Don’t grieve it should be you,

Who decides this thing to do,

We’ve been so close, we two, these years,

Don’t let your heart hold any tears.

Smile, for we walked together,

For a little while.

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