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New trend of young, educated Thai women with farang husbands emerges: researcher

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My Thai wife and I were both young when we married. She had a deep dislike of Thai men whom, she said, had no respect for women. The ones in her family, from what I could make out, were first class ratbags who regarded paedophilia as a perfectly acceptable pastime. We've been married for 52 years now and our Number One Son has just turned 50. Trend-setters? I don't know. We've never been particularly well off, but we're still in love.

Fantastic clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifwai2.gif

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"Third, most of these women do not possess the appearance which is valued by Thai men (Chinese-like faces, white skin and skinny bodies). White men however find them attractive."

Must be millions of disappointed and frustrated Thai guys then.

nothing at all wrong with the chinese looking ones. some of them are quite nice in many respects.

I agree, my point was that there is not nearly enough to go round for all the Thai guys who supposedly prefer this look.


Well out of my wife's classmates from Uni seven out of eight are married/dating white guys. Three had kids this year. My Mrs is pale skinned, skinny(ish) and is financially independent. Certainly not a a HiSo Chinese Thai but middle class and educated. Her friends are of very similar background. They like to travel, eat foreign food and want some equality in their relationship.

As a country develops women have more opportunity and if a thai men can't provide the type of relationship required they will look elsewhere. The internet has made this easier. Now a Thai girls of all types have a chance to interact and meet farangs away from the bar scene

similat thing happening with educated middle class black women in uk and usa, who would not consider

a relationship with urban narrow minded, dim, future less, rap loving home boy


What a load of rubbish. it is still because FRARANG WHITE MEN are better and have better pension plans. Nothing more nothing less

Better in what?

Hopefully coloured men in the West have good pension plans, too.



I wish the guys with the Rose coloured glasses good luck.

You will need it and a lot more.

4 years they say is the average White/Thai marriage.

16 years and still running strong matey

Approaching 16 years and looking forward to many many more.


So does this mean that farangs will no longer be getting fleeced by the cunning Thai female?

But seriously, the only question I would have is why would a young, educated, good-looking, and successful farang guy be searching for a wife in Thailand? Aren't there any young, attractive, and educated farang women in the west anymore?

Farang women usually (with a few exceptions) run out of shape at the age of 35 or after they married.

I know plenty of exceptions to that sweeping bit of nonsense.

Most of them wouldn't go near the typical kind of guy that age who ends up in Thailand though.


Maybe it because so many Thai men are a*holes ?

That pretty much sums it up. I've had several young, attractive, well educated Thai women with good jobs ask me where they can meet nice young western men. They've had some experience with Thai men and didn't like it.

Unfortunately for me I don't meet the young criteria, and unfortunately for tourists these women are not interested in being someone's short-time girl friend. Unfortunately for these young ladies there is a shortage of decent, responsible young western men who aren't already taken; I couldn't offer the ladies any names.

Haha I can't believe you have agreed with this parochial minded idiot. You two would make a good couple.

Firstly, how could you say that his statement sums it up?

It seems that you are the one who is not educated enough which leads you to have this silly assumption of all "Thai men are <deleted>". You believe this because a few girls said that they have had bad experience with Thai men.

Secondly, just because these girls have had bad experience with a couple of thai men, they instantly assume that all thai men are the same. The mojority of Thais are parochial minded even the educated ones. They all seems to think all farangs are gentlemen or some other stupid assumption. This is obviously not the case; same goes for Thai men. Why have I mentioned this?

For example, Thais seems to think that all black people are scary, bad, have no manners or have bad personality just base on their experience with a few black people. Moreover, the most funny thing of all is that they still discriminate black people(especially black Americans) who is more qualified to teach English than any blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin farangs, and yet they would rather hire a back packer to do the job. I could give you millions of examples.

My point is that these girls that asked you where to meet foreign guys are doing it base on their assumptions nothing else. In addition, Thailand is a third world country. The people will either be narrow minded or naive.

So what you are saying is that all Thai people can be narrow minded or naive but their men can not be a-holes heheee....

Most thai girls I have talked to have had similar instances with Thai men that you are replying about. Cheating, lazy, insensitive, not romantic, and viewed their relationship with the woman as a boss. The majority of Thai men I have seen and met were mostly lazy and wanting to spend more time with friends than with their wife. They used their extra money for booze and partying or for when they felt you lazy to work or for their mia noi. Case in point my wife's sisters hubby. Works as a teacher and instead of coming home to his family he goes to his friends house. Most nights he is out all night. On weekends he spends his quality family time with a bottle and friends and does nothing to improve his families life or lifestyle. All the money he makes teaching is gone so his wife has to use coal for cooking instead of filling the 140 baht gas tank. The workers at my house spend more time talking and taking breaks than working which is why i refused to pay daily for their jobs.

