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Note to Readers: Clarification on New Laws Curbing Alcohol Sales in Thailand

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I think that photo was authorities doing informal poll with two choices;1 Is government returning happiness too fast? 2 Is government returning happiness at just the right speed?


One would think that if there was a problem with alcohol and schools, a law like this would be justified. I have not read or heard about any such problem during all my time here in Thailand?? What is this thing really about?

Like if there where hoards of drunken students stumbling around at Ramkanhaeng and Chula, I would think there was a problem. On the other hand that problem would soon solve itself as those hoards would soon fail in their studies and fail the exams, automatic exit from school and problem solved?

Wait, I know what happened...Some guy high up in the (Junta) government caught his kid coming home after school a bit soggy, and decided it was everyone's else's fault but his, that's why this new law has come into existence....

This is similar to the rape on the train and their new law for alcohol on trains. A worker gets drunk and rapes a minor passenger and everyone else suffers and pays for the consequences. In this case some tech college kids get drunk and beat up other rival tech college kids.. So they blame alcohol and make a law that they hope will stop it happening more. Instead the law makes businesses and locals suffer if they are near any schools fence. It will not stop the tech college kids from drinking nor will it stop any kid if they want it.

"Lower schools are not included in the ban..."

...because they cannot afford a proper fence?

Just kidding.

We havent received the Junta's definituion of a "fence" yet


Maybe the government could now do something sensible to mitigate the huge negative effect of this law on thousands of businesses and tens of thousands of their employees by declaring new "entertainment zones"? For example, prime tourist areas like sukhumvit road and adjoining sois? Or just declare the whole country an "entertainment zone" and be done with this insanity.

Since they can apparently just pronounce new laws completely on a whim, shouldn't be too difficult.


Carefully thought through as usual. rolleyes.gif

Quite a trick to sign a law and a separate order within 24 hours that contradict each other, someone was really on the ball with the drafting.

In Asia they say dafting.

We need to clarify that the clarification is there to enable bar owners to clarify that they are outside of the 300 mtr zone thereby clarifying that they can sell booze to students so long as they can clarify that they are old enough. Is that clear enough for you?


Seems there definition of 'clarification' isn't the same as mine. Summary: 1st order states lower schools not included, 2nd order says they may be. <sigh>

Apparently many bars and restaurants in Chiang Mai, my favourite city.... have been given notice. There are so many schools there, that all the popular bar and restaurant areas will be effected. Virtually the whole inside of the old city inside the moat will lose all their bars and restaurants will not be able to serve alcohol. After losing my favourite pub to the new laws..... where to go to relax with some good people, play some pool, and enjoy a couple of Chang or Singha ? ?

Looks like my days of coming to Chiang Mai might be over. Goodbye Thailand.... Hello Cambodia and Vietnam and Philippines... I'll miss the Thai food street vendors.. the friendly people, the temples.. Sad... sad.png


Has anyone seen ANY enforcement in Pattaya yet?

I don't think I'll believe they're serious until Walking Street and Soi 6 get shut down. I guess Walking Street might qualify as an entertainment district, but I can't see Soi 6 getting that designation. whistling.gif


Lemme see if I can think up some more really intelligent laws just like this one that makes just as much sense:

1. No sale of alcohol within 232 meters from any Temple.

2. No sale of Alcohol within 421 meters from any Hospital.

3. No sale of cigarettes within 332 meters from any Hospital.

4. No sale of fruit near a detention center for fruit abusers.

5. No sale of yaba within 300 meters from a school (oh but that's already illegal everywhere - and so is alcohol for minors).

6. No sale of school books outside of schools.


What they don't realise (or maybe don't care) is that many intending tourists, former and possibly frequent visitors to the country do take an interest in news releases that come out of Thailand.

They read this rubbish on top of everything else that's been idiotically released in the last two years and very quickly change their intended travel plans.

This year's high season might reach even further lows than last year if the punters think the country will be dry by Christmas.


How times are changing, Eh General. NCPO says ''no gathering in more than a group of 5 people''. The students disobey. General says to council ''never in all my years have i seen such blatant disregard for my orders'' Surely it cant be the power of the internet and social media, surely it cant be young people revering the fundamental principles of democracy and freedom of speech. Of course not, ''WAIT'' i got it now, it must be because they are all pi@@ed.


Seems there definition of 'clarification' isn't the same as mine. Summary: 1st order states lower schools not included, 2nd order says they may be. <sigh>

They're clarifying that it's not their articles that are confusing, it's the junta's orders.


Also exempts hotels, “entertainment zones,” and wholesale factories and distributors from the restriction.

I thought where the bars are located would be entertainment zones?


Im was working on my new business plan. Rent a commercial location in the middle of Sukhumvit to be registered as a poly-technique or other college. Then charge extortion money to the surrounding bars Not to open! - But Im sure someone else wearing brown will think of it first.


The Prime Moaner, the"Bull in the China Cabinet" scores again with the awesome bazooka Article 44 blowing a hole in the local economy with yet another well thought out plan to bring happy.

Cant wait for an erection...........sorry election to stop this nonsense.....or am i dreaming?


I can't see any booze in the pic....

Plenty of cigarette butts though. Anyone for guessing the next confused law to come out of the Junta.


Carefully thought through as usual. rolleyes.gif

Quite a trick to sign a law and a separate order within 24 hours that contradict each other, someone was really on the ball with the drafting.

Did you hear ever of " Law and Order "

A law is usual done by a GVT - a Parliament;

And than you have the executive part in gvt,

which makes of a law - order to:

Finances, officers like Immigration,

police for roads -

and so on !!

Just some countries can do this in 1 day - therefore than mistakes -clarifacations, amendments needed;

Some western goverments need years to implement it carefull and correct !!


Wouldn't it be a far better idea to ban the sale of knives and machetes within the vicinity of educational establishments? There are infinitely more cases reported of students attacking other students than of drunken behaviour.

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