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2016 Republicans use Trump, TV to make debate cut


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The program is extreme right wing propaganda.

Except for the 20 paid progressive commentators and numerous liberals who appear and present left-wing talking points every single day for free. laugh.png

Comments like that are why I usually don't engage FOX viewers. I don't tolerate nonsense like that.

"Nonsense" like what? Are you denying that Fox News has liberal representatives on constantly spewing their talking point and explaining their point of view? There are more conservatives represented, because it is a conservative network, but anyone who denies that liberal ideas are presented and defended is a liar. They don't win too many debates, but they certainly are not censored in any way.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The program is extreme right wing propaganda.

Except for the 20 paid progressive commentators and numerous liberals who appear and present left-wing talking points every single day for free. laugh.png
Comments like that are why I usually don't engage FOX viewers. I don't tolerate nonsense like that.
"Nonsense" like what? Are you denying that Fox News has liberal representatives on constantly spewing their talking point and explaining their point of view? There are more conservatives represented, because it is a conservative network, but anyone who denies that liberal ideas are presented and defended is a liar. They don't win too many debates, but they certainly are not censored in any way.

The only gripe I have is they call it "news". It ain't a news station. It is a political propaganda show. Don't call it news.

It's right wing entertainment like Rush Limbaugh.

Calling it news is an insult to real journalists.

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Off-topic posts and replies removed. The thread is about the 2016 Republican debates. It's not about Fox News and remarks about Fox News need to be made in the context of the debate. Specifics about specific journalists and programs is off-topic.

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The program is extreme right wing propaganda.

Except for the 20 paid progressive commentators and numerous liberals who appear and present left-wing talking points every single day for free. laugh.png

Comments like that are why I usually don't engage FOX viewers. I don't tolerate nonsense like that.

FOX "news" president, Roger Ailes was forced to admit that his program is a counter weight to all the "liberal" news outlets.

That is how he came up with the "fair & balanced" slogan.

MSNBC does the same act on the reverse side for the democrats.

Sleaze merchants peddling insults, fear and hate for a political gain.

These programs are political campaigns framed as "news." Willing to say anything to bring in the votes.

The people that work for Roger or MSNBC are the laughing stock of real journalists.

It will be an interesting debate.

I believe Roger won't allow Trump to throw his insults at the conservative field. Tearing down republicans is against Rogers orthodoxy.

He will instruct Trump to attack Hillary only. Lay off his fellow republicans.

Why would Trump allow himself to be ordered to do anything? He has too much money to care what anyone else thinks. However, he may, of his own volition, attempt to play the statesman and not attack the GOP contenders.

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Yes, and the two Florida Republicans who have won elections in Florida time and again for governor or US Senator are taking serious gas at this point. The Donald has arrived in Florida, he sees Republicans, he conquers yet another state Republican party.

Shock poll: Donald Trump leads Jeb Bush 26-20 percent … in Florida

For the first time this year, Donald Trump tops a state poll of GOP presidential candidates in Florida.

A St. Pete Polls survey released on Wednesday shows the New York businessman with 26 percent support, with Jeb Bush in second place with 20 percent.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is in third place with 12 percent, and Marco Rubio is in fourth place with 10 percent.


Meanwhile, back on planet Earth....

Trump leads Republicans, but Democrats thump him: poll

Washington (AFP) - Bombastic US billionaire Donald Trump handily leads all fellow Republicans in the 2016 presidential race, though Hillary Clinton and other Democrats trump him in head-to-head matchups, a poll said Thursday.

Trump's negatives are sky-high, however. He led the "no way" list, with 30 percent of Republicans saying they definitely would not support him.

All three [Democrats] lead Trump in hypothetical matchups, with Clinton the furthest ahead at 48-36 percent, according to Quinnipiac.


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No. Cruz did not attack McConnell because of highway add-ons. Where did you come up with that spurious idea? Just make stuff up and think no one will check?

From the mouth of Cruz on his tv interview. So much for your putdown cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

Mind showing that interview?

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Two questions the republican candidates won't be asked at the FOX debates.

1. Do you believe teaching creation or evolution in our science classes at our schools?

2. Do you think the majority of 480,000 earth scientists at the American Academy Of Scientists are wrong on global warming?

