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'Darkie' Monk arrested for lying his amulets are magical

Lite Beer

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How many more stories must we hear about corruption in the Monkhood before the Government starts a crackdown. I know Thais are gullible and believe in magic but my blood boils every time I pass a Wat dripping with gold surrounded by poor people. Why don't Thais start a Twitter/FB campaign to stir this hornets nest of corruption?

Thailand the hub of scams from bogus religious nonentities, however they have a willing audience, so back to education reform.

The number of orange clad men who claim they can do magic and are believed is unreal, the whole thing boils down to Thais wanting some thing for nothing, easier than working for money, easier to cheat in exams,easier to marry a farang, and of course all perfectly acceptable by Thai society.. Buy a uni degree why not ? It's easy the list goes on, and don't forget bullets are cheaper than lawyers..

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I don't see why they complain about, I'm surprised the police even bothered to see the Monk, as the Jatukam Amulet fever was allowed to go on for quite a while, and it's Buddhist organisation not even police who stopped it, after "a few" billions bahts were collected.

I compared the two stories, and figured out that the monk made a mistake saying his amulets will protect its "owner" from bullets etc, Jatukarm seemed wiser saying that many people who wore theses amulets have escaped death and injury ... letting people connecting the dots.

This monk should attend marketing courses...

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