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Is this the truth about Thai people?


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A couple weeks ago, I had a disagreement with about 4 Thai people where I walked away and went to a bar. Before i knew it, the 4 people had grown into 10 people waiting for me outside the bar. I try to sort things out and say sorry but before i knew it, i was jumped including by the Thais in the bar where I ran back to my Hotel. I had bruises up an down my arms and a couple knocks to my head. As soon as I was jumped by about 15 Thais, i ran for my life.

My whole view on Thai people changed that day. At the bar, this westerner came up to me and said, "you don't want to mess with Thai people, the police don't really care about Farangs". Is this true??? "they look the other way" From what i've been told, Farang are discriminated. He also said, "if you mess with one, you mess with them all".

Are Thai people really Racist and suffer from Xenophobia? Have a read from the links below which i found as well as the comments which may alarm people but is it true?

"THE PHILIPPINES is globally the friendliest country to migrants, while Thailand has the biggest number of xenophobic citizens."

"Because your average Thai lady has friend or family connections ( i.e. boyfriends, minor husbands grin.gif , brothers, fathers, who are, in addition to just being violent trash in many cases, are also...policemen, soldiers, ect); and sufficient to put your average Farang in the hospital or a bodybag, or make their lives such as hassle that they best move anyways."

"Another thing that puts many farang men under their Thai wives thumb is the fact that they often have kids together and if the relationship with the mother falters there is a better than 90% chance that the man can't take his kids out of Thailand; or even if he stays here (but splits with the wife)....his relationship with his kids can be seriously disturbed or even severed."

"So basically the odds are very heavily stacked against farang in Thailand."


"When we first moved to Chiang Mai, my wife and I were looking at schools for my son, we were told by a few schools that they do not accept children of mixed race."

"The understanding of equality, human right, etc., is like in Europe some 100 years ago."

"I have lived in Thailand on and off for over 6 years and during this time I have endured countless experiences of inconsiderate Thai people being rude, impolite, showing no manners, lack of respect, name calling, cold staring, constantly watching, ignorant, cheating, lying, etc the list goes on. Kiss goodbye to any respect or human rights you may have thought you had, as soon as you pass through immigration welcome to the land of the corrupt.

I learnt basic Thai language to in order to communicate more effectively and found that they were not interested in speaking with me lol! My wife is Thai and her family have even called me several names in the past. I fell in love with Thailand as a country years ago whilst traveling, I moved here years later and quickly realised that the Thai people are indeed very jealous, bitter, resentful and dislike foreigners immensely. The children are taught that they are the best and that foreigners are evil lol! The Thai are the evil ones. It can be a very negative place to live, I even hear children swearing and saying 'Farang Get Out' in Thai!

You would think that being married to a Thai lady life would be easier? Think again, the Banks here wouldnt even open me a bank account! When dealing with Immigration officials on occasion they were unhelpful and rude. Thailand is the most corrupt place on earth, someone could kill me and nothing would be done the police are very corrupt. Living here sometimes indeed I wish I was dead. Fortunately I plan to leave the country soon and vow never to return, if you are thinking about coming here to live think again, behind their smiles are a corrupt rotten people.

Thailand is not what it seems, they love the farang money but hate the farang as they call us. But forgive the Thai people for their sins, as they are not the most intelligent people, in fact most seem pretty stupid, they cannot compete with the rest of the world, thats why they cheat, lye and are corrupt as hell. I am generalising a little of course but you get the idea, come to Thailand to experience it for yourself you will soon see what I mean. I am counting the days until I leave and that keeps me positive!"


Edited by fitnesspm
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Thai people are not all the same. Like people from any other country, some of them are nice, some are unpleasant. If you decide they're all one thing or another, you can certainly find enough anecdotal evidence to feed your confirmation bias. But they're just people like anywhere else.

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Don't feed the troll. coffee1.gif

i'm not trolling, all my experiences in Thailand have been good except this one. I've been here for 3 months and really enjoy Thailand but if I get into trouble, I want to know that I will be safe!

The story about the 2 murdered Britian's backpackers on Koh Tao got me thinking due to the police not doing a good investigation.

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What happened to you is true about people. Places like bars and disco donot attract the cream of the crop in any country. Thailand is no different than any other country. Go to paces where booze and sex and drugs are present you will find unsavory people. Thats where the people who live by fear, intimidation, and violence go. So learn how to live within the rules or face the consequences. Pretty simple.

If you sleep with dogs you will likely get fleas.

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Agreed, it takes a lot to put them over the top... or just a few beers :-(

Depends. what the circumstances leading up to your facing a Thai gauntlet were.In most situations I have found it takes a lot to put them over the top.

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What happened to you is true about people. Places like bars and disco donot attract the cream of the crop in any country. Thailand is no different than any other country. Go to paces where booze and sex and drugs are present you will find unsavory people. Thats where the people who live by fear, intimidation, and violence go. So learn how to live within the rules or face the consequences. Pretty simple.

If you sleep with dogs you will likely get fleas.

Very true! I just don't look at Thai people the same since what happened....

The police do protect Farangs?

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Best advice I can give......

Don't get in an arguement with a Thai....Don't insult them ....Don't challenge them

In the West we fight to win....In Thailand they fight to kill

Personally have lived in Thailand over 10 years and NEVER had a confrontation ....so for me never a problem.

