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Bangkok taxi driver denies raping passenger

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The taxi driver needs to learn that it's all about what happened "after" they started toward her destination.

There once was a man named Lodge,

Who had seat belts installed in his Dodge.

When his date was strapped in,

He committed a sin,

Without even leaving the garage.

Not that I think seat belts had anything to do with this alleged crime.

@ MaxYakov...

Do you have any compassion for other human beings at all?

This young woman was raped and your contribution to the discussion is to post a limerick?

What an <deleted>.

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Next Posting will be the Libel Charge/Suit !! One must wonder what a 20 year ole girl is doing out drunk at 05:00, most do not get drunk working at a factory, unless it is Jack Daniels Still !!


Next Posting will be the Libel Charge/Suit !! One must wonder what a 20 year ole girl is doing out drunk at 05:00, most do not get drunk working at a factory, unless it is Jack Daniels Still !!

Why does it matter? Why would one wonder?

It has no relevance regarding the rape. Rape is a crime no matter what the victim was allegedly doing, what time it was or whether they were drunk or not


Do rapists normally deliver their drunk victims home so that they can be readily identified by family members? If he had raped the girl in some quiet spot, why didn't he just steal any money she had with her and dump her on the side of the road?

While I understand what you are saying, being a rapist doesn't mean your a thief and there are rapists who don't comprehend they did something wrong and actually go back and rape the victim again -- sometimes even asking the person he raped for a future date. There are some sick people out there. With that said the case does sound fishy. On the other hand, seems police are taking the charges serious and would assume they know more about the facts than what we get from coconuts, which I don't consider real news.


This can all be easily cleared up by simply looking at the cab's internal video camera and correlating the time stamp with the car's GPS the way 1st world governments require their professionally registered taxi companies to operate.... blink.png

I always assume innocence until proven guilty as it's pretty hard to prove the guy didn't do something if he didn't do it... but due process be damned! this is the internet, grab the pitchforks!

I'm thinking of a case in back in Sydney, Australia 2007ish where a cabbie did the same thing and was found guilty through medical evidence. But I'm also thinking of a case in Canada where two drunk girls refused to pay the taxi bill and called the police claiming rape - which would have ruined that driver's life if he didn't have their argument recorded on video from inside the car. To run a taxi these days without a camera is a liability nightmare.


For me it's the other way. I've not encountered many taxi drivers who will take passengers at 5am who don't know where they want to go.

I've not seen the FB page but the OP mentions taxi licence not id. I'll follow the link to coconuts to see if it says which.

Obvious that you haven't worked a cab! After 3am when the pubs shut some passengers can't scratch themselves, but as long as they aren't obnoxious, I'll run them home, if they can remember where it is. I've asked to see their licence, usually it's cancelled, if they can't remember where home is. Or get them to ring home (always popular!) to find an address. I've also held credit cards until the next day because they can't remember PIN, but paywave has fixed that, usually.

Quite a few think its a great idea to visit a girlfriend, after 3 and rat-faced. If we manage to find the place I usually wait a few minutes to see if they get in the door. Surprisingly, some do.


@Bluespunk. People don't shut down their FB accounts to help serve a purpose, they remove the post. People who shut down their FB accounts so suddendly do so because they are hiding from something or someone.

We know Thai women can be extremely vindictive and it wouldn't suprise me in the least if she has falsely accused this man.


I would think the girl and her sister would have had the sense to call the police, report the rape and meet the police at a hospital for a exam and swabs to determine if seman was present, thus dna evidence, professional medical people, and police are all invoved, and it becomes a part of record in police report.

For a cop to say it would take 2 weeks to determine if rape took place must have been a misquote. or the 2 week was in reference to tests for vd, std, pregency, or whatever was on his feeble mind. But i can assure you a young girl going to a hospital after an alleged sexual assult and informs them the police are informed and on the way will have a lot of people aware and thus involved.


For me it's the other way. I've not encountered many taxi drivers who will take passengers at 5am who don't know where they want to go.

I've not seen the FB page but the OP mentions taxi licence not id. I'll follow the link to coconuts to see if it says which.

Obvious that you haven't worked a cab! After 3am when the pubs shut some passengers can't scratch themselves, but as long as they aren't obnoxious, I'll run them home, if they can remember where it is. I've asked to see their licence, usually it's cancelled, if they can't remember where home is. Or get them to ring home (always popular!) to find an address. I've also held credit cards until the next day because they can't remember PIN, but paywave has fixed that, usually.

Quite a few think its a great idea to visit a girlfriend, after 3 and rat-faced. If we manage to find the place I usually wait a few minutes to see if they get in the door. Surprisingly, some do.

This guy is accused of rape. What he says has to be treated with caution.


A doctor would confirm if in fact she is telling the truth & was raped as alleged.