Likely just the opposite. The 'flat earth' candidates will answer these questions as fits their agenda and the crowd will love it. The loudest cheers will come when words like bomb and kill are used. Just like the 2012 primaries.

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After reading this I've ordered a second truckload of popcorn.....

The Fox News GOP Debate Could Draw the Biggest Audience in Cable News History — and Roger Ailes Is Making All the Rules

Fox told campaigns this week that the candidates will be lined up onstage according to their poll numbers, with the leader in the center and the others to his left and right. That means if current numbers hold, Trump will be in the center flanked by Jeb Bush and Scott Walker. “There’s a lot of nervousness about where he’s going to be placed and who will be next to him,” one adviser said. In any normal debate, candidates would obviously fight to be in the middle, but being center stage next to Trump could be as much of a liability as an advantage. Who knows what he might do? “It’s almost like you don’t want to be too close,” one campaign adviser says, “in case he self-combusts.”


Ailes and Ohio Gov John Kasich are long time pals in their home state but Ailes definitely prefers as Number 10 the Texas former Governor Rick "Oops" Perry whom Ailes regards as the car wreck on television everyone wants to tune in to watch happen in real time.

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The Republican party is not in charge of this debate, Roger Ailes is in charge of it as the Republican party has been reduced to bystander in this election. Over on that side of the divide, the right is in charge.

"By doubling down on crazy, Fox is driving the center of the Republican Party further down the rabid hole. They are reshaping the party into a more radicalized community of conspiracy nuts. So even as this helps Rupert Murdoch’s bottom line, it is making celebrities of political bottom-feeders. That can’t be good for the long-term prospects of the Republican Party.

"The leaders of the Republican Party are not setting its agenda [...] it is conservative media" that represents....an expanding web of 'news' sites and social media outlets with financial and ideological alliances with far-right anti-government, anti-establishment groups like Heritage Action, Americans for Prosperity, Club for Growth and FreedomWorks. Once allied with but now increasingly hostile to the Republican hierarchy, conservative media are shaping the party’s agenda in ways that are impeding Republicans’ ability to govern and to win presidential elections."


The link cites and quotes some pretty prominent Republicans, such as Bruce Bartlet, and various academic research projects such as one recently completed at Harvard.

Edited by Publicus
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After reading this I've ordered a second truckload of popcorn.....

The Fox News GOP Debate Could Draw the Biggest Audience in Cable News History — and Roger Ailes Is Making All the Rules

Fox told campaigns this week that the candidates will be lined up onstage according to their poll numbers, with the leader in the center and the others to his left and right. That means if current numbers hold, Trump will be in the center flanked by Jeb Bush and Scott Walker. “There’s a lot of nervousness about where he’s going to be placed and who will be next to him,” one adviser said. In any normal debate, candidates would obviously fight to be in the middle, but being center stage next to Trump could be as much of a liability as an advantage. Who knows what he might do? “It’s almost like you don’t want to be too close,” one campaign adviser says, “in case he self-combusts.”


Ailes and Ohio Gov John Kasich are long time pals in their home state but Ailes definitely prefers as Number 10 the Texas former Governor Rick "Oops" Perry whom Ailes regards as the car wreck on television everyone wants to tune in to watch happen in real time.

I am looking forward to this debate like I've never looked forward to any debate before. Not because I think the next President will come from this line-up, but for the entertainment value. In a word, Trump. Either the guy is going to surprise us all, or he's going to crash and burn in a massive, historic, unprecedented way. I tend to think the latter.

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After reading this I've ordered a second truckload of popcorn.....

The Fox News GOP Debate Could Draw the Biggest Audience in Cable News History — and Roger Ailes Is Making All the Rules

Fox told campaigns this week that the candidates will be lined up onstage according to their poll numbers, with the leader in the center and the others to his left and right. That means if current numbers hold, Trump will be in the center flanked by Jeb Bush and Scott Walker. “There’s a lot of nervousness about where he’s going to be placed and who will be next to him,” one adviser said. In any normal debate, candidates would obviously fight to be in the middle, but being center stage next to Trump could be as much of a liability as an advantage. Who knows what he might do? “It’s almost like you don’t want to be too close,” one campaign adviser says, “in case he self-combusts.”


Ailes and Ohio Gov John Kasich are long time pals in their home state but Ailes definitely prefers as Number 10 the Texas former Governor Rick "Oops" Perry whom Ailes regards as the car wreck on television everyone wants to tune in to watch happen in real time.

