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will i be respected and tolerated in Thailand? im my country im like a freak


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many of them go barefoot https://www.google.es/search?tbm=isch&sa=1&btnG=Buscar&q=thai+buddhist+monks

not guide books, internet lol



thank you i liked your answer, i aprecciate it Neeranam

i thought of being a Sadhu too

you meditate?

drugs are shit,

i wont, even if i have to be a bum,

in singapore many offered me job and allowed to work barefoot as long as they pay me half of what they pay others, thats a price i pay

but im interested in thailand more

i didnt understood the "retired civil bloody servants and boring breadheads meeting their "left on the Thai shelf" wives. " can you explain further? my english is not perfect

that quote of lao tzu thank you very much, awesome it helped me

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I suspect you are taking the piss or are really crying for help. If it's the latter do you have a dad or a granddad, an uncle or even just a trusted friend you could ask for advice on this?

If not and you are relying on advice from this forum, I am afraid you are probably just gimped.

There are people here who can probably offer you surrogate parental advice but if honest you do sound a little bit gimped and need real professional help.

Hugs are great, but they are short term.

Have courage redirect your cry for help to people you trust, start with them in most cases they will back you and support you, if not do a search on the forum for more professional help.

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I suspect you are taking the piss or are really crying for help. If it's the latter do you have a dad or a granddad, an uncle or even just a trusted friend you could ask for advice on this?

If not and you are relying on advice from this forum, I am afraid you are probably just gimped.

There are people here who can probably offer you surrogate parental advice but if honest you do sound a little bit gimped and need real professional help.

Hugs are great, but they are short term.

Have courage redirect your cry for help to people you trust, start with them in most cases they will back you and support you, if not do a search on the forum for more professional help.

are you messing with me laughing or are you serious? hahahahahahah

no they cant help me because they are not Thai and i want to know if Thais are tolerant

hugs?? HAHA go hug yourself with a streetlight i dont need hugs

hahahahahahhahah cry for help

you must be laughing at me, ok

that pity form of laughing at someone taking pity can be very offensive, not cool i didnt like that Bangel72

i got no respect for you from now on

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Just so you know,

A monk was convicted of the murder of back-packer Johanne Masheder.

Numerous monks have been defrocked due to drug fuelled sex parties with hookers.

Thai monk Luang Pu Nenkham also known as the "jet setting monk" flew everywhere in a private jet.

It kinda puts wearing flip-flops into perspective, eh?

Thai monks are not saints. They are people with the same weaknesses as other people.

You are going to be severely disappointed of the state of Buddhism in this country.

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Just so you know,

A monk was convicted of the murder of back-packer Johanne Masheder.

Numerous monks have been defrocked due to drug fuelled sex parties with hookers.

Thai monk Luang Pu Nenkham also known as the "jet setting monk" flew everywhere in a private jet.

It kinda puts wearing flip-flops into perspective, eh?

Thai monks are not saints. They are people with the same weaknesses as other people.

You are going to be severely disappointed of the state of Buddhism in this country.

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I think the OP`s young age is what goes against him in Thailand.

One has to be in their 60s and over, have a huge beer gut, gross, sweaty, smelly and fat, have grey hair tied in a pig tail, wear dentures, be a chain smoker, a borderline alcoholic, wearing certain fashion clothes that try to convince them they look the same as they did when in their 20s to really fit in here.

Although still too young to qualify, the example pictured below is considered a stereotypical ex-pat in Thailand and although most would not want that as a neighbor, they are generally accepted everywhere.


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I originally thought this guy a pretty incompetent and obvious troll, but considering the number of people that responded to him - guess I was wrong.

It's raining, so I can't play golf today... That's my story and I'm sticking to it... thumbsup.gif

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Yes, monks are supposed to go bare-foot, but, 99% of them wear flip-flops.

Monks are NOT supposed to do a lot of things, yet, they still do them.

Just understand that many of the monks that you see in Thailand are ex-criminals, just out of gaol and doing a three month penance before going back to their old ways.

99% of monks wear flip flops? thats not true, ive read a lot about it

many of the monks are ex-criminals? someone can back up that? no offense man but after the 99% uses flip flops thing you lose authority in what u say, most monks in photos asking for food in the morning are barefoot

p.d. opporna remember einstein was 26 when he proposed relativity

Whoever said 99% of monks wear flip flops or ex-crimnals should be brought to court on defamation charges, for those statements are flat out lies. There are a few people in this forum who speak to hear themselves. Some in this forum like to call people they don't understand or agree with crazy. I have many friends in the states that choose to dress and look differently and they are not freaks to those who understand and appreciate individualism.

