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So is now the time to go and buy some gold?

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In fact if you do your own research you will see for yourself for each 1 ounce of physical bullion there is currently 126 ounces of so-called paper gold. When I quoted an article from Money Week saying that the gold futures market contracts exceed the amount of physical metal available for delivery by a factor of 100 you refused to accept that.

I pointed out that the article did not have any data or references, and the author even wrote himself, that it was conjecture.

Go re-read my post.

Your reply was basically that no data is needed, because everybody knows.

What’s a little unclear to me (and probably suzannegoh, who asked the same above) is whether or not you are claiming that massive fraud is being committed? The before mentioned article did imply that gold is missing, which would be fraud, e.g. if the GLD ETF does not hold the physical gold that they claim.

" What’s a little unclear to me (and probably suzannegoh, who asked the same above) is whether or not you are claiming that massive fraud is being committed? The before mentioned article did imply that gold is missing, which would be fraud, e.g. if the GLD ETF does not hold the physical gold that they claim."

absolutely I am ! and what's so unusual about that? If they can commit massive fraud with Libor rates why not with gold?

And even Dr Paul Craig Roberts former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy isn't afraid to say it is fraud?

The Hows and Whys of Gold Price Manipulation

" What we are witnessing is our central bank pulling out all stops on integrity and lawfulness in order to serve a small handful of banks that financial deregulation allowed to become “too big to fail” at the expense of our economy and our currency "

Dr Paul Craig Roberts


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I feel it will drop further. The world is going through major changes in the monetary system. Gold may lose much of its value in backing currencies so also lose apparent value. I feel currency values are headed to being backed in other ways. Perhaps by % of world trade they maintain,or god forbid their oil reserve.. So gold can become a valued thing of the past.

Gold does not "back" currencies. That was abandoned 50 years ago (Bretton Woods) and US Dollar became the world's currently standard. In fact, during world economic downturns (stock market drops, currency drops), investment in gold increases!
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Ok With people buying ETF's Say one ETF is one ounce of Silver or Gold backed by Physical

People think it's safe

But in reality they only own a fraction of that Ounce

The Banks have leveraged each ETF Maybe 200 times no one really knows for sure

It will only take one big investor to ask for his Physical metal and it will all fall apart

With the things the way they are right now there maybe be many large investors asking all at once

All that will happen is the Banks will go belly the investors will lose all their hard earned Cash

That's why with the World economy the way it is right now Owning physical is the only way to GO

But do not store it in safety deposit Boxes or Banks

When Bail-ins happen they will take all

Bullion Vaults are different though and a safe storage place for large amounts at the moment (until Governments change the Laws)

Bury your Gold in your garden or a hidden home safe or someplace where only you know

When you say that "banks have leveraged each ETF Maybe 200 times", what is the mechanism by which the do that? GLD claims to have gold in storage to back each share sold, and they do get audited.

" claims to have gold in storage to back each share sold, and they do get audited "giggle.gif

Ah but the problem is those darned audit reports keep getting lost........facepalm.gif .(one or two okay but for God's sake 7? bah.gif ) And Ron Paul was chairman of the Congressional committee looking after all this and he was the most sceptical person of all about what's really going on. You can hear his concerns which he expresses quite openly in the Congressional hearing on the gold transparency act in the video on this webpage .

US Government Lost 7 Fort Knox Gold Audit Reports


No, no no. The GLD fund never claimed to hold its gold in Ft. Knox so it's irrelevant whether Ft, Knox has been audited. GLD's gold store has been audited twice per year since inception of the fund and details of each bar of gold that they hold can be found here:


Edited by suzannegoh
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In fact if you do your own research you will see for yourself for each 1 ounce of physical bullion there is currently 126 ounces of so-called paper gold. When I quoted an article from Money Week saying that the gold futures market contracts exceed the amount of physical metal available for delivery by a factor of 100 you refused to accept that.

I pointed out that the article did not have any data or references, and the author even wrote himself, that it was conjecture.

Go re-read my post.

Your reply was basically that no data is needed, because everybody knows.

What’s a little unclear to me (and probably suzannegoh, who asked the same above) is whether or not you are claiming that massive fraud is being committed? The before mentioned article did imply that gold is missing, which would be fraud, e.g. if the GLD ETF does not hold the physical gold that they claim.