I am looking forward to this debate like I've never looked forward to any debate before. Not because I think the next President will come from this line-up, but for the entertainment value. In a word, Trump. Either the guy is going to surprise us all, or he's going to crash and burn in a massive, historic, unprecedented way. I tend to think the latter.

Agreed. It's hard not to watch when the implosion could me at any moment.

I'm personally hoping he brings a supply of coconut cream pies to toss at the others faces.

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The Republican party is not in charge of this debate, Roger Ailes is in charge of it as the Republican party has been reduced to bystander in this election. Over on that side of the divide, the right is in charge.

"By doubling down on crazy, Fox is driving the center of the Republican Party further down the rabid hole. They are reshaping the party into a more radicalized community of conspiracy nuts. So even as this helps Rupert Murdochs bottom line, it is making celebrities of political bottom-feeders. That cant be good for the long-term prospects of the Republican Party.

"The leaders of the Republican Party are not setting its agenda [...] it is conservative media" that represents....an expanding web of 'news' sites and social media outlets with financial and ideological alliances with far-right anti-government, anti-establishment groups like Heritage Action, Americans for Prosperity, Club for Growth and FreedomWorks. Once allied with but now increasingly hostile to the Republican hierarchy, conservative media are shaping the partys agenda in ways that are impeding Republicans ability to govern and to win presidential elections."


The link cites and quotes some pretty prominent Republicans, such as Bruce Bartlet, and various academic research projects such as one recently completed at Harvard.

You quote a liberal "news" source to talk about a Republican debate. Actually, you're not talking about the debate, you're trying to demonize conservatives.

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No. Cruz did not attack McConnell because of highway add-ons. Where did you come up with that spurious idea? Just make stuff up and think no one will check?

From the mouth of Cruz on his tv interview. So much for your putdown cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

Mind showing that interview?

How am I going to do that rolleyes.gif ? Do you think I record everything I see on tv? You can believe me or not, hup to you.

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anyway CLINTON will be The President

Not if she's convicted of sending classified e mails on her personal e mail account. 2 inspector generals have said she did.

Maybe this will be the "scandal" that will bring her down.

I mean, the law of averages, right?


I've wondered about this for a while -- if Hillary gets taken down who will be the pinch hitter? And then there's timing. If she gets taken down before the convention or after (providing, of course, that she gets that far).

My guess is Joe Biden will step up. Why is this man always smiling?

No one is mentioning Kasich. This guy is the real deal. If I was a Republican he's the one 'd be pushing for. But I'm not, so I'm pushing for Scott Walker, the guy makes Mitt Romney seem charismatic.

clowns (meaning no way could they carry the national vote for presidency): Huckabee, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Fiorina, Santorum, Paul, Perry

real candidates (which is not to say all of these actually have chance): Walker, Kasich, Pataki, Christie, Graham, Bush

IMO there are no serious alternatives to Clinton. Biden is a laughing stock from all his goofs while VP, Sanders is a leftie loonie and errr, I can't even think of anyone else. One of them might get elected, but that would just be Dems voting to keep the GOP out, not FOR someone on their record.

It's entirely possible that Trump will win just because enough people are sick of the do nothing grey men and women that currently inhabit Congress. I guess it depends on the debates.

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No. Cruz did not attack McConnell because of highway add-ons. Where did you come up with that spurious idea? Just make stuff up and think no one will check?

From the mouth of Cruz on his tv interview. So much for your putdown cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

Mind showing that interview?

How am I going to do that rolleyes.gif ? Do you think I record everything I see on tv? You can believe me or not, hup to you.

Cruz lost the plot and is went all "Palin"on us, calling the president of the USA a sponsor of terrorism. Remember "Obama pals around with terrorists" was Palins often repeated her.

Can you imagine the world wide audience watching a US Senator saying those type of things?

Watch a few hours of AlJazeera News and then watch a few hours of the FAUX News, then count up and score how many insults were hurled at the US President.

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From the mouth of Cruz on his tv interview. So much for your putdown cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

Mind showing that interview?

How am I going to do that rolleyes.gif ? Do you think I record everything I see on tv? You can believe me or not, hup to you.