Thailand has more positives than negatives even with a military government. If that is not true then this forum would be empty. My advice: Leave behind what you have suffered and open your mind. It took me awhile to leave the aggressive mentality of the state's behind and accept the passive nature of Thai culture. Take some Thai language lessons. It will help you to know and make good Thai friends . Good luck and welcome to The Land Of Smile.

Is this post aimed at me?

Seems you were not as successful as you thought about leaving that "aggressive mentality". Your first paragraph reeks of it.

Go to The Land Of Smith and Wesson and you'll not be so sensitive to my post. But I suggest, for that less quivering feeling in your bunghole, you remain in The Land Of Smile. And by the way, if you can read, I said "Whoever" But it seems your bloomers got twisted. Edited by Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere
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99% of monks wear flip flops? thats not true, ive read a lot about it

many of the monks are ex-criminals? someone can back up that? no offense man but after the 99% uses flip flops thing you lose authority in what u say, most monks in photos asking for food in the morning are barefoot

p.d. opporna remember einstein was 26 when he proposed relativity

Whoever said 99% of monks wear flip flops or ex-crimnals should be brought to court on defamation charges, for those statements are flat out lies. There are a few people in this forum who speak to hear themselves. Some in this forum like to call people they don't understand or agree with crazy. I have many friends in the states that choose to dress and look differently and they are not freaks to those who understand and appreciate individualism.

Thailand has more positives than negatives even with a military government. If that is not true then this forum would be empty. My advice: Leave behind what you have suffered and open your mind. It took me awhile to leave the aggressive mentality of the state's behind and accept the passive nature of Thai culture. Take some Thai language lessons. It will help you to know and make good Thai friends . Good luck and welcome to The Land Of Smile.

Is this post aimed at me?

Seems you were not as successful as you thought about leaving that "aggressive mentality". Your first paragraph reeks of it.

Go to The Land Of Smith and Wesson and you'll not be so sensitive to my post. But I suggest, for that less quivering feeling in your bunghole, you remain in The Land Of Smile. And by the way, if you can read, I said "Whoever" But it seems your bloomers got twisted.

Tch....tch.....why so aggressive with your answers? I thought you had got in touch with you feminine side?

PS. I have skin like a rhinoceros.

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you give useful information, but seriously many of you don't know what a troll really means, you all look dumb using troll out of context

im not a troll what i post is real and i want information and help with it

troll is simple to understand you know

ridiculed by many yes, but less than in the rest of the world i think thats the key

not, you cant be tolerated and disrepected,

if someone disrecpets for something is because they do not tolerate isnt it?

but you can, as backwards as you said, be respected and not tolerated, like people not tolerating you but respecting you for fear

"loved by many, hated by many, respected by all" a thing they said about ali

many didnt tolerated stalin, but no one dared to disrespect him as they would end up with a bullet in their heads


Thank you for you reply. The post is a troll because such a question, which I do sincerely believe you wish to ask is a question to which any reasonable netizen should expect a largely ridiculous response. So before when you asked the same question the moderators shut the thread down expecting you to be beat up too much. I'm glad this time it has been allowed to proceed. As a response to my post you choose to redefine the meaning of the word tolerance to suit you own purposes. That is how we say, "up to you". Thailand is indeed very tolerant of the eccentricities of its foreign residents, but unfortunately Thailand cannot be all things for all people. Let me give you a more concrete example. Thailand is very tolerant of LGBT people, which is a good thing. If a gay couple walks around hand in hand, canoodling, they would be tolerated. Nobody would say a thing. But you would not be respected, because public display of affection is frowned upon, gay or straight. Now a gay couple does that in Moscow, they will not be tolerated and likely would be beaten in the street by thuggish brutes.

You believe you are looked at as a "freak" in your own country and yet you appear to seek affirmation that you will not be looked down upon in Thailand.

You have your responses from people on this board familiar with Thai culture and they are not all completely negative. Thousands of young people here look exactly as you have described yourself, except 99.9 percent have footwear of some kind. You will be expected to "dress properly" in temples, banks and government offices. In fact in Temples and homes and many offices you remove your shoes because sacred spaces and clean areas are to be kept pure and clean, not sullied with dirt and the filth of the streets.

I respect your barefoot lifestyle but Thai culture will not. Sorry.

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Long hair .. No probs, many older guys have, with pony tails too.

Tats ... No probs, many bar girls are into them.

No shoes ... Some probs, mainly dogshit.

Will you be respected ... Full of probs, very few non-locals are truly respected here. Of course having a large cash or credit reserve can help to overcome this, to some extent.

Unfortunately, being young and athletic looking is of little or no use unless accompanied by the aforementioned reserves.

