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Cecil the lion: US dentist Walter Palmer rarely discussed hunting with patients

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I dont know why this lion achieved such pop star status, was he cuddlier than the others, had a nice name, and was old or something? But big game hunting will continue and in a week or two the lynch mob will care more about something else that tugs at their heartstrings.

"Cecil was the ultimate lion," says Brent Stapelkamp, a field researcher with Oxford University's[/size] Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU), who knew Cecil perhaps better than anyone else."[/size]

"He was everything that a lion represents to us as humans," Stapelkamp says. "He was large, powerful, but regal at the same time." [/size]

Apparently Walter the dentist, didn't know Cecil was a major tourist attraction when the trackers he hired lured Cecil out of Zimbabwe's famous Hwange National Park. [/size]

Shame on you Walter, and now Mr. Stander, you know the rest of the story.[/size]


I dont care, I only scan read the articles, I care more about the man and his family who is suffering trial by social media, hounded, driven into hiding and receiving death threats

Why? As you have already said it will all have blown over in a week or two, we will all have forgotten about it and be discussing the amazingly funny cute pussycat video on YouTube!!!

Yes, it's yet another get angry for a week or two until something else comes along, but Palmer and his families suffering will go on for a lot longer.

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One of the few people to come out publicly in support of Dr. Palmer is his friend and my former high school teacher Dennis Dunn. (I never thought I would use the phrase "to come out" in association with Dennis). Dennis has a very interesting spin on the matter in that we should look upon trophy hunters as saints.

""The trophy hunter really should be regarded as the saint amongst hunters, Dunn said, explaining that trophy hunters only look to hunt the most challenging of the adult male animals which he said are old, near the end of their lives and beyond their prime breeding years." (Seattle Times, July 28.)

I hereby apologize that I never had the courage to bring the dissecting knife from the biology lab into French class to prevent the prime breeding years of Dennis with a swipe at his testicles. I might have been eligible to become Pope.


One of the few people to come out publicly in support of Dr. Palmer is his friend and my former high school teacher Dennis Dunn. (I never thought I would use the phrase "to come out" in association with Dennis). Dennis has a very interesting spin on the matter in that we should look upon trophy hunters as saints.

""The trophy hunter really should be regarded as the saint amongst hunters, Dunn said, explaining that trophy hunters only look to hunt the most challenging of the adult male animals which he said are old, near the end of their lives and beyond their prime breeding years." (Seattle Times, July 28.)

I hereby apologize that I never had the courage to bring the dissecting knife from the biology lab into French class to prevent the prime breeding years of Dennis with a swipe at his testicles. I might have been eligible to become Pope.

At least we now know who "stander" is because that's the same shit that he blurted early on... Well done Dennis!

They are most challenging yet on their last legs. Which is it?

Also when they post things like " I saw the magnificent beast walking proud through the grass and I just knew that this was the moment " yer right it's the moment that ignorant selfish bastards rob other people from seeing the proud magnificent beast ( but wait it's " old, near the end of their lives and beyond their prime breeding years") so that's OK then!


I dont know why this lion achieved such pop star status, was he cuddlier than the others, had a nice name, and was old or something? But big game hunting will continue and in a week or two the lynch mob will care more about something else that tugs at their heartstrings.

"Cecil was the ultimate lion," says Brent Stapelkamp, a field researcher with Oxford University's[/size] Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU), who knew Cecil perhaps better than anyone else."[/size]

"He was everything that a lion represents to us as humans," Stapelkamp says. "He was large, powerful, but regal at the same time." [/size]

Apparently Walter the dentist, didn't know Cecil was a major tourist attraction when the trackers he hired lured Cecil out of Zimbabwe's famous Hwange National Park. [/size]

Shame on you Walter, and now Mr. Stander, you know the rest of the story.[/size]


I dont care, I only scan read the articles, I care more about the man and his family who is suffering trial by social media, hounded, driven into hiding and receiving death threats

Hold on there cowboy, is that you Walter? I don't think your borderline-obsessive concern for Walter is having any affect tugging on anyones heartstrings.

I believe if the truth were known, Walter the dentist wouldn't have known the lion his trackers lured from the protection of Hwange National Park, was Cecil the lion but he was aware the lion he set his sights on was being protected by the national park.

I think it is time for the big game trophy hunters to go the way of the bison. Maybe they should consider photographing these magnificent animals in the wild instead of collecting their heads for trophies.


After reading so many posts about the issue with Cecil, a very simple human trait was proven.

Each human has his/her own opinion and accordingly he/she will defend and justify what they comprehend.

Hence, any act will be justified by one set of humans while another set will condemn that act vehemently.

Isn't this the reason that this world is in such a pathetic state as this?

The more rich, the more powerful the beings are; their views tend to dominate.

Today, as human beings, should not we be ashamed of ourselves?

