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Totally Passed on Job Interview

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I had replied to some ad (on Craigslist?) from a company called <snip>.

They called me up this morning and said they would like to interview today. I told them no. I had planned to sit at True Coffee and send out job applications, edit my website, and work on a Python script.

They said tomorrow would be fine and if I could do a ten minute demo. Sure, that's fine but I asked if I could print out a worksheet to maybe teach off of.

They said that would be good except I would have to pay for each page to print. I only wanted to print one page. I think this type of thing is indicative of the type of organization I would be working for. They are a private institution and not public either.

Not going to let me print out a page? Then what else? Sounds very shady if you ask me. I'm sure if I worked for them money would come up as an issue.

I sent back an email and told them that I am passing on the interview.

I figure if they don't let you print out at least some materials at their expense then that's a major red flag.

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6) You will not post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.

Defamation is the issuance of a statement about another person or business which causes that person to suffer harm. It does not have to be false to be defamatory. Libel is when the defamatory statement is published either in a drawing, painting, cinematography, film, picture or letters made visible by any means, or any other recording instruments, recording picture or letters, or by broadcasting or spreading picture, or by propagation by any other means. Defamation is both a civil and criminal charge in Thailand.

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This behavior is indicative on how they handle money issues. Okay, so they want me to spend 5 baht or so on material. Then I get hired. Okay, what if somewhere down the line there is a dispute about payment? How are they going to handle this?

I'm looking out for myself, I would be a fool not to do so. Any normal person should do this. It's not arrogant it's making wiser decisions.

I demoed at a public school and they let me make copies. A private company can't? Get off your high horse.

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OP you are amazing, first you couldn't be bothered to go at their convenience, then when they set another time to work around your schedule you would only go if you could use their printer. I have a vision that you are probably an ology degree holder that was born with a silver spoon and thinks the sun comes out ones behind. Good luck in your search.

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They offer you an interview, & you postpone it without a compelling reason.

Then, you ask to print a document - this clearly shows lack of preparation.

I suspect them saying you'd have to pay for it, suggests their lack of confidence in you, & was most likely their way of showing this doubt in you.

Never mind, it's all those 'pesky thais' fault, not yours. whistling.gif

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I only have so much time and it behooves people to have a filter.

I'm getting a lot of responses and I just want to make sure that the employer and I are a good fit.

Have you got enough time to explain why you bothered to take the time to post the OP?

Is it relevant to anyone else and would anyone care..........coffee1.gif

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I only have so much time and it behooves people to have a filter.

I'm getting a lot of responses and I just want to make sure that the employer and I are a good fit.

Yes, employers should fit and suit all your needs, not other way around.

Someone really needs to knock some senses into you.

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So you applied for a job. They called to set up an interview and you asked if you could use there equipment for free? To use on another project? This was some sort of test? They failed your test. I know were not getting the whole picture here but it all sounds hinky. Whats a Python script if you dont mind my asking?

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So you applied for a job. They called to set up an interview and you asked if you could use there equipment for free? To use on another project? This was some sort of test? They failed your test. I know were not getting the whole picture here but it all sounds hinky. Whats a Python script if you dont mind my asking?

No, you got it wrong .

They called him for interview, but he declined because he is noone's bitch.

He told them when and how he will attend interview . He then stated his "terms" but now whining they wanted to charge him 10 baht to use their equipment.

But he is more worried that if he was to work for this bunch,they would not be bending over backwards to accomodate his royal backside.

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I only have so much time and it behooves people to have a filter.

I'm getting a lot of responses and I just want to make sure that the employer and I are a good fit.

I can see your angle, but asking a potential employer for office resources is a bit of a breach of protocol.

As a potential employer/buyer I expect candidates/vendors to turn up fully ready with all necessary materials, except maybe a power plug to plug in their own beamer.

A candidate requesting for resources gives off a questionable vibe - is he someone who likes to take advantage of the company, will take all the allowed sick days and stretch every other policy to his benefit as far as possible?

That being said, asking you for 5 or 10 baht per printout is a bit of a breach too, but of course I don't know how your request came through, maybe the person wanted to make sure you don't come and print a color book.

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It's indicative of a larger issue. When it comes to private companies I prefer they not be run by Thais.

Hello !

Last I noticed was this IS THAILAND, so just who would you suggest ought to be running "Private Companies" in THAILAND ??

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OP you are amazing, first you couldn't be bothered to go at their convenience, then when they set another time to work around your schedule you would only go if you could use their printer. I have a vision that you are probably an ology degree holder that was born with a silver spoon and thinks the sun comes out ones behind. Good luck in your search.

If you don't get the negotiating and bargaining out of the way,in the early stages,then you sure are not going to do it after starting the job. And no doubt the school will be giving up front demands as to what they will expect from you too!

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It's indicative of a larger issue. When it comes to private companies I prefer they not be run by Thais.

I would prefer that too. But it's probably not going to happen. That's why I have zero interest in being involved with any company here, or doing any work here.

If you choose to work in Thailand you can expect to come across cheap-ass working practices, and devious and unprofessional activity every day. It's certainly no way I would like to live.

Luckily I'm retired and dont have to. The closest I'll ever get to working with Thais is being on my condo management committee, and that is enough professional contact with Thais to last me several lifetimes.

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Personally it's a complete mystery to my why anyone would want to work in Thailand for a Thai company but if for you the job is worth having cant you invest 5B at a print shop to print your page?

Cant entirely agree with that. I worked 15 years in senior management for a specialist Thai Company and felt more comfortable than the previous 30 years working for a similar specialist company in the UK. The rewards were greater as well.

Maybe I was the lucky one and now retired in Thailand but still keep in regular touch with my previous employer.

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It's indicative of a larger issue. When it comes to private companies I prefer they not be run by Thais.

I would prefer that too. But it's probably not going to happen. That's why I have zero interest in being involved with any company here, or doing any work here.

If you choose to work in Thailand you can expect to come across cheap-ass working practices, and devious and unprofessional activity every day. It's certainly no way I would like to live.

Luckily I'm retired and dont have to. The closest I'll ever get to working with Thais is being on my condo management committee, and that is enough professional contact with Thais to last me several lifetimes.

I am sure there are many who are glad you dont work here as very obvious you have no clue what your on about :rolleyes:

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