As for your comments about American blacks of which you either know nothing about them or lived a rich kids life because most are not well educated and those that are for the most are not in Thailand.

I think for every million examples you could give I could counter tenfold.

I would say safely 80% of my wife's friends who have been married are now divorced, most with kids in tow.

My best mate just met a stunning very hiso woman. She has had several Thai boyfriends. Not interested in the slightest in a Thai boyfriend or husband anymore.


" “Before I conducted this research, I thought that Thai women marry white men from economic necessity, but after I studied the situation, I changed my mind,” said Supichaya, who studied the trend through match-making websites, targeting Thai women and white men. "

I hope her research included more than the above. Perhaps it was but was not reported in this article - quite possible with the very poor state of Thai reporting and journalism.

If it didn't include one on one interviews and focus group interviews and cross group discussions then by most university standards it wouldn't pass.


As a different angle, within the last 5 years or so i've had maybe 10 to 15 Thai female MBA students ask me how they could meet nice farang men, their own age. In most cases going to bars etc., not within their scope of activities at all.

In 99% of these cases the Thai ladies speak advanced English, very pleasant, like to discuss more wordly things, pretty much open to listen and learn, want to politely express their own thoughts. Not the 'up to you' approach.

At one of my Unis here in Bangkok there are currently 2 young Thai men, MBA students, seriously dating female MBA exchange students from Europe (one from Germany, one from England). Money is not a drawcard in either direction. Both of the Thai men come from comfortable, not rich, families and have good employment

In the last 5 years I've been to 2 such weddings. In both cases Thai lady and western man.

In most of the above cases the Thai parents are initially concerned but after a few meetings with the foreign partner they are quite happy. In one case of marriage the Thai parents and the western parents have become close friends and now visit each other about twice per year.

Obviously none of these MBA students ever go on to be teachers because all of the teachers that I have trained in Thailand were lucky if they could string two coherent words of English together, let alone have an individual thought.



Maybe it because so many Thai men are a*holes ?

That pretty much sums it up. I've had several young, attractive, well educated Thai women with good jobs ask me where they can meet nice young western men. They've had some experience with Thai men and didn't like it.

Unfortunately for me I don't meet the young criteria, and unfortunately for tourists these women are not interested in being someone's short-time girl friend. Unfortunately for these young ladies there is a shortage of decent, responsible young western men who aren't already taken; I couldn't offer the ladies any names.

Haha I can't believe you have agreed with this parochial minded idiot. You two would make a good couple.

Firstly, how could you say that his statement sums it up?

It seems that you are the one who is not educated enough which leads you to have this silly assumption of all "Thai men are <deleted>". You believe this because a few girls said that they have had bad experience with Thai men.

Secondly, just because these girls have had bad experience with a couple of thai men, they instantly assume that all thai men are the same. The mojority of Thais are parochial minded even the educated ones. They all seems to think all farangs are gentlemen or some other stupid assumption. This is obviously not the case; same goes for Thai men. Why have I mentioned this?

For example, Thais seems to think that all black people are scary, bad, have no manners or have bad personality just base on their experience with a few black people. Moreover, the most funny thing of all is that they still discriminate black people(especially black Americans) who is more qualified to teach English than any blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin farangs, and yet they would rather hire a back packer to do the job. I could give you millions of examples.

My point is that these girls that asked you where to meet foreign guys are doing it base on their assumptions nothing else. In addition, Thailand is a third world country. The people will either be narrow minded or naive.

So what you are saying is that all Thai people can be narrow minded or naive but their men can not be a-holes heheee....

Most thai girls I have talked to have had similar instances with Thai men that you are replying about. Cheating, lazy, insensitive, not romantic, and viewed their relationship with the woman as a boss. The majority of Thai men I have seen and met were mostly lazy and wanting to spend more time with friends than with their wife. They used their extra money for booze and partying or for when they felt you lazy to work or for their mia noi. Case in point my wife's sisters hubby. Works as a teacher and instead of coming home to his family he goes to his friends house. Most nights he is out all night. On weekends he spends his quality family time with a bottle and friends and does nothing to improve his families life or lifestyle. All the money he makes teaching is gone so his wife has to use coal for cooking instead of filling the 140 baht gas tank. The workers at my house spend more time talking and taking breaks than working which is why i refused to pay daily for their jobs.

As for your comments about American blacks of which you either know nothing about them or lived a rich kids life because most are not well educated and those that are for the most are not in Thailand.