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Funny how you didn't explain the "argument." What was that about? What did you say? There are lines in every culture--maybe you crossed one here (I'm not going to waste time mentioning them...they should be apparent).

But the answer to the other part is, yeah, problem with one, problem with all, basically. The question is never "who did you fight?" but "how many were there?" This is true in most of Asia. Of course, if you are with locals who know you, that dynamic changes (again, depending on how much of an @*$ you are being).

I have been to many places where things turn violent much more quickly than here, often involving weapons of different types. Overall, Thailand is chill if you are respectful of people--and no, I don't mean cowering to all locals, just treating them like human beings with dignity.

So, I am not doubting your story, but it would be informative to know what, exactly, you said.

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Funny how you didn't explain the "argument." What was that about? What did you say? There are lines in every culture--maybe you crossed one here (I'm not going to waste time mentioning them...they should be apparent).

He can't explain the argument because this entire story never happened.

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What happened to you is true about people. Places like bars and disco donot attract the cream of the crop in any country. Thailand is no different than any other country. Go to paces where booze and sex and drugs are present you will find unsavory people. Thats where the people who live by fear, intimidation, and violence go. So learn how to live within the rules or face the consequences. Pretty simple.

If you sleep with dogs you will likely get fleas.

"Bars" and "discos" attract the normal people of any nation. Just because someone has a lot of money does not make that person any better than the homeless begger, in fact my experience is that people with lots of money are arrogant dickheads compared to the average "Billy Bob".

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A couple years back at one of our local night markets I chased and rugby tackled a Thai guy who had a couple months earlier fooled my wife (and admittedly me) into some item purchase that wasn't quite as described without going into too much detail, after I picked him up from the ground by the scruff of his neck I found about 30 or more Thais around me, although at the time I wasn't concerned in what their interests were, I later on found they were all supportive of me due to the scamming nature of this guy I was holding and his gang,, my later visits to the local night market were greeted by smiles and sawadee's from the local stall holders to my wife's amusement,, so I'd say depending on circumstance Thais like I think has been mentioned earlier are mostly just as friendly as other nationalities

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The same thing can and does happen anywhere.

I've been an expat for over 25 years, in which time I've worked in countries across Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas.

Thailand is the only place I've witnessed locals mob-attacking westerners.

I'm making no judgement on the OP's report only to say that his report of being attacked by a gang of Thai men is consistent with attacks I have witnessed and with similar attacks more than one friend of mine has suffered in Thailand.

Those objecting to the OP's report ought perhaps to consider the importance for foreigners to understand just how out of hand a simple argument can get in Thailand.

I agree with those giving their opinion that it takes a lot to push Thai people over the edge - the problem is, it may not be the person who is at risk of a beating that actually pushed their assailant(s) to the edge.

Thai culture causes Thai people to internalise their anger - it commonly explodes with violence when it breaks the surface.

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One can get into a fight outside a western bar just as easily if you're a dork, macho or can't shut your mouth. Mind your own business, keep controversial conversation among friends and you never will be in a fight!

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You are not in Faraangland anymore.

Your values and culture did not fit in your suite case when you came here..they are not here.

You have three options:

1) Learn how to behave.

2) Leave the country.

3) Die

Up To You!

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The same thing can and does happen anywhere.

I've been an expat for over 25 years, in which time I've worked in countries across Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas.

Thailand is the only place I've witnessed locals mob-attacking westerners.

I'm making no judgement on the OP's report only to say that his report of being attacked by a gang of Thai men is consistent with attacks I have witnessed and with similar attacks more than one friend of mine has suffered in Thailand.

Those objecting to the OP's report ought perhaps to consider the importance for foreigners to understand just how out of hand a simple argument can get in Thailand.

I agree with those giving their opinion that it takes a lot to push Thai people over the edge - the problem is, it may not be the person who is at risk of a beating that actually pushed their assailant(s) to the edge.

Thai culture causes Thai people to internalise their anger - it commonly explodes with violence when it breaks the surface.

I agree with you about South East Asia but in America it is quite common behavior in places like East St. Louis or the South Side of Chicago or a meeting of members of the Democrats party where another person can be identified as an outsider.


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The op is obviously not retired special forces unlike me!!

I'd have taken the gang out swiftly & retreated to my erv.

Wouldn't have broken a sweat & had a nice tea while discussing the small skirmish with my other SF best friends I'd just met.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Just remember you are only tolerated in the Kingdom for your money nothing else,

If my dog found a pork chop she would offer me a bite before she took one. Why just last night she offered me a dead rat she had just killed. Doesn't sound like much to you but among dogs that is dog love.

More than one women in Thailand has vouched for meat the hospital when I couldn't talk and told the doctors she would be responsible for my bills when she didn't know if I could pay.

I think you speak for yourself (as we all do) and perhaps you will find the same situation in any country you are in more because of your personality and attitude than geography.wai2.gif

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"The Philippines is globally the friendliest country to migrants, while Thailand has the biggest number of xenophobic citizens."

I've not visited all the countries in the world so I cant comment on them, but of the countries in Asia that I have visited I would say that the above quote is perfectly true.

As for farangs being ganged-up on, yes it definitely happens here. But I cant imagine it happening so much in the Philippines, if at all. In fact in the RP I would expect many Filipinos to be on the side of the farang.

Very, very different cultures and people.

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