The only freebies here are with ladyboys, allegedly.

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. When I was in India, I meditated a lot,, up to 8 hours a day when on spiritual retreats. Now, I do for an average of 15 minutes a day.

I think you scare a lot of people, then again so did Jesus, and many other spiritual masters, by going against the norm.

20 years ago, I had a girlfriend for about a year. She was an angel as she put up with my frequent alcoholic binges. When it came time to meet her family who are very religious/spiritual, who had come a long ay to Bangkok, she asked me to be on my best behavior. I thought what a cheek so had a few drinks and I often walked around my apartment with no shoes on so decided to go into town without any shoes. When I arrived at the restaurant, shoeless, I sat down and immediately fell off the chair. However, the father was a well-respected village headman who had been a monk himself for 20 years, liked me and invited me to their house where we had some wonderful conversations about spiritual matters, my Buddhist experiences with H The Dalai Lama and visiting the Buddhist places in India..

I understand why people seem to enjoy pointing out wayward monks and the negative aspects of religion - it is actually a psychological defect in themselves.

I've been to spiritual retreats here and many Temples. I am not not a Buddhist but am fascinated by some of their practices.

There are different types of monks, some are devout and walk barefoot always, some are more like social workers. It's irrational to think a country with so many monks that they are al going to be bodhisatvas. They are generally men trying to better themselves spiritually - what a crime, even if they were criminals - it is NOT an easy life. Remember when you point the finger at a monk, there are 3 fingers pointing at yourself.

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Just so you know,

A monk was convicted of the murder of back-packer Johanne Masheder.

Numerous monks have been defrocked due to drug fuelled sex parties with hookers.

Thai monk Luang Pu Nenkham also known as the "jet setting monk" flew everywhere in a private jet.

It kinda puts wearing flip-flops into perspective, eh?

Thai monks are not saints. They are people with the same weaknesses as other people.

You are going to be severely disappointed of the state of Buddhism in this country.

How many monks do you personally know?

I think you are talking through what is under your ponytail.

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Just so you know,

A monk was convicted of the murder of back-packer Johanne Masheder.

Numerous monks have been defrocked due to drug fuelled sex parties with hookers.

Thai monk Luang Pu Nenkham also known as the "jet setting monk" flew everywhere in a private jet.

It kinda puts wearing flip-flops into perspective, eh?

Thai monks are not saints. They are people with the same weaknesses as other people.

You are going to be severely disappointed of the state of Buddhism in this country.

How many monks do you personally know?

I think you are talking through what is under your ponytail.

Firstly, I'm not vain enough to wear a pony tail at my age.

Secondly, do you read the news?

Nothing I said in my post is untrue.

Criminals DO go into the monk-hood after leaving gaol. I'm sure you know that.

Monks HAVE been dis-robed for taking drugs and having sex.

There is a picture of the "jet-setting" monk on this thread.

All I'm saying is that monks are human and there is no way that that they are going to match-up to the expectations of the OP. How many monks I know has nothing to do with it.

Here's a few, a very few links. There are loads in Google.

I suppose you think that they're all saints?





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Just so you know,

A monk was convicted of the murder of back-packer Johanne Masheder.

Numerous monks have been defrocked due to drug fuelled sex parties with hookers.

Thai monk Luang Pu Nenkham also known as the "jet setting monk" flew everywhere in a private jet.

It kinda puts wearing flip-flops into perspective, eh?

Thai monks are not saints. They are people with the same weaknesses as other people.

You are going to be severely disappointed of the state of Buddhism in this country.

How many monks do you personally know?

I think you are talking through what is under your ponytail.

Firstly, I'm not vain enough to wear a pony tail at my age.

Secondly, do you read the news?

Nothing I said in my post is untrue.

Criminals DO go into the monk-hood after leaving gaol. I'm sure you know that.

Monks HAVE been dis-robed for taking drugs and having sex.

There is a picture of the "jet-setting" monk on this thread.

All I'm saying is that monks are human and there is no way that that they are going to match-up to the expectations of the OP. How many monks I know has nothing to do with it.

Here's a few, a very few links. There are loads in Google.

I suppose you think that they're all saints?





You could have saved a lot of time and bandwidth by saying, "I don't know any monks"

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Becoming a monk is a tradition for every Thai man, it's nothing like becoming a monk in say a Christian country like where you are from. Of course there are rogues who enter the monkhood but that doesn't take away the fact that many monks are devout.

I was asking how many you know because I happen to have met loads and spent quite a lot of time in temples, where I can experience what the average monk is like unlike you that read the gutter press and make a broad generalisation about all Thai monks - totally irrational.

