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Day Maid Service


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Hi @ All,

we just bought our first flat in Pattaya and we are preparing our relocation from Hong Kong to Thailand. One of the open points we need to solve is to find a good day maid (living not in-house) who can preferred speak a bit English and can help for daily housework, can take care of our son (16 month) once we are out and helping to pay the bills.

Does anyone of you have any recommendation here?

Best Regards,


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The days of the easily found, reliable and trustworthy 'mae bahn' are long gone. The OP can try any of the many Pattaya agencies* for the housekeeping chores but forget about them having any degree of child-minding in their remit.

* google pattaya maid services

Good luck!

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We've got a few Filipino maids in our village. They charge more, and some really want a live in arrangement, but they speak English! Something you might want to consider. If interested, I'll contact one as they've got a pretty good network. Maybe they could find one for you.

I'll also try to touch bases with Frugal Freddy, but he's not doing so well know. His Filipino wife use to run a maid service with a few of her friends.

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using a professional maid service is most probably more expensive than providing some sort of accommodation (not necessarily in your flat if that is too small). that would make it much easier to employ an English speaking Filipina or Burmese.

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We've had a bit of luck by checking with the maids of our various neighbors. The coconut line works quite well. Our maid of over 4 years was the gardener in our village. She's fantastic. But only a bit of English.

The other good one we found was via relatives. She's awesome. A bit of English also.

OP: I'll reach out to the Filipina community here and PM you with details.

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I have an excellent maid she worked in a hotel in Scotland for 10 years before coming back home to Thailand She speaks great English and cleans really well. I only hire her for 1 day a week and i know she is desperate for more work. If you would like her details please contact me.

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We've had a bit of luck by checking with the maids of our various neighbors. The coconut line works quite well. Our maid of over 4 years was the gardener in our village. She's fantastic. But only a bit of English.

The other good one we found was via relatives. She's awesome. A bit of English also.

OP: I'll reach out to the Filipina community here and PM you with details.

what about work permits for Filipinas? some years ago when enquired for a friend i was told "virtually impossible".

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I've heard many are now here teaching. Not sure why, but the government seems to be going after Filipinos for these jobs. My wife has even mentioned this was talked about on the TV.

Maybe things have changed?

teaching yes, housekeeping no way.

addendum: in order not to confuse the OP... it's rather easy for a citizen of the neighbouring states Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia to obtain a work permit. the chance of a maid/nanny speaking English is much higher if Burmese than being Laotian or Cambodian. and among the Burmese the chance of finding an honest and English speaking maid is highest among ethnic Indians who's ancestors moved from Nepal to Burma. that is our experience of the last decade.

usually i am a Thai apologist but i can't help mentioning that our experience with Thai maids (three of them, lasting one month, two weeks and two hours before the Mrs fired them) was very sick.gif

Edited by Naam
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I've heard many are now here teaching. Not sure why, but the government seems to be going after Filipinos for these jobs. My wife has even mentioned this was talked about on the TV.

Maybe things have changed?

Cost probably comes into it. Morality too, perhaps.

Filipinos should make good English teachers in Thailand. OK it's US English rather than the GB version of it but they do have the advantage of a very long history of intense US and Spanish influence (nearly 500 years), and local Filipino languages use Roman script and standard pronunciation.

I notice that PIH has several Filipina nurses at reception, presumably due to their English skills and general ease with farangs.

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  • 6 months later...

I have an excellent maid she worked in a hotel in Scotland for 10 years before coming back home to Thailand She speaks great English and cleans really well. I only hire her for 1 day a week and i know she is desperate for more work. If you would like her details please contact me.

Hi Lor,

Is it possible to pass me her details?



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