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EU Referendum in June 2016

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It is being reported that the in / out EU Referendum will take place in June 2016.

EU referendum: David Cameron fast-tracks vote on Britain's membership of European Union to June 2016

What is interesting is that present imbeciles incumbents of No's 10 & 11 Downing street are not even on the same song sheet.

Chancellor George Osborne was believed to be keen for the referendum to be held later rather than sooner to maximise chances of securing the best possible deal for Britain, but the Prime Minister has now calculated that a 2016 vote will give him a better chance of promoting what may end up being a limited package of EU reforms, and of highlighting the economic risks Britain could face if it left the EU.



To add further fuel to the fire.

This from Hollande of France.

The French President has lobbed a large boulder into negotiations on the future of Europe by calling for a full “eurozone government” with its own ministers, parliament and budget.

Without mentioning Britain by name, François Hollande called for an “avant-garde” to push ahead towards a form of federal government leaving behind countries which opposed further “deepening” or “integration” of the 28-member European Union.



After the ballot paper fiasco at the general election I will make no attempt whatsoever to participate in this.

You're quite right, unless you can find someone to vote as your proxy. There is no other practical way to exercise your vote from Thailand.

Anyone who registered to vote prior to the May election will need to re-register before the anniversary of their registration. I had an email from my local authority last month reminding me that my registration would lapse in September and inviting me to renew it online via the government website, which I did. I got a letter from them last week confirming the registration and they've also automatically renewed my proxy without me having to fill in another form. It looks as if they've sharpened up their act a bit, but still a pity that we can't actually vote online.


To add further fuel to the fire.

This from Hollande of France.

The French President has lobbed a large boulder into negotiations on the future of Europe by calling for a full “eurozone government” with its own ministers, parliament and budget.

Without mentioning Britain by name, François Hollande called for an “avant-garde” to push ahead towards a form of federal government leaving behind countries which opposed further “deepening” or “integration” of the 28-member European Union.


There's a similar article in the Sunday Telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/11763271/The-EU-aims-to-make-us-second-class-citizens.html

Looks like the EU is leaving us....


I've never really understood why the UK government should be expected to facilitate voting from outside the UK, especially if it costs the government money to do so.

Anyone outside the UK who wants to vote can just go to the UK and do so. An alternative would be to have an overseas voting system entirely funded by those who use it, like the passport service. Up to them whether they think it's worth it.


I've never really understood why the UK government should be expected to facilitate voting from outside the UK, especially if it costs the government money to do so.

Anyone outside the UK who wants to vote can just go to the UK and do so. An alternative would be to have an overseas voting system entirely funded by those who use it, like the passport service. Up to them whether they think it's worth it.

If the Government demand that I have to continue paying tax to my dying day.

They can expect to facilitate my vote from wherever I happen to be in the world.


Looks like the EU is leaving us....

Personally, I would like to see the UK kick the EU into touch in 2016.

That would make the 2017 elections in Germany and France real popcorn events.


For those that may have a genuine interest.

This is worth reading.

Five Presidents' Report sets out plan for strengthening Europe's Economic and Monetary Union as of 1 July 2015


It seems that wheels have already been set in motion.

These wheels seem to be at odds with the changes that Cameron apparently wants to renegotiate.

Interesting times ahead.


Anyone outside the UK who wants to vote can just go to the UK and do so.

You can't, unless you've been fictitiously entered on an electoral roll.

Like Jock, as long as I am in the clutches of HMRC (and still own a house in the UK) I consider it my absolute right to vote in elections and referendums. There is a cost involved in registering citizens to vote, in or outside the UK, and I wouldn't have thought that the cost of maintaining records of those overseas greatly exceeds that of the others.


Call me Dave is being outmaneuvered by Frenchie/German alliance. They realised yonks back GB was a basket case and never part of the club.


I've never really understood why the UK government should be expected to facilitate voting from outside the UK, especially if it costs the government money to do so.

Anyone outside the UK who wants to vote can just go to the UK and do so. An alternative would be to have an overseas voting system entirely funded by those who use it, like the passport service. Up to them whether they think it's worth it.