I smell porky pies by the sister .... just supposing she has become pregnant from her Thai boyfriend recently ... and she needs a way out to explain to her family ?? or is this her way of trying to get back at the driver for demanding 500 baht to clean his cab ??

I think the sister made this up. Why did she close the facebook accusation page down after the taxi driver spoke to the police ... was she fearing legal consequences .. and submitting false reports ??


@Bluespunk. People don't shut down their FB accounts to help serve a purpose, they remove the post. People who shut down their FB accounts so suddendly do so because they are hiding from something or someone.

We know Thai women can be extremely vindictive and it wouldn't suprise me in the least if she has falsely accused this man.

Or the alleged rapist has been caught and family are reducing the amount of exposure the victim has to endure.


A doctor would confirm if in fact she is telling the truth & was raped as alleged.

I smell porky pies by the sister .... just supposing she has become pregnant from her Thai boyfriend recently ... and she needs a way out to explain to her family ?? or is this her way of trying to get back at the driver for demanding 500 baht to clean his cab ??

I think the sister made this up. Why did she close the facebook accusation page down after the taxi driver spoke to the police ... was she fearing legal consequences .. and submitting false reports ??


A lot of supposition but not much thought in that post.

We don't know who is being truthful here.

A proper investigation needs to take place.

For the alleged victims sake I hope this can occur.


For me it's the other way. I've not encountered many taxi drivers who will take passengers at 5am who don't know where they want to go.

I've not seen the FB page but the OP mentions taxi licence not id. I'll follow the link to coconuts to see if it says which.

Obvious that you haven't worked a cab! After 3am when the pubs shut some passengers can't scratch themselves, but as long as they aren't obnoxious, I'll run them home, if they can remember where it is. I've asked to see their licence, usually it's cancelled, if they can't remember where home is. Or get them to ring home (always popular!) to find an address. I've also held credit cards until the next day because they can't remember PIN, but paywave has fixed that, usually.

Quite a few think its a great idea to visit a girlfriend, after 3 and rat-faced. If we manage to find the place I usually wait a few minutes to see if they get in the door. Surprisingly, some do.

This guy is accused of rape. What he says has to be treated with caution.

And she is accused with falsely claiming rape. Which deserves at least equal caution.


For me it's the other way. I've not encountered many taxi drivers who will take passengers at 5am who don't know where they want to go.

I've not seen the FB page but the OP mentions taxi licence not id. I'll follow the link to coconuts to see if it says which.

Obvious that you haven't worked a cab! After 3am when the pubs shut some passengers can't scratch themselves, but as long as they aren't obnoxious, I'll run them home, if they can remember where it is. I've asked to see their licence, usually it's cancelled, if they can't remember where home is. Or get them to ring home (always popular!) to find an address. I've also held credit cards until the next day because they can't remember PIN, but paywave has fixed that, usually.

Quite a few think its a great idea to visit a girlfriend, after 3 and rat-faced. If we manage to find the place I usually wait a few minutes to see if they get in the door. Surprisingly, some do.

This guy is accused of rape. What he says has to be treated with caution.

And she is accused with falsely claiming rape. Which deserves at least equal caution.

From what I've read so far on this thread she is the one whose story is being doubted by the majority.

That is the attitude that causes so many women to not report rapes and sexual assault.


drunken 20 year old girl in a taxi at 5 in the morning just asking for it


A quote from the rapist bastard manual.

You must feel like a big man now.

For once.


What about being checked at a hospital or by a police doctor to definitely show that rape had indeed taken place

What about reading the full article - to discover to your surprise that she has, but although free of STD, it may take another week or two to confirm an assault.


What about being checked at a hospital or by a police doctor to definitely show that rape had indeed taken place

What about reading the full article - to discover to your surprise that she has, but although free of STD, it may take another week or two to confirm an assault.

I did not know you can be diagnosed clear of any std so quickly, especially HIV.

I would have though an assault would have been much more quicker to diagnose.

But then, if, as has been hypothesised, that she is a working girl....what are any tests going to show other than she has had sex.


The taxi driver needs to learn that it's all about what happened "after" they started toward her destination.

There once was a man named Lodge,

Who had seat belts installed in his Dodge.

When his date was strapped in,

He committed a sin,

Without even leaving the garage.

Not that I think seat belts had anything to do with this alleged crime.

That is criminal in its own right.



drunken 20 year old girl in a taxi at 5 in the morning just asking for it

Even if she was "asking for it" she should be safe in a taxi. The whole basis of the late-night portion of the taxi industry is that, although expensive, we provide the safest way to get home.