" What’s a little unclear to me (and probably suzannegoh, who asked the same above) is whether or not you are claiming that massive fraud is being committed? The before mentioned article did imply that gold is missing, which would be fraud, e.g. if the GLD ETF does not hold the physical gold that they claim."

absolutely I am ! and what's so unusual about that? If they can commit massive fraud with Libor rates why not with gold?

And even Dr Paul Craig Roberts former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy isn't afraid to say it is fraud?

The Hows and Whys of Gold Price Manipulation

" What we are witnessing is our central bank pulling out all stops on integrity and lawfulness in order to serve a small handful of banks that financial deregulation allowed to become “too big to fail” at the expense of our economy and our currency "

Dr Paul Craig Roberts


Also go to http://gata.org/ for info on Gold and Silver manipulation

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All you really have to

Ask yourself Do you trust your Government

Ask Yourself Do you trust the Banks and Banking system

If yes to both of these Leave your Currency with Banks and dont worry about Bail-in as you trust your Government

If no look at putting your Currency into Money

Edited by gazzasore
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Some off topic and nonsense conspiracy posts have been removed. This topic was about:

Anyway after reading about the Baht and the price of gold this morning, would now be a good time to go out and buy some gold?
At what levels are you likely to see returns, if at all?
If one had say 50k to 100k Baht laying around is that kind of money enough to ever see any kind of decent returns if/when the price of gold rises.
In your opinion, do you think the price of gold will increase any time soon of will it fall further still?

Topic is not about Fort Knox, Alan Greenspan or manipulation theorists.

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I purchased gold 11 years ago, my bank looks after it for me and pays me Baht for the privilege of keeping it safe.

Buy it and forget about it, don't think of a quick term investment if you can afford it.

Agreed, you can never lose on gold because when it goes down it is only manipulation.

an investment is only an investment if you gain as a result of it. and gain within the span of your commercial life. other than that it is classified a loss. and everyone who invested in gold in the last few years would have seen his / her money being lost. if you want to hedge, invest in something that is finite, like real estate. not the ultimate safe bet but a lot more contollable than metals.

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I purchased gold 11 years ago, my bank looks after it for me and pays me Baht for the privilege of keeping it safe.

Buy it and forget about it, don't think of a quick term investment if you can afford it.

Agreed, you can never lose on gold because when it goes down it is only manipulation.

an investment is only an investment if you gain as a result of it. and gain within the span of your commercial life. other than that it is classified a loss. and everyone who invested in gold in the last few years would have seen his / her money being lost. if you want to hedge, invest in something that is finite, like real estate. not the ultimate safe bet but a lot more contollable than metals.

firstly no one has lost any money unless they bought high and sold low. Most people I know that own gold are holding onto it.

secondly it's not an investment it's an insurance policy against the carnage which is going to come.

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I purchased gold 11 years ago, my bank looks after it for me and pays me Baht for the privilege of keeping it safe.

Buy it and forget about it, don't think of a quick term investment if you can afford it.

Agreed, you can never lose on gold because when it goes down it is only manipulation.

an investment is only an investment if you gain as a result of it. and gain within the span of your commercial life. other than that it is classified a loss. and everyone who invested in gold in the last few years would have seen his / her money being lost. if you want to hedge, invest in something that is finite, like real estate. not the ultimate safe bet but a lot more contollable than metals.

firstly no one has lost any money unless they bought high and sold low. Most people I know that own gold are holding onto it.

secondly it's not an investment it's an insurance policy against the carnage which is going to come.

Yes Survival Insurance

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Do you not think if your married and have a family it would be nice to leave a little financial security for your loved one and children.

I think so and really don't care what other people think. What I did and do with my finances suits me.

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The gold price is manipulated to camouflage the deteriorating monetary system. Realistically, gold should be somewhere at 5.000 US$ right now if it were to reflect what truly is going on with the world's economy. Given the relatively small investment you want to make (100k Baht?) there is no use to buy gold hoping to make a big profit on it. You should buy gold only if you can afford to have it lying around in a safe place (not in a bank!!!) for a couple of years to use it after the world economy, respectively the monetary system has collapsed and gold standard is applied again. I believe we will see things coming that will supersede our worst nightmares. In that case, you could use gold to barter for food, diesel, etc... or to get a boat ticket out of here if the s hits the fan... But I'm just a penguin, what do I know? smile.png


But you should also buy Silver

I have one problem with silver. I have bought a little bit over the last 6 months. I buy mine in the UK and I get charged VAT so I am immediately paying over the odds so the government can have a cut. There is also the sheer bulk of the stuff. If you were going to invest some serious money just to get a decent price near the market rate then you are gonna need some serious storage facility. Do you really trust the banks to look after it for you or trust a bit of paper if you don't buy the physical item?