I think for every million examples you could give I could counter tenfold.

I would say safely 80% of my wife's friends who have been married are now divorced, most with kids in tow.

My best mate just met a stunning very hiso woman. She has had several Thai boyfriends. Not interested in the slightest in a Thai boyfriend or husband anymore.


Maybe it because so many Thai men are a*holes ?

That pretty much sums it up. I've had several young, attractive, well educated Thai women with good jobs ask me where they can meet nice young western men. They've had some experience with Thai men and didn't like it.

Unfortunately for me I don't meet the young criteria, and unfortunately for tourists these women are not interested in being someone's short-time girl friend. Unfortunately for these young ladies there is a shortage of decent, responsible young western men who aren't already taken; I couldn't offer the ladies any names.

Haha I can't believe you have agreed with this parochial minded idiot. You two would make a good couple.

Firstly, how could you say that his statement sums it up?

It seems that you are the one who is not educated enough which leads you to have this silly assumption of all "Thai men are <deleted>". You believe this because a few girls said that they have had bad experience with Thai men.

Secondly, just because these girls have had bad experience with a couple of thai men, they instantly assume that all thai men are the same. The mojority of Thais are parochial minded even the educated ones. They all seems to think all farangs are gentlemen or some other stupid assumption. This is obviously not the case; same goes for Thai men. Why have I mentioned this?

For example, Thais seems to think that all black people are scary, bad, have no manners or have bad personality just base on their experience with a few black people. Moreover, the most funny thing of all is that they still discriminate black people(especially black Americans) who is more qualified to teach English than any blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin farangs, and yet they would rather hire a back packer to do the job. I could give you millions of examples.

My point is that these girls that asked you where to meet foreign guys are doing it base on their assumptions nothing else. In addition, Thailand is a third world country. The people will either be narrow minded or naive.

So what you are saying is that all Thai people can be narrow minded or naive but their men can not be a-holes heheee....

Most thai girls I have talked to have had similar instances with Thai men that you are replying about. Cheating, lazy, insensitive, not romantic, and viewed their relationship with the woman as a boss. The majority of Thai men I have seen and met were mostly lazy and wanting to spend more time with friends than with their wife. They used their extra money for booze and partying or for when they felt you lazy to work or for their mia noi. Case in point my wife's sisters hubby. Works as a teacher and instead of coming home to his family he goes to his friends house. Most nights he is out all night. On weekends he spends his quality family time with a bottle and friends and does nothing to improve his families life or lifestyle. All the money he makes teaching is gone so his wife has to use coal for cooking instead of filling the 140 baht gas tank. The workers at my house spend more time talking and taking breaks than working which is why i refused to pay daily for their jobs.

As for your comments about American blacks of which you either know nothing about them or lived a rich kids life because most are not well educated and those that are for the most are not in Thailand.

I think for every million examples you could give I could counter tenfold.

I would say safely 80% of my wife's friends who have been married are now divorced, most with kids in tow.

My best mate just met a stunning very hiso woman. She has had several Thai boyfriends. Not interested in the slightest in a Thai boyfriend or husband anymore.


" “Before I conducted this research, I thought that Thai women marry white men from economic necessity, but after I studied the situation, I changed my mind,” said Supichaya, who studied the trend through match-making websites, targeting Thai women and white men. "

I hope her research included more than the above. Perhaps it was but was not reported in this article - quite possible with the very poor state of Thai reporting and journalism.

If it didn't include one on one interviews and focus group interviews and cross group discussions then by most university standards it wouldn't pass.


As a different angle, within the last 5 years or so i've had maybe 10 to 15 Thai female MBA students ask me how they could meet nice farang men, their own age. In most cases going to bars etc., not within their scope of activities at all.

In 99% of these cases the Thai ladies speak advanced English, very pleasant, like to discuss more wordly things, pretty much open to listen and learn, want to politely express their own thoughts. Not the 'up to you' approach.

At one of my Unis here in Bangkok there are currently 2 young Thai men, MBA students, seriously dating female MBA exchange students from Europe (one from Germany, one from England). Money is not a drawcard in either direction. Both of the Thai men come from comfortable, not rich, families and have good employment

In the last 5 years I've been to 2 such weddings. In both cases Thai lady and western man.

In most of the above cases the Thai parents are initially concerned but after a few meetings with the foreign partner they are quite happy. In one case of marriage the Thai parents and the western parents have become close friends and now visit each other about twice per year.

Obviously none of these MBA students ever go on to be teachers because all of the teachers that I have trained in Thailand were lucky if they could string two coherent words of English together, let alone have an individual thought.