I am surprised that they had the results back straight away and she is clear of any decease, i did not know it could be done that quick with the aids virus, and yet they are waiting for proof of sex that will take longer, Something sounds iffy, and the jury is out on this case at the moment


I wouldn't read too much into her shutting down her Facebook page. Lots of idiots out there who look for ways to blame rape victims. Much more likely the reason was she was getting a lot of unwanted and negative and nasty comments then she thought shutting down her Facebook would somehow make people forget the post.

Look at some of the comments here, a moderated site, where people want to fault her and/or state very negative things (assumptions) about her as well as all Thai women.

Nothing wrong with questioning the story though does seem odd to put much credibility into a Coconuts story but just sick to put blame on a rape victim regardless if she was drunk or a working girl or out late at night. Not making the best decisions should not result in rape and when you put blame on the victim, you taking blame off the rapist. Bottom line, lots of sick people out there and would assume she was getting comments from them.


I am surprised that they had the results back straight away and she is clear of any decease, i did not know it could be done that quick with the aids virus, and yet they are waiting for proof of sex that will take longer, Something sounds iffy, and the jury is out on this case at the moment

Consider the source of the story. Also doesn't take weeks to determine if she as raped. My guess is they may be talking about weeks to get results back on the results you mentioned or weeks to get results from DNA to see if Taxi driver has sex with her.

If the story is right and this guy is being held on bail then there is almost surely more to the story than what has been reported.


I don't know that the vaginal swabs will be of much use if she has had sex with some other guys earlier. But we will fine out more about it soon enough.


I wouldn't read too much into her shutting down her Facebook page. Lots of idiots out there who look for ways to blame rape victims. Much more likely the reason was she was getting a lot of unwanted and negative and nasty comments then she thought shutting down her Facebook would somehow make people forget the post.

Look at some of the comments here, a moderated site, where people want to fault her and/or state very negative things (assumptions) about her as well as all Thai women.

Nothing wrong with questioning the story though does seem odd to put much credibility into a Coconuts story but just sick to put blame on a rape victim regardless if she was drunk or a working girl or out late at night. Not making the best decisions should not result in rape and when you put blame on the victim, you taking blame off the rapist. Bottom line, lots of sick people out there and would assume she was getting comments from them.

I certainly am not blaming the girl for being raped because she's a working girl or drunk or out late.

But the working girl theme contributes to a hypothesis that we have a case of false accusation.

Something about the sister bringing up the AIDS factor so quickly contributes to that hypothesis too.

Poor country girl, naive, working the bars, gets HIV and doesn't know how to explain it to the family back home because the family have been told the money she sends comes from her job at the factory......

This theory does not come from the girl's side of the story alone, but is strengthened by the taxi driver's account.


I wouldn't read too much into her shutting down her Facebook page. Lots of idiots out there who look for ways to blame rape victims. Much more likely the reason was she was getting a lot of unwanted and negative and nasty comments then she thought shutting down her Facebook would somehow make people forget the post.

Look at some of the comments here, a moderated site, where people want to fault her and/or state very negative things (assumptions) about her as well as all Thai women.

Nothing wrong with questioning the story though does seem odd to put much credibility into a Coconuts story but just sick to put blame on a rape victim regardless if she was drunk or a working girl or out late at night. Not making the best decisions should not result in rape and when you put blame on the victim, you taking blame off the rapist. Bottom line, lots of sick people out there and would assume she was getting comments from them.

I certainly am not blaming the girl for being raped because she's a working girl or drunk or out late.

But the working girl theme contributes to a hypothesis that we have a case of false accusation.

Something about the sister bringing up the AIDS factor so quickly contributes to that hypothesis too.

Poor country girl, naive, working the bars, gets HIV and doesn't know how to explain it to the family back home because the family have been told the money she sends comes from her job at the factory......

This theory does not come from the girl's side of the story alone, but is strengthened by the taxi driver's account.

Despite your needs to make a girl seem less important, IF she was a working girl, this has nothing to do with her credibility. And just like your appearant views, the taxi driver may have too thought it was no big deal to have sex (rape) with a working girl ... I mean he was nice enough to drive her home and only wanted money to clean his cab.

Your theory about AIDs and her family makes absolutely no sense at all unless the driver has AIDs,

AIDs being a concern, how in the world does that indicate anything? Sorry but this is just ignorant. This is a HUGE and COMMON concern of rape victims. If anything would point away from the girl's sister thinking she was promiscuous.

Why not doubt the Taxi driver given his interesting take:

Arttapon came forward and told police Saturday he picked the passenger up at Soi Sukhumvit 20, when she was sickenly intoxicated and could not even tell him her destination.

How many taxi drivers do you think would pick up a drunken passenger who is unable to tell them where they are going?

He drove around until the passenger’s phone received an incoming call from her sister

Again, something doesn't make sense here. What would the motive be to do this? He can't make money with here in the car while he is randomly driving with an un-paying passenger. Did he have the meter on and expecting her to pay for his driving around? Why not drop her off at a safer place such as police station, hospital, coffee shop instead of basically kidnapping somebody?

