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Cyber Inspectors


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I couldn't help noticing Post Database's straight-faced article about the 60 students that the ICT ministry has tasked with cleaning up the Internet for us. The irony of having schoolkids censor a medium used by adults seems to have escaped the Post's reporter. I mean, how on earth is a 15-year-old going to know what would "have an impact on Thailand's national security"? In most cases I think they will tend to overreact and just zap any site that looks or feels "bad."

This reminds me of that old story (or urban legend) about the blind police censor of movies in Bangkok. Supposedly, he got the job because there wasn't much else he could do. When asked how he knew what was porn and what wasn't, he said, "I know smut when I hear it." :o

I was told that the cyber inspectors at the ICT Ministry were originally known as the Cyber Inspection Authority (CIA), which kind of gives an insight into the mentality there.

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