If the Government demand that I have to continue paying tax to my dying day.

They can expect to facilitate my vote from wherever I happen to be in the world.

Unlike the US government the UK only taxes its non-resident citizens if they have UK income. It seems entirely reasonable to pay UK tax if you have UK income.

And in fact they dont even tax non-residents on all UK income. I have a lot of UK income that isnt taxed in the UK at all.


I've never really understood why the UK government should be expected to facilitate voting from outside the UK, especially if it costs the government money to do so.

Anyone outside the UK who wants to vote can just go to the UK and do so. An alternative would be to have an overseas voting system entirely funded by those who use it, like the passport service. Up to them whether they think it's worth it.

If the Government demand that I have to continue paying tax to my dying day.

They can expect to facilitate my vote from wherever I happen to be in the world.

Unlike the US government the UK only taxes its non-resident citizens if they have UK income. It seems entirely reasonable to pay UK tax if you have UK income.

And in fact they dont even tax non-residents on all UK income. I have a lot of UK income that isnt taxed in the UK at all.

We can agree to disagree.

By law they take tax from me, but wish to strip away lots of my rights.

Not cricket in my eyes.

They cannot have it both ways.

I would be really interested to know who you get away with not paying tax on UK income ? Of course if it creative accounting or offshore I fully understand.


I've never really understood why the UK government should be expected to facilitate voting from outside the UK, especially if it costs the government money to do so.

Anyone outside the UK who wants to vote can just go to the UK and do so. An alternative would be to have an overseas voting system entirely funded by those who use it, like the passport service. Up to them whether they think it's worth it.

The proxy system works quite well, as long as you register/re-register in time and have someone in the UK to be your proxy.


I've never really understood why the UK government should be expected to facilitate voting from outside the UK, especially if it costs the government money to do so.

Anyone outside the UK who wants to vote can just go to the UK and do so. An alternative would be to have an overseas voting system entirely funded by those who use it, like the passport service. Up to them whether they think it's worth it.

The proxy system works quite well, as long as you register/re-register in time and have someone in the UK to be your proxy.

Understood, but in the 21st century it is reasonable for the electorate to expect to be serviced, be they in Antarctica, Alice springs or Aberdeen.


I would be really interested to know who you get away with not paying tax on UK income ?

I "get away" with nothing. I just take what is available.

By concession no extra income tax is due on UK dividend income and UK deposit interest/gilt coupons paid gross at source, assuming this represents all a non-resident's UK income. There are (currently) no limits to this. The situation is more complex if there is other income.


I've never really understood why the UK government should be expected to facilitate voting from outside the UK, especially if it costs the government money to do so.

Anyone outside the UK who wants to vote can just go to the UK and do so. An alternative would be to have an overseas voting system entirely funded by those who use it, like the passport service. Up to them whether they think it's worth it.

The proxy system works quite well, as long as you register/re-register in time and have someone in the UK to be your proxy.

Seems like a reasonable option, and presumably not too costly.


I would be really interested to know who you get away with not paying tax on UK income ?

I "get away" with nothing. I just take what is available.

By concession no extra income tax is due on UK dividend income and UK deposit interest/gilt coupons paid gross at source, assuming this represents all a non-resident's UK income. There are (currently) no limits to this. The situation is more complex if there is other income.

So do a lot of tax avoiders or is the word evaders ?? I can never remember which one is legal and which one is illegal

Not that I am suggesting that you are doing anything illegal. There are forms of income that are taxed at source and leave a person no other options.

All I am saying is, if the UK Government are committed to denying us everything and anything, which they seem intent on doing. Then stop taxing us and cut us off completely.

That is never going to happen, so desperate are they, that they need to claw in every penny that they can get.

How did we get to that point ? That's right, successive UK Governments took us there.


Looks like the EU is leaving us....

Personally, I would like to see the UK kick the EU into touch in 2016.

That would make the 2017 elections in Germany and France real popcorn events.

remember what happened when Ireland voted ,they wanted to leave so they just voted again until they stayed Cameron will spend a fortune to get the sheep to vote to stay its to much of a gravy train for them to let it go

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