Facebook user Pinpay Lipinpay wrote Wednesday, posting a snapshot of his license.

Yet the taxi driver says he gave her his licensee. Sound to me like she took a picture of it. If he wanted to give her something why not his ID information.

As for your using the girls story against here what makes you doubt her .... from what I see is the claim is she was raped by the taxi driver (common), worried about getting AIDs (extremely common), she came to Bangkok to earn money to help support her family(extremely common), the girl is in a very bad mental state now (extremely common) the sister was unhappy with the way police handled their report (common) and posted this on Facebook (not common) but then took it down once they held the guy (makes sense).

We don't know what happened and it is possible, like any rape case, the girl is lying but seems to me some here want to believe that based on their own issues rather than what was reported in an unreliable source and a report that clearly seems to include errors.


I don't know that the vaginal swabs will be of much use if she has had sex with some other guys earlier. But we will fine out more about it soon enough.

Not sure if you are just trying to paint the possible rape victim in a bad light or just being ignorant. First absolutely nothing to suggest she had sex with somebody else let alone unprotected sex but even if she did how would that make it so this guys sperm/dna would not be present?


I wouldn't read too much into her shutting down her Facebook page. Lots of idiots out there who look for ways to blame rape victims. Much more likely the reason was she was getting a lot of unwanted and negative and nasty comments then she thought shutting down her Facebook would somehow make people forget the post.

Look at some of the comments here, a moderated site, where people want to fault her and/or state very negative things (assumptions) about her as well as all Thai women.

Nothing wrong with questioning the story though does seem odd to put much credibility into a Coconuts story but just sick to put blame on a rape victim regardless if she was drunk or a working girl or out late at night. Not making the best decisions should not result in rape and when you put blame on the victim, you taking blame off the rapist. Bottom line, lots of sick people out there and would assume she was getting comments from them.

I certainly am not blaming the girl for being raped because she's a working girl or drunk or out late.

But the working girl theme contributes to a hypothesis that we have a case of false accusation.

Something about the sister bringing up the AIDS factor so quickly contributes to that hypothesis too.

Poor country girl, naive, working the bars, gets HIV and doesn't know how to explain it to the family back home because the family have been told the money she sends comes from her job at the factory......

This theory does not come from the girl's side of the story alone, but is strengthened by the taxi driver's account.

Despite your needs to make a girl seem less important, IF she was a working girl, this has nothing to do with her credibility. And just like your appearant views, the taxi driver may have too thought it was no big deal to have sex (rape) with a working girl ... I mean he was nice enough to drive her home and only wanted money to clean his cab.

Your theory about AIDs and her family makes absolutely no sense at all unless the driver has AIDs,

AIDs being a concern, how in the world does that indicate anything? Sorry but this is just ignorant. This is a HUGE and COMMON concern of rape victims. If anything would point away from the girl's sister thinking she was promiscuous.

Why not doubt the Taxi driver given his interesting take:

Arttapon came forward and told police Saturday he picked the passenger up at Soi Sukhumvit 20, when she was sickenly intoxicated and could not even tell him her destination.

How many taxi drivers do you think would pick up a drunken passenger who is unable to tell them where they are going?

He drove around until the passenger’s phone received an incoming call from her sister

Again, something doesn't make sense here. What would the motive be to do this? He can't make money with here in the car while he is randomly driving with an un-paying passenger. Did he have the meter on and expecting her to pay for his driving around? Why not drop her off at a safer place such as police station, hospital, coffee shop instead of basically kidnapping somebody?

Facebook user Pinpay Lipinpay wrote Wednesday, posting a snapshot of his license.

Yet the taxi driver says he gave her his licensee. Sound to me like she took a picture of it. If he wanted to give her something why not his ID information.

As for your using the girls story against here what makes you doubt her .... from what I see is the claim is she was raped by the taxi driver (common), worried about getting AIDs (extremely common), she came to Bangkok to earn money to help support her family(extremely common), the girl is in a very bad mental state now (extremely common) the sister was unhappy with the way police handled their report (common) and posted this on Facebook (not common) but then took it down once they held the guy (makes sense).

We don't know what happened and it is possible, like any rape case, the girl is lying but seems to me some here want to believe that based on their own issues rather than what was reported in an unreliable source and a report that clearly seems to include errors.

The fact that she is an up-country working girl simply lends support to the idea that she will fabricate a story if she caught HIV. We have heard or read 1000's of such stories that it has become credible.

I am sure you do not comprehend my writing if you think my apparent views are what you are making out. Please read again.

Also, read the news story again.

How does she post to FB? She has to take a photo of it!

I'm not believing anything...one theory is more acceptable than the other, is all.

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