Cruz lost the plot and is went all "Palin"on us, calling the president of the USA a sponsor of terrorism. Remember "Obama pals around with terrorists" was Palins often repeated her.

Can you imagine the world wide audience watching a US Senator saying those type of things?

Watch a few hours of AlJazeera News and then watch a few hours of the FAUX News, then count up and score how many insults were hurled at the US President.

count up and score how many insults were hurled at the US President.

IMO not enough. Second worst president ( G W Bush was the worst ) in my memory and some have been pretty bad.

quote removed to allow posting

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I'm in the centre and I don't see the lefts demonising like they do on the right.

You are not in the center. It is interesting that you tell yourself that. You don't see the lefts demonising like they do on the right, because you are on the same wavelength. They are just as bad or worse.

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The more they hammer Trump the more he wins. They are creating distance between themselves and Trump to his advantage. The voters are figuring out the mainstream candidates are pathetic.

Edited by losworld
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I'm in the centre and I don't see the lefts demonising like they do on the right.

You are not in the center. It is interesting that you tell yourself that. You don't see the lefts demonising like they do on the right, because you are on the same wavelength. They are just as bad or worse.

I grew up as a redneck. I like guns and don't like paying taxes.

That's my conservative side.

I would vote for republican John Huntsman. If he ran again.

I do prefer the way the democrats handle the economy.

Much better record at job creation, GDP, managing debt, avoiding expensive wars.

I would say I'm center but watching FOX has drivin me to the left of center. It's pathetic what has happened to the republicans.

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I'm in the centre and I don't see the lefts demonising like they do on the right.

You are not in the center. It is interesting that you tell yourself that. You don't see the lefts demonising like they do on the right, because you are on the same wavelength. They are just as bad or worse.

I grew up as a redneck. I like guns and don't like paying taxes.

That's my conservative side.

I would vote for republican John Huntsman. If he ran again.

I do prefer the way the democrats handle the economy.

Much better record at job creation, GDP, managing debt, avoiding expensive wars.

I would say I'm center but watching FOX has drivin me to the left of center. It's pathetic what has happened to the republicans.

I do prefer the way the democrats handle the economy.

Much better record at job creation, GDP, managing debt, avoiding expensive wars.


The US under Reagan rescued the economy and created more jobs than any other president. You know, the REPUBLICAN president. Clinton only made jobs because he worked WITH the GOP.

Under Obama the deficit has gone from something like 10 trillion to over 17 trillion dollars in just 1 and half terms. Under Obama, there was no budget passed. Under Obama, war with Libya, IS and Afghanistan continues. What he has done is discharge thousands of military to no jobs and no hope- the VA is a disgrace.

The Dems are great at giving people for nothing though and keeping them in the poverty trap.

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I do prefer the way the democrats handle the economy.

Anyone who studies both parties objectively will find that their handling of the economy is pretty much equal over a long period. Neither one can claim to be superior over time, but you can choose sides if it makes you feel better.

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I do prefer the way the democrats handle the economy.

Anyone who studies both parties objectively will find that their handling of the economy is pretty much equal over a long period. Neither one can claim to be superior over time, but you can choose sides if it makes you feel better.

Since 1960 the republicans have increased the national debt by 425%.

An average of 85% increased debt per republican president.

(Reagan was the most irresponsible & raised the debt by 186%. Only Bush comes close with 101% increase)

Since 1960 the democrats have increased the national debt by 149%.

An average of 29% per democrat president.

Similar numbers for GDP and job growth. I will be pleased to post the charts back to 1960.

If you have investment in the USA you will statistically be better off with a democrat administration.

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Fox News will expand its lower-profile debate to all declared candidates outside of the top 10, instead of reserving the stage for only those polling at least 1 percent nationally.

Michael Clemente, Fox News’s executive vice president, first told Politico in a statement that the network made the decision based on “overwhelming interest” and will include any candidate “consistently being offered to respondents in major national polls, as recognized by Fox News."

“Everyone included in these debates has a chance to be President of the United States and we look forward to showcasing all of the candidates in the first primary event of the 2016 election season,” he said.

Fox has not yet released the polls that it will use to determine the standings and decide who will take the stage in the top debate and who will be relegated to the second-tier debate. But the decision means that candidates hovering toward the end of the crowded field won’t be shut out if Fox uses polls that have them below 1 percent.

Both debates will take place on August 6.


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