On the plus side if the currency markets ever collapse then silver has always been the poor man's currency. You can imagine trading a 1/10th ounce or 3 grams of silver for some goods at a market but gold is way too valuable for every day exchanges.

Have a look at kitco.com no VAT or any other charges if you buy it from their pools. Safe and easy to buy and sell once you set up an account and pay into it.

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I purchased gold 11 years ago, my bank looks after it for me and pays me Baht for the privilege of keeping it safe.

Buy it and forget about it, don't think of a quick term investment if you can afford it.

Agreed, you can never lose on gold because when it goes down it is only manipulation.

an investment is only an investment if you gain as a result of it. and gain within the span of your commercial life. other than that it is classified a loss. and everyone who invested in gold in the last few years would have seen his / her money being lost. if you want to hedge, invest in something that is finite, like real estate. not the ultimate safe bet but a lot more contollable than metals.

Time will see gold and other metals cycle back up! And it sells faster than land if you need it. Diversity is really the only safe investment. A bit of stock, some commodities, some land, I have added some coins but that is with knowledge of their market...

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no mention of gold but pretty sobering...............(I wonder what he knows that we don't)?

Stock up on canned food for stock market crash, warns former Gordon Brown adviser

Mr McBride credited his former boss Gordon Brown with preventing a cataclysm by nationalising the banking system during the 2008 crash.

“We were close enough in 2008 (if the bank bailout hadn't worked),” he said. “and what's coming is on 20 times that scale”.


Edited by Asiantravel
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The Forecaster


  • MARTIN ARMSTRONG, once a US based trillion dollar financial adviser, used the number pi to predict economic turning points with precision. When some big New York bankers asked him to join the club to help them to take over Russia, he refused to join the manipulation. A few days later the FBI stormed his offices accusing him of a 3 billion dollar Ponzi Scheme - an attempt to stop him talking about the real Ponzi Scheme of debts that the US has build up over the years and which he thinks starts to collapse after October 1, 2015, a major pi turning point he is predicting.

  • The story of finance whiz Martin Armstrong reads like a movie script: a man designs a model that can predict the future. He calculates developments in the world economy with eerie accuracy and even the outbreak of wars. Until the FBI is on his doorstep and he is sent to prison. A free man again, he shares his views on the financial crisis and offers his solutions to governments.

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MARTIN ARMSTRONG, once a US based trillion dollar financial adviser


In September 1999, Armstrong faced prosecution by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission for fraud. During the trial, Armstrong was imprisoned for over seven years for civil contempt of court, one of the longest-running cases of civil contempt in American legal history. In August 2006, Armstrong pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit fraud, and began a five-year sentence.

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MARTIN ARMSTRONG, once a US based trillion dollar financial adviser


In September 1999, Armstrong faced prosecution by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission for fraud. During the trial, Armstrong was imprisoned for over seven years for civil contempt of court, one of the longest-running cases of civil contempt in American legal history. In August 2006, Armstrong pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit fraud, and began a five-year sentence.

Have you seen the Documentary?

Or you believe your Government?

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MARTIN ARMSTRONG, once a US based trillion dollar financial adviser


In September 1999, Armstrong faced prosecution by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission for fraud. During the trial, Armstrong was imprisoned for over seven years for civil contempt of court, one of the longest-running cases of civil contempt in American legal history. In August 2006, Armstrong pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit fraud, and began a five-year sentence.

Have you seen the Documentary?

Or you believe your Government?

i have lived 15 years in the U.S. and i am convinced that nobody who has "real" money and is innocent pleads guilty to a crime and goes to prison.

that's logic 101, the rest is nothing but ridiculous conspiracy bla-bla coffee1.gif

by the way... quite ridiculous is also the expression "trillion dollar financial adviser" laugh.png

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by the way... quite ridiculous is also the expression "trillion dollar financial adviser" laugh.png

How about predicting the outbreak of wars using the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter? laugh.png

Amazing how utterly uncritical some people can be, if the nonsense gives just a tiny bit of support for their world view.

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Jim Sinclair-Silver Will Be Gold On Steroids In Coming Rally , Greg Hunter

Just a few days ago you posted another video with Gerald Celente, he said he wasn’t too bullish on silver because it had an industrial use, i.e. it was useless as a value store because there was actually a way to assess it’s value laugh.png

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