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Serial Killer


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Good Morning,

I often drive up from Phuket through Bangkok and onto Udonthani to visit the wifes family, and 1 of the things I have noticed, and infact it is so common that we even play a little morbid game...

'Spot the dead dog!'

The roads going up are littered with dog corpses, surely Thai dogs aren't that stupid? or are they....

I have a feeling we have a 'serial killer' on our hands here and no one is doing anything about it.

Could it be one of the long distance yaa baa freaked out truck drivers murderously mowing down these innocent dogs?

Is it a sleep deprived farrang, out on a vengence spree?

Does the press need to be told?

A 'Worried' Basher :o

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I simply think that Thailand has 20 times (if not 50..)the amount of stray dogs we had back home.

Just think of how many times a day each mutt used to bark until he kissed bumper! ....then again, before doing so, he probably made sure that a few litters would soon line up for a spot with the nightly Howling Choir :o

Seems like a better ending than swallowing glass chunks or poison laced sausages :D

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When you are on a bike the best way to avoid a dog is to aim right at it....then it should run out of the way...if you try toavopid it no doubt yo uwill collect it.......so maybe thos ein cars are practicing the same thing but actually connecting with the dogs as they are going faster and forgetting they are in a car and not on a bike.

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You pobly right,,the dogs must have the same mental problems as the Thai drivers,,they don't see you cause are insignificant to them and being the supreme being [even if they did see you] it don't mean a ###### thing as you can't hurt em.

Thai drivers have the same attitude about crossing over a double solid line.

Boy that SUPREME BEING idea sure getting a lot of em killed.

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But i would assume that someone would at least clean up the streets and pick up the road kill. Or does Thailand not have a job like that? I guess thats why some of our countryside roads here are pretty clear, we have people out picking up road kill as a job.

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Ahh so the plot thickens.

Have you 'grilled' her over her murderous streak as far as canines are concerned?

Does it only apply to dogs, does she get the odd cat or buffalo occasionally?

Is she sneaking out at night and coming back all bloodied up?

We need to know!


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She has a preferance for dogs,buffalo are to hard on the paint and sheet metal, and her dad had buffalo to farm with before the advent of tractors, She said she used to ride and help plow with buffs, and is kinda fond of the beasts.

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