I understand and respect that people have different opinions and can be upset about the killingof a lion or any other sort of big game animal.

But what disgusts me is that to the mob, Mr. Palmers humanity is a minor detail, as calls for his death resound through social media.


After reading so many posts about the issue with Cecil, a very simple human trait was proven.

Each human has his/her own opinion and accordingly he/she will defend and justify what they comprehend.

Hence, any act will be justified by one set of humans while another set will condemn that act vehemently.

Isn't this the reason that this world is in such a pathetic state as this?

The more rich, the more powerful the beings are; their views tend to dominate.

Today, as human beings, should not we be ashamed of ourselves?

I understand and respect that people have different opinions and can be upset about the killingof a lion or any other sort of big game animal.

But what disgusts me is that to the mob, Mr. Palmers humanity is a minor detail, as calls for his death resound through social media.

Fair enough! BUT I'm pretty sure no one here has honestly suggested that he die!


After reading so many posts about the issue with Cecil, a very simple human trait was proven.

Each human has his/her own opinion and accordingly he/she will defend and justify what they comprehend.

Hence, any act will be justified by one set of humans while another set will condemn that act vehemently.

Isn't this the reason that this world is in such a pathetic state as this?

The more rich, the more powerful the beings are; their views tend to dominate.

Today, as human beings, should not we be ashamed of ourselves?

I understand and respect that people have different opinions and can be upset about the killingof a lion or any other sort of big game animal.

But what disgusts me is that to the mob, Mr. Palmers humanity is a minor detail, as calls for his death resound through social media.

Fair enough! BUT I'm pretty sure no one here has honestly suggested that he die!

Well meatboy, lensta and Pegman on here are advocating death.


After reading so many posts about the issue with Cecil, a very simple human trait was proven.

Each human has his/her own opinion and accordingly he/she will defend and justify what they comprehend.

Hence, any act will be justified by one set of humans while another set will condemn that act vehemently.

Isn't this the reason that this world is in such a pathetic state as this?

The more rich, the more powerful the beings are; their views tend to dominate.

Today, as human beings, should not we be ashamed of ourselves?

I understand and respect that people have different opinions and can be upset about the killingof a lion or any other sort of big game animal.

But what disgusts me is that to the mob, Mr. Palmers humanity is a minor detail, as calls for his death resound through social media.

"Big Game Animal" = Animal that is good to shoot for the sheer pleasure to be gained by killing it.

It's a very special sort of knob that gets pleasure from such things.


Zimbabwe hunter: 'I regret shooting a lion named Cecil' >>> http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/zimbabwe-hunter-i-regret-shooting-a-lion-named-cecil/ar-CCqPd?ocid=mailsignoutmd

The case is controversial because Cecil, a dominant animal that led a pride and was said to be a tourist draw in Hwange National Park, was allegedly lured from the park with bait, shot by Palmer with a bow and arrow, and wounded. It wandered, injured, for 40 hours before Palmer finished it off.

Palmer then asked Bronkhorst if he could shoot a huge elephant, but none of those available to be killed was big enough for him, Bronkhorst said in an interview with the Daily Telegraph last week.


After reading so many posts about the issue with Cecil, a very simple human trait was proven.

Each human has his/her own opinion and accordingly he/she will defend and justify what they comprehend.

Hence, any act will be justified by one set of humans while another set will condemn that act vehemently.

Isn't this the reason that this world is in such a pathetic state as this?

The more rich, the more powerful the beings are; their views tend to dominate.

Today, as human beings, should not we be ashamed of ourselves?

Walter should be ashamed of himself but I'm sure he isn't.


After reading so many posts about the issue with Cecil, a very simple human trait was proven.

Each human has his/her own opinion and accordingly he/she will defend and justify what they comprehend.

Hence, any act will be justified by one set of humans while another set will condemn that act vehemently.

Isn't this the reason that this world is in such a pathetic state as this?

The more rich, the more powerful the beings are; their views tend to dominate.

Today, as human beings, should not we be ashamed of ourselves?

I understand and respect that people have different opinions and can be upset about the killingof a lion or any other sort of big game animal.

But what disgusts me is that to the mob, Mr. Palmers humanity is a minor detail, as calls for his death resound through social media.

Fair enough! BUT I'm pretty sure no one here has honestly suggested that he die!

Well meatboy, lensta and Pegman on here are advocating death.

Well Mr. Stander, I think these people are just giving their opinion. I don't think Walter is in any danger of Meatball, Lensta, or Pegman, hunting for Walter, like Walter hunted "Cecil the lion" down, but good for you for sounding the alarm, OMG!


Well, Mr. Walter is an old dentist past his prime breeding age. There have been other dentists moving in to challenge for his territory. It's only right and fair to take out the infirm dentists so that young vital dentists take their place. It's important in keeping good breeding stock and managing Dentist numbers. Run Walter Run - show us some sport.

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