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i know bro there must be bad apples in buddhism, and many that uses flip flops but not 99%

that photo of the jet raised a lot of hate haha



what what what?? why???????????



i didnt understood can you explain it further beetle to help me please?

youngs are not as tolerated? why?

aesthethics is important for me and i kind of arise a feeling of pride

"dont hate me because im beautiful nigga" -lamar



again that is not a troll,

ill teach you

troll means and offensive person, who go provoking others and saying bullshit, crazy things in order to amuse himself

jimmy from gta v explains it

SO, mine is not a troll, BECAUSE, what i say its real, im searching for TRUE help, thats not troll

its simple

thank you for the help arunsakda

no again i didnt redefine nothing, its just you dont know the much the meaning of tolerance and respect the same as the word troll, again you are mixing respect and tolerance, its backwards, public affection and no one saying a thing is not tolerated, but respected, its simple

yes thanks, i suppose i cannot be at temples because my feet would be too dirty, and at banks offices ets some must respect it even if they dont like it, i dress well the only part is that im always barefoot

well monks walk barefoot and go to temples, no then its ok

p.d. i love gta v

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8 hours?? thats crazy, badass, awesome, u must be great i admire it

scare in what way? i agree

jesus was hated by some?

her family was ok by seeing you barefoot?

you know the dalai lama?

its an easy life if they love it, for some is not



HAHA yes i know him

didnt hear of chestbrah what is?

but i like aesthethics in a more feminine way, judge me haha its true, i dont like to have the body big muscular

i prefer more similar to women with a little muscular and with much definition


im not bkkbobby, i really go barefoot

im gonna be famous in a few years

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. When I was in India, I meditated a lot,, up to 8 hours a day when on spiritual retreats. Now, I do for an average of 15 minutes a day.

I think you scare a lot of people, then again so did Jesus, and many other spiritual masters, by going against the norm.

20 years ago, I had a girlfriend for about a year. She was an angel as she put up with my frequent alcoholic binges. When it came time to meet her family who are very religious/spiritual, who had come a long ay to Bangkok, she asked me to be on my best behavior. I thought what a cheek so had a few drinks and I often walked around my apartment with no shoes on so decided to go into town without any shoes. When I arrived at the restaurant, shoeless, I sat down and immediately fell off the chair. However, the father was a well-respected village headman who had been a monk himself for 20 years, liked me and invited me to their house where we had some wonderful conversations about spiritual matters, my Buddhist experiences with H The Dalai Lama and visiting the Buddhist places in India..

I understand why people seem to enjoy pointing out wayward monks and the negative aspects of religion - it is actually a psychological defect in themselves.

I've been to spiritual retreats here and many Temples. I am not not a Buddhist but am fascinated by some of their practices.

There are different types of monks, some are devout and walk barefoot always, some are more like social workers. It's irrational to think a country with so many monks that they are al going to be bodhisatvas. They are generally men trying to better themselves spiritually - what a crime, even if they were criminals - it is NOT an easy life. Remember when you point the finger at a monk, there are 3 fingers pointing at yourself.

Temples are where generals go to launder their cash, no?

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Just so you know,

A monk was convicted of the murder of back-packer Johanne Masheder.

Numerous monks have been defrocked due to drug fuelled sex parties with hookers.

Thai monk Luang Pu Nenkham also known as the "jet setting monk" flew everywhere in a private jet.

It kinda puts wearing flip-flops into perspective, eh?

Thai monks are not saints. They are people with the same weaknesses as other people.

You are going to be severely disappointed of the state of Buddhism in this country.

How many monks do you personally know?

I think you are talking through what is under your ponytail.

Firstly, I'm not vain enough to wear a pony tail at my age.

Secondly, do you read the news?

Nothing I said in my post is untrue.

Criminals DO go into the monk-hood after leaving gaol. I'm sure you know that.

Monks HAVE been dis-robed for taking drugs and having sex.

There is a picture of the "jet-setting" monk on this thread.

All I'm saying is that monks are human and there is no way that that they are going to match-up to the expectations of the OP. How many monks I know has nothing to do with it.

Here's a few, a very few links. There are loads in Google.

I suppose you think that they're all saints?





You could have saved a lot of time and bandwidth by saying, "I don't know any monks"

What has "knowing any monks" got to do with it?

You need to up your game Neeranam.

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Ye Gods some people are sooooo literal.

I used 99% to get the point across that most monks I have ever seen wear flip-flops.

Do you really think I tick some kind of graph every time I see a monk and check out his footwear, just in case I need that statistic in the future?

Neeranam. Big deal, so you've met some monks and they were all good. What does that prove? That there aren't any bad monks? That there are no scandals involving monks?

Stay relevant please......

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