Maybe your teaching skills aren't capable of training these students to anything above very basic.


So does this mean that farangs will no longer be getting fleeced by the cunning Thai female?

But seriously, the only question I would have is why would a young, educated, good-looking, and successful farang guy be searching for a wife in Thailand? Aren't there any young, attractive, and educated farang women in the west anymore?

Farang women usually (with a few exceptions) run out of shape at the age of 35 or after they married.

I know plenty of exceptions to that sweeping bit of nonsense.

Most of them wouldn't go near the typical kind of guy that age who ends up in Thailand though.


" “Before I conducted this research, I thought that Thai women marry white men from economic necessity, but after I studied the situation, I changed my mind,” said Supichaya, who studied the trend through match-making websites, targeting Thai women and white men. "

I hope her research included more than the above. Perhaps it was but was not reported in this article - quite possible with the very poor state of Thai reporting and journalism.

If it didn't include one on one interviews and focus group interviews and cross group discussions then by most university standards it wouldn't pass.


As a different angle, within the last 5 years or so i've had maybe 10 to 15 Thai female MBA students ask me how they could meet nice farang men, their own age. In most cases going to bars etc., not within their scope of activities at all.

In 99% of these cases the Thai ladies speak advanced English, very pleasant, like to discuss more wordly things, pretty much open to listen and learn, want to politely express their own thoughts. Not the 'up to you' approach.

At one of my Unis here in Bangkok there are currently 2 young Thai men, MBA students, seriously dating female MBA exchange students from Europe (one from Germany, one from England). Money is not a drawcard in either direction. Both of the Thai men come from comfortable, not rich, families and have good employment

In the last 5 years I've been to 2 such weddings. In both cases Thai lady and western man.

In most of the above cases the Thai parents are initially concerned but after a few meetings with the foreign partner they are quite happy. In one case of marriage the Thai parents and the western parents have become close friends and now visit each other about twice per year.

Obviously none of these MBA students ever go on to be teachers because all of the teachers that I have trained in Thailand were lucky if they could string two coherent words of English together, let alone have an individual thought.

Maybe your teaching skills aren't capable of training these students to anything above very basic.


So does this mean that farangs will no longer be getting fleeced by the cunning Thai female?

But seriously, the only question I would have is why would a young, educated, good-looking, and successful farang guy be searching for a wife in Thailand? Aren't there any young, attractive, and educated farang women in the west anymore?

Farang women usually (with a few exceptions) run out of shape at the age of 35 or after they married.

I know plenty of exceptions to that sweeping bit of nonsense.

Most of them wouldn't go near the typical kind of guy that age who ends up in Thailand though.


So does this mean that farangs will no longer be getting fleeced by the cunning Thai female?

But seriously, the only question I would have is why would a young, educated, good-looking, and successful farang guy be searching for a wife in Thailand? Aren't there any young, attractive, and educated farang women in the west anymore?

Farang women usually (with a few exceptions) run out of shape at the age of 35 or after they married.

I know plenty of exceptions to that sweeping bit of nonsense.

Most of them wouldn't go near the typical kind of guy that age who ends up in Thailand though.


So does this mean that farangs will no longer be getting fleeced by the cunning Thai female?

But seriously, the only question I would have is why would a young, educated, good-looking, and successful farang guy be searching for a wife in Thailand? Aren't there any young, attractive, and educated farang women in the west anymore?

Farang women usually (with a few exceptions) run out of shape at the age of 35 or after they married.

I know plenty of exceptions to that sweeping bit of nonsense.

Most of them wouldn't go near the typical kind of guy that age who ends up in Thailand though.


So does this mean that farangs will no longer be getting fleeced by the cunning Thai female?

But seriously, the only question I would have is why would a young, educated, good-looking, and successful farang guy be searching for a wife in Thailand? Aren't there any young, attractive, and educated farang women in the west anymore?

Farang women usually (with a few exceptions) run out of shape at the age of 35 or after they married.

I know plenty of exceptions to that sweeping bit of nonsense.

Most of them wouldn't go near the typical kind of guy that age who ends up in Thailand though.


So does this mean that farangs will no longer be getting fleeced by the cunning Thai female?

But seriously, the only question I would have is why would a young, educated, good-looking, and successful farang guy be searching for a wife in Thailand? Aren't there any young, attractive, and educated farang women in the west anymore?

Farang women usually (with a few exceptions) run out of shape at the age of 35 or after they married.

I know plenty of exceptions to that sweeping bit of nonsense.

Most of them wouldn't go near the typical kind of guy that age who ends up in Thailand though.


So does this mean that farangs will no longer be getting fleeced by the cunning Thai female?

But seriously, the only question I would have is why would a young, educated, good-looking, and successful farang guy be searching for a wife in Thailand? Aren't there any young, attractive, and educated farang women in the west anymore?

Farang women usually (with a few exceptions) run out of shape at the age of 35 or after they married.

I know plenty of exceptions to that sweeping bit of nonsense.

Most of them wouldn't go near the typical kind of guy that age who ends up in Thailand though.


The last thing i look for in a thai is a white enemic chinese looking girl with a face shaped like the moon and no ass, gimme a mid tan-dark skinned girl with a nice ass , cheek bones, and as the norm , a great pair of legs , big boobs are a bonus .


The last thing i look for in a thai is a white enemic chinese looking girl with a face shaped like the moon and no ass, gimme a mid tan-dark skinned girl with a nice ass , cheek bones, and as the norm , a great pair of legs , big boobs are a bonus .


So does this mean that farangs will no longer be getting fleeced by the cunning Thai female?

But seriously, the only question I would have is why would a young, educated, good-looking, and successful farang guy be searching for a wife in Thailand? Aren't there any young, attractive, and educated farang women in the west anymore?

Farang women usually (with a few exceptions) run out of shape at the age of 35 or after they married.

I know plenty of exceptions to that sweeping bit of nonsense.

Most of them wouldn't go near the typical kind of guy that age who ends up in Thailand though.


" Before I conducted this research, I thought that Thai women marry white men from economic necessity, but after I studied the situation, I changed my mind, said Supichaya, who studied the trend through match-making websites, targeting Thai women and white men. "

I hope her research included more than the above. Perhaps it was but was not reported in this article - quite possible with the very poor state of Thai reporting and journalism.

If it didn't include one on one interviews and focus group interviews and cross group discussions then by most university standards it wouldn't pass.

This type of research would be laughed at in the rest of the world. It shows the struggle that pooyais have to understand the world around them and how extremely racist some can be.

Oh deary me. Educated girls marrying foreigners. Of course it was always for money, as though all that show of dowry money in Thai culture was for true love??? What does every Thai soap opera show?

Money grabbing hiso women competing with a true love. What a sad little microcosm of Thai culture this pseudo research actually shows.

"New research shows the true racial jealousy of ill educated hiso student"

This bird should try it, she might never go back.

Hang on, this has been done by an undergraduate student, she's not a PhD (yet)

Quantitative empirical research costs money, maybe she can get a scholarship.

Where did I say she had a PhD?

Your benchmark was for the benchmark for a graduated scientists.


The last thing i look for in a thai is a white enemic chinese looking girl with a face shaped like the moon and no ass, gimme a mid tan-dark skinned girl with a nice ass , cheek bones, and as the norm , a great pair of legs , big boobs are a bonus .


the last thing i look for in a thai woman is enemic looking white skin, a round face that looks kike the moon and no ass , what i do look for is a tanned skinned lady with cheek bones , nice legs and an ass , big boobs are a bonus am i not in the majority here ?


This is not really a new trend..pre the Asian crisis I knew a load of young guys 30-40 in IT, working for the big 6, real estate, oil and gas..all had degrees, all had girlfriends within a reasonable age range..Thailand was booming they just didn't have the local skills then they have since developed...their was opportunity..


I currently have three on the go. One has a masters, two have BA's, from decent international programs. To be honest, it's strange to see Western men shack up with partners educated to the level of a Western 10 yr old and communicate using toddler-talk.

But then, the World is strange.


Whilst i am happy for you, the Thai education system is only apparently recognized in Thailand and other countries where education is of no importance.

Have you noticed that anyone with a Thai Doctorate cannot use it elsewhere?

Doctors here must do another 3 - 4 year in WESTERN COUNTRIES such as US England and Australia / New Zealand.

BA? Is that Bull s..t Artists? i think so because I would not give a damn employing with a Thia uni degree as they are too easily obtained with too little real effort... EXPERIENCED already unfortunately

usa and canada offer mutual reciprocity to their medical graduates, generally doctors from all other countries must pass exams and often repeat the same training they already did. this is true for graduates of U edinburg, NZ, Australia, england, oxford as well as thailand thailand.

all the info is easily found online and easy concepts to put together although it would seem some tv posters are lacking in such elementary abilities.


They don't say whether the farangs are old, fat and bald as per usual, or young hunky men. Makes a difference.

i'm a hunky men, she's a gorgeous doctor and we're both 40 years old

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